Higher Learning 2

Story by Luther-Bat on SoFurry

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Higher Learning 2

By Luther

After losing his workshop, Ryusho had to ponder what to do next. The blue dragon had been teaching a group of students in secret during the incident that destroyed said building involving a raven named Devin's endowments growing in greater dimensions than it. Of course, his clandestine teachings were discovered by everyone the next morning since every spell the dragon tried to fix it only made the poor bird grow larger. He didn't shrink back down on his own until well after everyone around got a good look.

When he learned that Devin was actually the son of a wealthy noble, Ryusho thought he might be in some serious trouble. Yet, after a series of bribes to keep various people from speaking or remembering they saw Devin at all, or assuming it must have been another raven, the dragon was surprised to learn that he was visited with the offer of a job instead of a court summons. In a society obsessed over whether or not current scions will bear a proper heir to the family, an art involved in ensuring potency and fertility (among other things) had gained some interest. The offer came from Devin's father and was not an offer for private tutorship as Ryusho might have expected. Instead he was to provide classes for a number of the noble sons and daughters, Devin included. They were all fairly well past the age of majority, no concerns there, and he would be placed in his own auditorium as well. How could he refuse?

Well, other than an included stipulation that either he accept the job or find himself meeting the gaoler. Needless to say, he took it.

The first few weeks were certainly nerve-wracking, with the dragon unsure as to his exact boundaries. But things quickly improved, he gained more clients beyond the immediate noble families and, though he couldn't accept any real pay for it, he was well taken care of. Everything he wanted was provided for and he was given a good amount of freedom, it more than made up for his lack of choice in the matter.

Among the business-oriented classes, it gained a surprising amount of legitimacy once people realized what an untapped market it was. Money can change a lot of minds on the subject and just about everyone could benefit from the services. It also turned out that the rich folk were just as horny and perverted as everyone else.

Before he knew it, Ryusho's oratorium became packed with people enrolling on their own, interested in what could be done with this brand of skill. There were soon so many applicants that others were brought in to teach, the dragon knew he wasn't the only practitioner, who handled the rest while Ryusho taught the men. Having drawn in so much gold single-handedly, he held the luxury of having that choice. Sexual Magician was quickly becoming a valid profession.

Not to mention something anyone would love to put on their credentials.

The lecture hall was built in the style of an amphitheater, a typical structure so that many stacked progressively higher and further back could view a single presenter. Everyone had spacious area beneath their desks and pretentions of modesty obviously had to be abandoned. It was somewhat common for a student to find himself being prodded in the back of the head after a successful and over-excited spell. Furthermore, students had to be plenty comfortable with each other since this sort of magic worked best when aroused. Clothes were not allowed and practices, demonstrations, and tests of skill were rather intimate.

That case in point was made in the previous lecture by Ryusho, who currently offered a gracious reminder.

"And I'd also like to thank Roderick again for helping us demonstrate during the 'How to Stretch to Fit Anything' lecture yesterday." Ryusho spoke and gave a shallow bow to a wolf in the first row, seated tenderly upon a thick cushion.

The canine, assumedly Roderick, simply smiled meekly and lowered his ears and head. Yet wondrous memories of himself hoisted high up and impaled on a horse's cock as big as he was caused his groin to stir. The wolf stole a glance across the hall to the equine owner of the shaft in question, now a manageable size once more, who blushed and smiled back. It would seem the two had found their study partners.

If the dragon had noticed, he didn't show it. Instead he busied himself with the subject of the day.

"Mobility!" he said aloud. "Continuing with the size theme of the month, let's say you've just made yourself or someone else grow massively endowed. You've just had your fun and things have gotten to the point where walking unassisted isn't really an option. Around this time you're noticing that huge cock or those enormous tits aren't shrinking back down yet." The dragon used his pointing stick to emphasize the issue, highlighting a drawing of a male with reproductive parts as large as he was, left entirely unable to move. It was of a raven that looked suspiciously like Devin.

"Provided you haven't accidentally just made the change permanent, what do you do? How do you cope if you don't just want to sit there for a few hours?" A few moments passed, nobody answered.

"Just use a cart!" exclaimed a gazelle in the third row who broke the silence. The dragon looked up at him.

"I don't remember calling on you to answer. As I said last week, I'd prefer if you waited for me to call upon you," said the professor. "But, in regards to your answer: you could try to use one and it might just help if you happen to have one on hand. Not to mention if you manage to get the leverage to move said immense appendages off the ground. Have you ever tried it before with something that size? Takes a whole team of men to move it. Heavier than the cart itself!"

He received a round of confused stares in return for that. But he continued anyway: Fortunately, magic caused the problem and magic can provide a circumvention until it goes away." The dragon smiled and nodded to the gazelle. "Milo!" Ryusho called, identifying him. "Your outburst has just volunteered you to help me show everyone what I mean. Step down here to join me, will you?"

Put on the spot like that, gazelle had no real option. Of course he could refuse but the ridicule he would receive from his peers provided the class an excellent check for that behavior. He hesitated and slumped his way towards the stage but yet he still came. Soon he was standing front and center next to the professor.

"Now all you have to do is just stand there, Milo. Just let whatever happens happen," explained Ryusho as he then called to the class. "Everyone take a good look at him, this is before I've worked any magic on him. As you can all see: nature has been very kind to Milo."

There were some snickering from the class, exactly as Ryusho wanted, at how the gazelle stood there with his generous proportions hanging freely. The dragon himself began to explain what he would soon do but stole a quick look down at him in the process. He noted that Milo seemed to appreciate the attention, if only secretly, as his thick black cock began to rise from it all. While there was some laughter, the ungulate only knew that he would be certainly getting some introductions and possibly intimate offers after class. Most people who were shown off before the class did.

As he wrapped up, the dragon chanced to steal another glance. The lad was huge! By the time he was inevitably erect, his member looked like one of the horns on his head: long, elegant, jet colored, and adamantly hard. Ryusho cleared his throat. "And now, to begin!" he said.

Milo blinked in confusion. "Wait, what? I wasn't paying attention."

"Too bad."

Ryusho snapped his fingers and a bright burst of light enveloped Milo's cock for just the blink of an eye. Milo jumped in surprise a little, much to the class's amusement. The light swiftly faded to a soft glow, forming a sheath of energy around it.

The gazelle's ears twitched and fluttered downward in pleasure, folding down below his horns and crown. It felt like a pair of the most wonderful lips were wrapped around the base of it, taking him in all the way to the back of the throat. He swore it even felt like a tongue was on the underside, running up and down the length of it. Almost immediately he began to grow, just as expected, and the light dimmed further until it was just a membranous shimmer so that everyone could see the cockflesh underneath.

Everyone's eyes were firmly focused on Milo, who shuddered and shivered as his cock magically expanded, lengthening to what had to be over a foot and a half. It worked quickly, making his lip quiver and causing him to lose whatever composure he thought he had up there. A bubbling pressure spread through his nuts and made him grab himself there, curious to see what was going on. They no longer fit in his hands, now well past the size of coconuts going to melons and overstuffed sacks of flour all while he stood there watching and fumbling them.

Ah, well past the threshold of unwieldy: exactly where the dragon wanted him to be! He wouldn't be able to walk around like that at all. Now the gazelle would be forced to come up with some spell to remedy that all while in intense arousal. All he had to do was stop powering the growth spell . . .

. . . any moment now it would stop.

Any moment now. Ryusho gulped.

It wasn't stopping. This was a little unexpected, thought the dragon. Something else must be interfering with his spell. He doubted it was any of the other students but what could it be? Ryusho tried not to panic as he realized he was losing control of another pupil. Oh dear. Milo's tremendous ballsack continued to expand out behind him. It knocked over the dragon's podium and scattered his notes, though those were the least of his problems. The joint flesh between it and his member was lifting the gazelle off his feet. Bigger and bigger the gazelle grew and before long he was better described as the guy who happened to be attached to the largest cock and balls anyone here had ever yet seen (with the exception of the professor). Milo clearly leaked, precum pouring out and into the sheath but thankfully the sheath held and the white stuff collected at the end in a roughly spherical mass that grew along with him.

Some in the audience became slightly worried when Milo's manhood outgrew its owner. Ryusho watched in the same mixture of apprehension and fascination as the rest of the class. It seemed that no matter how big Milo got, the dragon's spell continued to suspend that mammoth manhood in the air. It slowly drifted back and forth as he grew as if it were held floating underwater, which was appropriate considering it was nearly the size of a young whale now!

The students in the front row all felt the need to lean backwards and pin themselves against the far side of their desks. They tried to back away from the oppressive and looming mass of gazelle dick moving closer and closer to them. It was threatening to fill the entire chamber, smothering them with its presence.

How was this happening? Ryusho wracked his brain trying to figure it out. It should have stopped growing a while ago, yet there it was: hovering in the air like some meaty zeppelin. It was then that Ryusho did something he hadn't for some time: take his eyes off that huge cock. He saw Milo's face and had a flash of recognition. The grin there belied something more than the gazelle merely enjoying his newfound size but all the attention that came with it. That was it! Their stares were fueling it, providing an extra catalyst the dragon wasn't accounting for. However, at the rate Milo was growing he wouldn't be able to counterspell his own work fast enough. He only had one option that could work before that leviathan cock broke through the ceiling and he had a repeat of Devin on his hands: Milo had to cum -and quickly!

The gazelle's id had crawled to the surface as desire and want ruled him through a lust induced mental haze. The spell had moved to a dark and primal place, taking him along with it, and now he savored every drop of precious attention and yet it wasn't enough. It was likely all but impossible to ever be enough. He could almost see and feel their astonishment and wonder at his size rippling through him, feeding it. His balls were rising up and grew dense with more and more cum, all primed to blow. Milo sensed that they were growing afraid of his size as well, but that was just as good to him. Everything was good.

The magical envelope caressing his shaft grew brighter and brighter, mirroring his own approaching climax. The center stage actually shook beneath the dragon's feet, trembling with the force of the gazelle's monstrous quaking endowment. The magic vibrated, and phantom pair of lips Milo had felt at first redoubled the effort, able to caress and suckle at him thoroughly no matter how big he got. He moaned aloud but it was lost among the squelching, sloshing, shaking sounds of far too much flesh and cum moving together.

With a gasping sound, he let go and the monstrously oversized gazelle shaft flared immensely, stretching the magical barrier with itself and the spurting, jetting cum that shot from it to be collected near the tip in a rapidly expanding bubble that everyone stared up at, seized in apprehension. They hoped to the limit of hope that the spell surrounding his cock would hold, not realizing that everyone in the auditorium was actually in the splash zone if it failed. Ryusho's part was in pumping as much magical power as he could into it, both to hold back the incoming wave of cum and in making sure every trace of the original spell was ejected from Milo.

All of the dragon's focus was on tempting and teasing that monster endowment towards the edge so that, with a swift metaphorical kick, he could topple Milo right over it. It didn't take long at all, mercifully. The gazelle's mind and body was very open to such persuasions and Ruysho soon recognized the unmistakable action of those twin giant cum tanks drawing closer to their owner.

The gazelle practically growled as he came, uncharacteristic as it may be. The white tide hit the barrier hard as it shot from his oversized tip and it flashed with cascading light as it tried to contain it all. It stretched out, becoming deformed and balloon-like. The magic acted as some net it couldn't just slip through, catching it like some kind of seawall that held it all at bay. It just might work, it just might . . .

Everyone held their breath, well except for Milo amid all his groaning and moaning and panting. The gargantuan mass stayed suspended over their heads, threatening to burst and come down on all of them and put a sticky end to their day. But sure enough, the huge balls contracted again and again, the massive cock bobbed up and down as it flexed with each jet of cum bulging along the underside. Slowly it seemed to taper off.

It had held! Ryusho breathed a sigh of relief that fortune was on his side for once in one of these emergency situations. Milo's cock was steadily returning to a normal size, though with that much magic running through him a small bit of it was likely permanent now. Yet, after it all, they were still left with a tremendous amount of captured essence. He could probably find a use for it.

Now Ryusho just had to sort this all out before his next class.