How a real stud relieves stress post workout

Story by BigBadDragon on SoFurry

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Mark is a young black panther and a regular gym user who has no issue with eyeing up many of the other users. Particularly the older, larger men busy working up a sweat and showing off all their features. Despite his infatuation with those muscled studs the feline could never muster the courage to act upon his desires, fearful of being outcast as a gay or potentially worse. Instead the feline remains content with admiring those mature men silently from afar.

Unknown to Mark, his attentions have not gone unnoticed and is finally confronted by a horny, pent up bull in the locker rooms. Post work out, the large nameless bovine does not give the feline much choice and presents him with one of his greatest fantasies whether he wants it or not.

A slightly shorter story than my last. Less focus on story, more on smut in an attempt to upload more.

Part 2:

It was late into the evening and the summer sun had set quite some time ago, though few of the gym patrons seemed to notice, sealed away in the large windowless room with just the air-con to keep them cool. Only the clock upon the wall would remind them of the passing time and many beginning to pack up and filter out home for the day. Eventually only the hardcore and absent-minded gym users remained as the entire leisure centre began to wind down ready for closing.

Mark was part of the latter group, having completely lost track of time while using the treadmills. The black furred panther had been running for what felt like hours and almost had been. Even after so long his foot paws continued to pound along the rubber over and over again at rapid yet steady pace. His chest rose and fell with each deep breath he took and was dripping with sweat, causing his shirt to cling to his body like a second skin. He had not intended to keep going for so long, but had been distracted by the sight of one of the other gym users.

Conveniently for the feline the treadmills faced a large set of mirrors which composed most of the far wall, in which he could see himself running on the spot, bounding up and down rhythmically in step with the music played over the PA system. Sporting a lithe, athletic body the panther was quite content to admire his youthful self in the mirror, easily seeing why so many people mistook him for being younger despite being in his early twenties. However it was not his own self indulgence that had him distracted.

The mirror gave an unrestricted wide view of the entire gym and off to the far side was a large bovine sprawled out on a bench, laid out on his back grunting heavily while lifting a considerable amount of weight up and down. The older male was adorned in nothing more than a pair of shorts which clung to his muscled frame as much as Marks shirt was stuck to his own chest, revealing just how well equipped the bovine was.

Using the mirror to his advantage Mark had been discreetly admiring the muscle-gutted stud from afar, letting himself day dream all about what was hidden under those shorts. Not that they left much to his imagination of course, other than the delightful thoughts of having his face buried into them. It was not the first time he had seen the large bull around and knew it would not be the last. Both of them were regulars to the gym, though they had never spoken and Mark did not even know the guys name.

Suddenly the music come to an abrupt stop to signify the gym staff preparing to close up, bringing the panther out of his day dream and making him realise just how late it was. Turning off the treadmill he slowed his pace down gradually until he reached a full stop, his body punishing him briefly for the extended run with sharp chest pains as he gasped for breath, sweat dripping from his brow. Gradually the discomfort subsided once he caught his breath, allowing him to step down from the machine and begin to make his way towards the lockers. Thankfully his arousal had managed to subside enough to be discreet, which made the walk less awkward when wandering past the remaining staff.

It was only a short journey back to the locker room, which was just as deserted as the rest of the building. Exhausted from the workout, the panther would make his way to his locker, opening it up while considering if he had enough energy to get changed before going home or not. Still light headed from the workout he slumped down onto the bench and sat with his back up against the lockers. Letting out a soft groan Mark tilted his head back, closing his eyes while relaxing for a moment, basking in the cool breeze wafting over his sweat soaked body, cooling him down and making his shudder just a little. Sitting contently the feline basked in the calm silence of the room, only the feint rattling of pipes and humming of the air-conditioning to keep him company, or so he thought

"So... you're the one who's been eye-balling me all this time?" a deep gruff voice boomed out from above the panther. The sudden noise broke the serenity of the locker room and made the feline spring up in surprise. Instantly his heart was racing as he found himself staring at a huge mountain of bovine masculinity looming over him. Mark recognised the large mass as the bull he had been admiring from afar, still adorned in nothing more than those packed gym shorts, which were awkwardly at eye level for the panther and still just as taught.

"Erm.... sorry... what?" Mark mumbled out, genuinely confused and equally intimidated by the older male. His discomfort grew when the bull stepped closer, making the heat and scent of that body even more apparent. It was an unmistakable sensation, Mark felt the heat cascading from that sweat soaked, muscle gutted body, accompanied with a distinctive and potent reek of musky sweat.

"I've seen you around... 'boy'" the larger male grunted out, emphasising that last word with a resounding rumble in his muscled chest, leaning over further as he reached out with one large hand and placed it against the locker above the feline to brace himself. "Every time I see you, your eyes are glued to me and don't think I haven't noticed" the bull continued, glaring down into Marks eyes, locking his gaze with the smaller younger males.

Mark had no idea how to respond, thankful that his dark black fur would make it impossible to see just how much he was blushing. Unfortunately nothing would hide the growing tent in his gym trousers. With the bovine leaning in ever closer the feline found himself backed right up against the lockers, fearing the worst as that large bulging belly of the old bull almost pressed right up against his face. Out of that fear Mark kept his gaze focused on the bulls, staring up at the bare chested male, spotting just how those taught muscles of his flexed with thickly haired sweaty pits on show with that arm pressed up to the lockers. The studs other hand was seen sinking lower down, worryingly out of the felines sight and he dare not break the gaze to see where it was heading.

"So, why don't you stop your drooling and get your lips around a real man" the bull stated with a wide grin, causing Marks gaze to briefly flick down to see what that other hand of his was up to just in time to see it tugging those shorts down to let the bulls thick cock flop free. Within seconds the overwhelming scent of the throbbing bovine cock filled Marks lungs, enough to make him gag a little and grow dizzy. At the same time he found it oddly alluring and arousing, enough that he struggled to bring himself to look away. The males cock was bigger than the feline had imagined, even while soft. That incredibly thick, uncut slab of beef swung low between those powerful thighs, framed with a thick bush of pubic hair and cradled by an equally large, bloated pair of balls.

Completely lost in awe, Mark stared silently, watching the older males hand shamelessly grasping that dick and working over it, squeezing from base to tip. Mesmerised by the sight of that thick foreskin rolling back and forth along that swelling tip, his mind fogged with arousal with each breath of that cock scent filling his nostrils. The scent only intensifying while that shaft grew harder and larger.

"Well then?" the bovine grunted, breaking the silence once more, bringing Mark out of his daze briefly. At the same time, the bulls other large, powerful hand cupped the back of his head and held it possessively. "Last chance to say no... speak now or forever hold your breath!" chuckled the larger male with another deep rumble from his chest. At the same time he pulled the felines head closer to that heated crotch and swung that bulging bovine cock from side to side to slap it against Marks cheeks.

With everything happening so fast Mark could not keep his thoughts together long enough to think up anything coherent. A small voice in the back of his head screamed for him to back out, reminding him that this was a complete stranger. Mark could only guess that the male was perhaps in his late thirties and had no idea what his name was. Not to mention the fact that they were practically out in the open, sat off to one corner of the room anyone entering would only have to walk past a few rows of lockers to witness what was happening.

On the other hand that voice was being rapidly silenced by the sea of arousal washing over the feline with each breath of that humid, sweaty cock musk, more so when he felt it soaking into his fur from that firm cock slap. Mark had been presented with one of his ideal fantasies and was so enthralled by it that he felt like he could blow his load any moment now. Silently he was convincing himself he would be stupid to let this opportunity pass him by and soon enough the impatient bull made sure that he didn't.

Assuming the panthers silence as obedience, the large, musk ridden bovine would pull that head towards his crotch once more. At the same time he held that thick uncut slab of dick in his other hand. Forcing it right up against the smaller males lips the bovine smothered that uncut tip right into the males face, trying to work it right into that warm wet mouth.

Mark struggled against that powerful grip briefly, more out of shock than anything as he held tightly onto those sweat dampened hips in a futile attempt to slow their advance. Despite his efforts that swollen cock tip pried his lips open and stretched that jaw wide, bathing his tongue in the ripe taste of bovine cock. With his lips sealed tight that foreskin would roll back as it pushed further in, letting the exposed head throb and fill that maw with pre.

"Such a good little boy" the older male gruffed at him, letting go of his own cock once he was confident it was lodged in that mouth securely. The free hand then joined with the other gripping Marks head, holding it extra tight. "I could use a cool down like this after every workout!" the male grinned, gazing down at the panther who gazed back up at him, looking ever so slutty with a mouthful of dick, especially as those hips began to rock back and forth, thrusting into those wet lips.

Marks jaw already began to ache, having trouble coping with the sheer size of that dick, the scent and taste equally difficult to cope with. Borderline overwhelming, the feline was becoming light headed, gagging around that dick before it had even reached his throat. Closing his eyes the male tried to enjoy it as best he could, sucking loudly and wetly over that cock until it dripped with spit. Slick and wet with drool the feline worked his tongue over every possible inch while pinned by that girth.

Letting out a deep resounding groan of pleasure, it seemed the bovine was enjoying the sensations. "If only my wife could suck dick half as good as this..." he moaned as one of those large feet lifted up to bring one itself up onto the bench along side the panther. Giving himself a better angle the older male began to thrust harder into that mouth, literally mounting Marks face to use for his own pleasure.

The sensation of that oversized girth squeezing into his throat was enough to make the feline heave and choke around that cock, filling the room with even wetter sounds of lewd cock sucking and throat fucking. Mark gripped those hips tighter, once again trying to encourage the bull to slow down and let him recover, but there was no way he could stop the horny stud now.

Suddenly the sound of a loud door creak screeched through the locker room, causing Mark to panic, realising it meant someone was heading into the locker rooms. Dreadfully frightened of being caught Mark frantically tried to pry himself away from the bulls crotch and break free of that grip. Unfortunately for him the bull had other plans and the risk of being caught only caused that already huge slab of bull dick to throb harder and grow even stiffer than before just in time for the male to force every last inch right into that abused throat.

Whimpering softly the feline gazed up at the bovine through tear watered eyes, throat and cheeks bulged obscenely with dick. The end of his muzzle buried into the thick forest of hair lining the bulls crotch. Grinning vindictively the bovine stared down at Mark and mimed to the panther to be quiet, mumbling a soft "shhh" down at him while intentionally thrusting into that stretched gullet to make him choke just a little once more.

"Anyone still in here?" a voice called out into the room from the other side of the lockers. Just hearing the stranger close by aroused the bull further, enticing a noticeable throbbing from that cock buried in the panthers throat and caused the bovine to grin even wider. The older male relished in Mark's attempts to suppress the urge to gag around that dick, the panther fearing that even the quietest slurp would be heard when trying to breath. Despite how hard he tried the feline continued to make small wet sucking sounds, each one bringing immense pleasure to the bull holding him down between those legs.

"Yeah... I will be just a few minutes!" The bovine responded, keeping his gaze fixed on Marks, loving every moment. Relentlessly he continued to grind into that face, bathing the felines face in the musk and sweat of his crotch hair while smearing those hefty balls against that chin. Curious to see just how much the feline could take, the older male kept that head held firmly between his legs, uncaring of the fact they could be caught at any moment.

"Okay then, we are locking up in 5 minutes so hurry it up!" the voice responded, shortly followed by the familiar sound of the door creaking open then shut, leaving the two males alone once again, much to Marks relief. Once in the clear the bovine stepped his foot down from the bench and pried his dick free from that throat with a loud, wet slurping. With that dick free from his throat Mark found himself coughing and gasping for air, thick strands of spit and pre drooling from his lips and soaking his chin. By now his face was already matted with bovine musky scent and Mark was not keen on the idea of having to wait until he got home to shower.

"You heard the man, we gotta hurry this up boy!" grunted out the old bull as he gripped that spit dripping cock with his hand once more, working it up and down that huge spire of cock rapidly. From where Mark sat it looked to be about a foot of curved bovine dick, thick foreskin rolling back and forth along that head in time to the male jerking off, exposing the tip over and over again while the males other hand drew the felines face towards that crotch once more.

"Wait.... please!" Mark protested, still trying to recover from nearly passing out, but the bovine saw fit to ignore the poor males plea. Instead that slick cock was pressed up against that black furred face, slapping and grinding across the panthers features shamelessly, wiping that cock clean into Marks fur.

"Here... It.... Cums!" Moaned the taller male, still looming over the panther as he jerked off into his face shamelessly. Finally the males orgasm washed over him, just as he tugged back on that dick enough to expose that cock tip and aim it right at the panther. Pulsing hard enough to slap at his cheek, that cock erupted with incredibly thick wads of rich spunk all over the felines face. Those streaks of white completely contrasted Marks black fur, the mess forcing him to close his eyes as that musky seed bathed over him.

Still groaning deeply the bovine relentlessly worked that hand over his cock, milking every last drop he possibly could to drench the feline in his seed. Within moments Marks face was dripping with cum, much of it dribbling down onto his shirt and enough of it bathing his lips that he got more than a mouthful to coat his tongue too.

"Damn... that was good... not cum in about a week" panted the large male as his orgasm ebbed away slowly, his shaft still twitching in the aftermath of that load while rubbing it clean using the panthers muzzle. "You look good in white!" chuckled the bovine, finally letting go of Mark and stepping back while casually stuffing himself back into his gym shorts. They did even less to hide that massive cock now, which lay half hard within those confides.

Mark was still reeling from the whole ordeal, light headed, dizzy and struggling not to feint as he leant back against the lockers once more. All he could manage was a feint groaning and speechless slurring of words as he watched the bovine slip those shorts back on. Having never felt so violated before Mark felt like he should be angry at man stood before him. His throat felt raw and stretched, his fur matted and sticky with that cum and no doubt reeked like the bulls used cum rag. Regardless of how used, degraded or abused he felt, Mark did not feel angry at the bull.

"See ya around next week kiddo" the bovine grinned, turning and walking away from the used feline to pick up his gym bag before making his way to the exit. Mark still had no idea who he was, his name a mystery. However, sat on the bench, basking in the aftermath of such an intense and arousing situation, he found himself not caring. Rubbing at his sore throat, Mark replayed the scene in his mind while searching for a towel to clean up with. Part of him hoped to see the bovine again soon, his lust for the stranger having intensified more than anything.

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