Day One

Story by Taki on SoFurry

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#1 of Biology of Reproduction and Modern Sexuality

A dragon finds that the science elective he signed up for is more than he expected

_(Excessively Long) Author's Note: I find I'm most creative when I'm really tired, especially those 1 AM, about to fall asleep times. Many times I'll have an idea for something while lying in bed, only to forget by morning. All I can usually remember was that the idea was brilliant. To that end I started keeping a notebook by my bed, so that I can record what I was sure were amazing thoughts. Turns out I'm just weird at 1 AM. The idea for this story is one thing that showed up in that notebook, and it makes more sense than most. I still found it amusing in the morning, so I decided to write it up as a warning. Whether it's a warning to myself or to you all, I'm not really sure.

On another note, all the sciency anatomy stuff in here is accurate to the best of my knowledge, and verified with wikipedia (I know). The only exceptions are where I mixed animal and human stuff, and of course the bits involving dragons, which is a mix of other depictions I've seen and stuff I made up on the spot. If you see any obvious errors, let me know.

Lastly, if you like this story, look for a comment I'll leave below about how you can contribute to future efforts. Thanks for reading!_

The clock hit 6:30 and Zane refreshed the online registration page, stifling a yawn. He supposed the free-for-all system with everyone in the college registering at the same time was the most fair, and it was certainly convenient that he didn't have to leave his dorm, but it was a pain in the tail that it opened so early in the morning. It didn't help that the servers that ran it tended to melt down under the strain.

His first goal was the science elective he wanted to get in. All his other choices were the basic required ones for his major, so there were plenty of sections open. The elective, however, would be a challenge.

He hadn't expected to find anything really interesting when perusing the list of electives, but Biology of Reproduction and Modern Sexuality had jumped out at him on the list. The description made it sound like a mix of biology and psychology topics, which greatly interested him.

Still, there were a few odd points he noticed. The description said the class was limited to students 18 and over, probably to prevent prudish parents of young freshmen from complaining. Also, the class was actually listed three times, with a parenthesized "M/M," "M/F," or "F/F" after the name. Zane figured that was a reference to what days the class met, and despite the temptation of the M/M class which would give him Fridays off, was now trying for the M/F listing to avoid something that met twice on the same day. With a class size of only eight, he knew he'd have to act fast. It was likely that other people would be interested and trying to get in too.

The dragon raised a triumphant fist as the screen refreshed to show his success. Alongside the confirmation of registration it noted that the class now had 8/8 spots filled, so he was right to rush. He quickly registered for the rest of his classes before sending his computer back to sleep. It was now 7 AM, and with a class at nine, he wouldn't get much out of going back to bed. He decided to kill some time with the TV in his floor's lounge.

Zane pulled on some sweat pants and left behind his roommate, who preferred to sleep in and take whatever classes he could get into at a reasonable time of day. He didn't bother with a shirt, since most people on the floor understood how annoying it is to get shirts on overtop wings, and they were all used to seeing his cobalt back and sky blue chest scales exposed. He knew he had disappointed at least a couple females by doing this. Most furs expect dragons to be built like weightlifters, bulging with powerful muscles, but Zane had more of a swimmers build, lithe and slim. Unfortunately, not all of those dragon stereotypes are true. Besides, he sometimes wondered how people expected dragons to fly with a ton of muscle weighing them down.

He stretched his arms and wings as he entered the lounge, finding a cheetah already occupying one of the chairs and watching some morning news show. "Hey Scott, how'd it go?"

The cheetah looked away from the TV. "Hey Zane, not too bad. Ended up with my second choice for physics prof, but otherwise good. You?"

Zane gave a thumbs-up. "Flawless victory. Even got the elective I was wanting."

"Cool, what are you taking?"

The dragon counted off on his fingers. "Circuits, Calc, US History, and the science elective, Biology of Reproduction and Modern Sexuality."

Scott's eyes went wide. "You got into that? Damn, I didn't even try. I wouldn't have thought you'd want to take that one though. No offense man, but you're a bit of a prude."

Zane rolled his eyes. "Just because I'm not chasing tail every night like you, doesn't mean I'm a prude." In truth, he was a bit shy, but he had to defend his pride. "Besides, it sounded like an interesting class."

Scott laughed. "'Interesting,' he says about the most popular class in the college. You are a master of understatement."

"Wait, it's the most popular class? Why?"

The cheetah boggled. "Wait, you seriously don't know what that class is about?"

Zane shook his head. "Nope, just liked the description."

Scott laughed harder than before. "Oh gods, this is too good. You got in without knowing what you were doing. That's so great."

Zane looked slightly put-out. "Okay, so what's so great about Biology of Reproduction and Modern Sexuality?"

"Oh no. I'm not telling you. The surprise will be epic."

No amount of cajoling could get Scott to say any more. He just watched the news, occasionally bursting out in new laughter and shaking his head.

Zane nervously approached the science building. After Scott's reaction, he wasn't sure what to expect from the science elective. The cheetah had apparently put the word out that he wasn't to be told what the secret was, so everyone on the floor would just smile and shake their head when he asked.

He had gotten an email with instructions on how to prepare for class, but it didn't help his confusion any. Why was it suggested that he shower right before? And why was there no required textbook?

He sighed and paused outside the room. It was possible Scott was just screwing with him, and there was nothing he was missing. After all, how weird could a class be? He steeled himself and pushed through the door, stopping again to look around the room. Apparently a class could be very weird.

The room looked like a strange mix of a classroom, living room, gym, and science lab. There was the usual whiteboard and desk up front, but there were no desks. A variety of furniture was scattered seemingly randomly around the room. There were a couple of couches, chairs of various kinds from straight-backed wooden ones to plush recliners, and even a bed over in the corner. In addition, several oddly-shaped cushions were stacked along the wall, alongside a set of cabinets and sinks.

An odd smell hung in the air. There was the scent of cleaning chemicals, but faint underneath it was something else, warmer, heavier. He couldn't quite place it.

It appeared Zane was the last to arrive. He counted seven other people on the furniture facing the front of the room, and a voluptuous rabbit standing at the board. His arrival made the students an even mix of males and females.

The rabbit clapped her hands once as he came in. "Wonderful, our class is complete. I love these small sections where I can take attendance just by counting." She gestured at a couch. "Have a seat wherever you like."

The dragon sat down on the nearest couch, next to a somewhat chubby husky femme. He took a second to have a look at the rabbit at the front of the room. He was definitely going to enjoy being taught by her for the semester. From her floppy ears to her cute toes, she was gorgeous. Her fur was a delicious light brown, lightening to white across her chest, the dividing line visible through the sheer white blouse stretched across her ample breasts. Zane was impressed to see that she was going without a bra; it seemed an awful lot of trust to place in a few overstrained buttons. Long, toned legs emerged from a skirt that just barely covered the curve of her rear. He found himself hoping she would drop something so she would bend over and show whether she had neglected underwear down below as well.

The bunny looked around the room happily. "Hello everyone, I'm Evelyn Softtail, but you can all just call me Eve. Welcome to Biology of Reproduction and Modern Sexuality, colloquially known to some of you as 'Fucking 101.'"

A few people chuckled at the crude nickname, and Zane joined in. He hadn't heard the name before, but it was still amusing. It almost made it sound like the class was about teaching them sex techniques or something.

The rabbit continued. "This is the male-female section. I trust you are all in the right place?"

Zane raised his hand slightly. "Um, I thought the M and F in the name meant Monday and Friday."

"Nope, just a coincidence with the scheduling. Did you mean to sign up for the male-only section?"

The dragon wondered why there would be single-gender classes. Were there really guys that would be embarrassed to hear about anything related to sex in the presence of a female? "No, I'm good. Just curious."

Softtail clapped her hands again. "Excellent, I'm glad to see we have some variety in our students this semester. That always makes things more interesting. In addition, we're especially lucky to have a dragon with us." She nodded at Zane. "He should add some spice to some of our activities."

The rest of the class turned to look at him, and he looked back puzzled. What kind of activities was she talking about, and why would they be better with a dragon involved?

The attractive rabbit walked over to the whiteboard and began to write as she explained the class. "Your grade will mostly be based on your participation in classroom activities. Don't worry too much about the grading there. As long as you do your best you'll get good marks. You're all here to learn, right? There will be an occasional homework assignment, and they'll count for about ten percent of your final grade. The final exam is the last part at fifteen percent. I'll be administering it to the guys, and my good friend Professor Derrick Lupo, who teaches the male section of this class, will take care of the ladies." She gestured at the grade breakdown on the board. "Any questions?"

Actually, Zane had several. There was another mention of activities, which was really making it sound like this would be a lab-based class. But what kind of activities could they do to learn about sexuality and reproduction? Other than the joke from before about teaching them sex techniques, of course. Also, why was the final exam to be given by a teacher of the opposite gender? That's just weird. Still, he didn't want to expose his ignorance of the nature of the class by being the only one to ask questions, so he remained silent. Everyone else seemed to be fine with the way things were going, except maybe a deep blush on the husky girl next to him. It occurred to him that it made her look kind of cute.

The rabbit seemed not to notice his confusion. "All right then, let's jump in. We'll start with some anatomy, which I expect to be review for most of you, but I want to make sure we're all on the same page. After that we'll get into our first activity. You all should enjoy that."

There were murmurs of agreement from the rest of the class, again making Zane feel like he was left out of a joke.

Softtail erased the board and set about sketching on it. In under a minute there was a detailed drawing of a penis on the board. It was a bit generic, in that it didn't look like any specific species, but it all the most common features and would work for teaching. "Okay, the guys at least should know this, but for anyone who slept through high school health class, this is a penis." She pointed unnecessarily at the diagram, earning a laugh from the students.

Zane wondered if he should be taking notes. He doubted there'd be any new information for him on this topic, and nobody else seemed concerned, though the girls seemed to be paying attention more closely. He took out a notebook just in case.

The rabbit indicated various parts of the diagram. "There are a few bits you should be aware of. The testes here are the producers of sperm and testosterone, but not the liquid part of semen. A common misconception, but that's the job of the seminal vesicle and the prostate, which are both internal. We'll be discussing the prostate in a later class. Anyway, most guys like their balls played with or licked, so keep that in mind, right guys?"

There were laughs and nods of assent from the other males, but Zane was shocked. That was a pretty personal question to ask in a class. Maybe Softtail was just a really friendly type.

"Other important things to note: The tip is the most sensitive, but don't neglect the rest of the shaft. Also, most guys have a sensitive spot right behind the balls you should pay attention to." The brown rabbit made a kind of cupping, stroking gesture to emphasize the last point.

Zane was getting very confused now. It really was sounding like this was a sex how-to class. The husky girl next to him had her own notebook out and was recording this advice, alongside her own copy of the diagram on the board. She was still blushing furiously, but she apparently felt this was information that would be relevant. What the hell was going on?

Softtail turned to face the class. "I think we could use a demo here. Let's see...Mr. Wolf, what was your name?"

A white wolf responded. "Ray. Ray Clemens, ma'am."

"Ok, come on up to the front please." She looked at Zane. "I assume you're...oh, what was that name?" The rabbit bounced over to the desk and consulted a piece of paper. "Mr...uh...Ori...Orizon..."

Zane interrupted her. "Yeah, that's me. Just Zane is fine." Most people could identify draconic names, but they tended to have trouble on the pronunciation. He preferred to go by the nickname, anyway. It beat listening to people struggle through 'Orizandrikos' several times a day.

Softtail smiled. "All right, Would you mind coming up front as well, Zane?"

The dragon shrugged. He didn't mind being used as a demonstration. There weren't that many dragons in this region, so it was actually possible someone could have made it to college without encountering one. He set his notebook aside and walked up next to the wolf. Wait, what kind of demo would you want a dragon and a wolf for? The only way he could think of that they were both distinctive was the topic they just got done hearing about. Oh crap.

They weren't done. The rabbit faced both males and smiled. "Okay boys, strip!"

Zane froze. No fucking way. What the hell kind of class was this? Softtail had turned her back and was going around the room getting everyone's names, so he couldn't ask her if she was serious. The wolf obviously thought she was, since he was calmly removing his clothes. He was down to his boxers already, leaving his clothes neatly folded on the desk.

The brown rabbit turned around and noticed his immobility. "Don't tell me you're getting shy now? We've only just begun. Don't let Ray show you up," she said lightly.

Ray was standing there nude, arms crossed, an eyebrow cocked at the dragon.

Zane sighed. Fuck it, he'd seen enough old Twilight Zone episodes to know that when strange shit is going down you're better off not trying to fight it. It's not like stripping would show them much anyway. He unbuttoned his shirt and started to pull it over his wings. Ray helped him yank the shirt off the end of his wings. The dragon tried to ignore the fact that a naked male was helping him undress and mumbled a quick "Thanks" to the wolf. His pants came off easier and he was soon just as naked as Ray, though the wolf seemed comfortable where he was sporting a blush that turned his cheeks purple.

He forced his eyes up to look at the class. It was obvious which students hadn't heard about certain features of dragons, since one or two were looking at his smooth crotch with mystified expressions.

Softtail gave them both a small round of applause. "Thank you very much, boys." She turned to the rest of the class. "Real world examples are always better. That's part of why I don't make you buy a book for this class."

Zane suppressed a groan. That meant this might not be the last time he'd be stripping for his peers.

The curvy rabbit crouched in front of the males, and from the looks on faces of the seated students was giving quite a view up her skirt. "Right now you can see a couple of the ways species have evolved protection for the male reproductive organs. And yes, before anyone asks, Zane is a male. I'll explain in a second."

She gestured at Ray's thick sheath, and Zane found his gaze following almost against his will. "A fairly common adaptation among mammals is the sheath, which does a decent job of protecting the genitals from the environment. However, mostly for purposes of maintaining a proper temperature for the testes, it still leaves a bit hanging out, distressingly vulnerable to various dangers." She curled her fingers, pointing her short claws at the wolf's sack.

Ray and the two other males winced at the implication while Zane tried to avoid smiling. He was frequently thankful he didn't have to worry about that.

The crouching bunny turned her attention to Zane. "Dragons evolved a solution that is many agree is superior. Their testes can function even at a dragon's high body temperature, and thus are stored internally. The penis also remains internal until aroused, whereupon it emerges from a pocket located about here." She pointed at Zane's crotch, but misjudged the distance and ended up poking him right on the slit she meant to indicate.

Zane shouted and jumped backward. "Whoa!"

Softtail looked contrite. "Sorry Zane. I know that can be a bit sensitive." She stood up again. "For the next demonstration, can you boys get hard for me?"

Zane stared at her wide-eyed. There was no way she just asked that. A quick glance showed the wolf looking doubtful too. "Uh, but, I..."

The rabbit patted his shoulder. "Oh, of course. I understand it can be difficult to do on command." She stepped back and began unbuttoning her top. "Can I get a volunteer from the girls to help me?"

A fiery red vixen eagerly waved her hand and spoke up with a British accent. "I'd like to help out."

Softtail waved her on and shed her top. "Come on up, then. You help Ray. I'll take care of Zane."

The dragon's eyes were locked on the rabbit's breasts. They were round, firm, with thick rosy nipples peeking out of her white chest fur. It was very hard to worry about being embarrassed when faced with a sight like that. He could already feel himself getting hard, despite his misgivings about the situation. He decided to give himself up to the weirdness and just enjoy what was happening. It was shaping up to be fairly interesting, if he could ignore the fact that he had an audience.

The rabbit pressed her back against him and slowly slid her skirt down her thighs, revealing that she was indeed going without underwear below. She bent over completely as she dropped the skirt to the floor, leaning back into the dragon and trapping his emerging length between her softly furred cheeks. She twitched her teardrop tail against his light blue chest.

Zane didn't know what to do. What were the rules here? Was it like a strip club, where she touches you but you don't touch her? Somehow he had missed the etiquette lesson about what to do when your teacher gives you a standing lap dance. He was struck with a sudden urge to grip the brown furred bottom that was teasing him and pull the rabbit against his thickening shaft.

Softtail spun around and pressed her body against him, letting him feel the hard points of her nipples on his chest. She raised up on her toes and whispered in the dragon's ear, making his eyes go wide. At the same time she reached down to stroke his dragonhood, still slick after emerging from its internal sheath.

She turned again, speaking to the class while continuing her gentle rubbing to maintain Zane's erection. As she stood to the side the class got a good look at his equipment. Despite the fact that Ray was just as naked and erect, and had a nude vixen nuzzling against him, most eyes were on Zane's package. The males nodded respectfully. The females looked on with lust, eagerness, or, in the case of the husky girl, nervousness. The dragon finally cracked a smile. Fortunately, not all of those dragon stereotypes are false.

The rabbit waved to regain their attention. "All right. I hope all the girls were taking notes there." She winked knowingly. "So here we have a draconic phallus. There are some interesting adaptations I'll point out. You may have noticed that it looks slightly wet. That's because dragon males excrete a natural lubricant when aroused. You should also note the somewhat odd shape. These ridges here match up with sensitive places within a dragon female's vagina, and it's presumed that this was to encourage the females to engage in sex more often. As an aside, they work pretty well on other species too." She spoke as if from personal experience, and paused her lecture briefly in memory, though the hand on Zane's dick seemed to speed up.

He cleared his throat. It's not that he was unhappy with her actions. In fact he was rapidly approaching the point where he would really not want her to stop. He just figured she might want to slow down before she needed to wash her hands, or any other part that got in the way.

"Oops. Got a little distracted there. Sorry," the rabbit giggled. "You can sit down now, Zane."

The dragon collected his clothes and moved to put his boxers back on, but Softtail told him not to bother. He sighed and sat on the couch, covering his erection with his clothes. With the rabbit continuing the lesson naked, it wouldn't be going down any time soon. He wondered what exactly he might be asked to do next that he should stay unclothed.

The husky looked over at him like she want to say something, but blushed again and looked away, shaking her head. Despite her obvious shyness, Zane still caught her sneaking peeks at the bulge visible through his folded clothes as the lecture went on.

The brown rabbit turned her attention to Ray, taking over fluffer duties from the vixen and sending her back to her seat. "And here we have an excellent example of a canine penis. Note that the shape is somewhat less complex than Zane's. The main feature we want to look at is the slight swelling here at the base. The bulbis glandis -- which is a boring name for what we all know as a 'knot' -- doesn't look like much now, but it swells upon orgasm, locking the male and female together. This is because, unlike most other mammals, canines do not have a storage space for sperm, so they have to be pumped direct from the testicles. Yes, that means the male will continue ejaculating for several minutes as long as there's pressure on the knot. If you're feeling particularly playful, you can keep a guy going for quite a while with the proper stimulation." She winked mischievously.

Her tone turned a little more serious, and she seemed to be talking more to Ray than the rest of the class. "It's also important to know that the size increase from the knot takes some by surprise, and can be quite uncomfortable for smaller or inexperienced girls, so one should always exercise caution and get permission before tying. Understand?"

Ray swallowed and looked at the hand wrapped tightly around his dick. One doesn't usually think of rabbits as having particularly dangerous claws, but when they're pressed against somewhere sensitive they can manage to look that way. "Yes'm," the wolf squeaked.

Softtail smiled brightly. "Wonderful. You can sit down, Ray." She stood up and stretched, pushing out her chest to great effect.

Zane grinned. The class got much more entertaining once he gave in to the surreality of a college class where students are asked to strip. He was still half convinced that this was a weird dream or someone slipped some acid into his morning coffee, but at least it was entertaining.

The rabbit crossed her arms under her breasts, clearly uninterested in covering back up. "Now, while there was good information in that demonstration, I had a larger point to make. It should be obvious to you all after what I showed you that everyone is different. Every person you encounter is going to have their own abilities, sensitivities, and preferences. A lot of people come into this class expecting to be taught some magic technique that their partner is guaranteed to love, but there's no such thing. What you can learn here is the basics, as well as how to figure out what your partner likes."

That just about settled it for Zane. This was literally a sex education class. Now he just needed to decide if he could take a whole semester of this without embarrassment making him spontaneously combust. Hell, the only way this could get weirder would be if they were asked to actually--

"So our first in-class activity is going to be oral sex."

Damn. Now he had a real problem. He couldn't bail now, because that would mean admitting he had no idea what he was getting into. But would that really be more embarrassing than having sex with people he hadn't met before today? He'd probably also be letting the other students down, since it looked like the class was structured around having an even division between male and female.

While he was torn by indecision, the rabbit continued her explanation. "We're doing oral first because it's a good candidate for exploration. I won't be giving you any detailed instructions. Your goal will be to figure out what your partner enjoys. Since half our guys are already naked, we'll have them receive first."

Zane perked up. Maybe he could give the class a little bit more of a chance.

Softtail pointed at both clothed males. "You two, strip please. The girls can stay dressed or not as they please, for now. Keep in mind that if you do decide to keep your clothes on, you take full responsibility for any stains you might acquire. Now, everyone pair up with the person of the opposite gender closest to you."

Zane turned to the husky girl and shyly extended his hand. "Hi, looks like we'll be, uh, working together? Whatever, I'm Zane. Nice to meet you." It would almost be like a normal introduction if he weren't naked.

The husky blushed and took his hand. "Hi, I'm Laura. Last name Nogales, if you care." She hesitated and shot another glance at the dragon's crotch. "Um, before we start, I want to ask... I mean, people say things about dragons, and I've already seen that one is true." Her ears went bright red with embarrassment. "It's just, I've heard that when you, um, you know, that there's, uh, a lot?"

He knew what she meant. "Yeah, that one's kinda true too. I mean, any stories or jokes you've heard are probably exaggerations, but yeah, things can get messy." It was his turn to blush a bit.

"Oh. Right, then." She looked around the room nervously, then sighed and stood up. She was dressed fairly casually in a red hoodie and loose jeans, but she now set about changing that. She pulled the hoodie over her head, shaking her hair back in to place afterward. She paused with the garment covering her breasts, and held it out to Zane. "Would you mind?"

Zane laughed and took the hoodie from her, folding it and stacking it with his own clothes. He watched Laura shyly strip off her pants and hand them over too, leaving her in a lacy pair of black panties and a rather more utilitarian bra. "Nice," he said appreciatively.

"Yeah, I wanted to look good for the class, only it's really hard to find sexy bras in my size." The husky's breasts were actually larger than the rabbit's, though it had been difficult to tell under the loose clothes and they fit in more with her plumper frame. "But you don't have to say that. I know I'm not that attractive."

The dragon scoffed. "What, because I can't wrap my hand around your waist? You look great."

She reached behind her back and unhooked her bra, hesitating only briefly before letting it drop. "That's nice of you to say, but really, it's not necessary. I mean, look at these hips." She squeezed the flesh on her hips briefly, then slid her panties down, handing them to Zane to put on the stack. Her arms almost moved to cover herself, but she held them crossed below her breasts to control the reflex.

"I have been looking at you for the past few minutes, and I meant what I said. If you don't believe me, here." He lifted the clothes off his crotch and revealed his erection, glistening slightly at the tip. "It's a bit harder to lie with that." Zane was a bit surprised to find himself reassuring the shy girl when he had been unsure himself not too long ago. Apparently it was possible to descend so far into shyness and embarrassment that you looped around to comfortable and confident.

The husky giggled for a second. "Thanks. That might be the oddest way anyone has ever complimented me, but I appreciate it."

The rabbit clapped to get the class's attention. "Everyone looks ready to begin, so I'll just say a few things and let you go at it. First, and this applies to all of our activities as well as the real world, never be afraid to tell your partner what you enjoy. This is supposed to be fun. Nobody wants to feel like they have to solve a Rubik's cube to get their partner off. You should both be working together to have a good time.

"Next, something related to this activity for the girls. Just like choosing whether to strip or not, swallowing is optional. If you don't want to, you can run to the sinks in the back. Still, I recommend you give it a shot. A lot of guys find it hot, and you may like it."

She laughed lightly. "You'll probably get tired of me repeating that last point. I'll almost always suggest trying things out. Worst case, you just don't do it again. Best case, you've found something new to enjoy."

Zane was again struck by how surreal the situation was. On the surface it was an ordinary lecture, but all the details were bizarre. A nude teacher was giving a lesson about sex techniques to a class of nude students.

"That's all I have to say for now. I'll be coming around and giving tips while you guys work, so let's get started." She waved them all on. "Oh, and don't worry about any of the furniture. It all cleans easily."

Zane turned to Laura and smiled, setting the stack of clothes off to the side. "So how do you want to do this? Should I stand up?"

The husky eyed him for a second in thought and then shook her head. "No, stay there. Just scoot forward a bit."

He obediently moved forward on the couch and leaned back, leaving his black cock pointing almost straight up.

Laura knelt in front of him and pushed his knees apart so she could get closer. She eyed the large erection she was faced with and looked up to Zane somewhat nervously. "I'm a bit of a newbie here. Any suggestions before I start?"

"Honestly, nobody's ever done this for me, so I guess just do whatever and I'll say if I like it?" His cheeks blushed purple again.

She nodded and looked intent. Slowly she leaned forward, opening her mouth to let her warm breath flow across Zane's glistening shaft. Encouraged by the slight twitch she caused, she gave a slow lick from base to tip, letting out a soft "Mmm" as she licked a drop of pre from the tip.

Zane made a similar noise from above her. "Good. More please."

She smiled and gave in to his coaxing, seeming to get over the last of her hesitance. The husky pulled herself up and licked eagerly around the tip of his cock adding more wetness to his own natural lube. Not satisfied, she sank her mouth down over the draconic cock, only managing to get the top few inches in before she had to stop. Hearing Zane groan, she began bobbing her head, letting her lips trail across the sensitive skin while her long tongue danced across the tip.

The dragon was impressed. The shy girl claimed not to have done this before, but she must have watched some porn in preparation or something to know such techniques. The slippery warmth of her mouth was intoxicating, capturing his attention like nothing before. The rest of the class seemed to disappear, no longer important given what the husky was doing to him. "Hell yes, that's great."

Laura was becoming increasingly more enthusiastic. Every dip of her head enveloped more of his shaft. She brought a hand up and stroked the ridges on his cock that she couldn't quite reach with her mouth. She raised her head up and pulled off with a slurp, leaving a strand of saliva connecting them. Her hand caressed his length as she looked up at him. "This is fun!" She leapt back onto his dick, moaning deeply again as she sampled his flavor.

Zane arched his back against the couch, thrusting his hips forward. Holy shit, she was good. "Fuck, more of that."

The husky obediently began humming, pressing her cheeks against his cock to better transmit the vibrations.

The dragon almost burst out laughing when he recognized the tune she was humming as Pop Goes the Weasel, but it was well chosen. He knew he would last much longer. A combination of inexperience and a very attentive partner was working against him. He almost didn't notice the brown rabbit showing up next to them.

Softtail leaned down next to the husky and whispered in her ear, either not knowing or not caring that Zane could still hear. "Remember how he reacted when I accidentally poked him?"

Laura's mouth was to busy to show a smile, but it was still visible in her eyes. She traced a claw down his cock before using it to pinch gently at the edge of its protective slit.

Zane gasped. "Oh shit, Laura. That's too much. I'm going to--" And he did. His thighs tensed up and he thrust forward again, feeling Laura wrap her lips tightly around him. He dug his claws into the couch and came hard, filling the husky's mouth and puffing out her cheeks. She looked surprised but quickly swallowed his abundant spunk, somehow keeping up with his repeated shots.

When he finally stopped she sat back and gasped for breath. "I did it!" she yelled proudly. "That was pretty tasty, and surprisingly warm." She licked a stray drop of semen from the corner of her mouth.

Softtail patted her on the back. "Nicely done, Laura. Not many people can take everything a dragon has to give. Pretty good for a rookie."

The husky smiled and blushed, her shyness returning now that the moment had passed. "Thanks."

While the rabbit walked away to check the other pairs, Zane slowly sat up. "Wow, are you sure you're not a succubus? I think you sucked out half my life through my dick."

Laura giggled. "So I did good?"

"I'd say the evidence of that is pretty clear." He gestured to his softening member.

She smiled and raised up off her knees and sat back on the couch next to Zane, quickly collecting her clothes from the pile and setting them on her lap.

Zane raised an eyebrow. "Getting body-shy on me? That's not really fair." He hadn't bothered covering up. It seemed a bit silly at this point.

The husky looked away. "Oh, it's just embarrassing."

"You weren't so shy about stripping a second ago. What's different now?"

She bit her lip. "All right, you'd probably see soon anyway." She set her clothes back off to the side, revealing that the fur between her thighs had become slightly damp. "What we just did...It was really fun."

He should have noticed it before, but with what was happening elsewhere in the room the smell of sex already hung heavy in the air. Now that his attention was called to it, he identified the pleasant scent of female arousal, somewhat new to him but unmistakable. "So you enjoyed yourself, what's wrong with that?"

Laura was silent for a moment, as if deciding whether to explain. "It's how I was brought up. Nice girls aren't supposed to enjoy doing things like that." She shook her head. "I know it's silly. Part of the reason I took this class was to get over that."

"Well I'm happy to help." Zane reached over and patted her thigh, which turned out to feel a lot more intimate usual when done to a naked girl.

The husky was about to reply, but got preempted by the rabbit addressing the class again.

"Excellent work everyone. I'm glad to see you were all successful." She grinned slyly. "We'll take a short break before the next part. There are washcloths and mouthwash back by the sinks for anyone who wants them. The guys can get dressed if they like, but they should keep in mind the warning I gave the ladies."

Zane moved to put his pants back on, but was stopped by Laura holding up her hand. He look at her questioningly.

"Would you mind, um, not doing that?" She blushed again. "I...kind of like seeing you and it'll make things easier for you when it's my turn."

"Uh, sure." He'd been naked long enough now that a few more minutes wouldn't be a problem, especially if it helped make a lady happy.

They made the usual small talk for the remainder of the break. Zane did his best to make it look like he had known what the class was about ahead of time, and tried to switch topics to the typical questions about majors and other classes. It turned out they would have Calculus together on Tuesdays and Thursdays, so they be seeing a lot of each other, even when they weren't literally seeing a lot of each other.

A few minutes later the rabbit was again calling the class to attention. "Everyone ready to continue?" There were murmurs of assent. "Good to hear. Now that the guys have had their fun, we'll move on to the girls." She hopped lightly to sit on the edge of the desk. "First, another anatomy lesson. There's not as much visible variation in females as with males, so I can do this one on my own." The rabbit swung her legs up and out into a perfect split, hooking her ankles over either side of the desk and gripping the front to keep her balance.

Zane heard someone across the room whisper "Holy shit" and he was forced to agree with that assessment. Someone else whistled appreciatively, and the British vixen said, "I can do that."

The stretch left the nude teacher completely exposed, the lips of her sex pulled apart slightly. "Can everyone see alright? I mean the guys mostly. The girls can just look down if they need a better view."

The males all nodded, not diverting their eyes. You usually had to pay good money to see a show like this.

Softtail began her explanation, pointing out each feature as she went. "Out here on the sides, spread a bit by my position are the labia majora," she spread herself wider with two fingers on one hand, "And here inside are the labia minora, together commonly referred to as the 'lips.' These come in a variety of shapes and sizes, so keep that in mind guys. Up top is the clitoris, which you may have to tease out of its hood. Don't neglect it, but don't just attack it either, unless specifically asked to. Most girls can't take a ton of stimulation there at once.

"And now to correct a couple misconceptions, or as I'll sometimes say, 'Porn has lied to you.' First, the hymen. It's not halfway down the vaginal canal as some think, but actually right at the vaginal opening. It's not even a reliable indicator of virginity, since the shape varies so much and it can be torn during normal activity. Unless you're pre-med, don't expect to identify it. Actually, are any of you girls still virgins?"

Laura raised her hand, then looked around and shrank down in embarrassment as she realized she was the only one with a hand up.

The rabbit smiled reassuringly. "Ever use any toys?"

The husky tried to sink into the couch, but nodded yes.

"There you go. That would probably be enough to make you appear 'impure.'" She made air quote with her hands. "Maybe your partner will be able to tell us for sure in a minute." She winked at Zane.

"Moving on, lubrication." She swung her legs back in front of her, drawing some disappointed sounds from the guys. "This is another thing that can vary quite a bit. Some unlucky folks need artificial help, but others need to put down a tarp before having sex. Porn stories would have you believe every girl leaks like a half-open faucet when they see a hard dick, but that's really more of an exception than a rule."

Zane looked over at the husky and gave her a knowing smile.

She blushed and muttered, "I'm not that bad." Her gaze fell to her lap. "Well, not quite."

"That's about everything," the rabbit finished. "Same instructions as before, only reversed. Remember you're working together, so don't be afraid to say what you like. I'll come around and give suggestions. Have fun everyone!"

Dragon and husky looked at each other again. Zane was determined to do a good job, motivated by the amazing skill the girl had shown earlier. He wasn't sure he'd be able to match her performance, but he'd do his best. He moved off the couch and knelt on the floor. "So, same positions as before, swapped?"

Laura nodded and slid down the couch, leaning back and presenting her damp sex to the dragon. "Be careful, please. I can be a bit sensitive."

"Got it." Zane lowered his head between the girl's grey thighs, inhaling deeply to draw in her scent. He looked up at the husky's nervous face. "Excited to begin, eh?"

She gnawed briefly on a claw. "H-how can you tell?"

In response, he drew he finger gently up her inner thigh, making her squirm as he collected a few beads of moisture trickling through her fur. He held up the damp finger and smiled widely. "That's how."

The girl looked like she wanted to bury her face in her hands. "Don't tease me," she said dejectedly.

"Aw, I wasn't teasing. I think it's cute." He licked the juices from his finger, getting his first taste of a female. "Tasty too." He'd heard a lot of stories about what this would be like, both good and bad, and he was glad that some of the more pleasant ones were true. When Scott had once mentioned he'd found a girl that tasted like strawberries, he found the story suspicious, but damn if he wasn't tasting a hint of peaches right now.

Laura still looked doubtful and a bit nervous, so Zane didn't dive in immediately. He started rubbing his hands gently through her fur, stroking in a calming motion. She relaxed slightly under his touch, and he began massaging her thighs, pressing firmly with strong fingers. When she sighed and sank lower into the couch, he knew he was succeeding, and not just at relaxing her. The fur around her slit was damper than before, and her heady scent was really starting to affect him. His previously retreating cock was once again protruding proudly from its slit and dripping slightly.

It was time to step things up. The dragon licked slowly through the fur of her inner thighs, working ever closer to her sex. He cautiously avoided stimulating her directly, only teasing her outer lips.

The husky moaned softly and squirmed a bit. "That's nice, but you can do a bit more."

"I'll get to it. Don't worry," he said slyly, before giving her slit a leisurely lick from bottom to top, his tongue just barely parting her lips.

When he flicked his tongue across her clit she gave a sharp gasp and twitched under him. "Again. Please."

Zane repeated the motion, slightly quicker and more forcefully, dipping lightly into her, tasting her juices from the source. He found himself getting wrapped up in the activity, worrying less about if he was doing it right and just responding naturally to the noises the girl was making.

He had no shortage of guidance. Laura was moaning and gasping continuously as he explored her, locating everything the rabbit had pointed out earlier and making sure he could identify it by sight or tongue. Her nectar fairly poured from her, dampening the couch below where Zane didn't manage to capture it in his mouth.

The husky thrust her hips eagerly against his face and yipped with pleasure, clearly beyond words. She was breathing heavily, her tongue hanging out of her mouth. Her eyes were shut and she was gripping the couch tightly, piercing the fabric with her claws.

Zane was momentarily distracted as Softtail knelt down next to him and spoke softly in his ear, though the husky probably wouldn't hear the rabbit if she yelled, lost as she was in the throes of passion. "You're doing well, but a quick tip. Dragons have long tongues; put it to use."

The dragon nodded and gripped the husky's rear, kneading her cheeks as he buried his snout in her needy pussy. He rubbed his nose across her clit and plunged his tongue into her depths, twisting it around and drawing across her upper wall as he pulled it back, figuring he had to hit her g-spot somewhere along the way.

About halfway down her canal, he did. Laura let out a scream of purest ecstasy and came like a dam breaking. Her heated sex clenched rhythmically on his invading tongue and a wave of her juices splashed across his face.

For several seconds she remained tensed. Zane could feel her muscles twitching under his grip, even on her well-padded ass. At last she collapsed back onto the couch, breath coming in large gasps, eyes unfocused.

Zane smiled proudly and watched as the girl slowly recovered from the intense orgasm. When she managed to focus on him, he made a show of licking his face clean. "That was enjoyable. What did you think?"

She laughed lightly. "Thinking was a bit out of the question there at the end. That last thing you"

"Awesome. I was worried I wouldn't be any good." He sniffed a few times. "Excuse me one second." He went to the back of the room and washed his face at one of the sinks. Not that the scent the husky had left on him wasn't enjoyable, of course. It was actually a bit too alluring, and he wanted to be able to walk back to the dorms without ripping a hole in the front of his pants.

When he got back to the couch the other pairs had also finished and were in various states of disarray and relaxation. Laura was scribbling in her notebook, though she hid it with one arm so he couldn't see what she was recording.

Zane was suddenly curious whether this counted as an orgy if there was no trading off of partners. What was the real definition of an orgy anyway? It's not like he had ever planned on being part of one.

The rabbit startled him out of his thoughts by announcing the end of class. "Great first class everyone. Keep in mind not every time we meet will have an activity, I just wanted to start things off right. Before I let you go, though, I want to give you some homework for next time."

Homework in a sex class? It would be somewhat difficult to practice this lesson at home, so Zane was a little confused. Maybe it'll be watching porn, he thought wryly.

"Your homework is porn. I want you to bring in something that turns you on next time. Whatever media you like. Image, video, story, whatever. Just be prepared to explain what about it you like.

"On a related note, once we finish all the major topics, we'll be learning about a few niche kinks. If you have any you'd like to hear about, you can request them. Just let me know or drop a note in my office mailbox if you'd prefer to make a suggestion anonymously. That's it for today. See you all Friday."

The dragon wasn't really sure what he'd be doing for that assignment. There was plenty of stuff he liked, of course, but having to explain it for the class limited what he'd be willing to show off. Oh well, he had a week to figure that out.

Zane and Laura helped each other dress and left the room together, discussing their plans for the rest of the day. Somewhere along the way Zane realized he was no longer debating whether to continue the class. Not only was it a ton of fun, he decided that it would be good for him. It was already helping him loosen up a bit, and the experience so far had been a big confidence booster.

He was still going yell at Scott for not warning him about what to expect, but he would probably thank him after. If he had known ahead of time what the class was about, he would never have had the guts to attend even once.

As he walked across campus next to the plump but increasingly attractive husky, his thoughts turned to the future. What else would they get to do together? He couldn't wait to find out.