A very ambigous Christmas

Story by Am bi go us on SoFurry

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I came up with this during my horrible christmas this year so I thought you might enjoy it.

A very ambigous Christmas

It was Christmas Eve and the only thin on my mind, was the drunken idiots standing in my line, a local convenience store clerk was my occupation of sorts, so I stood there ass freezing in my apron and shorts. As yet another sloshed consumer stumbled up to my register, their breath stank of the captain they of old spice. They wished me a Merry Christmas than out went their lights, passing out on the floor creating a blockage, we called the police and they kindly escorted him back to their office.

"BAH" My tail flickered a snide remark. "What part of Christmas is there for me to like, I'm alone on this holiday no family nor friends, all of yiffstar will be busy with odds and ends, no one to read my stories or give me a chuckle, not a slut to fuck, oh well" I said as I fixed my buckle, they made me dress up in a funny red hat, I opposed then they said it was either that or out into the cold with my white tailed fine rump, they also said that I wasn't allowed to be such a grump.

I scoffed and paced as the night soon fell dead, vision of world of warcraft danced in my head, I knew that the servers were down I didn't care I'd just try and keep logging until I was there when to my surprise there arose such a clatter, glass shattered when I turned to see what was the matter I saw a locked gun pointed at my forehead a red clothed bandit screaming. "GIVE ME THE MONEY OR YOUR DEAD!" At this point of the night I'd have welcomed the bullet I glared at the thief and just dared hm to pull it but he didn't he just hit me really hard and for one final touch he kicked me in the nuts.

"All the money in the register if you please, and be quick about it!" He said it with ease as if he had robbed someone else before it wasn't a surprise my town was filled crooks crime always on the rise, I obeyed my captor with nary a glance then suddenly he smiled and dropped his pants ordering me over with a pistol whip motion. "Boy better get over here and grab me some lotion"

I glanced curiously at the strange winter visitor something was seriously wrong with my life, if I was about to become this crooks bitch wife. But again without hassle I followed my orders bringing my rear over without delay praying he was just pretending to be gay. I closed my eyes and thought of happy things, like diamonds and candy, and not my anal ring.

As I prepared to be ass raped while on the clock I felt something on me but it wasn't a cock, it was a hand of someone warm and quite jolly, I spun around quickly and when I did fall he, reached out his hand and helped me back to my feet. "Merry Christmas son" To which he did greet. It was a man dressed as Santa both merry and bright, I literally had to thank him for saving my ass that night. When he turned and waved his finger to me. "You think I'm a sham well just come and see?" I noticed something amiss my co workers gone, probably fled at the sight of the gun, with no customers in I shurgged and did not tarry to see what the big red man had to show me.

I walked out into the parking lot and stared in amazement it was a whole load of reindeer the entire arrangement, there was commit and cupid, dasher and dancer, Blitzen and rudolph, but where the hell was prancer when I saw it I shivered beside the sleigh was the red dressed bandit who nearly turned me gay. When I went to question although it did surprise me I felt santa hit me with a billy club he had hidden knocked out cold into the white driven snow I felt him carry me off with an "AND AWAY WE GO!" I soared through the dark sky unaware that I had left my clothing behind and was now bare, my dick to the wind and my ass to the draft I was sure to catch my death if we soon didn't land. With a thud that awoke me we hit the ground hard I just mumbled like a retard.

"Welcome to your new home son, I think you will find that working for me will be sublime I'll feed you and shelter you three squares a day, can't beat that kind of deal even in LA!" Santa was happy to have found a new worker drown for his tiny toy town, I wanted to object but what was I gonna do, WALK BACK HOME!? I'd rather strip through the zoo. So with a sign I nodded okay, and then like magic I was whisked away, when I stopped I wore pointly elf shoes a pointy elf hat too. I looked around to see others like me working happily on the toys though it didn't stay secret why they were so happy for long, as a big muscular elf approached me in a thong.

"I'm the task master boy I hope you've been good because you really should know that if there's coal in your stocking I'll flog your ass twice, once for being naughty and another because I'm just so damn nice" The gimp elf spoke with a rough sargent's tone making me wish I had just called off and stayed home. I couldn't reply there was just no way, was everyone in santa's workshop so gay, but then it struck me the only women for a mile had to be Nine hundred something... it made alot of sense. I shook my head no and the gimp master grinned within a second he had me pinned, against a wooden workbench flogging weapon in hand as he yanked down my pants and he pulled out a brand. "You're santa's bitch now you little green whore If you ever disobey Ill do alot more to this sweet supple ass that's neither to perky nor slim, if you want to know what just go ahead and ask him!" The gimp pointed to an elf in the stocks his pants round his ankles, surounded by cocks it was a gang raping if there ever was one the numbers had to be a workshop to one, with not nearly enough holes the elves just made do, anything anything at all they could screw, they jizzed in the wooden toys using them as fake cunts.

I was disgusted enraged by the sights that I saw was this how Christmas really was, crying I prayed to my god some sign of hope that this material lord was not the true meaning of this blessed day, and that he would save me from being butt rapped. when to my prayers an angel appeared grenade in hand loaded with tear gas, he let them fly rapidly smoking the bumfucking elves out to which they all cried and shouted. "DAMN THAT FUCKING ANGEL HE ALWAYS RUINS OUR FUN!" and the tiny homo's were all left to run wildly into a nearby cave which would soon be their grave because polar bears don't like be disturbed when in hibernate.

I coughed up a lung and looked upon the shining entity who reached out their hand and just smiled back at me. "Do you wish to the true meaning of Christmas my son?" The angle asked softly a threat? I knew he was none, bewildered and confused I nodded in great hope and joy when the angel presented me with a simple toy, I dropped it for fear of elfen jizz spots but he laughed and said that it was not the present nor the wrapping it came in, it was he idea of giving to others, be it a smile or a greeting nothing was too much, the holiday seasons were meant to touch the hearts of our familys, both far and close by. He took my hand and gave me a weird eye. "You always seem to mourn your loss on this day but instead you should be merry and gay, excuse me wrong word let's see, what I meant to say is... Merry Christmas Ambigous!" The angel vanished the entire shop gone I awoke in the snow a police radio on. It seemed that the robber was about to take me when he was gunned down by the police in front of me, my pants around my ankles my cock in the snow, the police all laughed at the embarrassing show.

I went to stand up and pull up my pants when a small wooden toy in my hand did I feel, was it all just a dream or was some of it real, I pressed my nose to the toy and nearly did gag. "THIS SMELLS LIKE ELF SPUNK!" I needed a rag....

Merry Christmas from a cynical misanthrope I hope you enjoyed my slightly disturbing tale, and don't drink the egg nog there's no eggs in it >.>