Leader of the Pack

Story by Cheetahs on SoFurry

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Battles were fought. Beasts were filled. Lessons were learned. With the last battle looming on the horizon, Suel prepares for his greatest trial.

Part 8<<<< Current Chapter

Start from the beginning!

*This is it, dear readers. The last battle is here, and we'll finally see who stands up as the victor and who crawls down and takes it up the bum as the defeated. With this chapter, this Saga of Suel's Feisty reaches an end, but this story will definitely NOT be the last. For a kinky wolvar such as avatar?user=125339&character=0&clevel=2 Suel every ending is just a setback. *

Anyway, get a cup of tea, cookies, or anything your heart desires and get started on this little beast. My only request is the following:

Fav if you read it

Vote if you liked it

Comment if you're feeling awesome

Thank you very much. Now let the fun begin!


Morning came faster than Suel expected. He blinked his emerald eyes open and licked his dry nose. He had such a beautiful and sweet dream about his Erya. They both cuddled inside her den, sharing their bodies, their tongues, and their respective sexes. Suel winced, pressing a paw against his moist sheath. He was drenched in precum, and for good reason. He had been inside Erya for what felt like hours, filling her with more seed than she could take.

Suel blinked. The fuzzy image inside his head turned and shifted. He was back inside the stables, with a huge knot lodged inside his ass and another cock spurting its essence down his throat. Suel coughed, reminding himself of Blackpaw's enormous length. The wolf's warm seed still trickled down Suel's throat if he thought on it hard enough.

"He was so big," Suel licked the insides of his muzzle while fondling his balls with a paw. "So big and so eager..."

Just like his master. The hunter put on a fierce mask to intimidate his opponents, but Suel knew his weakness. He clenched around and milked it yesterday until the worgen howled his raging climax.

"You like to be taken, you bastard," Suel gripped his tense sheath between two fingers and pressed down, revealing his full, throbbing length. "The way you moaned and thrust spoke louder than your words." Suel clenched, spurting a straight stream of clear precum. "Agh. I'll give you a filling to remember, and then we'll see if you can walk straight back to your den."

He pawed himself to completion, then turned into cat and bolted into the bustling streets. The morning sun forced almost every living being out of their homes. Suel saw ferals, humanoids, and mounts making their way this way and that. The usual tongue in ass or sniffing was not an uncommon sight. Ferals loved that, and yowls and roars of ecstasy were a lot more common than a rooster's song.

Suel had little time to enjoy these delights though. He made his way towards the park's Moonwell and practiced focus. His mind was still foggy with arousal, and that impaired his judgement. He went through every spell, launching it harmlessly on boulders or straight in the air. The sun slowly traveled across the sky, acquiring the pleasant shade of a golden afternoon.

That's when Suel made his way to the arena. He took a seat in the feral row and turned down every needy beast with a heavy heart. The feisty fluffies were a distraction he couldn't afford, especially not when the champion fought. Hrevard was in a particularly vicious mood. He forced his wolves upon his opponents, then mated them with savage thrusts, often pulling out his knot long before he was completely spent. He did that now, leaving a pandaren crying with pain or pleasure. Suel couldn't tell which was which.

"You are next, pup!" The worgen roared, pointing towards Suel. The crowd boomed, roaring and yowling their need for seed.

Suel didn't let himself be intimidated. He shifted into cat and leaped down the rows until he touched the warm sand below his soft paws. The arena master nodded at him and turned his fiery eyes back towards the crowd.

"Harvred asks, and the challenger answers. The next fight can finally commence!"

"I will have your ass, pup," the hunter growled, revealing teeth glimmering with saliva. "Mark my words."

"I'd rather mark you instead, with my seed," Suel stroke his shaft. The wolves got restless, smelling the scent of arousal. Greywind whined softly, licking her muzzle at the enticing sight. Blackpaw too yelped, eager to get another taste. The worgen silenced both of his pets with a hiss.

"It looks like both of you are ready," the arena master said. "Do you know the rules?"

The worgen nodded. Suel was slightly less enthusiastic. He got a frown, along with a slight snarl from the annoyed master. "You are not allowed to use any harming spells, tools, or anything that may injure your opponent. This is a fight to dominate, not to kill."

"Why does he have a bow then?" Suel pointed.

The worgen took out an arrow and licked the blunt tip with his long, slurpy tongue. "Blunt. Just like your ass after I'm done with you."

Suel blinked, saying nothing. He couldn't allow arousal to cloud his mind just before a fight. He took a balanced position, one hand before the other, waiting until the arena master finished his speech.

"Be tough, or be fucked. FIGHT!"

Suel conjured hibernation as soon as the last word left the master's lips. The two wolves skidded on the sands, suddenly dizzy. The hunter growled, pulling something from the twin pouches dangling at his hips. He shoved the darts through the thick fluff of his pets, then readied his bow. Suel tightened his jaw. The two wolves shook their heads and snarled, suddenly alive. They pushed the ground hard, sending sand high into the air.

"Bad. This is bad," Suel said, summoning his entangling roots. He got an arrow in the muzzle, then another straight in the chest. He sneezed, breaking the focus. Those things hurt like a well aimed punch.

"Ravage him!" the hunter snarled, shooting another arrow towards Suel's crotch.

Suel quickly blocked it. It took concentration to avoid the arrows, and that was a mistake. The two wolves leaped, coming down in a storm of paws, fur, and snarling fangs. Everything happened so fast. Suel tried to shift, but hard paws slammed into him before he dug inside his mana pool.

"Fuck him raw!" The hunter growled, joining in with fast strides. Blackpaw dropped on top of Suel, humping wildly for his tailhole.

Suel gasped and shifted. The lithe form of a fox allowed him to sneak between the paws of the great wolves. He got an arrow in the back, yelping in pain. Another followed, straight in the flank. Suel kicked his leg, losing his balance and falling on the sand face first. He scrambled on his paws in a mad dash, chancing a look behind. The worgen's bow offered him an unfair advantage, and the wolves were almost upon him.

Suel needed a bit of distance. He focused on typhoon and shifted back into wolvar. The energy thrummed inside his clenched paws, ready to be unleashed. He whirled in a storm of sand and pushed his paws forth along with the might of a wave. A wall of howling wind and pelting water surged forth, sending the pack of canines on their backs. This was the chance he needed. Suel moved his paws, summoning wild, constricting vines. He got the hunter first, trapping his legs tightly. Greywind followed. She was leaner and faster, making her a bigger threat. Blackpaw was the last. The great wolf already ran towards Suel, half a cock poking through his dripping sheath. It was red, and big, and plump with arousal.

Suel's focus wavered. His roots slid right between the wolf's paws, allowing him to cover the distance. He tackled Suel under his bulk and started thrusting with abandon. His slimy cock surged with seed, shooting his load well before his cock was completely out.

Suel gritted his teeth. His tailhole was assaulted with an unfair amount of pressure and warmth. He couldn't give in. Couldn't let himself be penetrated.

Blackpaw whined. His cock poked Suel's tail out of the way and spread his flanks until it revealed Suel's squirming tailhole. The muscles tightened, ripe for the taking. A jet of precum forced them to loosen, preparing the ring of muscles for the long rod that followed.

Suel howled, feeling his insides stretched way beyond their limits. He shifted mid penetration, dangling by Blackpaw's huge cock before he broke himself free. He dropped on the ground as a fox, seed and arousal dripping from his abused hole. He shifted back into wolvar, distracting Blackpaw with a swarm of pestering insects.

"Grah!" The hunter roared, cutting through the roots with his bow. He was still tied, offering Suel the perfect chance. He ran towards the worgen, who trashed and ripped the pitiful twigs away. He got his bow, aimed at Suel, and unleashed a wave of arrows.

Suel changed to cat, pushing into a wide leap. His powerful paws sent him soaring straight towards the worgen's embrace. He braced against the impact, then growled as a full grown bear dropped upon him. The quick shifting allowed Suel the perfect advantage. He growled in the worgen's face, pelting him with warm saliva before he bent his legs in a savage thrust. Suel pushed his ursine cock into the worgen's balls, ramming them hard until Suel finally found the defenseless tailhole.

A single thrust was all it took for him to sink deep into the worgen's untrained anus. The hunter howled, clenching against the intrusion with all he had. The crowd roared with lust and eagerness, and Suel did the same. He pushed deeper into that warm shelter, stretching it until he sunk all the way to his perky balls. The worgen thrashed, crying against the sudden penetration. He was too tight and unprepared for the seed that followed. Suel burst, sending hit hot semen deep into the tightening tunnel. The worgen squirmed and growled as warm spurts filled him. He wanted to fight, to pretend he didn't enjoy it, but his erect cock spoke otherwise. It plopped out of its sheath with a squelch and started pelting Suel's belly with strong jets of canine semen.

"I'll have you, pup," he groaned, panting with obvious arousal "This is not the end, ghaaah!"

Suel silenced him with a deafening roar and a spurt to match it. He sent his warm seed like an arrow against the worgen's overly sensitive insides, forcing him to whimper his submission.

"Suel wins!" The arena master proclaimed, and the roars flared higher than ever.

The sound of victory was warm and slick, just as the hunter's filled tailhole. Suel pulled out and licked his muzzle, happy that he left such an obvious mark on his prey.

And by the looks of it, he wasn't the only one. Blackpaw darted towards his master's soiled crotch, licking the seed with frenzy. The worgen shoved him away, but Blackpaw had other plans in mind. He snarled fiercely, pushing his master into the proper mating position.

"Get on your fours, and let him take you," Suel said.

The hunter snapped at him. "Only because you won," he growled, allowing his pet to take what it wanted. Blackpaw whined lustfully, licking at the exposed cock of his previous master. Once he got a proper taste, he latched his forepaws around the worgen's and started humping eagerly until he found his prize. He pushed his wet, raging erection all the way in, lodging his knot so hard his master cried and cursed.

Suel smiled. He got quite hard seeing a hunter pounded by his own pet. He turned around and released the trapped Greywind. She ran to him with wide strides and licked him from muzzle to cock, whining happily.

"Sorry. Got a little distracted," Suel said, ruffling her warm fur. She basked in his touch for a brief moments before she turned around, presenting her swelling vulva to him. Suel sniffed in the enticing aroma and dashed his tongue across it, looking at the trapped hunter. He turned his gaze away, whimpering upon the sands.

His loss. Suel slurped the tasty lips until he had a good taste of what he was going to mount. He leaned the huge female on her belly, then thrust his cock into the eager wolf. His hardened knot smacked against her wet sex, refusing to go in.

The female didn't care. She whined and lifted her shivering tail higher, demanding more. Suel thrust quicker, sliding in and out of her dripping walls with a wet, squelching sound. She was soft and slick, quickening his seed with every embrace of her heated muscles. He came into her with strong ropes of canine seed, filling her arousal. The hot seed emboldened her need. Pushing back, she lifted her hindquarters and started humping the air with relentless determination. Her muscles gripped Suel, sliding down his length with every push of her hips.

Gritting his teeth, Suel matched her pace. She was desperate for his knot, pulling in with needy yelps. Suel tried to push in, meeting her clenching lips. He tried once, twice, then howled when a wave of liquid warmth bathed his cock with warm, consistent slime. He thrust hard, finally lodging himself into her with a long, howled climax. His tailhole clenched harder than ever, sending out his seed in a long, continuous gush. The female cried her heart out under the hot riptide, squeezing hard against the pressing swell. She too came, spasming quickly around Suel's filling cock.

Suel panted. He felt hot, tired and fulfilled. The hunter snarled over Blackpaw's eager whines. He pushed his master closer to his huge cock and licked his neck with long, loving strokes of tongue.

"We are not above beasts, worgen," Suel turned his head around, tongue lolling from his maw. "They are...part of us. And we should treat them with the needed respect."

"They are pets," the worgen spat. "This burden whining upon my back is NOT my equal!"

"Yes he is," Suel said. "They may be pets, but they have needs that have to be satisfied, just like us. Blackpaw should be proof enough."

The hunter waited until the words sunk in. He looked back at his canine companion, earning an eager lick across his muzzle. His lips contorted into a soft smile. Was he...affectionate? Suel didn't know. The rush of affection made Blackpaw squirm. He shifted on his paws, moving in that gigantic knot swelling inside his master.

The movement was too much. The worgen closed his eyes and yelped, tail shooting up with a particular hard squeeze of his tailhole. The pressure made Blackpaw howl his bliss. He shoved his knot in yet again, unloading a raging spurt of hot canine semen inside his master.

The worgen melted with bliss, He dropped on the ground, crying in the afterglow. Maybe a proper filling was all he needed. Suel smiled, then turned back towards his female. She wagged her tail, licking his crotch happily. Suel bent and grabbed her huge head, kissing her on the lips. She answered with a long, slurpy lick of her own. Suel whined, basking in the filling sense of warmth. He fought hard and fucked even harder. Did it worth it pursuing such a path?

With a lustful female tied around his spasming knot and a defeated champion whining out his newfound bliss, the answer was quite obvious.

A Tie That Lasts

Part 4 <<<< Current Chapter Start from the beginning!Support me on Patreon for novel chapters, snippets, and more exclusive content!Hello my dear readers! I welcome you on the final installment of Andriel's Canine Adventures. My, what a journey it's...

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Approaching the Climax

[Part 7](https://www.sofurry.com/view/788920)\<\<\<\< Current Chapter \>\>\>\> [Last Part](https://www.sofurry.com/view/792918) [Start from the beginning!](https://www.sofurry.com/view/778484) **Suel is forced to take a feral wolf inside his muzzle...

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