[Commission for Fait] An Unusssual Capture

Story by JimmyRuss on SoFurry

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The silence is broken! This fic was commissioned by Fait over on furaffinity. He asked that I detail the meeting between his female trainer; Cici, and her newest poke-catch; Diva. Diva's a little big though, even for her species, so there are bound to be a few mishaps here and there. Today's mishap seems to be greedily eating another of Cici's pokemon straight down. That'll teach her...I guess.

Thunder crashed through the sky above, parting the dark grey clouds that hung from the sky. The sun had set a long time ago, a natural trade-off between the current tempest storm and a warm day was taking place. The blanket of dark sky stretched from horizon to horizon. The strong winds blowing south only brought progressively fiercer gales that threatened to uproot trees and scar the land beneath. It was ferocious enough that anything small enough that wasn't bolted down to the ground was picked up and carried long distances. Newspapers, leaves and broken branches were already aloft, the latter of which originated from weak trees, and had forced people into their homes for safety.

But if that hadn't, then the torrential rain would have pushed them inside. The clatter of the rain on metal roofs or cars was practically deafening. It seemed to all that the heavens had opened up, and a new flood was upon them. Already several streets were completely water-logged with cars floating away, following a faux current. Troubled grandmothers and their grandkids were excitedly putting buckets outside to see how quickly the downpour could fill them, before throwing it away and starting all over again several minutes later. The majority of the population was wrapped up tight at home. Winter socks had been deployed, unrolled and toastily worn next to the fire, and some even chose to submerge themselves in several duvets that were thick enough to be armour.

Those who owned fire pokémon found themselves in good company. Warmth was a commodity to try and covet, with several taking advantage to line their pockets. No one went outside during a storm like this. Even though it was a weekend and close to midday, there was not a living soul outside their doors, save for the last remnants of retreating civilians who were rushing inwards or those caught with two arms full of shopping and a way to walk.

One of these people was pokémon trainer named Cici, who rather enjoyed the rain and the cracking thunder above, though perhaps not to this extent. She had been at this game for several years now; having started at the ripe old age of 16. Her first pokémon, a Porygon called Nicole, had begun her adventures. With a bit of techno-wizardry that would usually be out of reach of a teenaged girl, Cici had managed to adjust and alter the way Nicole acted. Rather than the typical monotone repetitiveness of simply saying the name over and over again, Cici had transformed the Porygon's behaviour to that of being a translator between herself and the pokémon she met or owned. Of course, tech-pokémon didn't exactly enjoy the rain, so Nicole was quite happy sitting inside her cosy pokéball for now.

A relatively new acquisition, Galen, sat beside Nicole. She was a Gardevoir, with a unique half-blend of normal and shiny colouring. The outside was the typical green and white shade that allowed her to blend in lightly with trees and grass, while the inside of her tattered dress bore the blue, handed-down colours of her shiny heritage. Galen was the main pokémon used in Cici's small battles, causing a little boost in the Gardevoir's physique. Every night one Cici and her other pokémon had gone to bed, Galen would be awake for a little while longer as she trained of her own accord. Some trainers felt a little uneasy around a more muscular specimen, however once being defeated they changed their tune and agreed to train harder.

Her final pokémon was an Absol simply named "D". After an interesting day one of successfully tinkering around with a Porygon; day two had been equally exciting when Cici had received her Absol. However, rather than catching it in a battle, Cici had been approached by the mother of D. Fearing and longing for a battle, Cici had sent out Nicole, only to find that the Absol wanted no fight, and was instead abandoning her child to the nearest pokémon trainer. It was with good intentions though; Absol were not found in the Kanto region; this mother had been on the run since Johto, with the poachers not far behind. That had been three years ago, and with D growing up quickly, Cici had made the promise to find her mother again, if she was still out there. For now there had been no sign of her, and every day meant that it would be harder and harder to separate herself from her Absol. Already D was standing tall enough to come up to her waist, just a few more months and she could be used as a mount to ride.

But the height might not have been so impressive if we consider that Cici herself barely breaks the four-foot mark. Even several pokémon that friends owned stood slightly taller, including a Goodra that never hesitated itself when she came over to pick up the diminutive trainer and hug her entire body. It didn't help that the Goodra was two foot taller, or sometimes refused to let go for over a minute. A change of clothes was always a good idea when she would visit. Of course, her change of clothes was the same clothes as before; a dark-red shirt, black vest and blue shorts that stretched down to her thighs.

These would have been soaked to bits had Cici hadn't had the foresight to take her umbrella with her. Her journey took her from her friend's house and out towards a small camping site, where her tent had been set up. It was only a hope that it hadn't been blown away in the wind, the heavily hammered tent-pegs should have done their job and held it down. Perhaps with her body weight inside it wouldn't fly away. Perhaps it wasn't the best day to wear shorts either; with the splatter of the droplets on the ground reaching up to her knees, and the cool wind rushing around her legs rose goose bumps on her skin.

If she would be pushed back by the weather, it would have to been sooner, while she was in town, rather than later when the trees around her could flex and bend. Cici was almost at the outskirts, so it would have to be now or never. Few buildings stretched this far from the centre of town; a couple of houses that were unused, a few warehouses, several farmhouses. Anything that would be out of place in a busy town was here instead. Some were abandoned; most would be empty due to it being a weekend, she could take shelter in one and wait for the weather to pass. By nightfall it was said to pass, so it wouldn't be too difficult to simply wait a couple of hours for it to clear up.

"Ok, there's a building over there where we can stay for a while." She spoke of course to the two pokémon in the balls on her hips. "Maybe we can get out of this storm, back where it's nice and dry." Cici didn't know whether what she said was getting through, but she liked to think that it did. It kept her company as well, to imagine what they might be saying back as well, if anyone but Nicole actually spoke English. Cici would have to get to that building quick; the storm would get worse before it left and she did not want to be caught in it.

As she got close to it, the wind began to pick up, threatening to rip the umbrella out of her hands and whisk it away. She didn't have any spare clothes after that hug earlier, and there were no laundromats nearby unless she wanted to turn around now and risk it turning dark long before she tried to find that tent. No, it was hard enough to find already; shelter now, find the way back with the little bit of light left at twilight. Cici stepped in close to the warehouse, trying to cover against the wall.

Ahead was a chain-link fence that would let in delivery trucks. Maybe this place had been broken into, or else it was in disuse, because the gate was old and orange with rust, yet open. Open only slightly enough as to allow a single person through, and the remnants of a chain-lock lay on both sides of the gate. Scavengers no doubt, though hopefully that was a while ago and they were long gone by now. Cici saw no other way in, and, after a quick scan around, ducked through the gap without touching the sides. Security seemed lax enough that no alarms went off the second she stepped in. Not even a camera was affixed to any of the walls. A sheer wall rose up on her left that separated the entrance with the factory next door. The metallic wall of the warehouse was on her right, distanced away by the empty parking spaces that would house the delivery trucks.

All but one of these delivery entrances seemed locked, with the one that was open only ajar slightly. Cici easily have squeezed herself under it much as she had done with the chain-link fence, leaving behind the rain and the storm for now. Her feet on the concrete floor beneath scraped and scratched away, echoing between the silent walls. While not warm, it was certainly dry inside this warehouse.

It would have been completely quiet had the rain not been roaring down on the arched metallic roof. She was sure that she even if she shouted her head off, no one would have heard what she was saying at all, even if they were right next to her. Still, it was better than being wet and cold.

"Damn, still chilly." She rubbed her hands together to get a bit of warmth into her fingers. "Something thick will keep me warm." Cici spoke, intending to cuddle up next to her pokémon for a while. "And I've got just the blanket for the job. After all, a real pokémon trainer is ready for anything!" Her hands were already rummaging their way through the backpack that had been on her back a second ago, searching for the soft blanket that would wrap around her. Cici's fingers struck the plush texture hidden most of the way down, then grasped and yanked on it.

Seconds later it was wrapped around her body, leaving only her head free. Cici sat down against one of the walls, bringing her knees up to her chin as she settled in to wait for the storm overhead to pass. The pokémon on her hips would do better to stay inside their pokéballs: Cici wouldn't have had the blanket to cover all of them from the occasional swathe of cool air that blew beneath the open cargo door if they were huddling against her. She could also take the time to prepare a few meals for dinner time; Galen would share whatever Cici would be having, D would no doubt turn her head up at anything resembling greenery and Nicole would have just a byte to eat.

Her hands were rummaging through the bag again to search for whatever groceries she'd bought that day, when a sound not from her own movements lightly echoed from wall to wall and then to Cici. She froze, listening intently for whatever had made that sound. It hadn't been from her own movements, not a scratch of her boots along the ground nor her bag. Someone else was here, and they were being as silent as she wished to be. At any moment it seemed as if a person would pop out from around a corner and being a pokébattle when she wanted nothing more than to rest and relax.

But as the moments passed, there was no more sound from the other side of the factory that she could hear, even with focused ears. She was about to turn back towards her bag and continue searching for her dinner in the mishmashed contents of her backpack when another sound reverberated towards her. Had she not been listening it might have been ignored, but with a pricked ear towards it she could, still, only vaguely identify it. It had only been short, but the reverberation added more than enough for her to figure out.

Cici heard a man's voice cry out; a short, sharp exhale that had was very quickly muffled, followed by equally muted whimpers. Melded into this sound was also a very sibilant hiss that spread more that his shout. As it grew in both pitch and volume, his muffled mumbling diminished rapidly and significantly. Cici gulped; there was someone in trouble in the factory, someone that might need her help. Dinner would have to wait, if even a few minutes while the good part of her conscience would not allow her to simply ignore it.

She pushed herself off the ground, throwing aside the blanket into a small heap by the side of the backpack she was rummaging through. Without a hand to steady it, the bag fell to one side and spilled a few of its contents. But Cici had no time to fix it, as she was already upright and jogging further into the depths of the factory to help, with a pokéball in hand. Every few seconds, the noise would occur again, constantly changing, but growing louder with each step she made towards it. The male was growing weaker and weaker in her ears, and soon he was all but audible.

Cici's ears led her towards a small set of concrete steps that would take her down underground. At the base of those steps she could see, from her vantage point, another set of doors that separated above and below ground. They'd been forced open much like the wire-fence outside, with the discarded crowbar lying beside them. Gingerly, Cici made her way down those steps; they had been made for six-foot tall men, not barely-four-foot women. A trip down them might put both herself and the man in more danger.

But, like a trained professional, she managed to reach the bottom of the steps without incident. As she descended, the air grew cooler around her. Without a breeze to blow warm air down, it was only cold, something that made Cici wished she had brought the blanket with her, if only to wear as a cape. The door proved no obstacle, much like the stairs, her slim frame was able to squeeze through the gap left behind with ease.

For the first few seconds it was quite dark, at least compared to the overcast sky outside, with only a few roof-mounted strip lights to guide her way. The ceiling would have come down low enough to graze the heads of those far taller than herself, but even then it was a rather claustrophobic hallway. Thick bronze-coloured pipes jutted out from the walls in packs of three or four, bending at right angles to stretch across the surface, only to dip back in further along. Her jogging pace was increased for the momentary time she spent underneath the concrete roof, if only to get her out of it quicker.

At the end, another set of similar steps brought her down into another underground location; it was much brighter down here and a lot more open, but not to the point of the factory above her head. Large wooden crates sat in stacks of three to four high and lined the walls as far back as it would go. Several pallets and a forklift also stood guard on the walls closest to the entrance. It was only a storage room full of wooden crates, metal shelves and empty space in the middle. As Cici descended the steps, and the rim of the roof moved to the top of her view, she finally got a view of what had been making the noise.

A pokémon sat in the middle of the room, its large body hidden behind several boxes. It had not noticed Cici's arrival, but instead continued to stare down at the floor beneath it. On Cici's side of the boxes that separated her from it, she could see several broken or damaged items. Among them, a pokéball that lay in several pieces as if it had been ripped open. No doubt the pokémon itself had been in there. But had it broken out? Could a pokémon even break out of their own ball? Beside the broken pokéball lay a leather belt, looking stretched as if it had been flung or used to contain a gut for many years.

Several other tools lay scattered on the floor nearby; a hammer, several workshop clamps and even a handsaw, but there was no telling whether they were scattered while the pokémon was here, or if they were brought in. There was no order to their arrangement; like a scuffle or a fight had broken out atop them, spreading them far and wide. They all seemed well used, and it was unlikely that any were new. Cici's eye stared at them for a second; tools like this were quite out of place in a storage room, what could they be here for?

But her eyes could only stare at the instruments for a while, before they naturally drew themselves up and over the wooden boxes that stood between her and the pokémon. Cici's breath caught in her throat as she attempted to remain silent, worried that she had stumbled onto something that she wasn't supposed to. Maybe this was the reason that they were underground and away from everyone else; they wanted to be hidden, to be private. One of the light strips that was attached to the ceiling began to flicker back into life, returning the floor underneath it into light.

The light bounced off the pokémon there, allowing her to clearly see what it was. The pokémon was a mixture of soft blue and white, the former along the top side of the long body, while the latter coated its underside. A large head sat atop its body, wholly blue with a two ear-like wings shaded slightly grey. Between its soft, violet eyes sat a small horn that would be almost useless for actually attacking, barely measuring the length of an outstretched human palm. It too, was coloured white, allowing it to stand out against the smooth shape of the pokémon's entire body. Just below the chin sat a dark blue sphere that looked much like glass. It had no straps to secure itself, but still it hung like a necklace. Even from a distance, the little sphere seemed as large as Cici's fist, perhaps a slight larger.

Her eyes drifted down from the smooth head towards the main body. It stood maybe several feet taller than Cici herself, which might not have been an achievement for most higher levelled pokémon, but this was unmistakably only one that had evolved once. Its body was smooth and shaped like a long, thick tube that appeared to simply continue. From what she knew of this pokémon this size was unattainable, it seemed to reach the ground with its head over six feet above and then trail on around itself for at least twice as far after that. Serpentine bodies tended to do that. The wooden boxes between her and it disguised its full-size.

But for now, the Dragonair had not noticed Cici, but instead its gaze was focused elsewhere. Its soft gaze was focused on something behind the boxes where Cici could not see. From the sounds she had heard, she had figured out that there was a human male in here, and the large Dragonair was his pokémon, but the trainer was nowhere to be seen. Maybe the pokémon was trapped, and the owner had run off to get help? Maybe the trainer was injured, and the pokémon was watching over him?

A silence hung in the air for a second as Cici crouched low on the steps, using her small size and lack of movement as an advantage to be unseen and unheard. Then the silence was broken with an utterance from the male voice that she had heard earlier. He sounded hurt and out of breath; his laboured panting was testament to that. But the Dragonair kept staring down at the floor behind those crates without a flicker of emotion across its face.

"That'sss it. Take a nice deep breath." She spoke with a soothing, soft voice. "Fill those lungsss of yoursss back up again and again." At her words the male voice obeyed, taking a large, desperate gulp of air back inside. For a millisecond, Cici debated bringing out her Porygon to translate, only to stop herself with her hand on the ball. The Dragonair spoke English? "Doesssn't the clearnesss of your mind feel ssso nice? It mussst be sssuch a relief to breathe again. For a sssecond there, I thought I might have lossst you, but you can't essscape me thisss time." Escape? What was she talking about?

Then a loud cry from the incapacitated man rang out again, and the breath that all three occupants could hear stopped in its tracks. There was a grinding of the pokémon's body against the concrete ground, followed by the whimper of the trainer seconds later. He seemed winded, as Cici could hear him struggle to inhale more than gasp of air. In fact he wasn't inhaling at all, but every second a small burst of air came from his lips, accompanied by a grunt and an exhausted groan. The slow sound of creaking faded in, like a fragment of wood stretched and bent.

"My my, do you hear that? It might be me, or it could be your body sssubmitting." The Dragonair let a small amount of satisfaction creep into her voice as her body leaned right over his with her eyes ensuring an unfaltering connection. "How long can you withssstand me? I put up with you for countlesss yearsss, and now I repay the favour and you can't lassst more than a few minutesss? How sssad."

Cici remained stationary at the steps, half tempted to turn and run and never look back, but she was anchored there to that spot in fear that the Dragonair would go after her as well. She'd never heard of a pokémon disobey its owner to this extent. Her own breathing was shallower and less sporadic than normal, maybe mirroring the fate of the betrayed trainer. A thought struck her as she watched; if she could pull out a pokémon then the Dragonair would be forced to let him go to battle with her. As she thought, her hand travelled down to her waist to grasp one of the pokéballs.

Cici froze for a second as the loud gasp of a breath in from the trainer echoed in the room, followed by several others of equal depth.

"That'sss right. Inhale jussst a little more. Only one of usss knows how many breathsss you have left. Sssavor them."

"Let me...go." He panted, "Please."

"And why ssshould I releassse you?" The Dragonair cocked her head to one side. "After all this time, after everything you claimed was for my benefit."

"Diva, I said I was...sorry, please just don't do this!" He was pleading and begging like a man on death row.

"If you were sssorry, then you wouldn't have broken it."

"I didn't mean to...it was an accident!"

"Then this is an accident as well." She leaned in closer towards the trainer, almost disappearing behind the wooden crates when Cici chose to act.

"D, I choose you!" Her voice was loud compared to the relative silence before, shocking herself and the Dragonair, whose head turned sharply to focus on the intruder, then to the thrown pokéball. It landed with a percussive thunk, and the colourful shape of an Absol appeared in a flash. Fur, fangs and claws faded in until the pokémon was ready with a snarl on its lips. But strangely, the Dragonair did not react anything past a slight smirk. For just a second, she turned back to have a look at her trainer.

"Let him go, now!" Cici shouted, trying to be intimidating at her small height.

"Well now, your little deliciousss moansss attracted a bit of attention. And they ssseem to think that I'm the one at fault here." As the Dragonair turned back towards Cici and her pokémon, her hidden body behind the crates hoisted the trainer up off of the ground, allowing her to see the full picture. The long, thick tail was constricted quite intensely around the man's shoulders and as far down his body as she could see it was the same.

"You're squeezing the life from him!" Cici shouted. "Let him go!"

"I am not crussshing him for fun or sssport, young trainer." The tip of the tail slithered around his throat, turning the coil that lay there to show off the two glassy spheres affixed to the end. They were similar in colour and translucency to the one beneath the chin, with the larger further from the tip than the first. But unlike the one that acted as a necklace, the larger blue orb had a significant crack as if it had been broken. "Thisss isss punissshment."

"Punishment for what?"

"For a few yearsss of his company." The typical blue and white colouring was interrupted by several small patches of purple, with more than a few red lines of varying width across her tail. "Do you believe all trainersss adore their pokémon? That they ssshould protect and look after thossse in their care? Asssk him if he hasss offered me thessse liberties."

"He did that?" Cici stood uneasily as the coils of the thick serpent would tighten with a creak around her human prisoner, only to release seconds later.

"Isss it not obviousss?" The tail tip disentangled from the trainer's neck to point like a finger at the scattered tools at Cici's feet. "Tell me if thisss is love." Her eyes followed the Dragonair's own gaze, down at the workshop implements. A hammer, several workshop clamps, and a handsaw. The bruises and several cuts on her body matched well. His neglecting of her spread even to her head, where the wing-like ears showed signs of rough treatment, several feathers had been aggressively plucked. Cici didn't need to ask whether it was love or not, and he wouldn't have been able to speak anyway.

D, her Absol, saw there was no fight here unless either side were pushed to it, and withdrew from her aggressive stance to walk back to Cici's side and nuzzle affectionately at her hand. Only one pair of violet eyes followed D back to her trainer with a tinge of jealousy in them. Cici was torn as to what to do now; she could try to stop the Dragonair from squeezing her trainer, or simply leave and let it happen.

"What do you plan to do to him if I leave?" Cici asked. Her response came first from the man, who squirmed and shook his head in desperation, unable to breathe to voice a reply. "Are you going to kill him?"

"Not outright." She smiled, constricting around him to drive the air from his lungs. "I wasssn't finissshed crussshing him jussst yet. I want to make him feel burdened with pressure, jussst like he pussshed me and punissshed me. I wouldn't call him a trainer, not with his methodsss."

"What kind of methods?" Cici almost dared not to ask, as the examples were all around her on the floor.

"Caring for me wasss not one of them. I ssstill have little clue asss to why he would torment me ssso. I would be forccced to find my own food, to hunt it down and consssume it, often alive. If I caught nothing, I didn't eat. Perhapsss his neglect was a disssguissse in training to be a predator."

"That must have been terrible." Cici had taken a step back at the news that the large snake in front of her was voracious as well.

"Your sssympathy is noted, but I'm a little passst the need for it." Diva looked down at the squirming trainer in her grasp. "And what a convenient evolution, don't you think?" Her large head leaned down to whisper next to his ear. "Dratini's are easier to abuse, aren't they? Jussst a ssshame your own tacticssss failed to sssave you this time." A long tongue slithered out between her lips to wetly slide across the trainer's face. "Ah, this new body is a lot more versssatile than the lassst. But a bit weak...a little sssacrificcce to ssstrengthen it would be muccch appreciated."

The tail tip underneath his chin flicked upwards to point the trainers head towards the ceiling. But instead of a white concrete roof above him, only the soft, dark red interior of a serpentine maw greeted his eyes. Globules of wet saliva dripped down from the depths of her throat, splashing onto his features. His entire view was filled with those imposingly large jaws that opened wide enough to comfortably take his shoulders. It was only natural that at this sight his weak struggles began to intensify helplessly. He would try anything to escape being on the menu, but the weakening from her tail and its vice-like grip didn't help.

"Stop! You can't do that!" Cici shouted out, encouraging her Absol to battle once again.

"Ssstop me." The Dragonair taunted, pushing the human in her grip upwards into her maw. The tail around his neck that acted like a scarf prevented his head from turning one way or another, or for him to open his mouth and reply.

"Let humans punish him, you don't have to take it into your own...hands."

"My girl, do you believe that I am sssavage for what I'm doing?" Only a headshake was given in reply. "Thisss isss what happensss then, when your 'training' getsss ahead of you."

"Why must you eat him? We could punish him much better than just him being food."

"I don't dissslike the feeling of wriggling, sssquirming prey inssside me, in fact if there'sss anything I wasss taught, then it wasss that. I don't believe you've ever experienced it before, but it isss a delight to feel. Even the sssmallessst pokémon ssstruggle ssso wildly when they're inssside"

"If I can find other pokémon for you to eat instead of him, would you let him go?"

"I might consssider a second course." For the moment he was safe, well as safe as a person can be in the grasp of a huge, voracious, temporarily distracted snake. "That mutt of yoursss seemsss like a good ssstart, maybe ssshe can be the ssstartersss."

"My pokémon are off limits!" Cici took a step forward towards the Dragonair, fluffing herself up to her full, diminutive height. "I protect all my pokémon, no matter the danger!" A growl came from around her midriff as the Absol stood up with its owner. The Dragonair relaxed its grip around the man, who gasped and spluttered for air, before her heavy head rested down on top of his.

"Do you sssee how a real trainer treatsss their pokémon?" She was addressing the man now, leaving Cici and D to stand ready for a non-existent fight. "They love them, offering protection and ressspect. Sssomething you never gave to me." Her violet eyes looked over towards Cici. "I will releassse him on two conditionsss."

"Name them." Cici was a bit taken aback at how quickly she dropped him from her mind.

"You promissse me a greater number of pokémon to consssume for this new body."

"I'm camped out in the forest, there are numerous wild pokémon for you there."

"Better than ssscrounging wild and untamed pokémon in town like a filthy dog." Cici watched as the Dragonair spoke and slowly unwound from a silent, thankful trainer. "And I also wisssh to know what will happen to him." For a second, Cici had to think how she could ensure that he was punished rightly.

"I can lock the door on my way out. Come opening time tomorrow someone will discover him and he'll get caught for trespassing."

"Not good enough." She hissed, constricting around the hapless man again with iron strength. "He'sss blamed me for tressspasssing before, it'sss just a ssslap on the wrist. I want him punissshed."

"Hmm, this factory isn't even in use, but I could always get the police involved. I'm sure none of them would travel out in this weather, though."

"The weather is my doing, I'm afraid." If she had shoulders, the Dragonair would have shrugged then and there. "Emotionsss ran high."

"Would you mind taming the wind and rain down a fraction, just so I can get back to my camp?"

"Not at all." She...smiled? It looked as if for a second the giant snake had a smile on her face.

"Uhh...thanks. I'll go now, back to my camp and as soon as I can get reception, I'll notify the police and call them here."

"And what about him?"

"Do you want to wait for the police to arrive and tell them everything you've told me?"

"I don't wisssh to be in hisss company any longer."

"Then where will you go? Anywhere and you'll be captured within a day." There was a pregnant pause as the Dragonair pondered for a few seconds what she would do, slithered off her trainer towards Cici and over the wooden crates that separated them. Quite unconsciously, Cici took a step back as the Dragonair reared up in front of her. She was easily several feet taller, and a large majority of her body was still bound around her former trainer or hidden behind the crates.

"I will travel with you. You ssseem to care for your pokémon, at leassst more than he did for me. Perhapsss you will be better, but make no missstake. If I sssee you travel down hisss path, then I will ensssure that you will finisssh what I ssstarted here today."

"F-firstly, you will not threaten me." Cici tried to stand tall and assert dominance, but it was hard when the Dragonair could very quickly turn the tables on her. "If you would like to be one of my pokémon, then you had better l-listen to me."

"It will be mutual." She interrupts as the rest of her body slithers heavily over the crates, every single foot of her long, thick body probably weighing as much as Cici did by herself. "I will not sssit idly by and have you control me."

"S-secondly, if your diet is mostly pokémon now, I'll not change that, but mine are off limits."

"I can't sssay I'll try."

"If you want I can feed you something else..."

"I've the tassste for warm and wriggling." Each answer served to unnerve Cici just a little bit more. It would be a difficult time adapting. "But I'll sssee what you can russstle up."

"I will have to spend time learning your moveset, weaknesses, strengths and fighting style."

"For battlesss with other trainers? Would they mind if I consssumed their pokémon?"

"They would be as protective of their pokémon as I would be of my own, including you by then." It was the first sentence that flummoxed the Dragonair enough that she was silent for a moment. Did this little human actually care this much?"

"Very well. I ssshall make an effort not to." The tip of her elongated tail finally slid over the crate, where Cici was able to see the cracked orb closer up. The sheer length of the Dragonair only became apparent to Cici then. Usually they measured between ten and fifteen feet in length, which would rank them among the largest serpentine pokémon around, sans Steelix of course. However it seemed that she would outclass even the deep-burrowing iron snake by a significant margin. "Let'sss go, I don't want to ssstay here any longer." Without another word she made for the exit, heading for those constrictive stairs and almost pushing past Cici. If she had blinked, she would have missed as the blue and white body whizzed past her, almost knocking her over.

"Hey! Wait a minute!" Cici shouted as the several hundred of pounds of languid muscle burst past her on the way out. "I don't even know your name!"

An hour had passed since the phone call had gone out, with the police responding surprisingly quickly to the alert. They had taken only a few minutes to arrive, but by that time both Cici and the Dragonair were long gone into the nearby forest, leaving them to pick up the scraps and to try and find a single incapacitated male in a large factory. Even as they had left, he hadn't gotten up until they had forced their way into the basement to find him motionless and savouring every breath that was pulled into his lungs.

D, her Absol, had hopped back into Cici's pokéball the minute they had let themselves out through a backdoor that led away from the road. Rain was still pouring down like God's bathtub had sprung a leak to drench them all, despite what she had said earlier about ceasing the downpour.

"Hey, didn't you say you were going to stop all this weather." Cici had only made it several feet from the concrete floor now to trodden leaves underfoot. "I'll never find the damn tent like this."

"A little rain never hurt anyone, kid."

"This isn't a little bit of rain, it's like a monsoon!" She complained, desperately rushing from tree to tree to find even the smallest fraction of shelter from the storm, but that only allowed thick droplets to take over dripping down her neck, urging shivers to roll around her spine. At these words, the Dragonair only sighed in exasperation.

"If you're going to keep complaining, I can fix it again."

"Quick, before these clothes become unusable, I don't have any others." It seemed as those she didn't even hear the human speak, as another of the Dragonair's powers was used; weather control. Even from a smaller Dragonair the mild light-show was impressive, but here and now it was more than stunning. Typically the underside where her scales were white along with her wings would glow like a flashlight when they commanded the weather; however with the additional size of her body, she only glowed even brighter than Cici expected. It was to the point where Cici had to cover her eyes to avoid being temporarily blinded.

The wind picked up for a second before dying down almost completely in the space of a few seconds, bringing several bunches of leaves up into the air like a dust cloud. The rain that had been pouring down now over the entire town slowed to halt as if someone had just turned it off, with only a few drips and droplets still falling. Perhaps the Dragonair's size also helped to increase the potency of her powers; the clouds overhead were torn in two and pushed away with a powerful breeze. Behind it would have laid pristine, cloudless, blue sky had the sun not vanished behind the horizon roughly an hour ago. As of now, the last vestiges of a fading twilight remained in the sky. It would be a little difficult now to find her way back to the tent, and travelling through a forest alone with a pokémon that seemed to delight in eating people didn't set her mind at ease either. For now, Cici allowed herself to be spell-struck by the movements of the clouds.

"Since when have you been able to do that?"

The rest of the trip passed in silence, with barely a peep from either of them, especially the Dragonair, who wound and curled around almost every tree that the pair travelled beside. Cici would watch in her peripheral as the large body swallowed up thick trees that were both several times taller and wider than she was inside of equally round coils, and a shiver would run down her spine as she tried to ignore it. Occasionally, Cici and the Dragonair's eyes would meet for just a little too long before Cici would be forced to look away to avoid the glare full of intent.

There was no chance that they were stealthy on their way back, especially not with the loud grinding of body against ground as the serpent moved from one trunk to the next, displaying her bright blue and white body off in the black and brown forest. While Cici was about to complain, it seemed to keep the wild pokémon at bay. A fight might've broken out at least once, but there was not a flutter or a snap of a twig indicating that one was coming this way. No doubt they were sheltering from the now-passed storm, but Cici believed that no one would want to fight against a serpent larger than a tree.

And so they reached the campsite before the last remnants of the sun's light completely faded out. It was a quaint little camp, nothing too amazing; several tents of varying colours and heights surrounding a small pit where damp logs sat awaiting their chance to be set aflame. To Cici's relief they had not been blown away, nor had anything else been damaged. What luck! Of course, the largest tent was Cici's, with the one next to it serving as a windbreaker for her cooking tent, and the last being for storage.

"Which one is where I sssleep?" The Dragonair broke the silence as she inspected the tents, noting that only one of them was her size.

"Pokémon typically sleep inside their pokéballs." Cici started, gulping silently as the gaze of the large snake turned to focus on the back of her neck. "Well, at least my pokémon do."

"And I'm not one of your pokémon."

"If you're going to be staying with me, then you're one of my pokémon." Cici almost stuttered her reply back to the serpent. "I will treat you no differently than any other I have." The Dragonair turned away, allowing Cici's legs to nearly buckle beneath her. It seemed that she was not up for a long debate tonight.

Through magic in its own right, Cici was able to get the firewood lit with a simple spark. It didn't take long for the wood to begin burning down to ash and glowing coals. Besides the torch that Cici had recovered from her tent, the fire was the only source of light. Its flickering yellow and orange flame cast jumping shadows on the two figures that surrounded it. They were far enough away from civilisation that the streetlights did not penetrate this far, nor did it taint the dark sky above.

The crack and pop of sodden wood under the heat of the fire filled the air, disturbed only by the rustling of Cici's hand as it went through to search for whatever dinner she had planned for that evening. It didn't look as if something the size of the entire bag would have satisfied her appetite, and Cici didn't have anything for her.

"Would you be sssurprisssed if I sssaid I wasss hungry?" She said, pointing to her belly with the tip of her tail. "A little grumble. If you'd let me have him then I wouldn't be ssso hungry."

"And I said you're not to eat humans." Cici said; pulling out several fist and hand-sized packages wrapped in foil or small plastic boxes. They'd be enough for the pokémon on her waist, but not the Dragonair. "You're more than welcome to try and catch a wild pokémon, just not one of mine." In response the serpent said nothing, instead cuddling up closer to the fire to warm her large body. With the conversation prematurely over, Cici's hands drifted towards the pokéballs on her waist, where she flicked them off and released the pokémon inside in a single, practised gesture.

Three bright flashes of light dwarfed the dim glow from the fire between Cici and the Dragonair, and the white silhouettes of her pokémon appeared, fading into the outlines and shapes of their real bodies. D had seen the giant snake before, and so barely reacted to her presence, opting instead to point her nose in the direction of the meal Cici had prepared for her that night. Before anyone could blink, the Absol was nose deep in the food and eagerly setting a record to reach the bottom.

However, for both Galen and Nicole, her Gardevoir and Porygon respectively, this situation was similar to a battle, rather than dinner time, and so both set about adopting their chosen battle poses. Of course, it wasn't as if Nicole could realistically attack at its lower level, and Galen couldn't take the huge serpentine pokémon by herself, but they both at least attempted to stave it off as long as possible. But intimidation was on the Dragonair's side, and it didn't take much besides the rearing up and a loud, penetrating hiss to cause at least one of them to quickly flee. Nicole was the one who ran, or floated, as far away as she could get to hide behind Cici's legs and peek out.

"Enough!" The diminutive girl shouted, stepping forward and placing herself between the pokémon ready to fight. "There will be no fighting here."

"Perhapsss if you could keep your pokémon under control then I'd feel sssafer."

"They're not used to you yet, it'll take a few more days for them welcome you in." Cici turned to look at her Gardevoir, "Galen..." She paused, not knowing the Dragonair's name, "...this Dragonair is now mine, she is to be accepted in much like D was, with kindness rather than fists." Galen nodded, and spoke several words fashioned entirely of her own species name, with varying tones and stresses to differentiate her words. Nicole spoke up to translate in her digital tone:

"Galen speech: I'm sorry, it was unexpected and I thought I was released for dinner rather than a battle. End speech."

"Apology accepted. Dinner is ready whenever you want it." Galen nodded at Cici and knelt down on the ground, picking up the small pot of food that was prepared just for her. Meanwhile D was completely finished with her food, and was now eagerly looking at Galen's in case there were any leftovers.

The Dragonair relaxed back down, then turned to head into the forest without another word. The silent nature of her body meant that she almost disappeared without a sound, but the colour of her body moving was enough to tip Cici off that she was leaving.

"Where do you think you're going?" Cici asked as the serpentine body disappeared into the darkness of the forest behind her, away from the flickering light of the fire.

"To hunt for food. If you cannot feed me, then I mussst feed myssself."

"And you're going alone? What promise do I have you'll come back?"

"Are you a hunter? Do you know how to ssstay sssilent and remain undetected by your prey. If I were to bring any of you along, I'd find nothing all night." Her body moved again, slithering into the inky blackness without as much as a goodbye. What was left was the crackling of the fire beside her and the rustling sound of wind through the trees above. Galen spoke up through mouthfuls of her food, mumbling her words.

"Galen speech: What's up with her?" Nicole translated perfectly, despite Galen's full mouth.

"Trust issues I guess. Her last trainer wasn't exactly the poster child for treating her well. When, or if, she comes back, we'll all have to work together to help her out. She needs a bit of help fitting in." Apparently the Dragonair's hearing was better than she first thought, or she hadn't gotten far, because the lispy speech drifted in from behind them.

"My name isss Diva." Before Cici could turn to face her, the rustling bushes told her that the serpent was long gone.

She didn't return for several hours, and by that time all semblance of daylight had vanished, leaving just the moon to hang overhead like a white medallion around an ebony neck. Tonight's hunt hadn't gone well; not a morsel that would satisfy her was to be found. Pokémon around here seemed a little more responsive to a predator than Diva would expect, and as such she'd returned empty bellied.

The rest of the team had since retired to bed; Cici in a sleeping bag inside a tent and her pokémon inside their pokéballs, sleeping soundly. Since Cici did not have a spare pokéball lying around, then Diva would have to curl up either inside the tent with the trainer, or sleep under the stars again. The latter wasn't happening again, and Diva was sure that the tent would be too small to host her as well.

The tent door was open a slight amount, enough that Diva could have slipped in and pushed through with only a small amount of effort, but there was a small sound that caught her attention. It was different than the call of nocturnal birds and the rushing of air flowing through the trees overhead. It was more of a regular, percussive beat than anything else. Diva counted at least twenty hits in the span of a few seconds, followed by a long pause. It piqued her curiosity to investigate, and so she slithered over towards where she could hear and feel the vibrations come from.

Before Diva got close to whatever was making the sound, it started up again. Now that she was a little closer, she could pick out what seemed like flesh striking a soft body. Who or whatever it was was a little too close to the camp to be comfortable. Diva was all prepared to attack as she curled around a tree to see what it was. But, at the sight of the green-covered arms and torso with a red half-diamond at the sternum and the tattered whitish dress with a blue inside, Diva recognised and slightly relaxed. The Gardevoir in front of her was Cici's own; Galen, if Diva's memory served her well. A punching bag hung from one of the trees above, to which Galen would offer several rapid punches, followed by a kick that would set it swinging before resting and strafing for a few seconds.

It didn't seem as if Galen had seen Diva stealthily approach, she was too invested in beating up the helpless punching bag to listen out for a giant serpent approaching. Infrared pits common to most snakes helped her see in the darkness where mere eyes alone did not aid. In the gloom of the forest, Galen's body showed up nice and bright; she was sweating from exercise, shining like a spotlight in the dark. It was just a shame that Diva's belly grumbled at that exact moment.

"Perhapsss you ssshould try a target that can fight back." Diva's hiss broke the silence of the night. It was only natural that Galen jumped a little as the smooth voice sounded off behind her, and oddly close as well. She spun to confront the Dragonair, but in the low-light of the moon above she could see only silhouettes and inky shapes.

"When we come across another trainer I fight reactive opponents."

"Do the dog and the cube not put up a good enough fight?"

"As sparring partners? No, and I'd appreciate if you didn't insult your fellow pokémon so flippantly."

"Perhapsss when I've known them for longer than ssseveral sssecondsss I'll take care for their feelingsss."

"Why are you out here? You should be asleep with the others."

"I'll asssk you the sssame thing. You're vulnerable out here, unable to sssee at night isss a pretty big...disssadvantage." Diva's distractions were working at least. The end of her tail had coiled around the base of the punching bag, and pulled it back to swing into Galen when she released.

"I don't get long outside my pokéball when we're travelling, and I need to train as much as possible."

"Ah, you fancy yourssself the group'sss bruissser? You have to be ssstrong because no othersss will be?"

"If you would be so harsh about it, yes. Nicole's not a fighter, not yet at least. D is a little wilder and sometimes doesn't listen to Cici or myself. So it's down to me to deal most of the damage where Cici wants it."

"Well, if I choossse to ssstay, then it ssseemsss you've been replaccced." The punching bag was brought high enough up, allowing Diva to take the chance. It slipped from her grasp, soaring on a curved path right towards Galen. It was something that she would've seen during the day, but at night it was completely invisible. The heavy padded bag impacted on Galen's back at the word "replaced", knocking the lightweight pokémon off of her feet.

Galen was knocked several feet forward, landing on her stomach on the floor in front of Diva. Well, the floor was a bit of a misnomer. It was a little smoother and softer than Galen was expecting, and a bit warmer as well. Her hands had instinctively shot out to catch herself, but they met only blank air as something other than the floor caught her instead. It was a thick strip of horizontal body that neatly fit beneath Galen's now outstretched arms. The smooth surface felt a bit scaly to the touch, something that she'd feel a lot of quite soon. The words, 'Thanks for the catch' built up in her throat and were milliseconds from leaving when the thick tail began to wind around the Gardevoir.

The serpentine pokémon was close to a foot thick of solid muscle that covered from beneath Galen's arms to her midriff in a single coil. It picked Galen clean off the floor to suspend her to where her feet would never touch the ground again. The singular coil by itself squeezed to ensure a grasp that wouldn't be broken, driving the words in Galen's throat and a small amount of the air in her lungs out.

"What are you doing?! Ah! Let me go!" She shouted out, her voice rendered quieter due to the early stages of constriction. Her hands had flown to try and push the coil down and off of her body, but there was little strength remaining in her tired body, less so after the single squeeze around her chest. The rest of Galen's body dangled beneath the coil, with actively swinging legs trying to gain a purchase or a grip on anything. But she found naught but air, and her trained strength was dwarfed by Diva's languid power.

She moved in close behind the squirming, tasty prey in her grasp, flicking out a thick tongue to taste the growing fear in her meal. No amount of flexibility would allow the Gardevoir the reach to grasp or grab Diva's head from behind. The insistent hissing grew louder and louder in her ears as Diva approached. The slick tip of her tail that had manipulated the punching bag now sought to lick like a tongue along the underside of Galen's neck. It moved up to her chin, pushing the head back so that she looked upwards into the eyes of the serpentine predator bearing down on her. The lips opened to show off a deep, dark maw.

"I'm replacccing you." With the coil wrapped around her body, the voice imposingly vibrated through Galen's chest. It was enough to render her dumbstruck for a few moments as her mind raced to figure out what was going on. In those precious moments Diva saw it fit to further her prey's predicament with a second, thick coil. This one embraced the base of her stomach down to the beginning of her thighs, enacting a similarly tight grip that ushered forth the barest creak from Galen's body. The thickness of the first coil around her chest ensured that it was impossible for her hands to reach around it and touch the second coil in the same useless attempt to free that coil from her body before it closed in.

"Cici said that we are off limits! She said you're not to..." Galen's plea was interrupted by the tail that lathered itself against her chin. The tip had quickly encircled a healthily thick loop of itself around her neck, and had tightened to stop any more words or any vestiges of breath escape from her lips.

"I know what ssshe sssaid. There wasss alssso ssssomething about welcoming me in, and you alwaysss to help me. Sssadly for you that little trainer of yoursss ssstopped me from devouring my own trainer, who would have made a nice meal, and ssso I was forccced to look elsssewhere for food." The coils constricted inwards another inch around Galen's chest. "And I wager it wasss your insssistent training that ssscared away the mealsss I wasss looking forward to enjoying."

Galen continued to struggle as she fruitlessly tried to escape the three current coils on her body. The two on her torso hold with unsurprising strength, with a light pulsing racing through the third that calls her neck its home. Galen's hands switch from trying to push away the loop constricting her chest and instead target the thick, smooth scarf that locks away her throat. But even then she cannot budge it an inch up, down or away from her body. Her slim fingers won't even slip between the thick tip and her own body to gain any leverage.

"And ssso you will replaccce the dinner you cossst me, and I will replaccce you in that trainer'sss group." As Diva hissed, her coils took a thumb-thick space inwards, tightening an already slim space between them. Galen's legs were free for no more than another few seconds. One more heavy loop pressed itself against her knees before winding around and pinning them together. All squirming and wild kicking in an attempt to free herself ceased once the unrelenting muscle wished it. Now all that was left for Galen to do was weakly push her lower legs to keep up the idea of the struggle and wait for the final loop to seal her into the smooth, scaly cocoon.

She could not even speak or utter anything resembling a retort or a plea for release. Spots of colour would appear in her vision sporadically as her mind clambered and lung burnt for sacred air. Against the dark background of the forest, the flashes of colour were the only things she could see now. If there was even a silhouette or an inky shape out there, it was slowly fading away into blackness. Galen couldn't even see the darkness of the mouth that would soon consume her, though the large droplets of saliva did fall from the slow moving tongue to land on her squirming features. Each one was warm and dripped heavily down her face, dampening the skin underneath, all preparing the meal for the trip that it would soon be taking.

The Gardevoir had had her last taste of freedom, and now it was time for her bondage to be completed. Diva lengthened and fit a fourth coil around Galen's lower legs, covering from her feet up to her knees in a single band of strong muscle. The same insidious grip that held the rest of her body now worked to bind her ankles together. The silence of the forest was broken by the sound of creaking, though neither of them could tell which of them the sound came from, whether it was the coils grinding together or Galen's body responding to the unflinching pressure.

"Keep exhausssting yourssself with meaningless ssstrugglesss , it might make you even tassstier." Diva smirked, pulling her head back and focusing on the strength that her body was punishing the Gardevoir with. Through her coils she could feel the pulsing of her prey's blood and the desperate attempts to inflate her chest with some semblance of air, despite it being obvious that nothing she could do would push away those thick, muscular bonds. Diva's mind began to think about how she could finish off her soon-to-be unconscious prey. It would be very easy to descend now and swallow her head first. But there was always a look in the eyes of her prey that was as delicious as their bodies once they realised their situation and their role in the grand scheme of it all. It was a look to be treasured.

Even though her sight was almost pure black, Galen could still feel movement and could sense where she was. Though the serpent's coils were a heavy and tight distraction, Galen noticed as Diva's long tail shot out and looped over the thick branch above them that held the punching bag aloft as well. It had taken Galen at least half an hour to even throw the rope over to hoist that sack up a foot or two, but Diva managed to get her body over it in seconds. Like an unintentional cruel mirror, the serpent began to lift her prey upwards off the ground.

Galen had no option to resist as her near-still form was raised nearly ten feet off the ground where no other pokémon could have reached. None except Diva of course. The Gardevoir was suspended between the ground and the branch above. Even though she was hungry, Diva wasn't stupid enough to allow Galen chance to grab the thick branch, despite the clear fact that she'd be able to do nothing with it.

"Perfect." Diva spoke as she admired her grotesque masterpiece. Galen's attempts to free the collar of muscle around her neck had long since faded away, and now her arms dropped loosely. They would have impacted against her sides if the bondage around her chest held them out naturally. To all other eyes it seemed as though Galen had been choked to unconsciousness, but Diva could still feel the fight brewing in her prey's legs. "Quite a fighter, aren't you. I dare sssay that I expected you to be out cold by now."

Galen could not, and would not, reply to her captor, and instead chose to stare daggers through the darkness at where she believed Diva's head to be. She only realised she was wrong when she felt the warm breath roll across her toes.

"Promissse to sssquirm for me?" She teased against the soles of her foot with the dancing of her tongue. Every miniscule sensation urged forth additional struggles from her prey, only to have each and every single one defeated by the thick cocoon of muscle around her. Galen had the urge to strike out and kick to try to disorientate her, but the bondage prevented her from moving her feet even an inch. The warm breath continued to insistently roll across her toes and soles, broken up only by the tongue that teased away.

For a second or two it licked slightly to urge her to squirm more, and then slipped further up one of her feet to catch it in a loop for a strong grip. The coil around her ankles loosened slightly to allow the lips of Diva's maw to close in. A wet squish sounded as those lips came together and trapped part of Galen's body inside of her maw. Diva gave out a soft moan that tingled through Galen's feet, in sync with a grumble from the serpent's awaiting belly. The warmth was surprisingly comforting, especially after the cool night breeze that sailed through the trees, but it was in Galen's best interests to feel no more of it.

It was hard to ignore the soft insides of Diva's maw as it sought to draw her inside inch by inch. Already the tail had pulled her down and the serpent had moved upwards enough that the soft lips had taken Galen in almost up to her knees. The coil that had bound her ankles fell away to join the rest of her body, and Diva's tongue delighted itself in urging several more struggles from its captive prey. The soft, warm wetness that embraced her body was definitely put a struggle in her mind, but it was not clear whether it was fear of being swallowed or instead enjoyment for the admittedly nice sensations that intensified when she moved. The tongue had entwined itself now around her upper thigh, where it would coil once around and act as a way for Diva to pull her prey deeper inside.

One by one the coils disappeared, falling away once their job was complete. Their tightness would be replaced soon enough, starting with her toes and feet, but for now Galen's legs were being tasted inside the maw of the great snake. But with each successive inch that disappeared into the dark maw it was getting progressively more cramped with space. Diva may have been large, but not to the point where a human-sized figure could slide into her maw without trouble. And so once she had swallowed just up to her thighs, Diva had to make use of her throat.

The entrance to her throat was a tight sphincter-shaped hole that, when held closed, wouldn't have allowed in even a pinkie finger, but could open to almost the width of her head. Galen's feet pressed up against the soft entrance where it seemed she was standing on its shut portion. However with just a simple, single motion, the throat's beginning opened up. Gravity and the lubrication from the saliva ensured that there was no chance that Galen could have moved in time to escape it, even at peak condition. Her slender form slid slowly inside, aided by the entrance, which shut tightly around the intruding appendage to further lengthen the painless agony of being swallowed.

Galen felt her toes slide in first against a near-frictionless surface that felt so soft and welcoming. The plush surface slid up to capture up to her shins, sliding her easily inside. It wasn't especially tight just yet, the grip would come when any hope of escape had left Galen's mind. For now, Diva was content in teasing and prolonging her consumption. Her tongue was still out and continued to coil around parts of Galen's body to pull her wetly inside. At the moment it was lashed around the top of her thigh, pulling the slim frame into the maw.

Her knees were next to slid inside that dark red cave, still pinned together though the coils that bound them had unravelled and fallen away. Perhaps it was that she was completely and totally exhausted from the strangulation, or that her ankles prevented any movement in her knees. Either way it had seemed to Diva that her prey had given up on struggling. A scathing remark would have sailed through the air had her mouth been free to speak it. Diva's non-verbal reply was instead to push down with the multiple coils, and submerge Galen into her throat down and past her hips.

A quick push immersed the entirety of the Gardevoir into the soft throat that gently pulsed with a strong heartbeat. Only a second after half Galen's body vanished inside that soft expanse of strong flesh, did that throat decide now was the time to show off its strength to its newest patron. The grip started as the sphincter entrance closed in to create an airtight seal around her hips, allowing the strong throat muscles to begin their routine of drawing the prey in further. Galen's hips were gripped first; battling the firm muscle of her rear and thighs against the numerous rings of muscle that surrounded her body. Needless to say, Galen did not win this fight either.

The muscles tightened and relaxed in turn, creating a wave on which Galen would have been dragged in at a record speed, had the entrance to her throat and the coils around her still exposed body, held onto her. Regardless, the sensation of the numerous rings of wet muscle padded by soft flesh would have delighted any conscious prey, especially any male that fell into her grasp. But this swallowing could not go on forever; Diva would have to eat again soon enough, hopefully her belly would be empty and grumbling by then for another pokémon that may or may not belong to someone.

The next coil unravelled, allowing Diva to push her prey inside another foot. The throat's entrance loosened only to allow further progress inwards, and then tightened again once the serpent's lips pressed against the next coil. Aside from Galen's head and arms there was nothing else left for the outside world to see except for the two remaining coils that held her out of throat's way. Diva began to lightly 'chew' on the prey in her mouth, safe in the knowledge that she'd be unharmed without teeth. Her 'chewing' consisted of nothing more than tightening her mouth's grasp on the body in her maw and manipulating her tongue, roof, and base, of the mouth to vary pressure in spots along her prey's body.

The penultimate coil that bound her chest slowly slipped off and away, leaving just the scarf of muscle around Galen's neck. Eagerly, those thick lips of the serpent slithered up and over the curves of her body, using the tongue again to draw her inside, though the throat muscles certainly had a monopoly over her movement now. The playful 'chewing' of Galen's body became more apparent now that it was her chest that was being toyed with instead of her stomach. The intent was to have Galen gasp and squirm extra hard as she realised the futility of resisting. However it seemed that the breathplay had been a bit much, and the unconscious body limply did nothing.

"Well...we can't have that, can we?" Diva spoke now that there was enough space in her mouth to articulate words. The final coil that held the Gardevoir's neck still loosened up, allowing a gasp of much-needed air to flow into her lungs. To her delight, the prey submerged and cocooned in soft flesh came alive and squirmed as much as needed to. Of course anything she did was too little, too late, including what she actually did, which was to place a hand on either of Diva's lips and push with all of her might to extract her body from its wet tomb.

The laugh that the Dragonair let out was quiet enough that it wouldn't spill to the sleeping occupants that weren't even in eyesight, and it rumbled through Galen's legs and torso. Now it was a battle between a fit little pokémon and a much hungrier serpentine throat, and the result was nothing but certain. Galen was still a little tired after her asphyxiation; oxygen that had recently reached her lungs hadn't reached her arms and legs just yet. When it would, it would be too late to be of any use to her. Even now she wasn't allowed too much to breathe at once, the mild 'chewing' of her body denied Galen anything more than half a lungful of air.

The active tongue flicked and licked across the back of the prey's body, lathering her up for an already smooth ride. Already the tight throat was squeezing nicely around Galen up to her hips. Diva's mouth stretched up to the point where they left nothing but her head and the forearms that could stretch out and above. They had lost their grip on her lips, and there was no way to fight back. It was a losing battle now, with the only variable left being how long that the predator wanted to toy with their prey. Hunger cut it short. Another slow tug on Galen's legs pulled the lips over her face, reaching up to just below the eyes.

Her vision would have been mixed between the inside of Diva's dark maw and the outside forest had the moon shone favourably. But it was not to be, and so Galen was forced to feel the soft, thick rim of the lips crawl warmly up her face that served to expose the last parts of her body to the hot, humid environment of that mouth. On her own face sat the precise expression that Diva wanted; that look of futile understanding and strong distaste for their situation, combined heavily with the helplessness that twinkled in their eyes brighter than the stars in the sky.

"I'm ssso glad you have that faccce. It'sss made thisss all ssso worth it." Diva spoke softly, teasing Galen's last seconds with their predator/prey dynamic. Perhaps as a last torment to her, Diva's maw opened as wide as she could get it, exposing the wetly licked surface of Galen's torso to the air once more. It was the chance that she would have taken to drop her arms and hold the serpent's mouth open, but only if she had had the strength or the will to do so. As it turns out, Galen didn't. A second or two of pause separated the opening of those jaws and the strong tug that followed from the tight throat muscles below that pulled her in up to the base of her chest. Nothing could extract her now, and those jaws began to close in once again.

The soft flesh was very accommodating to Galen's body as the lips came together, trapping the entirety of her body inside. Only her wrists and hands still were unclaimed, remaining outside for now thanks to Diva's control over her throat muscles. That insidious, thick tongue teased away with a part choosing to lather Galen's features, while the more flexible tip slithered out between her lips to coat the hands clutching faintly there. Internally, Diva smiled at the desperate last ditch attempt of salvation with the weak grip of the hands attached to her lips. It was cute, and showed more that her own power was great and this new body was even better.

The tongue coiled around both wrists at once, slowly pinning them together with each wet coil that was made. Galen's fingers still held strong, though it was nothing a little weave wouldn't fix. The agile tip wormed its way beneath one of the hands, aided by its own wetness where it slid up her palm and lubricated the fingers it could, weakening the grasp that Galen had. It was quick-acting, and the other hand was set about in the same way until it was more like grabbing water.

Wrapped around both wrists at once, Diva brought them together, then pulled them down, making sure that Galen could feel the last sensation of the outside air before everything became dark, wet and humid. As one last, final torment to her prey, Diva toyed around just a little more with her mouth. Not many predators savoured the taste of their food as much as Diva. To her the taste of victory and a squirming mouthful was just as delicious as their later squirming bodies. But it couldn't last forever; a grumbling belly awaited Galen, and Diva was assured that she wouldn't miss her appointment.

"Ahhh, that hit the ssspot." Diva smiled, coiling into a large pile where she could see the mild bulge of her prey's outstretched body as a faint silhouette against her own. "Thank you for being consssiderate of your bettersss, I'll use your body well." There was neither a reply nor extra movement from Galen besides her already mild struggles to push away the constrictive throat. The punching bag was still lightly swinging beside her, the only reminder except memories that showed Galen existed at all.

"But what now to do with your trainer? A sssmall human sssuch asss her would not sssatisssfy thisss new body, and I ssshould not eat again until I am hungry. It would be bessst for me to keep the trainer on my ssside for now." Something that the trainer kept saying flowed back into her mind, something about the fact that her pokémon were off limits for food. That would be more than difficult to explain. "I could sssatisssfy her to ensssure our relationsss ssstay good." Diva nodded to herself, agreeing with her own plan. "Yesss, that would work."

She set off for where she remembered the camp to be, guided by the scent of the trainer. Movement was a little slower as she slithered back, not used to the feeling of a prey of this size squirming around inside of her. The tent that housed Cici was not too far away, and with stealth and surprise on her side it would be easy to convince her not to be angry. It was lucky that Galen had chosen not to hang her punching bag too far away, Diva would have to get used to moving with such a large meal inside her, there would be more to come if she played her cards right to this 'Cici'.

The tent came into view a minute later, with the smouldering ashen coals of the fire sitting next to it, all burnt out yet still glowing faintly. By the outside sat Cici's boots and her backpack that seemed as tall as she was. It was crumpled over now that it was free of the food inside as well as spare clothes and a bedroll, of which the latter of was being slept on for sure. Strung between two nearby trees were two sets of clothes; ones that she had been wearing earlier, left outside to dry as much as possible, and another coated in a thin layer of colourful goo that gave off a soft odour as the globules dropped away onto the leaves below.

There was no other sign of movement, not from the logs on the fire, or from any pokémon rustling through the bushes. She'd have to tell Cici about appointing a night-shift guard in case of intruding pokémon that could be captured and fed to her stomach. Mmm, it was best when plans satisfied that hunger itch that wouldn't leave her alone. But her attention shifted back towards the tent before long, looking for the entrance that would be difficult to open without any hands.

Luckily, the zip that usually would have held it shut against the elements was pulled all the way to the bottom, leaving a gap large enough for Diva to fit through if she so wished. No doubt it was Galen who had opened it when she had left to go and train, leaving it open for when she returned a little later. She could see through it into the tent, and the shape of the trainer in her bed was visible through the small zip. Three pokéballs sat just within the trainer's reach, two of them were still shut, though the third was open and laid beside the others. A smile ran across Diva's face; she was no stranger to breaking out of whichever pokéball that her former trainer had tried to contain her with.

The inside of the tent didn't seem large enough for Diva to slip inside without a significant amount of self-coiling. While it would have just barely fit three normal adults sleeping side-by-side, it may not have been possible to fit the two of them inside. Cici herself barely took up even one person's size, but the girth and length of Diva's body would prove a little too much. It was just luck that Cici had chosen to sleep right in the middle of the tent, where Diva would be forced to pool her coils on both sides of the sleeping human with some strength needed to bridge the gap over her.

That would be the plan. Diva's tail tip snuck inside first to begin laying down lengths of her body that individually weighed more than Cici. With power and control, feet of her body disappeared inside the tent while her head swivelled and looked outside as a guard to see if any pokémon tried to invade the camp while she invaded this tent. The first part was made, and so came the part where the thick body hovered an inch over Cici's sleeping bag to stretch over to the other side where another length of tail could be held. The first bridge hovered over Cici's chest, which would no doubt hold her down if she accidentally woke or tried to escape.

The form of Galen was resting soundly at one of the piles on either side; Diva had to be careful not to allow that body to trail over her sleeping trainer. Occasionally she would pop her head inside to direct her body over the sleeping figure, pleased at herself for how swiftly it was going. Two new lengths spanned over Cici's body now, one over her navel and the other by her hips. A final fourth planned to rest over the ankles, which would trap Cici down without even touching her. Stealthily, all of Diva's body had slowly slipped inside the tent, with just a last look to ensure nothing would interrupt them.

The hush of the wind in the trees was replaced by the sound of the trainer breathing. It was slow and regular, allowing Diva to see the rise and fall of the sleeping bag that Cici slept in. For now, Cici was fast asleep. It was almost a shame to wake her and explain what had happened, but Cici might get quite upset, so it was best to smooth things over now. Diva's head ducked down to slide across the four 'bridges' that her body made across the sleeping bag, moving towards the head that poked out from the hole at the top. Had she chosen to tighten her grasp any further, there was no doubt that the grip would wake her early.

A loud breath sounded out, and large serpent froze in her tracks; not out of fear, but instead rather for the unexpected movement of the hand on the inside of the sleeping bag that shifted. Diva could feel as it moved from its position on her chest down to her hips. It was just beneath the second coil that hung over her navel, with the fingers raised that pushed the palm up enough that they nearly touched. Cici's breathing deepened, and she'd take longer between exhaling all the way out and inhaling again. That hand didn't stop as the fingers continued to travel south, splaying out for the middle finger to slip quietly between her legs.

A stuttered breath loosed itself from between Cici's lips as her inquisitive digits apparently found something sensitive. Cici's mouth curled into a smile, though her eyes remained shut, and via infra-red Diva could see the temperature of her face rise. The sleeping bag restrained the small amount of leg movement, as Cici's knees rose and spread slightly to give her fingers a bit more of an angle. There was a satisfied sigh that started low, then rose higher in both volume and pitch, finalising in a soft "aah". For a second there was silence, and then a barely audible wet schlick sounded from inside the sleeping bag.

Realisation crept up Diva's face as she understood what she had stumbled onto. She had come across the privacy of the trainer during quite an intimate moment. A brief moment in her mind debating whether she should leave now, or continue with getting Cici on her side so that it'd be easier to explain. If she waited until morning, then the absence would be noted, and there was no doubt that she'd be furious. A plan formed in her mind, made quite quickly. Most of it would be improvised; hopefully the trainer would be in the mood.

Diva slid forward until her head was on the top coil that bridged over Cici's shoulders, looking right down at her. The thick tongue flicked out, tasting the air that seemed to grow a little heavier with a certain scent. Cici's eyes remained closed, she would be quite surprised to see Diva this late at night, and off-guard in this position. A perfect time to get Cici on her side. Her head reared up, looking down at the trainer in her sleeping bag.

"Trainer." Diva spoke louder than she intended. Even if Cici had been asleep she would be awake now. As expected, her eyes opened widely and out of shock she attempted to sit upright. Cici never got more than an inch or two off the ground with those heavy coils in her way. "I have sssomething to discusss with you." Cici's eyes rolled back in her head, quickly exhaling to try and rid herself of the sensations between her thighs.

"Diva..." She gulped breathlessly. "...what are you doing awake?" Her hand froze in place, hoping that it wouldn't lead to her discovery.

"I would like to apologissse for my earlier behaviour. I know it mussst be hard to acccept sssomeone like me into your group." Cici was silent for a second as she fully woke up and identified what was happening. Her eyes flicked down to see the heavy body of Diva strewn over her without touching, and piles of coils flanking her from either side. Cici sighed, placing one hand on her forehead. In the early morning her voice was a little ragged, though less so that was expected of someone who'd just been awake.

"There's no need to apologise, Diva. You don't come from the best trainer." She settled back against the pillow behind her. "There'll be a time where you and I don't get on well, but we'll have to just get over it and move on. If you talk to the others, I'm sure they'll take you right in." It was Diva's turn to gulp, ensuring that Galen's form wasn't anywhere near discoverable.

"I came to apologissse, I hope you and I can get along well."

"As do I, Diva. As do I."

"You ssseem ressstlesss and your temperature isss elevated." Diva leaned in closer to her trainer. "Isss there ssssomething the matter?"

"I-this is quite a warm sleeping bag, and I'm a bit anxious about these coils over me." A little crack in her voice spelled that that wasn't the reason.

"I sssee." The tongue flicked out again, tickling for a miniscule amount of time against Cici's chin. "But there isss a ssscent in the air that isss not sssweat."

"Probably my clothes drying outside." Cici nodded as if it would convince both Diva and herself that she wasn't slowly teasing herself only seconds ago. "We can talk more in the morning. I think I have a spare pokéball in my backpack that you can sleep in."

But instead of reaching outside and pulling the bag inside, the bridges over Cici's body descended, pressing heavily down on her body, pinning her there with the loops of her coils. With her small body, it didn't take much weight to hold her down as she naturally began to squirm.

"Relax." Diva leaned in closer to Cici, pressing down with a little more weight on the coil at her navel, pinning the hand that was still there against her body. "You are very anxiousss. I can help you with thisss." A strong blush spread quickly over Cici's face, though she tried to deny it.

"Help with what? If any of us here needs help it's you, and I am more than willing to try my best!" She said this as continued to try and free her hand from the grip of the tail atop it. Of course, with it pinned there, Cici would only tease herself in her attempts to get free. Ashamedly, her light moans spilled forth, growing slightly with each second that passed. Diva said nothing, only alluded to it with a tightening around Cici's navel. Though it was obvious to both of them, Cici didn't want to admit that she had been pleasuring herself, and now she was being forced to by the singular coil holding her hand there. Of course, nothing was stopping her from ceasing all movement in her hand, but the mild sensations were addictive.

Diva leaned in close to Cici, where her face would occupy all of her view, just so they could rub noses. Cici's skin was warm to the touch, though Diva's was a little softer, with a nice texture that felt good to rub against. The trainer bit her lower lip slightly as the serpent's breath rolled over her. She could see exactly where the soft lips marked around the edges of her mouth, aided by a small blue glow that emanated from the globe underneath Diva's neck. It was like a small flashlight, pointing her in the direction she wanted to go. A direction she needed to go. Diva was all too persistent with this faux-bondage, it only added to the tingle she tried to rub away with her fingers down there.

The kiss initiated by Cici was warm and soft, lasting for quite a while. She closed her eyes, and expected to feel the lips against her own, but she conveniently forgot that she was only small, and Diva was far larger than normal. Instead of just sliding lip against lip, the soft texture laid itself down over half of her face, stretching from her chin up to the crest of her nose, barely avoiding her eyes. Strength pushed the trainer down as it grew more involved; Cici made another mistake of pushing her slim tongue forward, only to find Diva's longer, thicker appendage on its way towards her. It pushed its way easily into her mouth, finding and defeating her own tongue easily by wrapping around it. If Diva wanted, that tongue could've been tickling the back of Cici's throat in a second, but first dates don't usually go that far.

Diva's tail tip began to crawl upwards towards the entrance to the sleeping bag, the two orbs on the end also glowing mildly in the dark. Quite easily it found its way up to the rim of the sleeping bag, hooking over it for grip. Those orbs were warm to the touch as they rested neatly on Cici's neck, pulsing slowly with Diva's heart-rate. The kiss disconnected with a wet squish, and a rush of air came back into the trainer's lungs. A heavy string of saliva stretched from each pair of lips, staying unbroken for a while before Diva's tongue slipped out to snap it. Cici had a deep blush covering her face now, which only caused her to heat up further, ushering sweat from the small of her back and across her forehead.

Wordlessly, Diva slid her tail down between Cici's body and the sleeping bag, tracing over the bare skin with the tip as though it were a finger. The one hand that was free rushed over to gasp the thickening body as it slowly crept its way down her body. Cici moaned softly as the soft scales slid between her nude breasts, occasionally pushing it to one side as best she could to delight over a sensitive nipple.

"Do you alwaysss sssleep naked?" Diva leant in close to whisper into Cici's ear.

"No. I left my nightwear at a friend's."

"A ssshame..." Her tail neatly entwined itself around the arm that was trapped there. "...then I'll have to pull it off next time." She would've growled softly into Cici's ear if she could. The trainer only blushed harder, and tried not to think about how it might feel with heavier, more insistent coils around her. Right now the only one that delighted her senses was wrapping lightly around her wrist, poking its tip against the coil that pinned it down. Cici could feel the two soft orbs embedded in Diva's tail against her arm; they glowed with a pearly, blue light and gave out a little extra warmth when they touched skin.

Obligingly, the coil over Cici's wrist loosened, allowing a little more movement from the tail tip, which took action immediately to slide down and further bring her wrist into its grasp. The trainer let out a small moan as Diva played with her gently, and the tip of the tail began to take place of her fingers. Her palm was coiled up, and her fingers became intertwined, relinquishing all control to Diva, whether she wanted to or not.

Another layer of blush added itself on top when Diva noticed the dampness already on Cici's digits. She'd obviously been at this enough that it wouldn't take too much more persuasion to ally the trainer to her cause. The orbs of her tail began to warm up a little more from their confinement inside that sleeping bag and from being against Cici's body. Rather than just feeling smooth and comforting, they began to affect her body in a certain way. It wasn't much to start with, just a little extra tingling on the skin where they slid, but as the warmth of their bodies heated it up the sensations grew and grew.

The skin that it passed over remained tingly and extra warm for a few seconds after the orbs left, adding a growing sensitivity that permeated throughout Cici's body.

"W-what's happening?" She asked, looking down to try and see what was happening.

"Ssssh." Diva assured, pulling down with the loop over Cici's shoulders. "It'll make you feel ssso much better. The orbs in my tail will make you sssquirm. They'll make you ssshiver and ssstruggle. They'll make everything feel ssso much better." It was happening already; at the moment Cici's finger was only a centimetre from pleasuring herself, but it felt heavy and warm, like an itch that wanted to help instead of irritate. That may've been from Diva's tail as well, which had finally come forward enough to loop around the wettest finger.

"I can f-feel it." She gulped, unable to pull her digit away.

"Then let me sssatisssfy that itch." Diva's tail tip pressed inwards, flexing inwards to slip between her legs. Her coils held Cici's body down when she tried to sit up and squirm; only adding to the amount of movement between her thighs. The moan that the trainer gave out was almost deafening as the tail tip glided across her sensitive lower lips. Cici's legs instinctively crossed, pressing it harder against her body.

It wasn't much, but Cici's body responded far more than Diva was expecting, not that the coils over the trainer's body didn't do the job adequately, but there was a chance for some playful restraining to hold her body down. The agility of the tail at her control was something that Cici only wished her finger could do; it was slowly stroking left to right in an "S" pattern that pushed through the thighs that clamped together on it. From only the brief contact, Diva's tip shared the wetness that Cici's fingers had brought her to, spreading it to her legs and dripping slightly onto the fabric beneath her hips.

"This beats the hell...outta my fingers." Cici gasped, letting her entwined hand go loose for Diva to manipulate as much as she wished. The two orbs sat close to her navel, one resting on the back of her hand, while the other nested neatly on her stomach. With even the smallest one having the diameter of a large first, and the other being twice that, they could do more for her outside than inside. Even now their ability to increase the sensations on the skin they touched was growing as the seconds passed. The warm weight on Cici's belly was soft and comforting, while the other gave her twinges of impending pleasure as it lay poised to grind against her quivering lips.

"Ssssh." Diva soothed, rearing back the tail tip so that it stood upright. It held there for a second before bending back down, not to slide parallel to her nether lips, but instead to gently tease them aside and slither between them. The thinnest point of her tail was two thumbs thick, matching the girth of most men. The slickness of the scales certainly helped, as did the pre-existing dampness that lubricated the tail on its way in. Cici let out another, deeper groan as the tail began to slide inside; filling her like fingers had never done before.

The bondage over her legs served to pin them down when inevitably Cici started to squirm. The bridge depressed between her spread legs, ensuring that there was no chance that she could close them, even if she wanted to. Diva had bound her enough that only the uncoiled arm was free to move, though it was fixed to the thick tail sliding down over her breasts by Cici's own accord. It was dark enough during the night that Cici could see nothing except for Diva's face, lit by the glowing orb that sat below the Dragonair's chin. Eye contact was made for just a second, meeting Cici's indigo pupils with Diva's scarlet ones, before Cici's head tilted back with her mouth held open.

Inch after inch of that thick tail tip slithered neatly inside Cici, causing more and more frequent moans to drip out of her mouth. It wasn't just the warmth of it sliding around inside her either; the orbs felt as if they grew heavier and heavier with each passing second, increasing their ability to amplify sensations as time continued. The sensation of the slow sliding inside of Diva's tail tip became more and more apparent, and it wasn't just for the thickening of it; each smooth scale that covered it starting to stand out. In the heat of hysteria, Cici could feel each separate, miniscule scale push inside of her, sliding between her inner walls.

The bondage ensured she could not move a single inch in any direction, forced to feel the pleasurable sensations that ran through her body, which only grew from the insertion of her tail and the orbs pulling nearer to her lower lips. Cici couldn't take much more of this; each one of Diva's skills would have pushed her over the edge anyway, and both of them at once only meant that her orgasm would happen any second now.

Four of the six inches that spanned between the tail tip and the outer edge of that first orb were now sunk inside the squirming trainer. Diva kept it straight as she slowly pushed it in, waiting until Cici was in throes of ecstasy before she would tantalise her with its serpentine motions. It seemed as though the human was already out of it with the way that her moans had risen up, only to quieten down as her breathing and groaning fell out of sync. Cici's eyes had closed, and her mouth remained open in constant, silent cry of pleasure. She wouldn't notice now if the warm sleeping bag became a warm and wet throat around her, would she? If Diva played her cards right it wouldn't even affect their attempts at a relationship.

"Husssh now, little one." Diva slithered around to put her head behind Cici's own, "I jussst want to feel thossse ssstrugglesss of yoursss." The serpentine tongue licked out and slid on the back of her head until it reached her slim neck. A shiver ran through the trainer's body as she tried to ignore both it and the words spoken by the Dragonair. It coiled around her neck in a single loop, before sliding up to lick at her chin, which tilted the head back. Headfirst was a delicious way to go, though Diva preferred watching the reaction on her prey's faces when they realised what was happening. If Cici opened her eyes now, she'd be staring right into the dark maw that had consumed one of her pokémon not even ten minutes ago.

But she didn't look, but only felt the warm air pass over her wet features and the tongue as it began to draw her head inside. To humans, the orgasm is one of the most pleasurable experiences that they can have. To Diva, and many other voracious pokémon of her size and shape, that most pleasurable experience was that of the squirming prey in your grasp. Anything done to prey to get it to struggle for its life was seen as not only desirable, but paramount in importance. Diva never had the intent to fully consume Cici, but just a half-swallow to bring out those extra wriggles was good enough for now. Besides, she'd only just eaten.

Her prey let out a large gasp as the penultimate inch of Diva's tail pushed its way neatly and cleanly inside. The nearest orb sat just on the tipping point on her groin, mere millimetres from touching against Cici's already sensitive clit. She could feel its warmth spread out through her body, tingling away already, amplifying the pleasure of the heavy tail across her body. By no means had she gone limp just yet; her arms and legs still were taut and playfully struggled against her bondage. Cici's mind was close to being lost as well, at least for the moment; Diva's prehensile tail-tip was good enough to be a continuous source of pleasure. A shiver ran through her body as the orb got nearer and nearer her nether lips, almost a throbbing running through the large, blue sphere.

Diva was a little pre-occupied sliding her trainer inside her maw to control her tail tip. Already the head was midway towards the entrance to the throat, saliva dripping down heavily on Cici's features and part of her neck. The tight bonds on Cici's shoulders held her still while Diva slid forward and consumed another few inches at once. Her long, thick and agile tongue had shifted from ensnaring the trainer's throat, and now was layered over her upper chest, taking the chance to coil around one of her breasts that had the lasting sensation from the orbs. Another deep moan called out, soon to be muffled when Diva's mouth began to close.

It was time to finish Cici off, in the nicest way possible of course. The tail pushed its last inch inside, burying as much as she could inside the human, delighting at the squirms that came from it. With precision, the orb pressed heavily, yet gently, against her nether lips. From the warmth and wetness, the ability of those orbs was amplified again, providing a huge jolt of pleasure to race through the trainer's body. Like a spark of lightning it travelled out from her hips to reach every part of her, targeting the extremities the most. It was too much, but Diva sealed the deal by gently manipulating her tail tip to roll back and forth, the sensations of which were boosted by the orb.

Now when she wanted to squirm the most, Cici couldn't. The bondage on her legs held her down, and the soft prison of the interior of Diva's mouth held her still. The lips of her mouth reached down to her shoulders, trapped the whole of the trainer's head inside, where it could be lavished with slick attention from her tongue and be lightly squeezed between it and the roof of Diva's mouth. It nearly silenced Cici's loudest, longest moan yet as she could take no more of this pleasure.

A smirk spread across Diva's eyes rather than her full mouth as the body inside her coils and lips struggled and squirmed to move even an inch one way or the other, totally helpless against the heavy serpentine body that was more than twice as thick as her shoulders. Cici was in pure ecstasy, shaking and groaning as the sensations raced up and through her body, delighting every nerve it could find. She tried to even move her hands a little, only to find one of them trapped to her side, and the other danced delicately over sensitive skin, touching the largest, heaviest orb with one finger. That briefest touch was like a shot of pleasure straight to the heart, urging forth another loud outcry instantly muted by the thick mouth sealing her in.

To the outside world, Cici had disappeared. In her sleeping bag, only her head would have been visible anyway, but with Diva playing around quite intimately with it, it had vanished. The sleeping back itself had only a single strip from the tail that delved right down the middle, otherwise it was kept down by the heavy bridges that had 'collapsed' to encourage resistance. But, being small of stature, Cici did not have the breath to last for a long time inside of Diva's wet, squishy embrace. It was already dark at night, even darker still inside the mouth of the serpent, but she was slowly losing consciousness from the heat and lack of oxygen.

The trainer's last moments awake were of the wetness that spurted from between her legs, wetting her own thighs and drenching the tail inside in the juices of her orgasm. More and more was demanded by the pull of the tail, whose thickness had created a seal that delighted when it pulled lightly. Almost every sensation now was pleasurable, extraordinarily so. Little movements, such as the rub of skin against fabric, would once be ignored or pushed aside, but could not be mistaken now. Cici felt so ecstatic at all of the new feelings rushing through her skin. Had she not been in the midst of one of the best orgasms of her life, she'd take the time to note them all down. But of course, unconsciousness took her faster than she thought, and she went limp inside Diva's grasp.

Concern only flashed across Diva's face for a moment; she'd had prey feign death before in her grasp in an attempt to be freed, though doing so in the middle of being swallowed usually wasn't an advised method. Then she felt the lack of movement in Cici chest through the coil resting over her neck, and the last length that parted her bust. It wasn't rising or falling any more, though the dull thump of an elevated heart rate was still evident. Panic did not set in, strangely. Diva barely blinked as her tongue continued to toy with the head still in her mouth.

"I could eat you whole right now." She thought, mulling it over. "There'd be nothing and no one to stop me from sliding you in right now next to your Gardevoir friend. I could take your other two pokéballs as a snack on the road, pop them out when I would be hungry and smother their bodies until they begged me to devour them." She began to pull Cici's body inside her, taking the slim shoulders in easily until her lips were teasing on the line of her breasts. Another prey, another day. Just lucky that today had been so generous...

Cici awoke with a jolt, righting herself with a hand on her chest, holding the sleeping bag material against her body. Her breathing was raised and her heart pounded inside her chest as though she had just finished exercise. What was that thought in her head; a fleeting image of tight, wet embraces that controlled her entire body? A nightmare she'd just had or a dream? Her eyes quickly scanned around to see if anything had changed. Through the opening to her tent Cici could see the light weakly breaking through the trees as the precursor to dawn approached. Above, the night sky was still pitch black.

To her side, three pokéballs still remained; one was open while the other two were closed. Galen must be out training early in the morning; perhaps the sound of her leaving had woken Cici. Either way, drowsiness despite the excited body began to set in, and she slumped back in her sleeping bag. A sigh left her mouth when she noticed something a little out of the ordinary. Sweat was clamoured all around her legs, torso and arms, but it was just dawn and dew was covering every leaf around. How had she overheated if it was so cold?

Her hand left the sleeping bag to hold her forehead as she tried to think. Sweat coated that too, but this sweat felt a little thicker than normal. It was...sticky too, clinging to her fingers, but it made them slip and slide. Something was up; the liquid was warmer than her own body as well. What in the world was going on? Out of nowhere, one of her legs kicked up as the hand inside traced over her nude navel, and a rush of latent sensation hit her. It burst from her mouth in a stuttered gasp.

"Good morning, trainer." A large, blue, serpentine head slipped inside the hole in the tent. "You ssseem to be up early."

"M-morning...Diva." Cici groaned softly. A smile spread over Diva's mouth.

"I sssee you enjoyed lassst night. You sssquirmed beautifully." And she was gone before Cici had the time to sit upright, bolt awake with a blush on her cheeks. Questions formed in her mind, overwhelming her mouth and none were said but a single, final word.


[Commission for Saikyojoe] Little Amulet

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[Commission for Jiroda] Super Effective

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[Commission for Bobert] Don't Cross A Tigress

A ball of purple fire sits atop an orange, black and white patterned finger. Lazily, it burns lightly as it balances precariously on the claw of this finger, no larger around than an orange, nor does it singe the hairs despite being so close. Said...

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