[Commission for Jiroda] Super Effective

Story by JimmyRuss on SoFurry

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This one took a little longer than I expected, but there's a good reason for it. As I was finishing it off, I realised that I had managed to make this the largest, longest story that I've ever written, totaling over 22,000 words! That's why it took just over a month to finish off. The commissioner over on fA initially wanted the second half by itself, but I was somehow able to persuade him to get extra. So now the Serperiors have a little extra to not-chew on.

Soft footsteps on the grass beneath his feet were the only sounds that he made. Even the wind masked them beneath the noise of bending bark and rustling leaves. The forest itself seemed to bend around him, with flexible trees and branches for how much they swayed from side to side.

Thick trunks of the towering trees rose above the figure that walked between and around them, casting a strong shade in the midday sun. These trees were part of a dense forest, dyed a mottled brown for the bark with patches of moss and dark green leaves, some of which lay on the ground beneath him while others faithfully remained bound to the tree that hung over and blocked the sun. Some of these low-hanging trees bore healthy-sized fruit that would have glistened in the early morning dew. They were more than fist-sized, and several of them lay in the arms of the figure that went from tree to tree.

The Zoroark had been instructed by its trainer to gather food for the night, and without question it had ventured into this forest, confident that it would provide what was asked of it. He hoped that the fruit would be more than enough for himself, his trainer and the other pokémon. He had borrowed the backpack of his trainer, in which several more of the fruit nearly overflowed from it. Surprisingly this forest had been rich in the fruit, and not a single wild pokémon had been seen that would present any risk. Sure there were Venomoths, Metapods and other low-level bug types that shuffled around, sometimes hanging from the trees right next to the fruit that he wished to pluck, but otherwise it seemed empty enough. He'd just thought that some place with this much food would have been far busier, and now his enthusiastic way of ensuring the well-being of his trainer seemed a little too eager.

The brushing wind picked up again, weakly pushing the Zoroark deeper into the forest. He'd been walking for quite a while now, at least an hour as he collected the golden fruit. Those in the borrowed backpack shifted and moved as he walked on, hopefully hidden from view by the large crimson and black mane that stretched out nearly to the ground behind him, only kept in control by a singular teal wrap that held it together; otherwise it would be blown around by the wind and become unruly.

The dark fur that covered its body blended in nicely with the shadows, but each time the wind would move the trees to one side to let the sun through, he'd become as obvious as a silhouette against a white-wall. But the Zoroark did not feel threatened, only the other day his trainer managed to level him up for his first new skill in a while; Agility. If anything managed to pose an overwhelming threat in this soft forest, he'd use it and be gone before the feral pokémon even knew what had happened. The fruit on his thin arms had rubbed against his fur and droplets of the juice inside had begun to stain. A scent began to pour from the fruit that was deliciously citric, and as it irremovably melded with the thin, grey fur on his arms, he became as fragrant as the fruit he was holding. Not that he knew this of course, he just couldn't tell if it was coming from his arms or the fruit. However, the breeze slowly betrayed him by spreading the scent further and further downwind into the rest of the forest. He was soon to learn why it was so quiet.

But that wasn't for him to know. The fact that several fruit had broken in the backpack only added to the pungency of the tangy aroma, and it was a scent that could not be ignored for too long by anything that stayed here. The Zoroark's mouth began to water slightly at the smell. He was hungry, and ignoring it would only make his hunger pangs even worse. As if on cue, a rumbling from his stomach signalled its desire to eat as well. Just one wouldn't hurt. He could always pick up another on his way back; these golden fruits were found practically every few steps, on every tree and bush that he walked past. If only he had had a larger backpack, they'd have been set for days.

Zoroark stopped against a tree and shrugged off the heavy, nearly overflowing backpack onto the floor beside him. That thing must've weighed at least ten pounds with all the fruit he was carrying. The fruit in his arms was placed right next to it in a small pile. Even that alone would probably satiate him for the night, and the rest would be fine for a week at least, though by then the group would probably be sick of it. Zoroark held one of the fruits in his hand, between the three crimson fingers that matched the red tint of his mane. With tiny amounts of pressure, he squeezed it lightly, and the juice ran onto his fingers.

He pulled it in closer to his face, noting the smooth texture across the surface and from what he could see of its insides was soft and fleshy. Another inquisitive sniff gave a strong burst of the citrusy aroma, and his mouth watered again with anticipation. Zoroark could hold back no longer, and bit right into the golden fruit. Instantly his mouth was awash with enjoyable sourness that brought relief to a mildly dry throat. More juice than expected flooded his mouth, eagerly swallowed down as a relaxing sigh exited his mouth. It was soft enough that he barely needed to chew at all, if anything his tongue pushed it apart easily and it seemed to melt in his mouth as if it had become even more fluid than solid.

He swallowed. Delicious. A soft aftertaste followed, more sugary and sweet to nullify the sourness and leave his mouth waiting the next one. Zoroark licked his lips, and the urge in him rose to take another one. There was no shortage of them in the trees; no one would even miss one if it had gone missing. His eyes scanned down and quickly checked how many he had been carrying in his arms; eight, not including the one he'd just eaten. He was torn between satiating his hunger right then and there, and returning back to the small camp with what he had. It'd be enough for a few days at least for the three of them. One more wouldn't hurt.

Zoroark bent down to pick one of the neatly laid-out fruits off the floor when his sensitive ears picked up a sound that was out of place. Instantly hairs rose up on the back of his neck, and the desire to eat was dropped in favour of that for survival. Probably it was something smaller than him, a low-level pokémon come to investigate the smell of the fruit, something that could be bat away quite quickly, but it would be stupid not to prepare in case it were a swarm of Beedrills instead. His eyes darted left and right as he circled around looking for the source of the sound, but there was not a bush nor a branch stepped on that would suggest something was nearby.

"Over here." Whispers on the wind came from behind him, and he spun quickly at the sound of the soft, feminine voice, only to see nothing behind him as normal. There was someone or something here, another pokémon or a hungry trainer looking for a new fighter in her collection. A high-level dark pokémon would be a great catch, and with a new skill it would be even more valuable. Agility was prepared and ready to be used at a second's notice, but that would mean leaving the backpack behind, otherwise all the fruit would crush itself as he sprinted away; a last resort.

Zoroark's were also masters of illusions, being able to conjure and maintain convincing parodies of anything they could think of. Despite his lips being already wet from the fruit, he licked them anyway as he spoke himself about his plan, quietly though so he was not overheard.

"In a forest, what types of pokémon are there likely to be? Grass mainly, lower-level bug and poison types. Grass is priority. If approaching feral pokémon is grass-type, then a bug or poison conjuration will be super-effective for discouragement. A low-level trainer will only have a low-level grass type, possibly Snivy; Bug/Poison will also be useful, while a high-level trainer would take a fire-type. If that happens: run."

Casting the illusion took no more than a second, as Zoroark had a pokémon in mind that would scare away those who approached; a Toxicroak. It was poison-fighting type, and high enough level that would put close to all pokémon in a state of not-wanting-to-be-around any longer. Zoroark disguised himself as this pokémon; a slightly-shorter teal and blue bi-pedal frog. Any grass-type would find it close to suicide trying to fight an apparent Toxicroak one on one. And as he changed and became the frog-pokémon, the rustling noise ceased, leaving him just in silence, sans the wind that still blew gently between the whistling trees.

Perhaps for good measure, Zoroark controlled the Toxicroak to bellow using the large, red pouch on its neck, and the loud roaring sound surely must have scared away whatever feral was left. If it was dull enough to stay around, then it could perhaps be persuaded to leave. The roar echoed on the trees, lasting for just a second before the wind picked up again and drowned it out with the movement of the leaves and the trees. Shrubs and bushes shifted in the breeze, and they swayed slowly from side to side quite naturally, seemingly empty of feral pokémon lying in wait.

Perhaps it had been all in his mind; each tree looked quite the same, the flickering of the sun down against his eyes and the scent of the citrus fruit might be making him see things that weren't there; quite amusing for a pokémon whose power was illusions and tricking others. Zoroark's eyes scanned back and forth among the bushes for another minute, waiting to see if anything would jump out and try to attack. Nothing did, and his breathing became the only sound aside from the wind that gently blew through the trees. But he did not lower the illusion, it was better to stay wary than to believe the threat had gone.

But the threat had not gone. On the contrary it was even closer than he realised. By the time Zoroark heard the sharp whistle of its attack, it was too late and the first, and final, move was given to the feral. Zoroark didn't even have time to turn around before the attack struck him. It was a thick, green vine that hit him on the wrist, pushing his arm out of his own control. But rather than the vine retreating back to its owner, it swirled around the wrist it had struck, and seized the Zoroark's arm up to the elbow in several thick, green coils.

"Vine whip." Zoroark spoke to himself, recognising the ambusher's attack. "Definitely grass-type." Without a moment of hesitation, he lifted his other arm above his head and bore his sharp claws, intending to bring them down on the vine to cut them and free his arm, after which the grass type would regret attacking him. But before his arm even began to move, a second vine whipped out and entangled his other wrist up to the elbow, again in similar green wrapping. "Two moves in one turn? Two pokémon at once?" He tried to struggle against the thick vines, but their grip was certain, and he had no way of cutting or loosening them.

The attacks came from behind him; this mystery assailant knew how to ambush at least. With his arms under control of another, Zoroark could not stop them from forcing his arms to his sides, where he became quite useless until he was released. If they did lose their grip for a single second, then Agility would ensure a clean escape; almost nothing could catch him once he used it, and definitely no grass-type could.

"You really need to be quieter, you know." A warm feminine voice called out behind him. "I could hear you a mile away; panting, breathing and now...sssquirming." The voice seemed to take particular care with any 's' sound it made.

"I wasn't looking for trouble."

"Ssseemsss it found you." The female voice moved in closer behind him, Zoroark could hear the sound of it moved across the ground; a constant, slow sliding of its body. She chuckled slightly, squeezing his arms that were against his sides. He couldn't run with those vines around his arms, the idea that the millisecond he left the ground that she'd pull him towards her again.

"It's quite risky for a grass-type to attack a poison-type." Zoroark kept up the illusion that he was in fact a Toxicroak, rather than his vulnerable self. "A single burst of Toxic and without an antidote you're out cold in minutes." He boasted, pushing the illusion to brandish the blades on the knuckle in the hope that it would release him.

"Oh yesss, how ssssilly of me to attack ssssomething I'm vulnerable to, how will I ever win?" The voice slyly mocked him with added drama, before it slithered in close, right up against his ear. "By ssstriking firssst, and not allowing you time to ssstop me." She whispered. The heavy dragging sound of the body against the grass, and the perhaps deliberate hanging of every 's' pointed towards the attacker's species being heavily serpentine. Zoroark gulped lightly, trying not to let some form of worry show on the illusion's face.

Something touched the back of his head, soft and warm to the touch. It was thick and unsurprisingly heavy as the smooth skin slid up the back of his neck, slowly forcing his head down. It somehow managed to pass right through the large amount of scarlet and black hair that adorned his head and nearly reached the floor as if it wasn't there. Zoroark tried to fight against whatever was moving his head by pushing back as if he was craning it to look upwards, but she was restraining him. As she spoke again, Zoroark felt her throat vibrate on top of his head while she forced him to look down at his feet.

"Would you like to sssee how I'll ressstrain you?" She asked as if he had a choice. "Jussst hold ssstill. Or ssstruggle weakly, I love either one." From what he could see of the ground and his own feet, something approached them from behind. The thick, green, serpentine tail slithered into view, coming up to at least his knees. Oh my, that was a thick body, as round as it was strong no doubt, yet moved as easily by her as if it were weightless. Zoroark paled slightly, and the illusion he projected gave a short flicker that he only wished didn't give him away. What he assumed was similar to a chest began to press itself against his back, exposing more of his body against the soft and warm flesh.

"Ssssh." She soothed as the thick end of her tail slid over his feet first, beginning the first of many coils that would seemingly swallow his body up inside them. Judging by the thickness of her tail, she'd only need a couple of winding loops to cover him. In a while, he could be smothered from head to toe in the large green coils of her serpentine body, to be used as she saw fit. For now though he was more preoccupied with the first coil that made its way around his lower legs agonisingly slowly.

The coil formed around his ankles, and instantly she chose to pull them together, ensuring that his legs were pinned together with a comforting strength that he alone would be unable to pry apart. With her larger head, from what he could feel, the vines pinning his arms to his sides and the tail slowly making its way up his body, a sensation of panic began to flow over him like the wind washing over the trees. If this pokémon was confident enough to entangle a potentially stronger pokémon without what seemed to be a motive at all, then there was no telling what she would do to him if she found out that he was, in fact, a weaker opponent than she believed.

The first coil was nearly complete. Smooth skin brushed all over his body as the strong muscle controlling it settled into place and gave a rewarding squeeze that was tighter than he expected. Naturally, Zoroark tried to struggle and escape, though any movement he tried to make was absolutely negated in a second. His legs felt as if they weren't even responding to him anymore with how little they moved below his knees. Just barely he could see his own toes as the shifting tail slid across the rest of his feet for the remainder of the tail to swirl around his legs and slowly take more of him into her tight hold.

"W-what are you doing?" Zoroark asked, stuttering in his mild panic. "What move are you doing?" He gulped, only to feel a far stronger movement of her throat ripple down the back of his neck, managing to make it through the soft skin.

"I'm sssimply wrapping you up. You're no ussse to me if you can jussst run away if I let you go." The serpentine pokémon was still sticking to elongating each 's' she pronounced. "Sssince you ssso noisssily ssstepped through here, I thought you and I could have sssome fun." The serpentine pokémon still hadn't revealed itself to him, but with the size and strength of it, there was no doubt that a Serperior had found him. Mentally, he combed for what his trainer had taught him about them; he knew that they were fast and that if she used her powerful gaze to intimidate him then she considered him worthy of being a foe. But she hadn't, even though she thought that he was a poison-type that was effective against her grass-type.

Meanwhile, at his legs, the second coil was beginning to form, taking from just below his knees to the middle of his thighs. If he wanted to escape at all, it was past the point where many things could unwind that tail and let him free. The Serperior's body was pleasantly smooth, and that wasn't likely to change as the tail managed to thicken out as more of her body wound around his.

"What do you mean...fun?" Zoroark gulped, meekly trying to fight off the impending embrace that was slowly encapsulating his body with no success. With his arms by his side, he could not shuffle from side to side, and with her head playfully resting on his own, she kept him trapped down. When she wanted to squeeze him, her strength became well known as his legs forced themselves together under the muscular pressure she exerted from her coils. Blood was forced from them towards his feet, ushering in a tingling when she relaxed and continued to wrap him. As she squeezed, he could feel her own body against the back of his head sway rhythmically from side to side, almost as if she was lightly rocking back and forth.

"It would be sssilly to ssspoil the sssurprissse." She toyed with him again as the Zoroark's struggles intensified to break free of the tight muscular body winding itself around him. She took a quiet pleasure as her body moulded against his, the shape of her long tail adapted to his legs so well that there was not a bare patch of him visible over what she had restrained. "Who knowsss? You might even enjoy it." Every time she spoke, he could feel the throat pressed against his neck and the top of his head vibrate with her words. It was strong enough to feel rather soothing, though she still did not let his head rise up too far, keeping his gaze focused on the green coils slowly over taking his legs.

The second coil was finished; now the third began by devouring his hips into the soft embrace. Her tail slid over his hands, allowing the muscled body to pass over his fingers which twitched and squirmed as the slithering length bound him. The vines that trapped his wrists were no longer needed; he couldn't have moved his arms before and definitely not now with the strength that she had in that tail. It didn't stop him trying to get out, but it did mean that she was slowly finding more and more purchase with which she could toy with him.

"If you wanted to essscape, then I'm afraid that time hasss passsed." As more of the Serperior's body entwined around Zoroark's, the already-wrapped coils only grew thicker and thicker around his legs, yet their grip remained constant. "You ssshould have run." A tongue flickered near his ear as she taunted him to make him squirm and try to break out from the slowly tightening vice around his body. A single extra coil would give him control over his breath, and after that there was no saving him.

"I s-still don't understand..." Zoroark gulped as his struggling body became overwhelmed by the slow rise of the serpentine tail. "...why attack a p-poison type?" He was struggling even more now to remain calm, panic rising in his voice as her tightness formed around his body.

"You mean, why attack you when I'm sssubject to thisss type weaknesss?" The Serperior stopped her coiling for a second, pretending to think.

"Yes." He nodded as best he could. She gave it a good few seconds that seemed overly confident before replying. Her whisper met his ear again, and a cold shiver shot through him.

"Did you think that your illusssion would fool me?" She breathed next to his ear, tickling it with a lick of a wet tongue. "We've been ssstalking you for asss long asss you've been in this foressst. Sssuch loud ssstepsss little Zoroark. You ssshould have been more careful." He could not reply, it felt as if he had been punched in the gut. She knew all along that he was just pretending? Of course, he had put the illusion up too late! It should have been on from when he left, not when he was just in danger.

"W-what..." His mind struggled to believe he had been so foolish. With his disbelief, the illusion flickered and spluttered. It was no use if she knew and saw right through it, and so seconds later it vanished and, half-swallowed up in her coils, stood a Zoroark instead of a frog.

"A little dark-type like you isss nothing to me." The Serperior licked her lips again as she delighted in his abrupt seizing up at those words. "All I needed wasss the firssst attack, and you presssented your back to me so nicccely." Another second passed as she let him stew in his mistake, coiling up to finish off the third coil. The next would grasp his chest, then the real fun could begin.

"Y-you said...we." Zoroark muttered, staring more at the ground than the hidden remnants of his body beneath the coils.

"Yesss, we." She squeezed around him tightly as a reward for figuring it out. "We are going to have ssso much fun with you." Then her tail returned to its job of ensuring that its grasp was wholly secure and tight around the mildly stunned prey. His struggles had, for the moment, stopped as his mind tried to capture what exactly had made him so vulnerable. To her, it did not matter; she was interested only in something else. The third coil tightened around his wrists, and the penultimate fourth began.

Instantly it set about entombing him almost up to his shoulders, submerging his chest in a thick band of muscle. His elbows were pressed to his side as her tail swirled around him, smooth skin holding his body tightly in her grasp. The weight and strength felt much the same as an animate blanket that was dedicated to completely smothering its owner. Zoroark wouldn't argue that her body didn't at least feel nice to be enshrouded in; the warmth surrounded him, and the flexible body comfortably shaped itself around his arms, torso and legs on its way to capture his chest. Every second, more of her tail would seize his body into its grasp, his chest slowly disappearing beneath the thick, green coils.

"How isss the prisssoner?" A feminine voice called out, but it was not the one belonging to the Serperior that was squeezing herself around him. It was a little deeper, yet it still held the same smoothness with the interest of hissing each pronounced 's'.

"Reccceptive." The reply vibrated through his head via the Serperior's throat on his neck. "Almossst willing." Both of them chuckled lightly, and the squeeze of the tail around him tightened to drive a little air from his body. She prevented him from breathing it all back in with the fourth band of her body around his, forcing him into shallow breaths.

"Have you introduccced yourssself to him?" The newer Serperior asked, beginning to slither around the pair. From what Zoroark could see, she had a similarly patterned tail, with slightly darker green markings. Of course, he could not see much as his head was forced to look down at his squirming body that had been replaced by the strong, unyielding tail.

"Not yet, I wasss wonder if you'd do those honoursss." As she spoke, she lifted her head off of Zoroark's, who grunted slightly at the warm, soft sensation leaving him. He was finally free to lift his head upright to look at whoever was trapping him. But as his chin left his collar, the fourth coil was finished and the final wrap slid swiftly around his shoulders, pulling his arms together even tighter and ensuring a complete domination of his body.

In front of him stood the newest arrival; a Serperior with a body far longer and stronger than his own. She was closer than he expected as well, nearly pressing herself against the thick coils that had nearly swallowed his body. Her head naturally rose above his, so Zoroark was forced to tilt his head upwards along her neck and up to her eyes and content expression.

Like all Serperiors, she had the two curved extensions forming a regal collar that was yellow on the inside and a darker green that made up the top half of her serpentine body as well. Each of these alone was as long as Zoroark's shoulders were wide, and from behind each one a pair of vines would come that could be used in place of her tail. On top of her head were two more of the leaf-like appendages that simulated the headdress of royalty, no wonder they were seen as regal.

"The one who isss wrapped around you is Masssia." She looked down at Zoroark, fixing his eyes with her own. If he dared to try and turn his head away, Massia's tail-tip would slide itself around the tip of his muzzle and push it upwards to look skywards. The inquisitive Serperior leaned in closer, almost touching her face against his so that Zoroark had less space to look away. There was a smile on her lips, and every time she spoke he could see into her mouth. Inside was a large contrast with her white throat; dark red, wet and dripping with a thick, forked tongue ready to draw in prey. "I am Esssurio."

"You have...names?" Zoroark gulped audibly. Normally pokémon were named as their species to their trainers.

"Yesss, little Zoroark. We gave them to ourssselves." Massia whispered into his ear and tightened around his chest, holding like a belt with a new notch. "It'sss a great freedom, I would only wisssh it to you if you were not in thisss...sssituation." Almost anything they said caused him to panic lightly and a cold sweat to break out on his back, but he had to at least pretend he was stronger than he felt.

"You can talk too." There was a small pause as the tightness around his chest was strong enough to deny him more than a little breath of air. "Feral pokémon can't speak, that means you must have had a trainer."

"Yesss, we had a trainer." Essurio nods, closing the miniature distance between them to lightly press against his head to ensure that he was looking right at her and nowhere else.

"They released you then?" He struggled slightly as the coils around him started to squeeze out of order, sometimes two at once, other times completely at random so he never had the chance to plan his breaths ahead. Essurio did not answer the question, and instead smiled succinctly before drawing back up to a height above Zoroark.

"You're a ssslight bit ssskinny." She looks down at him, judging his slim frame. "You might not even sssatisssfy one of usss."

"Satisfy?" He gulped again as an amused hiss sounded off in his ear, but once again they did not answer him.

"You need a little more flesssh on those bonesss." Essurio's tongue flicked out, showing off the size and the power of it. From the tiny amount that he saw, it was at least as thick as a trainer's wrist, and covered in a wet film of saliva, from which a single droplet flicked off and landed on the restrained Zoroark's cheek. He squirmed slightly as the warm liquid dripped down his cheek and landed on the tightly hugging tail around his body.

Essurio's tail slithered out towards the abandoned bag that carried the fruit, coiling around the straps and hoisting it off the ground. She lifted it easily into the air as if it weighed nothing, bringing it closer towards his face. His eyes snapped to it as he put two and two together to understand what she meant. Massia's strong tail restrained the new wave of squirming that he tried once he figured it out. The citrusy scent returned strongly to his nose, and with the mild breath play it was all the more potent.

As Massia held him totally still, Essurio lengthened out her pair of vines. They slid out from the regal collar around her neck, each one thicker than a human finger. She held the bag just below his head so that he could see right into it and the sight of the numerous fruits that he had collected came into view. Zoroark inwardly cursed that his eagerness to provide and care for his trainer had led to this.

"What are you going to do?" He shook nervously as the confident visage that he had entered the forest with had been replaced by a weaker nature, and rightfully so with them around. Zoroark did know what these snakes intended to do to him, but until one of them actually said it, then he wouldn't believe it himself.

"You've not lissstened." Essurio smiled, and a vine reached down into the bag of fruit, picking one out to lift towards him. "You're too sssmall, you need to not be thisss ssskinny body if you're going to be a niccce tasssty..." The snake leant in close again, leaning her large mouth right up against his face. "...sssnack." Essurio's maw opened wide, displaying to the squirming Zoroark the size and texture of the inside of her mouth. His shoulders would fit in easily past those jaws, then his trip would be soft, red muscles pulling him in.

Then, slam! The jaws snapped shut an inch from his face, and her deep orange eyes stared down at the shivering, quivering little prey. Both Essurio and Massia's lips were curved in a sly, serpentine smirk at the expression on their trapped prey's features. A similar expression had plastered itself across the face of many preys before, and this Zoroark was no different. The fruit in her vine was lifted even closer to his face, and the aroma kicked in one again; a smooth scent that was unusually, pleasantly potent in his nose.

It took a second for his eyes to switch from looking at the Serperior's large orange orbs to down at the fist-sized fruit that she held. Essurio was offering to him like he was a dog awaiting a treat held in the hand of an owner. He wouldn't be part of their game; "Let's see how they deal with me refusing to even open his mouth." The thought ran through his mind.

"Resssissstant to our offerings?" Massia hisses with a smile in his ear, tightening her grasp around Zoroark's body. "That'sss not very niccce."

"Jussst one?" Essurio offered again, pushing the food right against his lips. "They're ssso deliciousss." Her enticing words didn't encourage an external reaction at all; he kept his mixture of shocked and angry expression constant. But on the inside he could feel his stomach cry out in lust for the fruit that, only a few minutes ago, had satiated a small fraction of his hunger. He would remain steel-faced and true in the face of this adversity, perhaps to redeem a little of his fortitude that had got him into this situation.

Zoroark turned his face away from the fruit, looking to the side. Both Serperiors only chuckled lightly as their prey failed to understand the situation he was in. Essurio never looked away from him, still offering the fruit to where his head was supposed to be.

"Masssia, if you would be ssso kind to asssissst our little catch." She spoke, fixing the eye that could see her with her soft gaze. He wasn't the first, or the last, to try and resist simply by moving his head. Massia nodded lightly and the tail tip, that had been dormant on Zoroark's shoulders, now moved. It licked up his neck like a lover's tongue, tickling lightly with the three soft leaves that adorned the end.

Zoroark could feel it move, and the nervous gulp he had caused a ripple across the tail tip that was slithering up and around his throat in a relatively thin coil that was still thicker than his wrist. Said coil then began to tighten around his neck, preventing him from both breathing and speaking. Mild panic returned as the thick scarf stopped him from even swallowing, and the struggling returned to try and fruitlessly break free from the muscles that compressed his body.

His movements only made his lungs burn for air faster. Massia's earlier squeezing around his body when she had been entwining herself around him had only weakened the Zoroark's resistance. Coupled with the fact that she had also been keeping him on smaller breaths since their meeting, he wouldn't last much longer on what he had left in his body.

"If you want to breathe, jussst open your mouth and take a bite." Massia whispered into Zoroark's ear, holding a strong grasp around his throat. "Or give in and let usss have that fun." He shook his head as a sign of last defiance. His capture and this...humiliating display of their power of him was having the effect that they wanted; his submissiveness, and it wasn't far off. Hunger and exhaustion from battles over the last few days had left him weaker than he should have been. He was slower than he should have been, stupider than he should have been. Both Serperiors had him right where they wanted him, and were at the top of their game.

"Isss that a sssign of defeat?" Essurio smirked as the Zoroark slumped inside Massia's flexible, tight embrace. She looked on for a few seconds, before the little prey obediently opened his mouth, signalling his embarrassing submission. "But we've only jussst ssstarted, don't tell me you're sssubmitting ssso early." The most devilish of all grins was spread across both the Serperior's faces.

But, as they promised, the tight scarf of Massia's tail loosened around his neck, and her bondage of his chest freed up enough space for the Zoroark to breathe again. He took that chance to inhale the tastiest mouthful of air that he'd ever had before, keeping his mouth open to pant and wheeze. In the last few seconds, his vision had turned fuzzy; all the trees had become green blurs, but Essurio had remained crystal clear.

"Ssshow me your sssubmission." She smirked, flicking out her long tongue again, repeating the light dripping of saliva against his cheek. Zoroark didn't react to it as his head drifted to one side. His mouth was open as she wanted, but Essurio did not slide the fruit in just yet. "Ssstare at me." She smiled, and to help the poor prey out, Massia's tail cupped under his chin, controlling his head to look at her. "Now, open wide."

The vine holding the fruit slid into the Zoroark's open mouth, where it began to almost melt and break apart just by contact with his tongue. Hunger pangs shot through his mind again; Zoroark couldn't help but begin to chew away. The fruit lasted only seconds in his mouth before he swallowed it, and the citrusy taste returned as strong as it had before. Even before it disappeared down the back of his throat, another fruit was presented to him by the other of Essurio's vines.

"You'll need more than one." Massia's spoke in his ear. She had settled quite comfortably into the large expanse of his hair, resting her head atop it. At her words his mouth opened again, awaiting and wanting the next piece of fruit. The Serperiors shared a little giggle that was felt by Zoroark down his neck and all across his restrained body.

The second piece of fruit disappeared down Zoroark's throat quicker than the first, almost instantly he began to chew on it and delight himself in at least the flavour and texture of it. Swallowing it was only slightly difficult, thanks to the coil around his throat that threatened to squeeze at any second.

"Ssssee, isssn't it easssier to sssimply ssssubmit?" Essurio smiles as her vines both pick up a fruit each. "While your resssissstance was...ssshort, to sssay the leassst, what you will do for usss will come later." She doesn't even give Zoroark the time to reply to what she says. As soon as his mouth is free from the last remnants of the soft, almost liquidising fruit, then another is slid inside and dutifully he chews away; eager to not get on the Serperiors' bad side, if only for his lungs' sake.

A pattern emerges that barely changes; sweet fruit is offered up to Zoroark, and like a pet he obediantly swallowed it, for when he doesn't, and he tries to turn his head away to one side, then the tight coils around his body begin to squeeze once more. The asphyxiating bondage of the Serperior's tail would quite quickly get him back in line. From when Zoroark started to resist to when his mouth opened wide again could not have lasted more than several seconds; he simply didn't have the strength to fight back against these Serperiors and their desire to see him struggle and squirm.

Slowly the bag started to empty itself, every last fruit that Zoroark had dutifully collected over the last several hours was now being persuadingly forced into his mouth. There was nary a break of longer than several seconds where he could catch his breath, then the coils would encouragingly squeeze, and he opened his maw and awaited the constant citrusy flavour.

"I can sssenssse him growing." Massia spoke up after a long stretch of silence that was punctuated only by the enticing hisses from their mouths and the low groans of the Zoroark who hadn't eaten this much food in quite a while, and the effects were being felt and seen.

"Isss he even a sssnack yet?" Essurio spoke without breaking stride or deviating from the regular insertion of fruit into Zoroark's mouth. There was a pause as Massia checked to see if the skinny pokémon was anywhere near what they wanted yet by tightening the coil around his belly. Zoroark moaned out as the strong tail put pressure on his mildly bloated stomach. As her tail slightly probed around, he could feel her movements shifting the contents inside.

"There'sss definitely room for sssome more, he'sss just a little morsssel now." More, how could he possibly have even more? If he could even see his stomach beneath the constant coils then the result of the feeding would be obvious. But with a soft shake of the bag with her tail, Essurio drew attention the backpack, which was still at least three quarters full.

"I have lotsss more." She boasted, brandishing two of them with her vines, bringing them both towards the quiet prey. "Open wide, don't you want to get all sssoft and big for our fun later?" Her tongue teased out to toy with him, but he could not react past a lazy grunt in her direction; the squeezing and feeding had taken that out of him.

It began again, an identical routine than before; stuffing the fruits down into his mouth, where he'd chew and swallow or be squeezed tightly like a vice. With several pounds of the overly saccharine fruit occupying his belly and his throat, it wasn't too pleasant. Sometimes, Massia would simply squeeze him for a bit of fun, to provoke him into squirming and flexing as best he could in her grasp, in his need to escape the teasing tail.

The tempo increased as how many fruits Essurio would slide into his awaiting, submissive maw grew with each passing minute. Zoroark would barely be finished with the one that slid down his throat before the next was pushed into his mouth, droplets of his own saliva from the taste now dripping down onto the tight, thick tail around his body. The taste of the fruit was more than constant; a citrusy flavour that intensified with each one. Quite soon, he would never be able to taste anything but the warm, sharp flavour.

Zoroark was almost completely limp in Massia's grasp as her body generously tightened around him, almost in time with the short, restrained breaths he had. Whenever he'd breathe out, her body would loosen, then before he could take advantage of the extra space, it would compress inwards as he'd inhale. Every single of these breaths that he took was far shorter and thinner than he expected, and those coils almost stuck to him like glue. But he wasn't interested in that at all, rather Zoroark's attention was focused on the near sickly sweetness of the fruits that were being fed to him.

Time and time again, Essurio's vines would dip further and further into the backpack and hunt for another of the fruits. At first they would nearly be spilling out of it, but as more began to occupy his swollen belly rather than the bag, she would have to delve deeper to find any. She never let up, sometimes pushing two at once into the submissive jaws of her prey. Zoroark was almost constantly chewing away on the soft fruit that was being slid into his mouth every time that he opened it to breathe. Swallowing, too, was tricky; Massia's bind around his neck would tighten and relax each time a fruit passed it, sometimes getting a chunk stuck in there before another would knock it out of the way.

"S-stop..." He whimpered, trying in his limited mobility to avoid more of the fruit. "...I can't have any more." His jaw ached from the unrelenting forcefeeding, and his belly felt fit to burst; he'd never had so much food in one sitting.

"Nonsssenssse." Essurio chuckled, pausing for a moment to allow her prey to weakly complain. "There'sss ssstill sssome tasssty treatsss for you." She gestured to the bag, lifting it up enough that he could see what remained at the bottom; still what seemed to be a quarter left, though that quarter probably meant at least twenty. At merely the sight of the still remaining fruit, Zoroark's mouth began to water, even though his mind and swollen belly pleaded for him to stop.

"Jussst a little more will make him all ssssoft." Massia spoke as she tightened slightly around his stomach, probing it and feeling the fragments of the fruit inside. Where his skinny body once stood inside her wrapping body, now there stood a signifantly weightier frame. If Massia's body retreated from around his body, they all would have been able to see the fruits had had a massive effect on the Zoroark's belly. From what had been a skinny body when he stepped in the forest now was much chunkier. All of it had gone to his torso, and each fruit had had a compounding effect on the girth of his stomach.

"Please..." Zoroark grunted, his stomach growling in protest for more food. "...I ca-" But he was silenced by a tightness around his throat as Massio constricted his throat.

"Thisss little sssnack is almossst ready." Essurio lifted Zoroark's chin upwards with a vine that was giving his jaw a little rest, though the squeezing of Massia's tail around his belly kept him from truly relaxing. Before his weight increased to the point where his own mouth would be too hard to move, the two Serperiors chose to interrogate their little prey just a little more. Essurio slid in a little closer towards Zoroark, turning her head to hover right up against his ear.

"Would you like to squeeze him yourssself?" Massia spoke, moving next to his other ear. As she spoke, her lips kissed against his skin, and both of their tongues lightly flicked against him. Zoroark squirmed again at their teasing, but as usual he had nowhere to go.

"Oh of courssse, I'd love to feel him ssstruggle." The reply tingled against his ear as Essurio spoke. Without another word from the pair of them, except for the low-level hisses to taunt him, the tail around his body began to retract from around him. Slowly, Massia retreated her grasp from all around his body, drawing back her thick tail coil by coil.

From the five that started around him, Massia slipped two away to leave him restrained only by three. His arms were, of course, still bound, but now more skin was showing, and the extend of the fruit's effectiveness was perfectly visible as his stomach was easily twice the size it was to start out with. Both Serperiors let out a little chuckle as they saw their results.

"Ssso much nicccer." Essurio lifted her tail tip to prod away at the swollen belly of the Zoroark, to the sound of his stomach growling again in an angry response. "Nearly sssuitable."

"Stop..." Zoroark mumbled again, unable to resist or fight back against them. Again they ignored him, continuing to hiss and heavily breathe against his ears. The coils that were trapping his body up to his hips began to move upwards once again, but instead of wholly surrounding him they shifted upwards to leave several spaces, just enough space for another tail to slip in.

And it would be Essurio's tail that would fit into that gap. Like Massia, the tip swirled around Zoroark's feet before slithering up the bare skin that had been left behind. Her tail was as thick, if not slightly thicker, than Massia's, and she took no time in constricting her way around his legs. Smooth skin slid upwards and upwards, securing him in even further behind two sets of thick, soft coils. Their slightly different pattern was only seen from someone whose position wasn't inside those thick bodies; two slightly different shades of green on each body that twisted and turned around him.

Both of them could squeeze him at once if they wanted to, or one by one, coil by coil. As Essurio continued to surround what was left of the pudgy Zoroark; a coil around his legs, one for his lower torso and one more to constrict his shoulders. A mixture of different barber pole effects swallowed up his body from foot to shoulder. He could feel each coil with its slightly different sensation on him; a different pressure, width, weight or warmth. Both of the Serperiors could control him as they wished, and the feeling of one tail coiling would only occupy half his body, while the other would relax, before they switched roles.

"Ssso, little Zoroark..." One of them, he wasn't sure who, was almost kissing his ear each time she spoke. "...do you have a ssspecial group that you're ssso eager to protect?"

"Yesss, with a trainer perhapssss?" Massia, he was half sure it was her, breathed loudly against his mildly squirming form.

"N-no." He muttered, trying desperately with the last remnants of his sanity to protect his trainer. "F-feral, like you." In stereo, both Serperiors tutted indignantly and constricted around him as one. The breath he had been inhaling was caught half-way, then squeezed out of him by relentlessly powerful muscles spanning his entire body. Their threatening hiss sounded off in both of his ears at once.

"Now now, don't think you can lie to usss." Essurio spoke from his right, holding his chest absolutely still and starving him of air. "I can sssee it in your faccce."

"I swear..." Zoroark gasped, shaking his head as much as he could, "...I'm feral."

"Ssso sssure?" He could hear a light cackle in his ear as she doubted him. "Then why do you have a trained name?"

Trained names were the same as the species name, and given by the trainer to docile pokémon. Both the Serperiors had their own names, indicating they were free, but Zoroark had...well, just Zoroark as his name. At this little nugget being whispered into his ear, he froze for a second inside the serpentine grasp that held his chubby body so tightly.

"I-I have a name." Zoroark boasted with no air in his lungs.

"And it isss?" Even in their tone of voice, he could tell that she rightfully did not believe him. In his mild asphxiated state, he could not think of a single name that would suit him. "Think think think of one." Massia slid her tongue against his ear to both distract him and remind him of that tongue's strength. She could see on his face that he had no idea, and his brief gambit came to an end.

"Steve?" Zoroark ventured, hazardous and unsure of the title that he had bestowed upon himself. There was a pause, and it seemed that for a single second that they had bought it, until..

"Liar..." They simultaneously hissed loudly and tightened once more around his entire body; chest, torso, groin and legs. The intense, vice-like grip felt as if their power alone was bending his bones. Their bodies seemed to creak as the smooth, heavy coils compressed his chest, forcing him to grunt and try to desparately escape. But as always, their hold on him was unbreakable.

A few seconds later to them, but minutes to him, and their crushing power withdrew from all around him. Without a steady flow of air, he was no doubt drowsy and weak, so when the chance for air finally came with a loosening around his chest, Zoroark barely stirred except for the automatic gulp he took. He felt numb all over, they were going to squeeze him flat if continued like this, but for the sake of his trainer, he must persevere.

"You adore your trainer, don't you?" Essurio smooth voice whispered into his ear. "You'd want nothing less than to sssee him come to harm."

"Please." He almost whimpered. "Don't-"

"Oh husssh." Massia spoke from his other side. "We won't hurt him one bit."

"He'll be perfectly sssafe and sssound." Essurio insisted with a devilish smirk on her face. "We'll make sssure of that." Zoroark believed them, and he relaxed slightly in their grasp, almost allowing the tight grasp to overwhelm him, even though he could never have fought back in the state he was in.

"You ssseem quite exhausssted." Massia whispered to him, "You look like you can't withssstand us much more."

"No." He admitted after a few seconds of patient thought, punctuated by the panting of his breath.

"This is how we broke down our last trainer." Essurio licked her lips loudly against his ear, a warm wet sound of a strong tongue. "Squeezed him and held him tight until he couldn't move any more."

"He couldn't even ssstand when we were finissshed." Their back and forth talking was starting to make him unable to concentrate on either of them. "He wasss oh ssso resssissstant to our deliccciousss torture. He sssquirmed and ssstruggled ssso nicely, we hope you do the sssame."

"We had to persssuade him to sssee it from out perssspective." Essurio slithered back around to face him once again, moving in close enough almost to kiss him. "It wasss ssso sssweet watching that ssstrong little trainer tumble and acccept hisss fate. By the end, he wasss begging for usss to finisssh him off with a sssmile on hisss face."

"Finish him?" Zoroark could barely summon a surprised gulp any more. Massio nodded as she moved behind him and held him still by putting her chin on the top of his head. She didn't want him to miss anything.

"It was jussst...like...thissssss."

As Essurio hissed, a thin mist coloured like the morning sun eminated from her mouth, directed right at the half-conscious, exhausted little prey that sat in her coils. There was no way for him to evade it, and the 'Sweet Scent' hit him seeped right into his nose.

"Breathe it in." Massia encouraged, unwinding the coil from around his chest to allow him to do exactly that. Predictably he did, and the floating particles that, individually were barely visible, were drawn into his nose and mouth. It took only several seconds for the particles to have their desired effect; Zoroark's mouth dropped open and his tongue lolled out at he began to pant heavily. Sweat gathered on his forehead as the heat of his body grew in response to the curious breath she had breathed out to control him.

Sensitivity was one of the things that grew the most; while he had felt their tails around him already, with this colourful gas seeping into both his lungs and his mind, Zoroark could feel their bodies slightest movements. Every little tighten of muscle, every soft relaxation, all the soft skin tightly pressed up against his own frame. It brought on its own wave of drowsiness, adding to the exhaustion from the consistent squeezing and the lack of air. His head was spinning now with the particles running around his head; he couldn't concentrate, he couldn't think at all.

"That'sss what I like to sssee." Essurio smiled, lifting up one piece of fruit for the Zoroark to indulge his already swollen belly with. In his eye, the fruit was the only thing besides her face that remained sharp enough for him to focus on, and as he saw it, his mouth couldn't help but water. Even though his stomach protested against it, especially with the tight bonds around him, Zoroark waited for her to feed him. "Blisssful sssubmisssion."

He almost bit the tail off in eagerness to try and get the next piece of fruit that was offered to him. Both Serperiors chuckled lightly as the fist-sized fruit dropped into his mouth and was quickly devoured by his hungry jaws, where it was chewed to pieces and swallowed hungrily. The flavour of the fruit was intensified by the hovering gas around his head, the citrusy taste almost exploding in his mouth. It was the only thing he could taste, it was the only thing he wanted to taste.

"Ssso eager to consssume..." Essurio picks several fruits up at once, stuffing them two by two into the munching maw of the trapped, submission Zoroark. "...reminds me of myssself." She licks her lips with her wet tongue, leaning in to breathe another round of "Sweet Scent" right at him. It became routine; two or more fruits would be given to him, and as Zoroark's mouth open to accept them then she would continually assault his senses with the equally pleasant scent of an addictive mist. His body began to warm up inside their grasp, and the fact he could feel each muscle sensuously binding around his body only added to the sensation rushing through him.

Perhaps inadvertantly, either as a result of their bodies grinding up against his own for a while, or the gas flooding his nose and lungs, or even the pounds of fruit sloshing in his expanded belly, Zoroark began to stiffen. But it was not his body that seized up, instead down at his hips, where the Serperiors had slowly tightened and ensured it with their own squeezing, he began to become aroused. Effortless domination had put him in the position where they could taunt and tease him; it had taken a while, but the fruits of their labor had finally taken effect.

Full erection was achieved in seconds, forcing itself against the strong coils that bound him. The Serperiors felt it instantly, and a hungry smile slid across both of their faces.

"Are you finding thisss attractive?" Massia whispered into his ear. "Usss sssqueezing and feeding you?"

"Arousssed by usss when you know how thisss will end?" Essurio teased him by tightening the coil around his hips that, urging a grunt from his lips. "How fun."

"Thisss isss how we exhausssted our trainer." Another whisper sounded off in his ear. "It makesss them ssso sssupple and happy." As she spoke, the tail cocoon around his neck tightened as more slid up his body for more slack. The tip of one tail, he couldn't tell whose, had slid back down towards his groin, crawling over the wrapped coils.

In his trance, Zoroark felt the binding around his groin loosen and free itself to leave a space for the tail to fit in. He would have liked to look down and see what she was doing, but the constant forcing of sweet, addictive fruits into his mouth stopped him from doing so.

"Jussst a few more fruitsss." Essurio smiled, moving her body fruther up his own, so the end of her tail was nearing his chin. With the space at his hips now free from their grasp, Zoroark was for them to reveal his erection, only for it to be covered moments later by the end of Massio's tail.

It was a shock for him when he felt the very tip of her thick tail slide upwards from the base to the tip like the warm tongue of a practised lover. He couldn't see what she was up to, and if he hadn't stiffened before, he had now. The fruit had enhanced whatever sensation he felt, whether it be the wind on his body or the pressure from their bodies, now it was tantilisingly obvious from the smooth skin of her tail taunting him. Massia's warmth was almost tactile in the way that it started to coil around his shaft, and he could feel the strong muscles controlling it as they flex against his shaft.

"He'sss almossst ready to burssst." She smirked, hissing against his ear. Zoroark indeed was squirming already as he felt the end of her tail surround his cock. About a foot from the end of Massia's tail, a slim pink slit barely displayed itself to the outside until she carefully flexed it to open slightly. Zoroark could not see down there, though he could feel the already warm body heat up as his arousal was brought closer towards her heat.

"Jussst a few more." Essurio smirked, holding the last two in her vines in front of his face. By now his mouth was dripping with a mixture of his own saliva and the diluted juices from the fruits. It was almost aflame from the flavour and sweetness, and willingly open for whatever the Serperiors had in mind for him. The last fruits were loaded into his mouth, and the now noticeably fat Zoroark groaned at both the addictive, unrelenting taste and the straining of his belly to fight against the bondage of two bodies around it.

The last fruit trickled down his throat, landing with a dull thump on the rest of them rather than a splash into an empty belly. Both Serperiors had an amused smirk on their face as Zoroark's head rolled back and his eyes went blank.

"Are you exhausssted yet?" Massia asked, stil toying with him below his groin. To prove her point, he could not answer her, partly from his fatigue, partly from the saliva dripping from his mouth onto the tail beneath him. Zoroark felt one of their tails slither further up his body; the muscles both pulled him down and it up until the tail tip that wasn't at his groin was tickling against his chin.

"You will be." Essurio quietly whispered in his ear.

Then, both acted at once; Massio's tail around his cock exposed the wet lips along the base of the tail and slid him inside, right to the hilt in a single move. He would have taken a gasp of air at the intensely warm and tight confines of her insides that were amplified by the gas running through his body, had the other tail not clamped across his mouth, forcing Essurio's slit against his lips. The tail continued around the back of his head and tightened, ensuring that he couldn't escape pleasuring her.

Warm lips met his own, and the thick tail that blocked his sight was against his face half a second later. Zoroark's groan was highly muffled behind her body, and the dual attack at his hips and his face elicited him to struggle and squirm. He could only barely hear them hiss with joy at his restrained movements. They were both in complete control, and mere seconds after both had slammed down with the end of their tails, they forced pleasure out of him. Massia ground and moved her tail against his hips, then away, then back again.

Each movement would draw his cock out of her before he'd be buried deep inside her and strong muscles tightened around it to squeeze him dry. Both their bodies and the gas flooding into his lungs kept him hard enough for them to continue tiring him out. Massia's movement of her tail was regular, never giving Zoroark a moment to rest, even for a second. With the state of his body and the unyielding nature of their attacks on him, he was already feeling even more light-headed than usual.

"Tiring out ssso sssoon?" Essurio smirked, watching his eyes roll back in his head; but dutifully his mouth opened in service. The saliva that had stained his lips had been transferred over to her tail when it had forced itself against his mouth, dampening the skin. However his tongue saw it only as more juice from the fruit to lick up, and his mind obeyed both his tongue's will and the order given by them.

Essurio's groan was deep, and it vibrated all through her body which was wrapped tightly around him. Zoroark licked away, delving his tongue deep into her nether lips.

"You're doing quite a half-asssed job." Esurrio noted, squeezing his head together even tighter.

"In hisss ssstate, I wouldn't be sssurprisssed." A whisper from Massio hissed in his ear.

And it was true, there was very little more to them that they could do without him being able to withstand it. Already the warm sensation of the orgasm was building in his extremities; his toes and fingers almost burned with it. The regular activity at his hips was non-stop in its insistence at breaking him down, and the tightness, heat and the dampness only served to ensure that he lasted as short as possible.

Massio was good at her job, and she had him trembling in her grasp within seconds, squirming and struggling to try and get a breath of air that wasn't totally confined by Essurio's tail. He could not, however, do as he wanted, no matter how hard he tried. Sure enough, the sweet breath, the lethargic nature of the addictive fruit and the intense pleasure from her contributed to his quick defeat. With barely any movement from their intertwined tails, Zoroark gave up and in.

Had he been standing under his own weight, it would have knocked him off his feet, but being suspended by their coils, he was going nowhere. They both smirked and hissed in approval upon hearing his satisfied grunt once his hips weakly began to jerk and thrust forward. Zoroark could feel their tails tighten around him to prevent him from breathing, a familiar pressure all around his body. It wasn't as if he could breathe anyway, but their efforts served to break him down once more, to be starved of air as well as continually exhausted.

"Looksss like he'sss all finissshed." Essurio smirked, pulling down her tail to unmask his mouth, and so he could hear and see what they were doing to him.

"Quite pathetic, lasssting only ssseveral sssecondsss."

"If I wasssn't ssso hungry, I'ld let you be a little ssservant, and train you day after day after day." Essurio leaned in close to his face for his eyes to stare up at her own. "But...I'm a little ssstarved." There was a little bead of frustration for not being satisfied in her eye, but it lasted only for a moment, and not long enough for Zoroark to realise it was there. "Ssso, I'm sssorry it hasss to be thisss way."

Zoroark was too exhausted to fight back at all, not even to lift his head up to look at Essurio as she moved in. All the strength that had managed to remain in his limbs before the orgasm had been ripped out, leaving him absolutely limp and weak. Essurio's tail licked underneath his chin and forced it upwards so that he looked right at her, right at the soft eyes and sly smile she wore. As the last hiss of her speech faded, Essurio slowly opened her mouth wide, displaying to the receptive Zoroark where he was next to go.

The inside was a dark red, contrasting strongly against her external colours of white and green. Zoroark could see the thick tongue sitting neatly on the lower jaw, ready and willing to welcome him into her throat. Every texture and surface was wet with thick saliva that had no doubt been building ever seen she had coiled around him. No doubt it would make his final trip all the more impossible to fight against, even though any resistance from him was sure to be as impossible, if not even moreso.

Warm breath rolled over his face as she opened up to show off where he'd be staying, this time at least free from the addictive aphrodesiac that maintained its grip on his mind. Neither Massia or Essurio chose to speak up and potentially sour the mood, especially as one of them would very soon have their mouth quite full. Rather than her mouth moving to actively swallow him, both the Serperiors decided to push him up into her maw using the meshed coils around his body.

The hot tongue wetly licked against Zoroark's face, making sure that he was at least slightly familiar with the texture and temperature of his soon-to-be-new home. It left a trail of the warm saliva against his features, matting the thin fur down as it passed over him. An approving hiss sounded from behind him, and both tails began to raise him upwards into Essurio's maw.

In his tired, exhausted state, it seemed to happen much faster as he could only barely stay conscious. Zoroark watched as Essurio's dark mouth filled his entire view, from one corner of his sight to the other, passively unable to fight against her. The tongue that lathered against his face now moved to beneath his chin so that it could hold his head still.

More of her breath passed over him as the coils began to push him upwards and inside. Zoroark could see nothing now except the dark lining of the inside of her throat that continued to drip saliva, sometimes onto him as well. An intense warmth hit his face as he was slowly pushed into her, with the dampness making him sweat moreso than he was already. Then, her large jaw softly shut to hold him in place, pressing the soft tongue and the roof of her mouth down against the back of his head.

The already dark walls became absolutely dark as the mouth closed on him and the thick tongue got to work by pulling him in even further, up to his shoulders almost in an instant. Zoroark's head was pulled into the awaiting throat, where he felt the softness of the flesh drawing him in. Yet it was powerful enough to tighten around his face and drag him deeper into his final prison. The muscles pulsed around his head, the beat of her heart; slow and steady, became one of the few things that he could hear.

Then Essurio's mouth opened again, and Zoroark was pushed inside, now past his shoulders, and up to his elbows into her wide maw. Warmth and wetness were only interrupted by the strength of her throat muscles that eagerly tightened around his face and chest, holding him for a second, before they would roll inwards from her head to her tail, taking him deeper inside. Zoroark's face was the only thing that pushed the clamping muscles apart to allow further descent into her body. Barely any serpentine coils were still holding his body, the last of which were at his thighs and below.

It might have been the gas, but feeling himself not being held so tightly as the grip of the throat around his legs, caused a little panic. Being free meant danger; the unknown, inside their grasp was safe, inside their grip was secure. By now, the majority of his body was damp from the thick saliva, and he would uncontrollably slip and slide deeper into Essurio until she decided to swallow. As she demanded him to sink in further, the powerful muscles of her throat pulled him in. It got to the point where his hips were next to be swallowed.

Zoroark's arms were pinned to his sides, and whenever the near crushing strength of Essurio's throat would compress inwards, it would assist in tightening around his chest, and there was very little air for him to breathe. Combined with the intense, surrounding heat from the wet, flexible flesh pressed all around, and it wouldn't be long before his eyes would close. It was already completely dark with his body blocking the light.

Then a huge gulp stronger than all the ones before wetly pulled him in up to his ankles in a single movement. It was almost frightening how easily she swallowed him, and her strong muscles made swift work of the chunky Zoroark. The mildly inflated belly seemed to pose absolutely no problem for her mouth, nor her throat muscles that fit easily around his swollen frame.The thick tongue had coiled around one of his ankles, assisting in pull him into her throat. Only his feet were outside Essurio's lips, which were held almost closed which allowed the tongue to continue lathering him up.

Massia meanwhile was watching the bulge in her friend's throat grow as the exhausted little treat slid further down. A little saliva dripped from her own mouth, a little tinge of jealousy alongside her pangs of hunger. From what she could see of the little toes that remained, Zoroark had accepted his fate and would meekly descend into Essurio's body never to be seen again. If she wanted to use him to taunt his trainer, it would be better if he were the other way around.

She nodded at Essurio and moved in closer, sliding out a similarly thick tongue that tickled away at the last toes that barely stuck out. It took just a moment for Essurio to understand, and she opened her mouth back up to release Zoroark.

"He'sss really quite ssstruck in there." She said as she saw most of him be literally swallowed up by Essurio's powerful throat muscles. Her throat had him held tight enough that everything past his knees was completely immersed beneath the dark red interior. Essurio would have replied, had Zoroark not been in the way.

Massio's tongue licked out and coiled around Zoroark's ankle, holding him back to the point where he would travel down Essurio's throat no further, perhaps helped at least by her strong muscles relaxing their grip on his body.

"You had the lassst one." Massio spoke as her tongue reeled Zoroark back out of Essurio's throat. But the two Serperiors had a little game to play with him; the hot flesh of her insides tightened around his chest and shoulders, preventing him from slipping out, while what Massia could extract from within her friend's body was drawn into her own. He could not see what was going on, but Zoroark could feel the tightness of her mucles hold him while his feet came free, and then moments later were swallowed. They played tug-of-war with his exhausted body, using the strength of their throat muscles to hold, tug and occasionally relax, drawing him out of one into the other.

Their small competition only lasted a few seconds before Essurrio inflicted a tight grasp on Zoroark, stopping him from moving at any pace into Massio. Of course, she would not give him up that easily. But rather than continue, she instead chose to directly withdraw him from the throat of her friend. Massia moved right in close, almost to point where the two of them were kissing and Zoroark's body was completely hidden. But instead, Massia pushed her head into the maw of her friend. At his hips, Zoroark was effectively being swallowed twice, so even breaking out of one of them would only mean the other still held to him.

Quickly, Massio's body pushed itself deeper into Essurio's, moving up to the meekly moving Zoroark's hips. It was a strange senstion having two different throats around his body, each one a different texture with a different idea of how hard to tighten around his body. Massio gripped a little stronger, and began to pull back, tugging the Zoroark out of her friend's grasp. Essurio's throat released him, allowing him to slip out.

It was strange to feel the wind again after several minutes inside a warm throat, a soft breeze across his face that seemed unwelcome. The wind was extraordinarily cold as it blew across his upper body that was now out in the open, dripping with a thick layer of saliva that drenched his body. His arms hung loose and free while everything below his waist was completely submerged inside Massia's jaw, being slowly pulled down as if he were sinking into quicksand. Zoroark barely even noticed the vines around his wrists pulling his arms to his sides so that they passed swiftly into her maw.

In his near trance-like state from their lavish attentions, Zoroark barely cared as he quickly sunk into Massia's throat, aided by both gravity and the powerful rings of throat muscles that pulled him in. She paused for a second on his chunky belly that still bulged with the fruits that they had forced him to consume; they'd add a little bit of flavour to him, hopefully enough that would get the taste of his far-too-large hair off her tongue.

Essurio smirked as she watched him disappear into her friend; the hands first that were at his hips, then the hips themselves, before the pudgy belly disappeared into her throat while the tip of her mouth was brushing against his shoulders. Zoroark could feel Massia slowly creeping on the back of his head as she pulled him in deeper and more of the powerful muscles got access to his body.

His belly disappeared into her throat and his shoulders were next, squeezing into the tight, muscled hole with barely any effort. His body made the most delicious bulge as he sunk down further and further until just his head was poking out. Essurio could see the outline of his arms, legs and, quite humourously to her, the pudgy belly that had been so fun to stuff. She leaned in close as Zoroark's shoulders vanished into Massia's body, and just his head remained in her jaws.

"Don't fret, little sssnack. We'll take good care of your deliciousss trainer." Essurio taunted as the Zoroark slipped down with every passing second. Soon his head had been neatly slid into her throat, and it was tightly pressed all against him. The gulping muscles held him just in place where only his muzzle was visible inside the dark red expanse. Perhaps just to tease him, Massia's throat muscles threatened to pull him down where his release would be impossible. "Sssorry you couldn't be a good toy, but you'll make a good meal."

Zoroark only panted once, then the wet sound of a massive gulp pulled him down into the dark, wet, warm and tight throat. Both of the large Serperiors let out a little chuckle as his head disappeared, and he was wholly swallowed, never to be seen again, besides the obvious-sized bulge. A satisfied exhale came from Massia, who lightly squirmed while her throat muscles pulled the barely squirming food deeper and deeper.

"Ssshall we wassste no time and find that deliccciousss sssounding trainer of his." Essurio spoke once the little snack had disappeared. Her friend took several seconds to reply, obviously ensuring that the Zoroark was safely stored away before replying.

"Ah yesss, you're ssstill famissshed." Her lips were swiftly attended to by the thick tongue licking away as she imagined what would be awaiting them at that camp. They both looked down at the mildly squirming bulge inside Massia's body. "But don't be jealousss...you can have the trainer."

"And you'll sssubsssissst on hisss little pokémon." Essurio's own mouth began to water as she imagined how the human would taste and what fun they could squeeze from him.

"Did he sssay what othersss the trainer had?" The two of them began to move on, lowering themselves against the ground to be far more difficult to see. If they both kept their head down, then the dark green stripe along their body ensured that they blended in against the thick grass.

The sun was close to setting, casting the dark shadow against the tent that lay perched against one of the trees to the outskirts of the forest. It was dyed green and brown to try and disguise it from being spotted by wild pokémon that would inevitably come up to it and try attacking. In the red sunlight of late afternoon it was even more hidden thanks to its low height that cast as short a shadow as possible. However, this meant that it was more than a little difficult to stand up in something that only came up to the waist.

What it didn't do, which the trainer inside had no knowledge of, was keep the scent of a warm body out of the wind. It being a blustery, breezy day ensured that the trainer was olfactory visible for any larger pokémon with a nose. A design flaw perhaps, but it was only for inexperienced trainers who wouldn't dare enter the forest for fear of the much larger, much more powerful pokémon. It was a shame, then, how two of these larger pokémon had managed to find their way towards the tent.

The Serperiors approached with the sun in their favour, and even if the trainer managed to look their way, their large bodies would seize up, and the colours of their bodies ensuring maximum camouflage. They came from within the trees, two thick bodies slowly slithering their way towards the tent that held the trainer. There was no need to approach with tactics or caution besides their usual subtle slithering movement; they could see the sunlight stream through the tent itself, and the silhouette of the trainer wrapped in a sleeping bag was clearly visible. There wasn't even the scent of another pokémon on the breeze, besides something coming from inside the tent along with that of the trainer.

"Ssshould jussst one of us go in and feassst on him?" They had stopped behind one of the trees, whispering to each other even though their hisses were still exaggerated.

"But that would be no fun. Sssqueezing him will be all sssortsss of deliciousss." Essurio nodded her head. "And if he hasss a little tasssty pokémon outside its pokeball, then you can have it."

"I do hope he'sss asss inexperienccced asss hiss pokémon, it would make for an easssy meal."

They approached towards the tent with hungry purpose, slithering up close enough to touch the sides of it. At this distance, the scent of the trainer was stronger than it had ever been. No doubt he was male, they were breathing in the aroma of him and what seemed to be a free pokémon also inside the tent. Small rustles and movement from the occupants were the only things to be heard besides the slow breathing of the trainer and occasional gusts of wind blowing past.

It seemed that he had left the door to the tent wide open, obviously in case the Zoroark came back with food to eat. Well, the Zoroark was back, but instead of bringing it with him, he was the food. Both Serperiors looked in, poking their head into the flap of the tent as quietly as they could to avoid arousing suspicious from whoever may be inside. Anyone awake would have noticed the two large heads protruding inside, but with nary a peep except for the light snoring, they rightfully assumed he was resting.

It was quite incredibly how both of the Serperiors managed to slip inside the small tent completely without the trainer waking up. One by one their large and long bodies slithered noiselessly inside and flanked the sleeping human on both sides. He was sleeping on his back, and from what they could see, at least his upper body was naked with the sleeping bag drawn up to his shoulders. A small lump on his chest caught their attention, with Essurio curling over to see what it was; perhaps another bag?

As soon as she saw the orange fur and the thin, black tail that ended in a hand-sized lightning bolt shape, her mouth began to water again. The Raichu on the trainer's chest was quite a chunky little fellow, she could see that in his face, the little stubby arms barely wrapped around the chest and the larger disturbance of his body. They both chuckled quietly as they realised that they could each have a decent meal; Massia would take the small, yet plump Raichu to compliment the barely moving Zoroark, while Essurio, whose belly was nearly giving them away with its grumbles and groaning.

Both tail tips slithered out towards the neck of the sleeping bag, assured that he would sleep through what they were about to do. And with the thick sleeping bag, the three of them could fit quite nicely inside. Their tails began to slip inside, slowly coiling their way around the sleeping human with Raichu on his chest.

"Deliciousss and warm." Massia quietly spoke at her friend as the human's body began to be slowly entwined inside her coils. "I only wisssh now I hadn't ssstolen the Zoroark; thisss human will certainly be as tasssty asss our trainer." Her hissing chatter did not wake the trainer, but it caused the Raichu to stir. He shifted slightly as the serpentine coils continued their way down his own body and the trainer's as well. Thick, warm coils nearly surrounded both of them by now, the trainer's chest was tightly wrapped, but his squeezing had not begun yet.

The surface of the sleeping bag shifted with the two winding snake tails slowly slithering inside, drawing taut and ensuring that it inadvertantly assisted with a tight grip. Around his hips, the tail tips could be seen as they scored along the inside against the material of the human's prison. Both tips neatly spiralled around as they captured more of his body inside their grasp, and the Serperiors couldn't help but let out a chuckle as they found him in just his underwear; just as vulnerable as their last trainer.

The Raichu's head rose off of the chest of the trainer that he slept on, and his eyes fluttered open. What met his blurry view was the excited faces of two large Serperiors baring down on him, both mouths wide open, dripping with saliva from the extended tongues. It took a second for him to realise what was happening, that the sight of the snakes wasn't what he was supposed to see. He finally realised when the two thick coils across his back shifted and tightened.

"Raiiiiiiiiiii!" The Raichu shouted as loudly as he could, alerting the trainer who lay beneath him. Whatever he wanted to say was cut off as the tails around his body squeezed enough to push what breath he had left clean out. Of course, the trainer was bound to wake up after this, though the jolt upright at the loud sound of one of his pokémon screaming was less successful than he hoped. He barely had time to shift his feet before the twin tails around him pinned them together.

"Good evening...trainer." Essurio hissed as the two of them moved in close to taunt him. "What a sssurprissse to find you here."

"Agh!" He struggled against their iron grasp. "Let me go!"

"Trying to essscape?" Massia spoke from the other side, flexing her tail around him and the squirming Raichu. "Ssso sssorry about thisss messs you're in, but we found ourselves nearby, and couldn't resssissst popping in."

"Raichu..." The trainer was already gasping as the vice-like grip around his chest stopped him taking deep breaths. "...use Thunderbolt!" If it could be pulled off, then perhaps they could be persuaded through battle to leave him alone. He felt the charge build up in his pokémon from the way his hair stood up on end. The air around him seemed to grow drier as the sparks began to appear on the cheeks of the Raichu. It seemed that, at any second the short, sharp electricity would strike both the thick snakes and they'd be forced to get off, or at least go limp so that he could slip out.

Both the Serperiors laugh wickedly, and their grasp fiercely tightened once they allowed the Raichu time to almost charge up enough. The insanely tight coils forced the air out of chubby rodent, and his concentration was instantly broken. Thunderbolt faltered and disappated, leaving their only possible method of fighting back to disappear like the evening's setting sun. Raichu's mouth held itself open in a desperate attempt to try and breathe back in, a noiseless cry sounding off.

"S-stop it!" He could barely breathe too; the Serperior's bodies were not only squeezing him, but were crushing the small, fat little rodent against his chest too. Every second their thick, muscular tails would compress in another centimeter around the two bodies, denying the pair the air they needed. "Don't h-hurt him!"

"Ssso eager to give him up." Essurio chuckled next to him. "We'll be glad to take him off your handsss." The cocoon of tails slackened enough to give them air, though the trainer took a few seconds to pant and gasp first.

"What do you mean? What do you want with him?"

"I couldn't resssisst noticccing how plump the little rodent isss." Massia's breath rolled against his ear, "And I don't believe sssomeone like you ssshould have a pokémon like him." The trainer's eyes fell, as he looked down.

"I might have overfed him rare candies to make him evolve quicker." He admitted. "I started this whole training thing only a few weeks ago. I got a...another pokémon from a relative of mine." He tried to avoid mentioning his Zoroark; hopefully the red-haired pokémon would be back any time now and save them from their predicament.

"Have you tried to cheat your way with that pokémon too?" She smiled, neglecting to mention the Zoroark inside of her throat and stomach, who was mildly squirming yet barely moving inside her body.

"No, he was leveled up enough before I was given him, I've only helped one or two."

"A pity, he could have been entertaining sssport asss well."

"We met a pokémon on our way here, didn't we?" Essurio spoke up, delighting in the little wriggle the human gave. "Quite a deliciousss one too." Massia turned her attention back towards her friend, and slowly moved her head to hover over the trainer's. Her throat muscles subtly began to move the Zoroark back up her throat, back towards freedom.

"Pointed usss in thisss direction, he did."

"After we sssqueezed it out of him though, he made a deliciousss sssnack." Massia ensured that the trainer could feel the limp body moving up through her throat, a soft bulge that didn't give away any of his features.

"What did he sssay to usss? Sssomething about hisss tassty trainer all alone and vulnerable?" Essurio was more taunting her prey than speaking to her friend, who was now unable to reply with the Zoroark's head nestled neatly in the back of her throat. "Sssomething about sssubmitting to usss. He didn't put up much of a fight, quite disssappointing really. Hearing the truth from you about your abilitiesss musst have meant that it was yoursss."

With a particularly insidious hiss from Essurio, Massia opened her large maw, revealing to the trainer her dark-red mouth with walls so soft that all guided the view inwards; right to the depths of her throat. For a second, he couldn't believe what his eyes were telling him, and his mouth dropped open in an inferior mimicry of her own. There, nestled quite comfortably, the trainer could see the dark-grey muzzle of his Zoroark and the slightest hint of his large scarlet mane before the throat's walls replaced them. Dumbstruck, he watched one of his pokémon lodged weakly in the strong throat of the snake.

"Master..." The weak voice of the Zoroark leaked from his lips, "...I tried."

"No..." It was all he could say, meekly as well.

"He tried to protect you too, lying to make usss think that he belonged to nobody."

"No!" They could feel him begin to fight back, his arms and legs stressing and flexing to try and foolishly push the thick muscular bodies away. Even with his arms at his sides, the trainer tried so hard to shift even a single coil away from his legs, arms, torso or shoulders.

"That'sss right...tire yourssself out." Both Serperiors smiled as their prey exhausted himself trying to fight off the tight pressure they inflicted on both him and the Raichu on his chest, who was still weakened from before. "It'sss only a matter of time before you sssubmit."

Massia's tail slithered up his body a little, allowing for her to spool the slack of her upper body around the trainer's head. Only a single coil was needed to entomb it, but she did not squeeze tight enough to crush him. Instead her grip was tight enough that he could feel the movements of the Zoroark in her throat, and the powerful muscles that manipulated him.

"Sssay a final goodbye." Essurio hissed, and the Zoroark disappeared back down into the tight, fleshy prison that would be his final resting place. The bulge that the Zoroark made slowly travelled down her body, and Massia ensured that the trainer felt every movement all around his face. His struggles grew to their climax as the Zoroark's limp body was sluggishly drawn from one ear to the other, passing over the trainer's squirming features and forcibly made apparent with a little squeeze.

"Nothing to sssay?" Massia spoke once the Zoroark was deep enough, and with her wrapping around his body, every vibration was felt. The trainer could also feel two vines slip out and travel down from his shoulders towards his chest, slipping underneath the bands of strong muscle that had loosened slightly to give him hope to struggle fruitlessly. "Not even to thisss one?" The vines targeted the chunky pokémon on his chest, swiftly wrapping around his stubby arms and chest.

Strength out-classing his own pulled the fat rodent out from the cocoon that held him against the trainer's chest. However he was not freed in favour of the trainer; instead the vines that had extracted him began to wrap their skinnier coils around the Raichu. The vines seized around him tight, covering the weak pokémon from the tip of his ears down to his toes. Where he had been against his trainer's chest, the coils drew taut again, wholly constricting the trainer.

"Mmm, what a fat little rat. You look absssolutely deliccciousss." Massia's mouth practically watered as she watched the little rolls of fat try to sneak out between the wraps of her vines. To her ears, the sounds of her vines creaking as their intense grip threatened to squeeze the squeaking, squirming pokémon into paste. Being weakened by the initial squeezing, Raichu was in no condition to fight back against the vines that tightened equally around his entire body, though that didn't stop him from trying. Useless squirm after useless squirm was simply absorbed by the flexibile vines, which slowly grew weaker with each passing second.

"Stop!" He cried out, unable to see, but able to hear, the cracking of the vines and the weak shrieks from the Raichu. Massia had moved in close, leering over the squirming rodent with her far larger body, eagerly licking her lips as a visual promise. "Don't hurt him!" The trainer was desparate, they could hear it in his muffled voice.

"Oh don't worry, it doesssn't hurt." She smirked, before opening that large maw wide, showing off the dark, wet insides of her throat to the barely conscious, hardly struggling Raichu, who could only watch as Massia moved in. Like the Zoroark before, the dark red throat moved to cover the entirety of his sight, the scarlet colour broken only by the clear pillars of saliva that eagerly stretched from top to bottom. Several broke and splattered below. Massia's imposing tongue had slid out from her jaws and was slowly making its way over towards the panicking pokémon.

The vines held the pokémon tight enough that he could not hope to evade as the thick tongue pressed itself against the underside of his chin, guiding him in. Warm breath rolled over his nose; the mild remnants of a aphrodesiac seeped inside. But it was too little, too late, and seconds later, the tip of the Racihu's nose passed between Massia's lips. The thick tongue coiled around what was left of his exposed neck, acting much like a leash that pulled him in further. Instantly, what was left of his body was subject to the warm, wet and powerful tongue lathering itself against his neck.

It took just a single tug from Massia to pull the Raichu halfway into her mouth, where the rest of it touched against his body. The roof of her mouth slid down against the back of the Raichu's neck, replacing where the thin, numerous vines grasped. Beneath him, the tongue slithered between the coils and drew him in deeper. Most of the fat little rat was in Massia's mouth now, and the tip of his nose pressed against the entrance to her throat, parting the intense coils of muscle that would soon seize around him.

Meanwhile, the trainer could feel the throat muscles moving through Massia's skin as they prepared to accept the newest meal; his own Raichu. Even though their bondage should have tired him out completely, he felt that he still had some strength left in him to fight back, to try and get his Raichu out of there before it was too late. But again, he underestimated both the weight and the strength of the unflinching coils that were wrapped so neatly around him. The sleeping bag that contained the four...nearly three...bodies inside of it squirming and writhed every time the trainer tried to escape.

The first ring of muscles began to have their effect on the Raichu, tightening around what they could, then relaxing for gravity and the feeding vines to push him in deeper. Massia's hunger ensured that Raichu spent as little time outside her body as he could, with the vines around his body pushing him deeper inside.The Raichu was quickly pushed from the warm embrace of his trainer and the vines to the soft, wet hold of the Serperior's expansive throat. Massia's long, thick tongue, her strong vines and the crushing muscles all helped to draw the Raichu in up to his stubby legs.

"Let him go!" The trainer managed to speak up, shouting out muffled expletives as his second pokémon disappeared like the first; into the throat of a hungry, gluttonous snake. Of course, neither Massia nor Essurio bothered to reply to him at all. Instead, Essurio chose to silence him again with the coils around his chest flexing enough to hold his torso absolutely still. Panic set in, tears began to drip as the trainer slowly submitted to the fact that his goal of a pokémon trainer was coming to an end.

Like before, he could feel the muscles begin to swallow up his Raichu, thick gulps that wrenched the pokémon deep into the fleshy throat with gracious speed. Already the bulge of the chubby rat was tactile through Massia's throat, and even with the fruit inside the Zoroark, the girth of the Raichu's far exceeded it.

"Doesss he tassste asss deliciousss as you hoped?" Essurio spoke up as she saw the bulge in her friend's throat, hiding her jealousy for now. Those powerful muscles that held onto Raichu's body gave a massive gulp, pushing the rat deep down until just the very end of his tail was the only thing not swallowed up into the thick embrace of the powerful throat muscles. Even now, the bulge of the rat was spread around the back of the trainer's head, slowly moving from the right to the left.

Massia could not reply to her friend just yet, instead choosing to shift and turn her larger head to hover over the mildly weeping trainer. Large, sharp scarlet eyes found and fixed against the trainer's own, a stare he could not reciprocate. His eyes had to dip down to avoid her gaze, and he had to settle on staring at the lightly squirming tip of his Raichu's tail. The yellow half-lightning bolt shape was completely surrounded by the dark scarlet colour of Massia's mouth, positively shining with the layers of saliva that ensured that the surface of her flesh was frictionless, and all prey couldn't fight against it.

"Ssstare at the lassst sssight of your pokémon." Essurio hissed with a smile on her face, gleefully watching the morale of the trainer crumble as the pokémon was drawn in by the squeezing throat muscles that continued to move the heavy-set bulge behind his head. Just before the last evidence that the Raichu had ever existed besides the lump in Massia's throat, he tried desperately to free himself from the unflinching muscles. But, like many prey before, she won out, and his squirms only served to tire himself out.

Those squirms paled in comparison to the ones from the trainer, who watched that tip disappear. With the last vestiges of strength that he could possibly muster, the trainer pushed and struggled, moving his arms, legs, torso, shoulders, literally anything that could possibly help him escape from their serpentine prison. Had his mouth not been pinned shut, the cry out might have deafened them. But, alas, his struggles were in vain. Even if he had managed to push the thick muscular bodies even an inch away, he could not crawl out from their embrace without them capturing him again, and again, and again until he was exhausted beyond belief.

"Keep ssstruggling, pathetic trainer." Both Serperiors spoke in sync, lifting their heads to stare down at him fruitlessly writhing in a dual serpentine embrace. The bondage around his head at at least retracted back down his body, returning him to the tight wrappings that held him from shoulders down to the feet. Esurrio did not let up her grip, allowing for Massia to slither herself back down his near naked body. It was then, and only then that the two of them noticed that their bondage around his body had had an effect that they hadn't anticpated, and with all the excitement regarding the receding bulge of the barely fighting fat-rat, they had missed something interesting below.

But once they noticed, the Serperiors couldn't help but laugh. The nearly-nude trainer, wrapped so tightly in serpentine bondage, warmed by the insulation of the sleeping bag that held their three bodies, the sweat running down his back from the exertion of struggling, and the constant contact of their own warm tails around him, was becoming ashamefully aroused. His face didn't admit it, not to them at least, but to him his body had reacted as if two attractive women had slipped into his sleeping bag and pinned him down.

"Isssn't thisss what happened to our trainer?" Essurio whispers in the squirming human's ear.

"We had to ssseduce him with a little breath..." Massia leaned in, joining her friend by huskily hissing softly against him, brushing lips against his ear. "...but thisss one ssseemsss raring to go."

"Even after we consssumed both of his pokémon right before hisss eyes?"

"Yesss, how lecherousss of you trainer. Arousssed by the very sssnakesss that sssqueezed and ssswallowed your preciousss pokémon."

"D-don't..." His strength had almost totally faded, there was not much that he could do to stop them do whatever they wanted to do. "Please." Of course, his pleading was ignored. Even as he begged them, he could feel their vines slip out and stroke down his restrained body.

"Jussst let usss break you down." They spoke in unison. The tips of the vines reached his trapped hips quite quickly. It took just a shifting of a single coil to allow them access to the last shred of defense he had against them: his underwear. One of the vines curved over a coil and moved down towards his groin. The tip of that vine slid against the growing bulge that they delighted to torment him about.

"He'sss even harder than I thought." Essurio smiled, as it was her vine that toyed with him. She had more control over it than the human had over any of his fingers. Even now, the vine's tip lightly draped itself over it, stiffening him from his shoulders down. Without his arms or legs to move, he was forced to lay there and be subjected to what she wanted, which turned out to be his absolute vulnerability. The vine tip didn't last for too long at his hips, instead it hooked over the lip of the pants he wore, and pulled them down without resistance. Once it was free from the curve of his hips, their combined tails took it under their control, tugging them neatly down until it reached it feet and came loose.

The trainer was now completely nude in the embrace of the two giggling serpents, and their smirks never diminished. From just above his hips, the coil that had shifted loose to allow the vine to access his hips slowly slid back into place. Of course, now that underwear had been freed from his body, his arousal stood upright at attention. And with the thick coil settling back into place, he couldn't stop it from being sandwiched between them.

"Our trainer could only ssstand a few minutesss of thisss." They hissed, pleased with themselves as the trainer's breathing began to turn to moans. His sensitive shaft, much like his entire body, was trapped between the coils, and each one belonged to one of the two Serperiors for them to flex and relax at their own pace. Each second, they would tighten and flex in unison, squeezing both coils together to crush his shaft, before settling back. The trainer could feel each muscle inside their tails flex to squeeze him. "Looksss like you won't even make that."

"An unworthy trainer and pathetic in bed as well." Esurrio hissed, and it was her coil that had moved up, then down and pinned him between them. Through her tail, she could feel the breathing and the heart rate of the human increase with each passing second; he would pulse against her skin, and so she would toy with him. Each time that their coils tightened together, Essurio would ensure that the binds around his chest would squeeze as well, slowly deriving him of the air in his body, as well as ensuring that he was in a lesser state to fight back if they ever released him.

He, meanwhile, was sweating up a storm inside that sleeping-bag. It wasn't exactly a cool day, even in the late afternoon, and with the two powerful bodies wrapped tightly around his own, he was heating up with each passing second. Exertion from attempted escapes and their slow, purposeful attention was making sure that he couldn't concentrate on what mattered. They couldn't even tell whether his panting was an attempt to cool himself down, or it was for the pleasure that the squeezing tails slowly inflicted upon him.

Already the sensation was building in his restrained arms and legs, starting with a tingling in his fingers and toes. His weakness at being a poor trainer and the humiliation of these two serpents forcing themselves around him only added to the sourness of the situation. Was he really that bad at controlling pokémon that even one of them alone could defeat his entire team? These Serperiors weren't even as high of a level as his Zoroark, but the Zoroark was literally crushed by the two snakes with ease. Even the Raichu, who should have been able to knock both away with a single hit was defeated as easily as one would swat away a fly. How would he last now, after both his pokémon fell so easily?

Their hisses melded with the moans from his mouth as their unyielding tails squeezed his shaft; one first, then the other right behind it, moving his shaft in a slow wave up and down. If the coil above was flexed, then it would make his erection point downwards, or at least towards his feet, then when Massia's coil below tightened, then his hardness would either be immersed inside the warmth and tightness of their bodies, or it would shift it upwards on the relaxed loop above. When the two would come together, both of them would squeeze around their barely squirming prey to make sure that he was as weak as possible.

"Moan for me, little trainer." Essurio hissed as she tightened fiercely around his body. From the familiar sight of the expression the trainer's face, both of them could see that there was very little left in him. Just one last squeeze would milk him totally dry. At her command though, whether he heard it or not through the sensation that was shamefully delighting every last inch of his body, he did indeed let out an embarassing little whimper. Sweat piled in a lake on his forehead as his body tried so hard to avoid the pleasure that was breaking him down.

Their hissing combined with both the quiet groaning from his mouth and the light creaking of their serpentine coils as they tightened and loosened. With each passing second, the moans from the trainer turned huskier, shallower and quicker as the warm feeling that began in his fingers and toes seeped through his body. Like a flood it raced from his extremities, flowing through his restrained arms and legs to focus in almost an infinitely small point at his groin. With the deluge of sensation, his mind was overwhelmed with pleasure. With the sweat coating his body, it felt as if he was melting in the tight, serpentine embrace.

Out of his control, his hips began to buck forwards against the thick, heavy bodies holding him down, and it went as well as they expected. If his struggles hadn't shifted him an inch, then his spasming hips wouldn't move him either. He had given up on resisting; their strength was far too much for him to fight against, and it was clear that they would get what they want sooner or later. The trainer's mouth was consistently open as he tried to to pant, moan out and breathe all at the same time, quite exhausted from their thick coils. More and more attention was focused on his groin from their bodies; a tight squeeze here and there to delight him and drive him past the point of no return.

With a louder, yet weaker whimper he finally cracked underneath their thick coils as he could withstand no more. The trainer's hips already were trying to push out the pressure that had been gathering since the coils slithered around him. It had begun in his hips, but now it moved up the squeezed shaft to explode messily from the very tip. With nary a full breath sitting in his lungs and his mind unable to think anything close to a worthy thought, the trainer could not stop his body from reacting to the slowly constricting tails.

"Ahhh!" It wasn't loud, nor long, but the trainer embarassingly groaned out as from his shaft shot a string of cum onto the two tails. Eagerly, both Serperiors tightened their all-encompassing grip around him; both starving him of air and movement. When their thick coils flexed around his shaft, it only served to effectively milk him, draining him of whatever cum he could produce. And not just once or twice did they squeeze, but, timing it to their own pulsing heartbeats, the regular squeezing and relaxing of their bodies quickly forced him to shoot a fresh load. Each time they came together, the coils around his body would constrict as well, deriving him of precious air, then when both would relax at once, he'd get just a little space to breathe.

So effective was their milking prowess, that the sleeping bag itself slowly dampened with a hand-sized stain at his hip level. Each second, the trainer would jerk out of control from the pleasure, his mind barely staying attached while hot load after hot load would be extracted and uselessly wasted on the coils of the Serperiors and the soft fabric of the sleeping bag. They seemed to enact on him a state of hypersensitivity; in his nirvanic mindset of repetitive groans and moans, the trainer could feel every little inch of their bodies' movements. From each little creak of a muscle that stretched from his feet up to his neck, to the synchronized heartbeats of both Serperiors. He didn't even care that the weakly stirring bodies of both of his pokémon lay inside one of them, or that they had even been eaten in the first place. With this pleasure that he felt that controlled him, nothing mattered anymore.

"You've been grumbling all afternoon." Massia turned to her friend, noting the low rumbles of her friend's stomach. "I think he'sss perfectly sssatiated now."

"At lassst." Essurio's mouth began to water as much as the last moments of the Zoroark. "There'sss a little more to him than your mealsss."

"But I had two. Pokémon versssusss trainer, I think thisss balancesss out." Massia nodded, glancing for a second at the pleasure-glazed eyeballs of the trainer in their grasp. "Sssuch a sssmile on your faccce remindsss me of our lasss trainer." A small chuckle left her mouth as Essurio began to dip herself into the sleeping bag. In preparation for her meal, their coils moved to rotate the moaning trainer so that he would be on his stomach. This would allow for his last sight to be out of her jaws instead of into the roof of her mouth.

Essurio slips down towards the feet of their restrained prey, and with her size, the outline of her large serpentine form was clearly visible against the fabric of the sleeping bag. It was almost an insulting reminder to the trainer that his pokémon were lodged inside the other's body. Inside the sleeping bag it was a lot warmer than she expected, clearly they had been a little too efficient in breaking him down. It was darker too, but that didn't mean much to a serpent who could see in the dark; little pits just in front of her scarlet eyes could see the burning heat that he exuded.

Flexibility ensured that she could move even in the enclosed space. Now that she was down there, she could see how frugally his feet moved in his constant throes of ectasy. One loop of her tail was around one of his ankles and the other was heavily entombed by Massia's tail tip. Once Massia saw that her friend was down by their prey's feet, she unfurled the tip to expose his ankles, allowing enough space for Essurio to circle around. In his hypersensitivity, the trainer could feel the warm breath roll against his extremites. Even the breath alone was mildly ticklish, but he had no energy to squirm or fight back.

"Ssso trainer..." Massia smiled, lowering her head to be at the same level as his, moving her soft lips an inch from his own, so that her tongue would flick against him and he could look nowhere else but at her. "...would you like to be the deliccciouss meal for my friend tonight?" Her sharp scarlet eyes caught his and would not deviate away. He mumbled lightly, shifted by Massia's tail to stare at her. Rather than words, he seemed just to pant and try to catch his breath.

She saw a small squirm in him as Essurio opened her large maw and teasingly placed his feet upon her tongue. Aah, he had such a delicious warmth to him; Essurio's mouth watered even more, and she could not help herself as she began to take him inside of her. Said tongue replaced where the tips of their tails had tied themselves off. From there, she could pull him in slowly and make him feel every last inch of his body disappear inside the hot, damp throat. Unlike before, their tails did not squirm and shift to deliver them into the awaiting maw, instead they held him still with an iron grip.

"In honesssty, we've done you a favour." Massia continued, taking the human's silence as affirmation. "Sssuch an age asss you are, you really ssshould have been a better trainer. You, and your little pokémon were much more sssuited to being food than battling. It'sss lesss of an embarassement that you end up consssumed like thisss than to humiliate yourssself in a fight with children." Her eye contact with him never broke, though from the way he failed to react, Massia assumed that he was totally drained of all energy. Perfect.

The trainer could feel as his feet were slid softly into the embrace of the muscles in her throat and the tongue that was lashed around his ankles now slithered up to his knees to get a similar grip. If he thought that his skin was damp enough before hand, it was positively sodden now that the expanse of the tight throat and her mouth had had a go. Her serpentine throat muscles hadn't even had their chance to tighten and pull him in yet. Once both legs were submerged up to his ankles, then she'd reel him in. Right now though, she had moved up to his calves, exposing the slick walls of her throat to his ankles.

"Are you looking at me?" Massia smiled, barely tilting her head from side to side while staring into him. To her amusement, his head turned the same amount. A quick enthrallment had him completely charmed, and in his exhaustions he offered no resistance. "Good, you mussst be essspecially weak to fall ssso quickly." Her chuckles resonated in his ears. "What were you thinking, sssending off sssuch a weak pokémon to gather food?" Of course, there was no way that he could have predicted that something like this would have happen.

A loud gulp sounded from behind him, and had the charm not been obsessing with his mind, the trainer would have looked to see just how much of his body was now swallowed up by that Serperior. Essurio had pulled herself up enough that everything below his knees was now submerged inside the throat, dampening his warm skin with equally hot saliva. Now he was in the perfect position for the sheer strength of her throat muscles to work their magic. Like a wave the tightness began around his shallowest point and moved slowly down towards his feet. The strength was incredible, easily pulling him in up to his hips alone in a few seconds. The bulge he made in her body was hardly secretive as he was both taller than his Zoroark and thicker than his Raichu. The warmth and smoothness of the sleeping back he had been sleeping in was nothing compared to the slick walls of her throat that tugged with a powerful strength. The real reason that they had flipped him onto his stomach became obvious as the trainer's legs were swallowed.

"It would be quite boring of you to ssstay ssso still little trainer. Give a deliciousss performanccce and ssstruggle once more." Massia's whispered words became his thoughts, and so when she asked, he could not resist a thought he believed to be his own. Despite his exhaustion and the fact he was half swallowed, the trainer began to shift and shake his shoulders, trying so desparately to break free from their iron bondage. Essurio gave a pleasured grunt with a mouth half full of human as her little prey began squirming as if it mattered.

Something wet, thick and highly dexterous slipped and coiled its way around his shaft, giving him a little extra spurt to fight against, as well a moan to slip out of his mouth. Essurio's long tongue had captured it, and just to torment him a little more, began to slither from base to tip, urging the last little drops to fall just for her. Her large mouth accomodated him with ease as she slid past his hips, continually drawing him inside inch by inch. The trainer's hands were pinned by his sides before her throat took over that job, exposing his fingers to the slick, hot tunnel that squeezed and pleased. Of course, she didn't stay for long at his hips, instead preferring him to 'accidentally' humiliate himself while in her throat as she moved up the slow widening to his slim shoulders.

"Oh, how unfortunate." Massia chuckled as she saw him try to squirm and gain a final, fruitless release. Her coils constricted around him again, heightening his inability to resist their tormenting. "I sssuppossse the only thing left for you isss to be a nice tasssty morsssel for usss. Would you like to be the deliccciousss meal for my friend tonight?" She echoed, nodding so that he followed her movements and unconsciously agreed. "I wisssh I could tassste you for myssself, but your weak pokémon ssserved me well."

His slim shoulders proved no obstacle to Essurio, who tugged and pulled with the strong rings of muscle that were acting on his entire body now. His chest had disappeared without struggle, and he now was just a neck and a head poking out from a dark scarlet throat. The coils that held him were now redundant, but it was fun to hold the bulge of his body inside the throat of another. Massia herself could squeeze her loops and force him down, creating small tugs-of-war between her body and Essurio's throat. All around the squirming human's frame was the slickness from the thick, hot saliva that eased him into an all-encompassing embrace. Like Massia had done with the Zoroark, Essurio pulled him inside her body totally, and his head slowly vanished until it was at the back of her throat, and just his panting, stressed features were visible.

"I'd love to ssstay and chat." Essurio smirked, a last torment to him. "But do be a good boy and ssstruggle once more. It'll add to your flavour." She was about to nod at Essurio to finish him off before something struck her. "Before you disssappear forever. I find it extra engrosssing if you told usss your name." There was a pause as the trainer tried to take in a breath large enough to say his own name, prevented by the tightness of the throat pressed all against his body. With a humiliating final croak, the human was able to squeak out his last word:

"L-Luke." A breathless word so quiet you barely thought he had whispered it. A grin spread across Massia's face.

"You sssee, that'sss where your wrong. To you, your pokémon and family you might have been Luke." She leaned in close enough for her tongue to flick across his lips. "But to usss, you're jussst tonight'sss meal."

With that, a final massive gulp quickly spirited the human into the dark, wet depths of Essurio's throat. His last sight had been just the scarlet, entrancing eyes and the grin of that Serperior. Now, all he could see was darkness. The muffled sound of a slow, powerful heart beat was interspliced with the wet squishing as he sought to fulfill the last hypnotic command; struggle. Luke's final movements were only shown to the private audience of the two gluttenous, laughing serpents.

"What a pathetic, deliciousss meal." Essurio spoke as her throat was free to speak.

"Had we ssshared the pokémon, we could have kept him asss a ssslave."

"A toy almossst." Essurio agreed. "One that we could sssqueeze day after day to hear those deliciousss sssoundsss of ssstruggle." Their conversation was cut short by another sound.

"Trainer!" A male voice called from outside the tent. It sounded young and full of energy; a new trainer had appeared, spotting the tent against the tree. "Do you think you can sleep and escape a battle? Nonsense! A pokémon trainer must be ready to battle at all times! I challenge you to a match, right here, right now!"

"Ssso eager to meet hisss fate." Essurio whispered with excitement in her voice.

"Are you ssstill hungry?"

"I demand combat now! I have trained my Raichu's so well that they cannot be defeated by anyone!" The trainer continued to shout and demand battle, unaware the fate of the trainer inside. The Serperiors looked at one another; already their mouth's watered at the foolish utterance of the trainer's pokemon.

"Only one to find out."

[Commission for Bobert] Don't Cross A Tigress

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Touch Fluffy Tail

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Colours and Coils

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