Nuri's Mate : An Absol Side Story

Story by MrWoofles on SoFurry

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#4 of A Fennekin Tale

Nuri's in search of a mate before his mother kills him. Commissioned by Summoner of Pigs

Meesha sat on the peak of her mountain home, she felt the calm air and the subtle feel of the land as her blood red eyes gazed over the dark landscape. Meesha was one of the many absol that called the mountain home, she was the oldest of her own litter and the only one not to search for another mountain to make her own home. She watched as her mother berating her younger brother from her mother's second litter in front of the third litter.

The air was warming and comforting, a perfect day to travel in Meesha's mind as she listened to the vicious tone her mother took with her favorite sibling. It pained her heart to watch him cower before the much more imposing absol growling and snarling, She turned her head to watched a zoroark shift into a human before stomping down a mountain. Meesha snorted at the zoroark's back, she didn't care too much for the strange and haughty female her mother brought to the mountain. Her brother wouldn't have been a good match for the tricky and strange pokemon who preferred to dwell amongst the humans more than other pokemon.

"Why are you so timid?!" The Matron Absol of the mountain growled before smacking her weak son in the face with the flat of her paws. "I spent the whole month trying to a convince a zoroark to even travel here just to mate with you. You couldn't even woo her!" The Matron delivered more light swipes across her son's face. "You are already old enough to breed, what will you do when I pass away? I'm already pushing eighty,Nuri, I cannot leave the future of the mountain tribes to you if you cannot find a mate and protect the mountain. " She growled before looking up to Meesha, "Your elder sister and myself can only guard the mountain for so long after your father died protecting the mountain from the aggron that attempted to drive us out. How can we grow if you are so weak, we need a new dominant male and you are the only male old enough!"

Nuri shivered and looked at her mother, she was aged yet her muscular body was that of an experienced fighter and a former trained pokemon, he feared her disapproving gaze and her painful swats. "M-M-Mother, I tried what you said, I fought her and I tired to see through her tricks but she-" He didn't see his mother move before he suddenly felt an extreme pain in his chest as she struck him with the full force of a giga impact sending him rolling backward and tumbling down partially down the mountain.

The Matron looked up at her daughter as she panted from the effort, "Go, Meesha, make sure that I didn't accidentally kill him and tell him that he cannot return unless someone is having his eggs or litter." She growled while slowly trotted over to frightened litter of young absol that whimpered in confusion at the fight. They immediately clamped on her swollen teats and started to nurse on their mother. "Hmpf." She growled to herself as her latest litter continued to suckle on her body, she watched as Meesha started to scale down the mountain.

The air was cool against her fur as she followed her brothers still tumbling form down the mountain, she nimbly jumped over a few bushes and a traveling houndour to finally land on her bother putting his roll to a stop with her weight. "Fancy seeing you here." She said before gently poked at his belly with one of her dark blue claws causing him to flinch. "Oh don't try that with me, Nuri, I'm the one who taught you to pretend to roll down the hill when the old crone hits you." Meesha chuckled as her brother groaned a bit.

"Ouch... still hurt though." Nuri said as he started to crawl to his feet, "I couldn't stop myself from rolling as far as I did." He said looking up at the peak of the mountain which pointed nearly to the clouds themselves. "Oh that is going to be a long walk... So how mad is she?" Nuri asked not really wanting to hear the answer to his question, he looked at his sister in all of her imposing figure. Nuri was only a little over three feet from the shoulder and only seventy pounds which made him a runt by absol standards while his sister was nearly four feet from the shoulder and weighed in at 120 pounds which made her larger than a standard absol.

"Mother is getting serious about having more family on the mountain, Nuri." Meesha said while quietly picking grass and twigs from her brothers fur, she doted on all her siblings but she felt protective of her younger brother. She watched as he circled her his nose twitching as he started to sniff her body, she could feel the restlessness in his body language. "If you want to keep living on the mountain with us, you will have to start pulling your weight brother." Meesha said with a small smile as she rubbed her head against her brother's leg as he continued to sniff at her fur. "I will try to help you in any way I can, we might not be able to mate you off to the stronger pokemon of this area but we can at least find someone willing to bear your children. You are a charming sort even if you are a little small now." Meesha grinned before giving her brother a playful nip on the tail. "Follow me, Nuri, I know of a female that may be interested in you." Meesha giggled slightly before walking down from the mountain and into the forest that surrounded it.

The male absol grumbled but followed his sister, her fur reminded him of freshly fallen snow as she moved with a calculated grace that would make a roserade jealous. Nuri ran behind her as she skipped over bushes, the forest breezed past him as he kept up with her quick pace. Nuri mind was distracted as Meesha suddenly came to a stop which called him to ran right into her sister rump, his nose rested against the pink puckered hole of his sister while his mouth brushed against her thin slit. Nuri quickly moved his head away in embarrassment from the collision as his sister chuckled at him. "You don't have to kiss up to me. I would help you regardless..." He heard his sister say while looking over her shoulder, "or maybe you just feel need my scent to help you feel safe." He growled at her playfully before nipping her tail.

"So what are we doing here?" Nuri said as he noticed that they stopped at one of the larger watering holes near the mountain. "I doubt you're thirsty already and I don't see any females." Nuri said before looking around the watering hole for any sign of danger, he started to lean down to drink from the pristine water. He wagged his tail happily and slurped at the water, he noticed that his sister started to pace the perimeter of the lake searching for something. After quenching his thirst, the male sat down watching his sister as she walked to the other side of the lake, she immediately locked her eyes on something that he couldn't see and took a leap into the water.

The water suddenly rippled from the point Meesha landed and she rocked up from a powerful blast of water that sent her up into the trees as she clutched a branch to prevent herself from falling back down. Out of the water rose a large blue pokemon with beige bracer like plates one it's arms, legs and back which ended in a long spear like horn on it's head. "Whaddya want, Mee-Mee. Can't ya see I'm trying to sleep?" The deep feminine voice of the samurott caused Nuri to growl at the stranger. The samurott turned to the small absol and chuckled, "Well... You look like Mee-Mee, you smell like Mee-Mee but your kinda small and a pair of low hangers."

Meesha dropped from the tree branch and landed on the back of the Samurott, careful to avoid the spike on her head. She leaned over to the side of the water pokemon's head plates, "Boo." She said loudly which caused the samurott to turn and give a smile back at the absol on her back.

"There ya are, Mee-Mee, I swear you white furred assholes all look the same. Why ya comin' around to bother me in the middle of the night? Don't tell me that you're predicting that this watering hole is going to get swallowed up by a sinkhole too." The large blue female groaned as she slowly swam to the edge of the water and looked down at Nuri with a set of red eyes.

"No No Binda. This time I'm not here to save you from getting your chubby behind from the earth. I'm here to..... well...." Meesha paused to think about how to present this in a way that wouldn't annoy the larger female. "My little brother has become interested in finding a mate, so I thought about how I know this strong, noble, and courageous female that would be worthy of him." She smiled before hopping off of the formidable pokemon to land next to her brother.

Binda leaned down to peer at Nuri with a grin on her face, "Well he is a little tiny even for a normal absol.... I don't know." She said while water dripped off of her horn, "I don't think I'll get any pups strong enough from him." She said before sniffing him, "He smells like he is still nursing too." She chuckled before poking Nuri with her horn.

Nuri moved with startling speed after being poked, he dashed under the large pokemon before striking her in the gut with his horn softly, "I'm not weak nor am I still suckling from my mother." He said smugly before he suddenly felt all of her weight as she flopped on him with a giggle, he struggled under her large weight to poke his head out from under her. "Get off of me."

Binda chuckled while ignoring Nuri's grunt and curses, "He is cute and spry but a little young for me. I'll have to refuse." She said before standing up letting Nuri crawl out from under him. "But I do owe ya a favor so I'll give him another chance if he can get a little stronger and a little bigger next year." She smiled before leaning down and giving Nuri a small peck on the cheek. "I'm going back to sleep this night life is for you creepy dark types. Good night." Binda slowly turned away from the blushing Nuri and the grumbling Meesha.

Meesha felt a little frustrated and looked to her brother, "We will find you someone. I know of one other place..." She started to walk to the west as her mind thought about the next female that might give her brother the time of day, she shivered at the thought of her next option and turned to her brother. "You aren't afraid of fire, I hope." She mumbled slightly while rubbing her horn against his own in a familial gesture.

Nuri snorted, "I've fought a few fire types in the past, I don't think they would pose a problem." He started to rub his horn against his sister while sniffing her familiar scent, she was the only member of his family that he felt close to after his father died. Nuri sniffed deeply of her familiar scent which brought comfort to him even now, he blushed as he could smell a strong musky scent on her that absol female gave off when they were fertile.

Meesha stopped comforting her brother before dashing, "Come on. We need to get over to Kagari's den before sunrise or we will miss our chance." Meesha shouted while running with her tail high and bobbing, she enjoyed running with her brother as he was the only family member that was fast enough to keep up with her full speed. She felt the wind on her neck and chest as she started to approach a derelict house with gaping holes where windows would be and scorch marks near the entrance.

Nuri couldn't help but stare at the blue and purple slit between his sister legs while they ran, he could smell her stronger as they approached the derelict house. "What kind of fire type lives here sister?" Nuri asked while trying to rip his eyes away from his sister and continue towards the house. He could feel the presence of something watching him, his horn felt a displacement in the air as he leaped backward to avoid whatever danger was approaching. The air suddenly ignited as fire filled maw clamped down where he was standing, a female pyroar growled at Nuri with anger in her eyes.

Kagari glared at the pair, "Why business does a the white have with my den?" She growled slowly circling the pair with an air of suspicion, "The fat absol and the skinny absol, if you are lost just look to the mountains and fall in an earthquake." She said with a growl, "I don't wish for any more dealings with creepy soothsayers... be gone!" She roared the last words out with plume of orange flame.

"Are you sure this is a friend of your's, Meesha?" He said staring at the regal pokemon that slowly circled him, "Seems kinda..... I don't know crazy?" He said as Kagari growled at him, "Don't push it, I'm not scared of an fire meowth." He looked for his sister for support.

Meesha sighed, "Kagari, We are only here because my brother saw you once and thought that you were attractive enough to attempt to mate with." She clicked her teeth in mock annoyance as she lied to the lioness, before strutting over to the growling pyroar, "It's fine, If you aren't good enough to have puppies with my brother then we will depart. Shame, I thought pyroars were more intelligent in regal. Hmmmm, guess I was wrong." She said before starting to walk off with a huff.

Kagari stopped in her tracks as if struck by the female, "What did you say?! I am regal! I am beautiful and most of all I am a strong fertile female!" She growled lowly at the other female before turning to Nuri. "Male, come closer so that I may get to know you?" She said while waiting for Nuri to approach her, "I wish to see what sort of male requires his sister to offer him as if he was a human dowry."

Nuri approached the female with his head lifted high and his muscled flexed with each step to give the appearance of a much stronger predator rather than a runt. He approached Kagari his red eyes locked with her azure ones, "I am Nuri, current alpha male of the mountain to the east of here." He glared at Kagari with a growl, "I heard that you were strong so I wanted to see if you were good enough to be my mate." He said confidently while trying to keep in line with his sister's lie.

Kagari yawned at the male, "It's late and I'm bored of your prattling, You're small, you're quick but you're nothing like the males I would even remotely consider. What if I give you another option, Why not mate with the absol trying so hard to bait me into giving my womb for you to play with?" Kagari snorted before padding to her home and sitting on the stone porch with a sigh, "You two are a piece of work, " She said before waving them off with her paw, "Next time you want to play matchmaker, try aiming a little lower... like a bidoof, those little things probably wouldn't mind if you mounted every one of them." She grinned down at Nuri with a condescending smile, "Male or female..." She added before turning around and entering the doorway of her home.

Meesha grunted but continued to walk away as her brother followed her, she was feeling slightly discouraged as she racked her brains for someone that she knew that might be interested in a younger, smaller and inexperienced absol. a creeping thought touched upon her mind as she strolled through the forest outside of Kagari's home. "Brother, Do you think I'm attractive?" She asked, curious of Nuri's opinion.

Nuri glanced at his sister slit with a curious expression as he heard the question, "Yes. I've always thought you were beautiful, strong and kind, sister." He said before rushing to nuzzle his sister with a small smile, "I'm happy that you're out here helping me. I wish I could do more to make this easier on you." He said before giving her a playful lick on her muzzle.

The female absol gave a small giggle from the attention, Meesha started to walk with a slight sway to her hips. She smiled, "I've got one more female to try that I know you're going to love." She smirked at him before licking her brother on the muzzle in return.

"Please tell me it's not a bidoof, I mean... We've eaten them before." Nuri said hoping he wouldn't have to work himself up to try to mount such an unpleasant pokemon. Bidoof were pretty easy just snatch one up to eat when anyone was hungry, they rarely reacted to anything smaller than a gyrados.

Meesha chuckled at her brothers concerns, "No bidoofs. I think mother would eat her before she could carry your litter from annoyance." She said while stepping into a clearing with a mansion at the center. "This place belongs to a pretty powerful mismagius, do respect her home or we will be haunted." She said softly as she slowly walked up the stairs, she sat at the stairs for a moment before quietly knocking on the door with a single claw. "My brother and I would like to come in, please."

The door slowly creaked open as the pair walked in, the house was in pristine shape as candles sprung to life in the foyer. Purple flames danced on each of the tips of the candles as Meesha walked in, "Hello, Hostess we would like to use any room that you have available. In return I shall bring you several berries and a bidoof. " Meesha said with a smile looking at the picture of a mismagius hanging off the far wall.

Nuri watched from the doorway as the picture looked down at them with a wide smile, most of the candles snuffed themselves out except for two that upstairs that could be seen flickering upstairs. Nuri gulped fearfully as he walked inside, his sister was already starting to climb the stairs. The picture stared at him as its expression turned from one of happy to one of annoyance. "Um T-Thank you for allowing us to stay." He said to the picture while walking up the stairs, the image immediately shifted to the mismagius smiling with a wave of her tassel like limbs. Nuri swallowed nervously as he continued after his sister, the absol felt like he narrowly avoided the ghost type's ire.

As Nuri entered the room he noticed several dozen misdreavus floating around his sister using various tools to clean her and groom her. A sudden force blew him on the bed as misdreavus started to groom him in a frantic rush, each time he attempted to get to his feet another misdreavus with a brush would push him back over and brush his fur more. "Sister... What are they doing?!" He yelped in annoyance.

Meesha giggled as the last misdreavus finished tying a pink bow on the tips of her bangs, "They don't want their place dirty so they are cleaning us up." She said it as if this was a common occurrence among wild pokemon. She crawled on the bed and faced away from her brother while the pokemon finished cleaning him and left the room, she watched as they shut the door, "Brother, before I find your last mate do you mind if we talk a little?" She asked before laying down on the soft mattress that made up the bed.

Nuri could see her tail and exposed canine-like vagina, he never taken much time to look at his sister in any way other than familial but after being around so many fertile female Nuri was a pokemon on the edge. "Of course." He said while still looking at inviting slit.

She looked over her shoulder and smiled over her shoulder, "We've been living on the mountain for a long time, I should have left a long time but when I started to leave.... You followed me crying about how you would miss me." Meesha smiled watching her brother gaze drifting much lower than her face. "Out of all my sibling I felt the closest to you. We would go running through the forest, you could keep up with me and even when you feel behind you would find me wherever I went."

Nuri nodded at Meesha in understand, "I owe everything to you sister, when father thought I was too frail to go hunting for during sawsbuck season you convinced him to give me shot. I remember when we used to practice hunting, you would beat me down but you weren't vicious or cruel like my brothers or even worse mother." He said with a small chuckle.

Meesha's looked at her brother, "I see a great deal in you, " Meesha closed her eyes, "The female that I'm going to present to you is strong, she is friendly, and she is soft hearted. I hope you accept her, it would be very important to me." She said while listening to the soft sound of noctowl's hooting outside of the mansion

Nuri nodded, "Anything for you, Meesha, I promise." He blushed as he watched her small smile spread into a full smile, he didn't care if she found him a muk to mate with, he would do it without a second thought. He was curious enough that his gaze raised from his sister engorged mound to look at her face.

"Ok. I'm going to hold you to that promise." Meesha spoke softly as she lazily wagged her tail, "Come, Big Sister is going to teach you how to mate." She said moving her tail out the way and watching her brother intently for his reaction. Meesha heart thumped in her chest while her face put on a brave from, she was worried about staining the close bond that she shared with Nuri.

"Excuse me?" Nuri looked at his sister curiously before walking over to sniff her body, she didn't smell like she had been eating parasect or hugging nidorans. He tilted his head and licked his sisters on the muzzle, "Don't tease me, Meesha, Who is coming to mate with me because with a joke like that I'm expecting you've called a Ninetails that might end me."

Meesha gave a demure smile, "Oh, dear me, I've become a ninetails." She said before tilting her head at him, "I'm not joking, Nuri, I'm offering you a chance to have your first female be someone that you know, someone that won't eat you afterward and someone that loves you." She said before wagging her tail rapidly to fan the scent to her brother's nose.

Nuri smelled his sister heat as she waved her tail, he sat on haunches as he thought about her words. "I..." He closed his mouth and thought about the situation, he had already been rejected by two other strong females and now his sister was giving a chance to mate. "I would really like to mate with you but..." He paused while staring into her eyes.

"But...?" Meesha asked curiously, she could see that her brother wanted to get something off his chest and moved closer to him, she placed her horn against his affectionately. She was worried about the long thoughtful expression on her brother face, it seems as if he was lost in thought as he mechanically returned her affections.

"But I want more, I would like to bond with you, Meesha, I want you to be around you always." Nuri spoke as he waited for his sister's response his heart drummed so hard in his chest both of them could sense the vibrations through their horns. "I love being your little brother, I love being around you and I have never meet a female that could ever hold the same place in my life as you do." Nuri blushed as his horn continued to rub against his sister passionately. "I want you to stay me....Always."

Meesha was taken aback at the request, she had never experienced her brother so affectionate yet so commanding at the same time. She blushed for just a moment, her blue skin around cheeks turning a slight shade of purples as she responded to her brother, "I accept you as my bonded mate but..." She playfully pushed her brother on his side with her large paws. "don't forget who your big sister is." She said with a regal smile on her face. "I'm a strong absol that will need to make many litters for our mountain home." She said so I can't have you slacking once you get started." She teased him while rubbed her muzzle between his legs and inhaled his masculine scent.

Nuri sighed feeling his as his sister buried her muzzle into his crotch, Meesha could smell his readiness but even taking him as a lover she felt her big sister urge to tease him. She opened her mouth and slowly licked the entrance to her brothers fuzzy white sheath, before slowly working her tongue toward his lightly furred testicles. She started to lap at his purple orbs slowly and sensually as she caused him to squirm. "Heh." Meesha said feeling the rush from being able to tease her brother in ways she had never thought of in the past.

Nuri squirmed due to his sister's tongue sliding across his sensitive orbs, he whimpered softly trusting toward air slightly as his sister simply placed one of his testicles in her mouth and started to suckle on the soft bit of flesh. "Meesha..." He whimpered even louder starting to feel himself increasingly becoming aroused from the tease, the tip his dark purple cock emerged from his sheath like a banner to salute his precious sister.

Meesha smiled at her brother's situation as she opened her mouth to take one of his testicles into her mouth, she slowly started to rolls the testicles in her mouth her eye watched his rapidly expanding shaft slid out of his sheath even more. She continued nursing on his testicle while he twitched in pleasure, Nuri was unused to any sexual advances which pleased Meesha to know end with knowing that she was the source of her brothers pleasure. She pulled her head back releasing the testicle with a wet pop before speaking, "Well..." She said before walking to the head of the bed to plant her head on one of soft whimsicott wool filled pillow, her tail and voluptuous rump were raised in Nuri's direction.

Nuri rose up from his prone position, his sensitive balls tingled from the teasing he received earlier. Nuri walked over to his sisters rump as his eyes locked on to the purple mounds that smelled strongly of fertility and feminine musk. Nuri shivered from the scent as he slowly and carefully started to sniff around the mound, "BOO!" His sister shouted suddenly which caused the male to step backward, he lost his footing on the soft cover and fell off the bed with a loud thump. Meesha started to laugh at her brother as he growled in annoyance from the floor, "Are you okay, brother?" She asked with giggle.

Nuri was sprawled on his back as he panted on the floor, "What was that for?!" He grunted slowly rolling over to right himself. He grunted and looked at the other absol slowly climbing down the bed, "You nearly caused my heart to jump out of my mouth."

Meesha giggled at her brother, "Because you were a little too tense. You've known me since before your eyes opened. I remember when you were young and you would waddle away from the group to latch on to me, I wasn't nursing but you still cling to me with those sharp little teeth of yours." Meesha moved closer to her brother and licked his muzzle playfully. "I'm not some strange female that you have to be cautious about, I won't devour you like a randy mawile." She nipped him playfully on the nose. "Don't treat me like a stranger.." She said with a hint of uncertainty in her voice.

Nuri shook his head from the nip, "I get it, I get it." He grumbled before rearing back and lunging at his sister with a playful growl as they tumbled across the carpet. He attempted to pin her down with the flat of his paws, but Meesha giggled before using her hind paws to kick him back on the bed where he landed in a chuckling white and blue ball of fur. "Still strong as ever, Meesha." He said, "Ok, I'm not so nervous.. I'm ready." He said more to himself than to his sister.

"Hah. You don't say 'I'm ready' when you're trying to court someone, You walk up behind a female, place you head near her neck for a few tender moments then do what comes natural." She said while climbing the bed and smiling at Nuri as she turned around while raising her tail. "Big sister is just as eager as you are." She teased with a seductive sway of her hips, she watched as Nuri approached her before placing his head against the nape of her neck while giving a contented growl.

Meesha returned the growl while rubbing against his pointed chin, she was careful not to stab her brother with her large horn as they cuddled. The pair could feel each other excitement through their horns as they embraced each other, Nuri pulled away before hopping on his rear legs to mount his sister. Nuri noticed that there was a large size difference between his hips and that of his much larger sister, he tried to hop to to fully mount her but his hips were just shy of meeting the mark.

Nuri blushed and felt embarrassed, he didn't want to ask his sister to spread further but she shifted her weight and spread her legs even further while keeping her head low to avoid cutting him. Nuri gently started to thrust against his sister, his instincts took over and he started to awkwardly prod at his sister. "Wait till you get inside before going wild." Meesha said with a grin on her face, "We've got all the time in the world..." Meesha grinned to herself.

Nuri took his sister advice and started to slowly thrust his hips, he felt the exposed tip of his canine like penis slide into his sister's warm puffy embrace. The tightness of her hole was strange to him as he expected to be small considering her larger frame. He pushed his hips deeper as his cock gained more purchase in side of her body, he could feel her moist walls clenching against his member as he started to pull back and thrust again.

Meesha huffed contently, "That feels good." She said feeling her brother starting to pick up his tempo inside of her, Meesha pushed her forepaws against the mattress holding her ground and pushing herself back to meet Nuri's thrusts. She could feel him getting harder inside of her body and released a small moan of satisfaction, "Yes, that right..... keep going harder, give me a good grip on the neck." She said excitedly.

Nuri needed no invitation as his feral mind took over and he leaned down to place his muzzle near the rear of her neck before taking a gentle yet firm bite on the back of Meesha's neck. He growled into her fur as he tightened his grip while thrusting with all his might. He could hear the soft moans of his sister beneath him as he slammed his cock inside of her deep enough to soft wet sounds of her body against his.

Meesha moaned loudly feeling herself dripping leaking fluids under her brothers rapid thrusts, the feeling of warmth inside of her body caused her to contract her walls about her brother's length sending more intense waves of pleasure throughout her body. She leaned back feeling Nuri's grip tighten on her neck as she let loose a loud roar and slammed her hips back against the invading member. "Yes brother.. More!" She growled feeling more like a savage beast than a proud absol female.

Nuri gripped his sister tightly as each of his slapped against his sister hard enough to rock the entire mattress as he started to feel himself getting closer and closer to his peak. Nuri started pant as his bucking became slower yet more forceful as he tried to squeeze every bit of pleasure out of his sister swollen mound as he could, her juices flowed out of her body and trailed down Nuri's shaft before dripping on the sheets with a quiet splat.

Meesha legs quivered as her brother shaft thumped deeply inside of her, she release a soft whimper as she clenched tightly while she orgasmed. "Ah... Ah..!" She moaned softly as she felt her brothers cock swelled inside of her body, she whimpered at the uncomfortable feeling as her body was stretched to the limit. "Ouch... Ouch.." She quivered as she struggled to get accustomed to her brothers knot, she slowly let her rear legs go lax as she laid prone on the mattress while dragging her brother down on top of her while still connected by his throbbing knot.

Nuri rested on his sister's back feeling her heart beat as he rested his head against her body, he panted slowly as they both rested. "Um Meesha... I'm stuck." He said adjusting his hips and feeling the knot firmly in her body.

Meesha chuckled and rolled her eyes, "You've groomed your shaft plenty of times...Maybe even a little too much. What did you think would happen when you mated?" She said between pants feeling her brothers seed and sizable knot as a warm pressure in her sore pussy. She lay there in the stillness of the night with only the sounds of flapping dustox in the distance and the soft pants of her brother closer to her ear.

Nuri was too deep in the bliss of their connection to be concerned with his sister's comments as his cock continued to pump his seed into her, he leaned down and nuzzled his sisters while playfully nipping at his neck to feel her contract around him as she tensed her body in reaction. Nuri smiled feeling powerful being in such a position above his much stronger sister yet feeling extremely thankful that she would allow him the chance, "So... will we do this again?" Nuri asked still unsure that he wasn't just dreaming.

Meesha grinned and nodded careful not to put out her brothers eye with her blade, "Oh... My eager little brother. Did you think I'm finished? I expect you to keep doing it till I'm so swollen with pups, I resemble a snorlax. We are going to make absol more common than zigzagoons on that mountain." She spoke hoping to excite her little brother and grinned even wider as she felt his cock twitch inside of her. "I can feel that you like the idea, Nuri?"

Nuri smiled while resting his head on the left side of his sister as both of them panted softly from the rutting, "I love it." He sighed up happily while gently nuzzling on his sister's neck, his nose could smell the musky scent of their love making that enveloped the room like a sensual perfume. "S-So sister..Do I just ask you when I wanna t-try again?" Nuri blushed feeling embarrassed having to ask such a question of his own sister, he braced himself for a mocking laugh as his sister just spread he legs out on the mattress.

Meesha could feel the hesitation in her brother's words and kept herself from laughing at his expense, "Does an arbok ask it's prey before striking? No, little brother, I expect you to take what you desire. You are no longer a little one still suckling on mother, you are my strong," She clenched her walls slightly, "courageous," She clenched even harder, "loving," She relaxed for just a second before clenching down tightly enough to cause Nuri to moan slightly, "Mate." She finished with a wide grin on her face as she panted, "Big sister is always here." She smiled and closed her eyes quietly rested while feeling her brother's heart beating excitedly at the prospect, she enjoyed his youthful excitement as his knot rested comfortably inside of her.

Nuri nodded his mind buzzing in happiness as he started to rotate his body till they were ass to ass, their tails brushed against each other as Nuri grabbed one of the soft pillows in his mouth before wiping his head to toss the pillow his sister. He grunted slightly feeling the tug of his know as he stretched to reach the other pillow, he dragged it closer to his body before gently laying down on it.

"You think mother will be ok with this?" Nuri asked will his head swam with pleasure and giddy excitement after his first mating. "I'm not looking forward to getting knocked off of my home again." Nuri shuddered at the thought of taking such a blow to the body.

Meesha chuckled at his words, "Oh. Don't worry about mother, I've going to handle her myself." Meesha said cryptically, "We aren't pups any and while the most mountain is hers...." She said while laying her head on the pillow and thinking to herself. "She really can't defend it without us being clooooose." She moaned out the last part as she felt Nuri's knot flop out of her warm velvety entrance with a wet pop as all his excess seed started to pool between her legs, "Wow... I have to get used to this feeling." She said before standing up and noticing that some of his seed was splattered across her brother's chest and belly.

Nuri grimaced feeling the warm sticky liquid on his body, he started to roll over before his sister placed a paw on his side and kept him from moving. "Allow me." Meesha said simply as he watched her lick the fluids from his chest while locking eyes with him, her faced broaden to a wide smile as she cleaned the droplets from his chest fur. Nuri blushed at his sister being so affectionate with him, her head bobbed as she took long slow licks of his chest fur while moved along his body till she got to the few droplet on his stomach.

Meesha could taste her brother seed on her tongue, the salty yet bitter taste was interesting on her palate as she licked the last few dropped from his belly. Her red eyes looked at his deep purple shaft curiously as the mixture of their fluids dribbled from the softening rod like lengths of white rope. She leaned in curiously before giving the tip a cautionary lick, a pleasurable gasp from Nuri was all the invitation that she needed as she started to slowly licked over the tip of the shaft, tasting her own familiar flavor mixed in with her brother's seed.

The softening purple length throbbed as Meesha tongue danced over every nook, every contour, every thick vein of the pointed flesh. She trailed to the knot with a grin on her face, each flick her her tongue caused her overly sensitive brother to squirm with each wet slide of her tongue across the swollen knot. "Is someone feeling a little sensitive?" She said teasingly before pressing her muzzle on the side of the knot and suckling, Nuri whimpered and flailed his fore-paws.

"S-stop teasing me, Meesha." Nuri pleaded as his body felt like pleasure coursing through each of his body like wild fire, he placed his paws on Meesha's horn and tried to gently coax her away from her his sensitive knot. She ignored him and he could feel her breath as she giggled against his knot and started to suck even more, Nuri whimpered while his sister continued to clean him.

She pulled back with a loud pop as she finally released his knot from her suction, "There... nice and clean." She said before sitting down on her haunches and watching her brother writhe in pleasure on the bed. "Feel better?" She said with a small mocking grin on her face.

"You're mean, Meesha." Nuri whined softly while rolling over to keep his cock safely tucked away from his sisters devilish muzzle, even the soft sheets caused the young male to squirm uncomfortably as he waited for the knot to continue shrinking.

The female absol smiled playfully at her brother, "What's that brother, did you say your weren't clean enough and that I should go over each and every spot in loving detail? That's what a mean sister would do." Meesha giggled as her brother gave a low growl before scooting backward and moaning from the sensitivity. "I'm only joking with you, Nuri."

Nuri blushed and looked at his sister, she towered over him with a wicked smile on her face but she was still beautiful to him as her fur made her resemble freshly fallen snow as she approached him. He watched as his sister gave a quiet yawn and curled up against him. The room was quiet with only the sounds of her soft breathing against his fluffy body, once he was sure that his sister was comfortable he rested the blade-less side of his head against her body.

The pair dozed off quietly both of them exhausted from their long day, they snuggled tightly against each other feeling their hearts beating in unison as the morning sun arose. Nuri was the first to open his eyes as he noticed that he was floating in the air and being carried by a small army of misdreavus. As they floated out the door they were gently set on the ground, Meesha was still snoring and talking in her sleep. "That right...erm... lick me right there...erm... Nuri." She said while pawing the wooden floor.

Nuri blushed and started to walk closer to his sister with a grin on his face, he moved near her before barking at the top of his lungs. Meesha immediately leaped to her feet and swiped at her brother with enough force to send him tumbling down the porch, the female gazed about before giving a quiet yawn. "So breakfast on the way home?" She said before trotting back out into the forest and toward their mountain home.

Nuri rolled to his feet before chasing after his sister, they continued into the forest before before his sister suddenly dashed into the a thicket as Nuri heard a loud squeal. "Did you catch something?" He asked as his sister growled while dragging a ralts out of the the bushes. The creature squirmed and struggled in her grip while it held a few berries in it's hands.

Nuri decided to aid his sister as he approached the pair, "You're picking berries off our lands, You've got two choices. We can eat you or you can drop the berries and scamper off to the west. There are plenty of your kind there and we won't have to eat you for stealing." He looked at his sister who released her grip as the ralts dropped it's fruit and started to back away. "Wait.... take two for the road. We aren't vicious just protecting what's ours." Nuri added as the ralts tentatively reached and plucked out two sweet berries before running back into the thicket.

Meesha started to eat on the gathered fruits like a woman possessed, Nuri barely had enough time to get a few fruits to himself before his sister finished the lion's share of the meal. She looked at him while giving a soft burp, "If you don't eat fast enough then something bigger may take our meal from us." She teased him before leaning close enough to lick the rowap berry juices from his cheek, she turned and trotting toward the mountain with a satisfied smile on her face and a full belly.

Nuri climbed the mountain along side his sister, the followed familiar path up the mountain till he reached their familial den. The matron looked at Nuri with such contempt that he could feel it too his core, he looked to his sister for comfort as she stepped closer to their mother with a large grin on her face.

"Well? Where is the mate that Nuri has taken?" The Matron barked out with a growl coloring her displeasure at the pair. Meesha simply walked around her mother with a slight spring in her step, their mothers growl was less than pleasant.

"Oh mother, she is here... Is it possible that you're losing your edge after so long?" Meesha said with bounding around her mother with a demure smile. "Nuri found a loving mate that strong, friendly and willing to bear him many children over many seasons." Meesha said with a mocking harmonic tone to her voice. "Can't you see her?"

"If this is some kind of game, I will not be pleased..." The matron growled but the blush from her son told her that the normally shy male must have mated in his time away from the den. She gave an exasperated sigh of defeat as her eldest daughter danced around her like a hyperactive mr. mime. "I do not have the patience for this. Nuri, just show me what pokemon you've mated with so I can stop worrying. At this point, I'm just happy that you mated at all." She admitted.

Meesha smiled from behind her mother, "Yes, brother. Do tell our mother about the lovely rutting you had." She smiled wickedly at her bother, watching as his face went from a cute blush to the wide eyed expression of total horror. "Oh you, didn't expect for me to tell her did you?" She asked with a sly smirk plastered across her face, she waited to see her bother reaction.

Nuri gulped as his mother's gaze bore into him like the horn of a rhydon, he panted as he felt the clawing fear of speaking to his mother but his sister smile helped alleviate the powerful fear he felt threatening to scare the words out of his mouth. "M-M-Mu-Me-Meesha..." He stuttered out and closed his eyes preparing for the blow that sent him to the grave.

The matron paused for a long time and tilted her head, "Ok. This joke has gone on long enough. Nuri, I'm not going to get upset if you've mated with a rattata or a bidoof.... I'll tolerate it for your first mating and I won't hurt her so just bring her up here so I can look at the thing." She growled while Meesha chuckled behind her, "Don't think you've gotten off either, Meesha, I asked you to look after your brother and you let him mate with something strange. I thought I could trust you with something so simple."

"I'm not joking, I've mated with Meesha and I plan to keep doing it. It's a better option than some bidoof." Nuri spoke up trying to find his courage amidst his mother's gaze, he swallowed slightly and continued to speaking. "She agreed to it and I'm fine with it, You've knocked me around for being a bad pup plenty of times but this time I did exactly what you said. I found a strong female that will breed many pups." He finished the last statement as his voice started to break while he panted from nervousness as he braced himself for a powerful blow from his aggressive mother.

The Matron stood still for a moment considering her son and his confession, she turned her head to gaze at her smugly smiling daughter. "You are both fools, I would blame your father but he isn't alive to smack around. If you want to fuck each other like inbred fools then so be it. There is another den to the south of this one, clean it out and feel free to live there. The pups are getting bigger so I won't have much space for you both, I'll be by to visit once my litter is able to hunt." She said and turned to Nuri, "Don't think I'm happy with your choice, boy, but I will tolerate it for now since it is a far more viable than what I expected you to bring up here. I don't say this often to you nuri but...." The matron grit her teeth as she struggled to say the rest of her sentence. "I'm... satisfied with you." She said before laying on her side as the pups swarmed her to feed. "Go now so that you can be done before night falls."

Meesha waited till the pups were firmly latched on to her mother before speaking, "You're not looking as spry as before mother, I'm seeing a few wrinkles on those nipples." She chuckled as her mother growled at her slightly, "I'm kidding but on a more serious note now that little Nuri is mine, I would appreciate it if you stop hitting him, biting him and tossing him off the mountain. He is now the oldest male and my mate so be nice to your favorite two pups." She winked before turning to Nuri, "Let's hurry to the cave, once we get done cleaning it out...." She smiled wickedly at her brother, "The whole mountains going to be jealous of what I plan to do to you." She finished just in time to see Nuri dash toward to the south in search of the cave.

The Matron looked at Meesha with a smile, "Now that your dear brother is off working his tail off to get another round of your 'affections', I think now is a good time to be frank with you so there is no bad blood between us." She sighed as her puppies teeth started to nip at her slightly. "I've always been hard on Nuri, not because I hated him or didn't like him. Since Nuri chose to stay, I wanted to have him strong and prepared for the challenges of living here. He was a disappointment overall but...but...with you at his side I'll feel safe with leaving the mountain to both of you." She said before bopping on the more aggressive puppies on the horn. "I don't agree with your choice and I think your a stupid little pup but I feel that Nuri couldn't have made a better choice, so take from that what you will and get out of my sight."

"Will do, mother, Will do." Meesha said before leaning down and whispering in her mother's ears, "Since we are getting things off our chest let me say one last thing to you. I'm not the only adult female on this mountain and you've got a few more years in the old bones of yours. Relax, leave things to us and most importantly find another mate but since you're such a bitter old gogoat, I recommend you possibly mate with a primeape." She chuckled before trotting away from her mother's angry growls. "Come visit the pups any time!" She shouted feeling positively giddy with herself.

Nuri was already kicking out the bones out of the den when his sister arrived, the young male smiled proudly at his work before speaking to his sister. "It's mostly cleaned out, there wasn't much in there but a lot of twigs and dust." He said while shaking off the dust in his fur with a small cloud, "Whew." Nuri sneezed slightly as he waited for his sister's approval.

Meesha poked her head in into the small cave mouth while glancing about to see the work her brother put into his cleaning. The female absol noticed that her brother collected a large pile of grass, weeds and other soft plant life to make a simple resting point for the pair. "I'm very impressed, brother, though we will have to eventually see about getting something more comfy. Like what the ghosts have." She grinned thinking about the plush mattress.

Nuri watched as his sister paced the area with a small smile on her face, "Well.. What about the humans that that come here and camp? They usually have soft things to lay on. We could probably take those." Nuri offered not wanting to even remotely consider stealing from ghost pokemon.

Meesha stepped on the soft grass pile and turned to her brother before raising her blade tail, "Well... A female has crawled into your den, she is oh so tired and oh so willing. What do you do now?" Meesha teased with a gentle swaying of her tail.

Nuri grinned before pouncing on the larger absol and roughly nipping on her neck, He placed his paws against her own and release his grip, "I'm not sure, my big sister would say something along the lines of 'Make her mine and ravish her till she can't think." He giggled and continue to nip her teasingly in their foreplay.

Outside the cave many pokemon stared at the strangely arousing grunts and moans coming from the newly occupied den. Further to the north, an old absol female placed her paws over her ears and groaned. "I should have swallowed them both." She grumbled at the grating noise of their love making. This noise would be repeated frequently deep into the night, much to the local pokemon's dismay.