Repaying the favor

Story by AtlantisDragon on SoFurry

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#2 of Jurassic High

Hello SoFurry fans.

It's me, AtlantisDragon, with my latest story.

Now, honestly, I sort of have mixed feelings about this one.

I mean, I feel good having completed it and published it, but I feel kind of iffy on the quality of it.

But, what's done is done, so I'll just leave it to the people that matter in this: you.

Like my last story, feel free to comment on it, and help me improve on being a better author.

Also, I feel great knowing that I got this story out today of all days.

Because today is my birthday.

That's right, as of today, I am officially 25 years old.

And honestly, I feel pretty much the same as always.

Is that normal?

Ah, whatever, I'm rambling.

Now, in my last story, somebody told me that I need to do a little world building.

Well, I couldn't agree more.

Sometime today, I'll post up a journal explaining the world of Jurassic High.

Until then, enjoy.

(P.S.: Spec-Ops: The Line is property of Yager Entertainment and 2K Games)

"AHH!" Anne leaned back further, planting a hand behind her on the bed for balance. "That's it...MMM!"

From his position between the Anklyosaurus' spread legs, Roger grinned, bending his neck to deliver another slow lick along the length of his girlfriend's entrance. The human sat cross legged on the floor, with Anne seated on the foot of his bed above him, her breathing growing shallow and eyes half-lidded. The armor plated dinosaur had one of her meaty legs draped over his shoulder, the other resting on the floor as he ate more of her pussy.

Definietly one of the best ways to spend a boring Tuesday afternoon.

It had been a fun couple of months since the couple first met. What started out as a mutual love for riffing on movies, cult classic video games, and obscure rock bands quickly morphed into a close friendship and then into a very passionate and intimate relationship. Anne still wasn't sure how exactly that last step had been made. All she knew was that one day, her and Roger were in his room, playing co-op mode in Spec Ops: The Line, then the next thing she knew, she was waking up in Roger's bed, naked, with a naked Roger holding her, her clothes thrown all over the place, his clothes all over the place, her orange bra half floating in his fishtank, and her black and pink panties dangling from the ceiling fan. She also felt a noticeable wetness between her thighs, and his dick was getting very hard. It didn't take long for her to figure out what happened last night, and it took her less time to wake him up, and give a repeat performance. Honestly, she was actually glad that she took that last step with Roger instead of someone else. After all, he was a nice guy, not afraid to say what he thinks, and he was pretty funny. Plus it didn't hurt that he didn't mind watching a Mystery Science Theater 3000 marathon with her while doing it doggystyle.

And of course, she thought, letting out a gasp as her hips rose from the bed, it certainly didn't hurt that he was a huge pervert, if all the porn he had on his computer and hid from his mom was any indication. So, he certainly knew his way around a pussy, which he certainly used to his advantage, making multiple merciless licks to her lips and sucking on her clit. With a groan, the anklyosaurus wrapped her other leg around his shoulder, trying to pull him deeper as she began reaching her peak.

Roger couldn't help but make a small noise of surprise as his nose was shoved more against the female's sex, but it didn't take a genius to figure out what she wanted. He slid his tongue deep into her folds, the thick appendage probing inwards and earning several more breathless exclamations from his partner. The male could feel his own arousal growing at the taste and the smell, clouding his mind with a pleasant haze of hormones. His length swelled against the stiff confines of his boxers and jeans, neglected for the time being in favor of the task at hand.

It didn't take much longer, though, as he decided just then to play dirty and mercilessly attacked her clit again, softly scraping his teeth over the little pink bundle of nerves. Anne swung her clubbed tail forward, biting down on it to keep from screaming in sexual bliss. Roger's parents were literally right below them, and they've made it clear the first time that they will not tolerate all the noise their lovemaking makes. Other than being prudes, though, Anne knew that his parent's were alright. Definietly different from her parents, berating her for dating a boy they claim is not good enough for her. It wasn't the fact that Roger was a human that bothered them, or the fact that he was a pervert (which they never learned, fortunately), no, it was because of one small fact about Roger and his family: they were Atheist. This clashed with her highly Jewish family greatly. Anne loved her family greatly, but given the choice, she'd choose her boyfriend Roger over her family.

Speaking of Roger, he pulled off his dirtiest trick yet on her, one that always gave her an orgasm like no other. He pulled his tongue out of her snatch, pulled a pair of her panties, red with a white bow on the band, from his pocket, wrapped them around two of his fingers, and finally began to finger her with his panty wrapped fingers. That instantly snapping her back from her thoughts, making her eyes cross and scream loudly. Her orgasm rolled over her, the day's tensions shattering around her in that one moment of bliss. Her lips clamped down tightly around the human's fingers, her body trying to vainly milk the intruders as she squirmed in release...

...and then it was over. The anklyosaurus let herself fall back flat onto the bed, her heart pounding in her chest as she caught her breath. Unfortunately, that wasn't the only pounding she was hearing, as she heard Roger's mom pound against the floor below them, reminding the lovers to 'keep it down or save it for a hotel'. 'Yeah, she's pretty cool' she thought as both of them chuckled. After a moment Roger crawled up her body, pulling out the drenched panties from her treasure, and grinning like the cat that ate the canary.

"You," she panted, still trying to catch her breath, "are such a fucking pervert. Using my panties to finger fuck me with?"

"Don't act like you didn't like it" he retorted, leaning down to kiss her sweetly. "I love you."

"I love you to" she said, "but your still a fucking pervert."

"This coming from the girl who let me fuck her in the ass while she used her tail to fuck herself?" he retorted.

"I was simply returning the favor for when you did my shift at the diner while I was on my period" she replied. "Besides, I still haven't forgiven you for making me cum in my favorite panties."

He smiled. "You mean the camoflauge panties with the white broken heart and crossbones on the crotch?" He reached under his bed, pulling out a orange closed duffel bag. Opening the bag revealed that it was filled with small plastic zipper baggies, each one filled with a pair of apparently soiled panties. Each pair of panties had a stain on the crotch area, as if the girl wearing them came in them. He ruffeled around in the bag momentarily, finally pulling out a baggie containing the before mentioned panties. "My personal favorite pair" he said. "The first pair I made you cum in, and what started my collection."

"See? This is exactly what I'm talking about" she stated, "collecting your girlfriend's panties after you make her cum in them or use them to make her cum. Like I said, you are such a pervert."

Roger just gave her a look.

"Alright, alright, I guess it's also kind of sweet" she said, albeit hesitantly. "For being a pervert, you're a very sweet guy. And you really stick your neck out for me. Heh," she laughed, "maybe that's why I owe you so many favors."

"Maybe you could take care of one of those favours now?" he asked, motioning to his painfully hard erection crammed in his pants.

"Did I mention how much of a romantic you are?" she said sarcastically. Roger picked himself up and scooted to the head of his bed, making himself comfortable as he moved his single pillow behind his back. Anne sensually crawled up Roger's legs, stopping right at the bulge in his pants. She looked up at him, giving him a naughty wink before lowering her head and licking the bulge. After the quick lick, she caught the zipper of his jeans in her teeth, and used them to slowly open the fly of his pants. She then reached her hand into his pants, fishing out his hard dick, eyeing the pillar before her. She always found it a little daunting that Roger was larger than a normal boy, albiet barely. She shook the thought aside, intending to pay back one of those favors she owed him. She licked his length, starting at the base of it, all the way to the head. He groaned loudly, almost pleadingly, which made Anne giggle. Reaching forward, she grasped the pole in her hands, slowly bringing it and her mouth closer together. When she finally took it in her mouth, Roger moaned. She sucked on the head of it, swirled her tongue around it, and sank it deeper down her throat. First one inch of it...then two...then three...then


"God damnit!" she yelled, pulling Roger's dick out of her mouth. Roger in turn groaned, both in the lack of sensation he was feeling, and the horrible timing. He even whimpered, but that was in seeing Anne turn herself completely around and raise her ass to him as she tried to fish her cellphone out of her pants pocket. She swayed her ass and tail at him, unintentionally giving him a perfect view of her asshole and pussy. She even spread her legs a little, giving her more support as she reached further off the bed to grab the annoying machine. It was almost too much for him to handle; his hands were starting to reach for her hips, so he could grab her and fuck her senseless. Finally, she was able to get her phone, but hasn't answered it yet. Instead, she looked at it, and at him, all with quite a wicked gleam in her eyes. She turned herself around, dropped the phone between his legs, pulled off her shirt, unclipped and removed her bra.

"Answer it" was all she said, before quickly taking his pole back into her mouth, picking up where she left off.

"Now?" he asked/groaned, clenching the bed.

"Yes, now" she replied before blowing him again.

"But, b-b-but but, but," he stuttered.

"Listen: either you answer that phone right now, or I stop giving you a blowjob, put my clothes back on, and leave, taking all my panties back with me" she threatened.

He hardly hesitated given the ultimatum. Pressing the "accept call" button, he brought it up to his ear.


"Hey An, it's Bee. Listen, I'll be quick: I need to, like, borrow your math book. We're, like, having a test tomorrow, and I, like, totally spaced. I mean, can Mr. Duck be, like, any more of a mean Hottie McHotterson? But I, like, totally know he wants me. Like, the other day, he dropped a piece of chalk, like, in front of my desk, and like, spent a whole minute oogling my panties. I swear, can he be, like, any more of an old perv? A totally hot and mean old perv, one I'd, like, totally allow to fuck me in front of, like, the whole class. Unless it's anal, then I'd, like,...

"Bee! It's me, Roger." Roger groaned; of all the people to call who had to call Anne, it just had to be Bethany "Bee" Ferngreen, the brachiosaurus girl who just won't shut up!

"Oh! Like, hey Roger" Bee said cheerily, "like, sorry for calling you. Must have the wrong number or something."

"No, no, you got the right number. I'm answering Anne's phone for her."

"Really? Like, why?"

"Uh," he groaned, just as Anne gave an especially hard suckle on his dick, followed by a painfully slow lick up it, "she's busy right now."

"Like, doing what?"

He looked down, seeing the mirth in her eyes as she licked the head of it. "Handling a joystick." That answer made Anne laugh.

"Oh, really? Like, Anne totally needs to get a hobby. Doesn't she, like, do anything besides play videogames?"

"Hey! What am I, chopped liver? I'm a hobby of hers" he stated.

"You're not a hobby," she countered, "you're, like, her boyfriend. #DoubleDoi"

Roger face-palmed. "What did you want again, Bee?"

"Like, I need to borrow Anne's math book. Don't you, like, pay attention?"

'Not at the moment' he thought, shifting his gaze back to his girlfriend, who was currently stuffing his whole length down her throat. "Sorry, I was kind of distracted."

"Like, with what?"

"My computer froze" he answered quickly, groaning at the lame answer he gave. Anne groaned as well, the reverberations she made making him groan in pleasure.

"Really? Like, that's too bad."

'She actually bought it!?' He couldn't believe she actually bought the lame excuse. 'Of course she would,' he reminded himself, 'a brachiosaurus' neck doesn't allow a lot of blood to reach it's brain.'

"Why don't you, like, call that Brittany girl and, like, pay her to fix it like you usually do?"

"Because Bianca hasn't been feeling well lately. Her parents took her to the hospital last month, remember?"

"Oooh. Yeah, like, didn't the, like, captain of the hockey team go with her?"

"You mean Aaron Lopez? Yeah, he went with her. They went to the hospital last month, and since then, the two have been inseperable."

"Like, they are boyfriend/girlfriend. #Obviously"

"Yeah, but, they've been even closer afterwards. And Aaron's been more protective of her. Plus, didn't you notice Bianca getting, bigger?"

"...Owch! Like, are you calling her fat?"

"No no no! I'm not calling her fat, just, bigger. Like she's, I don't know, pregnant?"




"Bethany! What is it!?"

"SHE'S PREGNANT! OMG, THAT IS, LIKE, SOOOOOO ROMANTIC! SHE'S HAVING A BABY AND AARON'S, LIKE, THE DADDY! I BET THEY'RE GETTING MARRIED TO! I mean, I, like, totally knew the two of them were, like, sleeping together, it's, like, totally obvious! But now she's, like, knocked up, he's so, like, gonna marry her! I bet he's, like, already given her a ring, and, like, getting a place for the three of them, and, like, looking for a job, and OMG it's soo romantic! Do you think they'll, like, invite us to the wedding? I'm sure Bianca will, like, totally invite you! You're the, like, closest thing she has to a friend outside of, like, her computer club. I'm sure she'll invite Anne too. You two are, like, totally inseperable, like they are. So it'd be a, like, no brainer for them to..."

"GYAAH!" Roger gasped, nearly screamed, as Anne bit down on his dick. Thankfully, her flat herbivore teeth wouldn't do any serious damage, and the pressure she bit him with wasn't painful. It was more along the lines of a reminder bite, telling him that she's still there, giving him a blowjob. As he looked down, his eyes connected with hers, and instantly received the message they were broadcasting: 'Hurry up!'

"Like, you okay?"

"Y-yeah," he squeaked, "yeah, I'm fine. One of my fish bit me" he growled, looking down at Anne again. Anne simply bit him again, this time, a little harder.

"Owch. ...Wait, I thouhgt, like, fish don't have teeth."

"Trust me, mine do" he groaned. By now, the pressure to cum has built up nearly to painful levels. He wanted to cum so badly, but knew that if he came in her mouth, she'd probably clobber him with her tail. Fortunately, Anne finally took his dick out of her mouth. Unfortunately, she wrapped her breast around his dick, all while still suckling on the head of it. Between those two large C-cup leathery bags of flesh, his pride was massaged and rubbed without inhibition. She even moved one of her hands to fondle his testies, rubbing them and rolling them around, nearly causing him to lose it then and there.

"S-so," he stuttered, "Anne's math book. T-that's all you need?"

"Yep. I, like, hope she doesn't mind."

"Don't worry, she w-won't mind" he reassured, curling his toes to try and hold back his climax as long as he could.

"Great. I can guess she's, like, at your place, so I'll be by in, like, a half hour to pick it up. Oh, and Roger...can I, like, ask you something?"

There was no way he could hold the tremors in his voice at this point, so instead, he answered with a squeak that sounded like a "uh-huh".

"Now, be honest: like, exactly what type of "joystick" is she playing with?"

All the color drained from Roger's face. "Well she's, um, that is..." His mind just couldn't find a proper response, so he just continued to blather on like an idiot.

"Like, stop. I get it. I'll let you two finish, but when you're done, tell Anne to, like, wash her mouth out or something. Trust me; jizz breath is, like, totally, gross. Well, see you two lovebirds soon. T.T.Y.L, bye."

"Y-yeah, sure, bye" he finished sheepishly, pressing the "end call" button. The poor human groaned, not in the pleasure his girlfriend was giving him, but in the mortification he felt. He'd seen and read situations like this all the time in his stash, but never thought it'd be so difficult to do in the real world. All he could do now was just recover from the hellish embarrassment he went through...

...but before he even had a chance to recover, Anne slammed him back into reality, as she took the entirety of his dick down her throat. She was literally nuzzling against his crotch, suckling, licking, and bobbing her head on the length of flesh she had swallowed. He groaned loudly, arching his back as his embarrassment quickly shattered to be replaced by the pleasure welling up in his groin. Both of his hands shot forward, grabbing hold of either side of her head, giving him the ability to push her head up and down his pride as quickly and as roughly as he wanted. He knew she'd be pissed with him after this, even more so since there was no chance he won't cum in her mouth, but he didn't care. He needed to cum, and he needed to cum now!

Anne growled at him, although she knew it was no use: when Roger was going to cum, there was no stopping him. So, she decided to put an end to his misery, and redoubled her efforts, bobbing her head faster to force out all of the human's seed. Fortunately, it didn't take her long. Unfortunately, he kept her head in place when he finally did. Roger's hips jerked up, his pole shooting jet after jet of spunk, all of it forced into the ankylosaurus' cheeks, before she hesitantly swallowed it down, causing him to shoot another jet. Her face was positively green, or, greener than the rest of her body usually is, as she was forced to swallow the horrible tasting concoction that was his sperm. Finally, she spat his member out, just as a few more jets shot forward, covering her face and breast. The human continued to buck his hips for a moment before finally calming down and coming to a stop, desperately trying to gulp down any air he can. He just went through the most intense orgasm of his life, and was finally feeling the after effects. He looked up, panting and sweating, only to come eye to eye with a very angry looking dinosaur girl. One which was swinging a very intimidating club tail behind her.

In a word, she was pissed!

"Um, I owe you one?" he said, sheepishly.

"Oh, you don't just owe me one," she corrected, "you owe me for the rest of your miserable life! You know I hate it when you jizz in my mouth! Gah! Now I'll never get that taste out of there."

"I'm sorry, okay? Besides, it was your idea; giving me a blowjob while I was answering the phone. You, are clearly as much a pervert as I am" he stated.

"Whatever" was all she said as she got off the bed and stretched out her unused body muscles, and the muscles in her jaw as they were starting to cramp.

"So, what'd Bee want?" she asked as she bent down, giving him another perfect view of her treasure.

"Your math book" he said, getting hard again. "Mr. Duck has a test for you guys tomorrow. Honestly, I was scared shitless when you tossed the phone to me. I honestly thought that I was going to have to talk to your mom or something."

"Yeah right. I may be a pervert like you..."

"Ah ha! So you admit it" he said triumphantly.

"But I'm not evil, like collecting my boyfriend's underwear after he jizzes in them, like he does after he makes me cum in my panties." She walked over to a nearby door, opening it up to reveal a connected bathroom. She intended to go in there and try to wash the taste of his spunk out of her mouth, but, seeing the shower nearby, another wicked glint came to her eye.

"I know that look," Roger said, picking himself up from his bed and stripping himself of his jeans, leaving him in only a t-shirt and black boxers. "What are you thinking?"

"How long do we have until Bee gets here?" Anne asked.

"About a half hour" he replied. "Why do you ask?"

She didn't reply. Instead, she grabbed the collar of his shirt, kissed him harshly (giving him a taste of what she has to endure in her mouth), and flung his t-shirt somewhere behind him.

"Remember all those favors I owe you, and how you now owe me for the rest of your life" she asked, a knowing smile on her face.

Roger instantly realized what she had planned, giving her a knowing smile of her own.

"Well, what do you say we each take care of one of those favors?"

That was all she needed to say. Roger followed her into the bathroom, quickly throwing away his black boxers when he got in, and closed the door. Soon afterwards, the sounds of a running shower, girlish giggles, and deep sexual moans and groans filled the room, along with the pounding of a Roger's mom, reminding them again to keep their sex quiet.