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#1 of Containment

Set in a hidden scientific research facility somewhere in the continental US, this Area-51esque base is about to receive a new prisoner! Hopefully they can all make the best of a bad situation.

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Her cell phone ringing brought her out of her dream and awake instantly. The ringtone, a face paced techno bit from some movie she couldn't remember at this hour, was one she'd set specifically for urgent calls. Her heart pounded as she rolled away from the warm body beside her and scrambled to find the device vibrating face down against the night stand.

When her fingers located it, she lifted it up and blinded herself with the bright screen. The monitor read "Main Laboratory" in hot white letters.

She thumbed the green answer lettering and held the speaker to her ear.

"The base better have exploded," she mumbled as purple, green, and blue spots danced before her eyes.

"Better!" an excited voice exclaimed. She recognized Doctor Carcharias' voice. "NSA just dropped something off I think you'll want to see."

She groaned and rubbed the top of her smooth head.

"Meet me in Hanger B-23."

She sighed heavily and hung up the phone. Slowly, she rolled over to stare at the broken silhouette in the bed next to her. Between the white chest and underbelly and the black arms, legs, and dorsal fin, one would be hard pressed to pick the body out as an orca if they didn't know any better.

Two blue eyes stared up at her in the darkness and she forced a smile onto her lips.

"Who was that, mommy?" a small voice asked.

That word always made her heart flutter in her chest. She wasn't Gracy's mommy. Not by the strictest definition, at least. The lab's experiments sometimes reached a point where anthro testing was the only way to progress. She could never bring herself to order anyone to undergo their experiments, or have the military or other black ops groups bring them test subjects. So she'd volunteered for a fair number in her years at the lab.

Gracy was the result of one such experiment. While she, Doctor Grace Cetacea had carried and given birth to the little calf, Gracy was a pure genetic copy. A clone, in layman's terms.

But she was so much more than that. Dr. Cetacea had raised her like her own daughter. The past ten years had been one magical moment after the other. They were family, the only family Dr. Cetacea had as secluded as the base was from the rest of the world. Officially it didn't exist.

Therein had its benefits. She'd successfully been cloned despite the illegality of such an experiment. She'd had equally illegal and debatably immoral genetic experimentation done on her before that, even. But now, she was a mother to a beautiful daughter and in the last year, lover to a delightful little girl.

She pushed the memories from her mind and leaned down to kiss Gracy's brow gently. "Doctor Carcharias," she whispered. "Something came in that I have to go look at."

"Because you're the boss?" Gracy asked.

Dr. Cetacea smiled and nodded. "Because I'm the boss." She leaned down to brush Gracy's lips with her own gently. Then a second time. And a third. The last time, she gently pressed her wide tongue past the girl's lips to caress her own smaller one. As their lips parted, she rubbed her daughter's snout with her own and sat up. "I'll be back."

She turned and stood out of bed. The cool air glided over her black and white skin. She shivered and bumps appeared from blowhole to tail. She glanced back at Gracy and asked "Did you fold our laundry?"

The girl paused and pulled the blankets tightly around herself. "No..."

Dr. Cetacea's brow furrowed. "Why not?" Great,_she thought. _Wrinkled uniform it is, then.

"I did an accident."

She heaved a heavy sigh and forced her frustration deep down. She would worry about it later. "Okay. Go back to sleep, sweety."

As she left the bedroom and made her way to the laundry room, Dr. Cetacea rubbed her eyes with her leathery fingertips. It was too early for whatever it is her colleague deemed so important. He was her second, her right hand, the person she trusted most in the nonexistent instillation. He could handle whatever it was until a reasonable hour.

When she flipped the light on in the laundry room, sure enough there she saw the basket full of her clothes and Gracy's own tiny copies the same uniform. She reached down and plucked out a pair of panties, a knee-length black skirt and a white button down. After a little more digging, she found one of her bras hidden near the bottom. Suckers were always trying to escape, she was sure of it.

She set each piece out on the top of the washer and shook her head. "Wrinkled, alright." She groaned and rubbed her eyes again with a wide yawn.

Groggily, she snatched her black panties and tugged them onto her black legs. She bent over and pulled them up, but half way up her thighs, she squeaked and opened her eyes wide. They were as tight as a tunicate! She glared accusingly at the dark fabric then plucked her bra from where it had rested.

It too didn't quite reach around her like it should! She growled and cast her blue eyes to the dials on the washer. "Really!?" she asked no one in particular. Hot wash to cold rinse. She rolled her eyes and threw her bra aside. As she tried to shimmy out of her panties, the band snapped and the fabric fell loosely to the floor.

She wanted to howl! This night was going famously, wasn't it!?

As she bent over and rummaged about in the basket, she was met with equally as small and smaller clothes in all! With another heavy sigh, she straightened and reached for her skirt and blouse. At least my lab coat will cover it up. Maybe no one will see it.

Her knee-length shirt barely resembled what it once was. She glared down at her tight miniskirt, and that was only the tip of the iceberg. Her bust was straining against the too-small shirt. The buttons struggled to hold their places, barely holding the stretched fabric together as her breast threatened to leap free at any moment.

With some effort, she pulled on a pair of dark stockings and slipped into her heels. "This better be fucking worth it."

* * * * *

The hanger was bustling with activity. There was the most alien, and yet a very familiar craft nestled in the middle. It resembled a B-2 bomber, though two large cylindrical engines protruded from where the cockpit would have been on the plane. The hull was much more angular rather than the smooth bird-like flying wing.

Each of the wingtips held what looked like encased gun housings, or maybe blasters like a ship from Star Wars. The center of the wing held a view port, a cockpit similar in design to the B-2, though each of the windows was a row of triangles reversed against each other.

Men in fatigues and lab coats alike disappeared into and emerged from the white-washed interior of the vessel through a loading ramp straight out of the Millennium Falcon in the center of the ventral hull.

Grace stared in shock for a moment, even as her wake-up-call bounded over to her.

"Isn't it incredible?" the great white shark asked as he gripped her lab coat's right arm. "Air Force boys spotted a wreck in the Rockies of New Mexico. When para rescuers arrived on the scene, they found this. NSA immediately transported it here."

"You woke me up for a plane?" she asked, turning her icy blue hues on the shark. "Really, Harry, this is a new low."

"It's not a plane."

Her brow furrowed. It looked like a space ship, sure enough. She'd assumed it was some Russian plane the government wanted them to dissect.

"How is it not a plane?" she asked and waved her left hand dismissively. "If it looks like a plane and flies like a plane, it's-..."

"Because the on board computer is speaking a language no one on this planet does. The writing on the control panels is unlike anything we've ever seen. And don't even get me started on the food stores and the technology that thing is packed with!"

The logic of the situation pressed down on her. A space ship crashed in New Mexico? Sure, the Roswell incident was all nonsense, Air Force antics at its finest. But this was the real deal?

"Any survivors?"

"One, and he's magnificent!"

Harry tugged on her sleeve. Her heart skipped a beat as she felt her blouse strain uncomfortably against her breast. She tugged her arm out of his grip and followed along as best as she could in her heels. "Slow down!" she spat. "It isn't going anywhere!"

He barely showed signs of hearing her as he hurried down the halls and led her deeper and deeper into the base toward the main lab. She clip-clopped behind him as fast as her three inch heels would carry her.

When they entered the main laboratory, dozens of white coats scurried from station to station, each of them imputing data or analyzing some sample or another. They all worked in a tense silence thick enough she was sure she might have to swim through by sunrise.

Harry led her to Containment Bravo, one of the larger sterile units and pressed a button on the wall that opened the blast shield that would clover the viewing window in case of an explosion, ultra-bright flashes, radiations, and other dangers.

What it revealed made her heart skip a beat. Inside the brightly lit white clean room paced a monster right out of her nightmares. It walked on four legs, but even then it towered over her five-foot-three frame! It was as black as her backside, blacker even. Its body was covered with a segmented exoskeleton from its neck down to a tail that was as long as it was tall. The tip of its tail was capped with a dangerously serrated sword-like spade.

Each of its four legs, or two legs and two arms she speculated after noticing how closely the joins resembled an anthroequine's, ended in talon-like claws. Each talon consisted of two razor fingers and a thumb that resembled a velociraptor's toe.

On its back, six tightly coiled tendrils writhed anxiously, like vipers ready to strike. The creature's belly, Grace noted, was as unprotected by exoskeleton as the coils along its spine. Its chest and belly was vulnerable black flesh, but that's what the claws and tail were for. She knew she wouldn't want to try and tangle with it, even with such a blatantly obvious weak spot.

The alien's head was long and curved backward over its long neck toward its shoulders. It was smooth and gloss black, not unlike a hadrosaurus's. Unlike the prehistoric lifeform, the alien's face was much more sinister. The front of its skull was a birdlike beak and two orbs as gloss black as the rest of the creatures.

Even being unable to physically see where the eyes were pointed, Grace knew that somehow, the creature was staring right at her where it stopped its nervous pacing in the middle of the containment unit. She checked the monitor and confirmed that yes, the window was hidden, appearing as clean-white as any of the other walls, floor, or ceiling in the cell.

And yet it was looking right at her.

She felt a chill run down her spine and averted her blue eyes. Harry was giving her a nearly-as-unnerving toothy grin. She hated his smiles. But even it was more comforting than the monster in the cage.

"Magnificent, isn't it?"

She shook her head and turned away. "Not a word I would use to describe it," she said as she walked to her administrator's station. As she brought up the files that had already been put into the system, Harry leaned over the top of her monitor.

"It was unconscious for about fifteen minutes before you showed up in the hanger. We took tissue samples, blood samples, x-rays. We couldn't get any sample of the exoskeleton though. Whatever it is, it's a great deal harder than steel."

"Sedate it and get a laser scalpel after it," she said as she poured over the data that multiplied on her as the lab technicians input more with every passing moment.

"We tried. It doesn't seem to be affected by the gas we pumped in through the vents. That," he said as he turned his dark eyes away from her and looked to the open blast shield, "or it doesn't breathe."

"That would make sense," Grace said as her eyes scanned images from the x-rays they'd taken. "It looks like it has a very specific set of organs. Circulatory, stomach, nervous system. What are these glands here?" She pressed her fingertip to six large dark spots on the screen at the base of each of the tendrils which, when uncoiled as they were when the x-rays were taken, were each about a dozen feet long, she'd guess.

"We don't know," Harry said when he'd moved around to her side of the station. "Venom glands maybe. They're unlike anything we've got here on Earth. At first we thought they were ovaries but," he reached forward and pointed at a smaller, more familiar set of dark spots in the creature's groin. "It, or rather he, has testes, a phallus, everything any given male on this planet has."

"Well," she leaned back in her chair and very carefully folded her arms over her lab-coat covered chest, "at least we know he's compatible with you. Now I see why you're so excited."

"Fuck you, Grace." He rolled his eyes and looked back to the window.

When she followed his gaze, her blood ran cold. The creature was standing up against the window, staring motionlessly out at them.

"How does it know where the window is?" she asked and forced herself to look back at the computer screen.

"We think it sees on a different spectrum. Maybe even multiple spectrums."

"That's a comforting thought," she answered. "So for all we know, it's-... he's learning as much about us just by looking at us as we are with his tissue samples and everything else you gathered."

"For all we know," Harry echoed.

"Let's hope he can't Macgyver his way out of that unit, then."

"Or at the very least forgot to trigger a distress call before he went down."

Grace shuddered at the thought and looked up to Harry with a smile. "You were right," she said. "This was worth waking me up so early." She rolled her shoulders beneath her coat and instantly regret it. She felt the fabric suddenly loosen about her chest as a button sprang free and plinked against the inside of her coat.

"Fetch me a cup of coffee then you can go," she said. "And check on Gracy for me, okay? Make sure she's fed and gets to school on time."

"Thanks, Grace," Harry said and left.

She hoped her daughter would be alright after school. She snorted inwardly. If one could call it school. It was academic instruction given to the half dozen or so children who lived on base, all presented by an advanced, albeit still primitive interactive AI. Even at school, Gracy was practically alone.

"Here you go, Boss," Harry said when he returned with a steaming cup.

Grace gratefully took the coffee and smiled up at her compatriot. "Thanks, Harry. Oh, and can you order me a whole new set of uniforms, please?"

"What happened to the ones you have?" Harry's brow knit together and his eyes dropped below the collar of her coat. "What are you wearing?"

"I don't want to talk about it right now. I just want to archive as much as I can about this thing..."

* * * * *

It was the longest day Grace could remember having lived. But it went by so fast. She had spent the rest of the night and all day pouring over the data being constantly uploaded to the main system. It was truly fascinating how different this creature was from her and her colleagues. The amount of base pairs his DNA had was astounding! And the size of his brain, the amount of synapses, the activity they could scan in its brain...

As each of the aspects about its biology were outsourced to the more specialized labs in the facility, the number of people in the main lab dwindled down until it was just her. At first she was scared out of her mind to be alone with the creature, even if she was perfectly safe in a completely different room as the thing.

After a few hours, she found it easier to stare at the thing. He seemed less alien, less monstrous and threatening. As time went on, she thought less about how many ways it could kill her and instead found herself speculating on the conditions his kind thrived in, what was his planet like that they evolved the way they did?

She leaned forward and tapped on her keyboard, instituting a new protocol that one person be present in the lab at all times. There was no way to sedate the creature and gather more samples, so all they could do was observe, and between the surveillance equipment focused on the containment unit, one person was enough.

Not that the creature did very much. When it wasn't staring at her, it was pacing around the cage. Straight lines from one wall to the other, or around the perimeter. Sometimes it would switch after each time it stopped and stared, sometimes it would trade off when it reached a given point in its pacing.

Him, she reminded herself as she glanced to the x-ray again. It was easy to revert to calling him 'it'. He was so different from them in so many ways. His sex organs were all internal, if one didn't know any better, one wouldn't be able to tell if he was in fact a he anyway! With as exposed as his underbelly was, it was no wonder his kind kept their junk retracted up inside instead of hanging out so vulnerable and-...

Her heart stopped when she glanced to one of the security monitors and saw the creature laying limp against the far wall. She launched up from her chair, not caring that another button popped free beneath her coat with the sudden movement. She sprinted to the viewing window in only her stockings, having long since removed her heels earlier in the day.

She stared at the alien for several minutes. It felt like hours and still, he didn't move. She wished he breathed, wished she could see his sides expanding with any sign of life! But he was as still as a statue. She slammed her palms flat against the window, and again several more times to try and rouse him.

He didn't move.

She reached over and tapped the light toggle quickly. The cage went dark and illuminated again in quick succession, flashing from night to day multiple times in a second.

He didn't move.

She reached down and keyed the intercom, her voice frantic as she called "Wake up! Get up you alien bastard!"

Still, he didn't move.

Panic set in. Damn thing was dead! She stepped back away from the window and rushed back to her station. So much data they still needed to take! What if his body released toxins into his blood stream after death? What if his body rapidly decayed? What if some sort of chemical reaction took place and destroyed everything?

But nothing was happening.

He was still unmoving and unchanged there on the security monitors. She reached for her phone to call it in... but stopped. Slowly, she replaced it on the receiver and took a breath. Maybe it was just asleep. There was no guarantee it had ears to even hear her with.

And that's when she saw it. Grasped in the center of one of the coils on his back, the alien held tightly a syringe. It was still capped, as yet unused, but he must have snatched it from one of the lab techs when they were taking samples!

She chewed on her lower lip, glancing to the phone again. She decided not to call security, as much as her heart shouted at her to. All it took was one jumpy soldier and their new specimen would be a large black wheel of swisscheese. She drummed her fingers on the desk top and ran her free hand up over her smooth head.

If he didn't wake up from her shouting, flipping the lights, or slamming on the window, chances were the creature was exhausted. Or a deep sleeper. She stood and walked up to the door that separated the main lab from the containment unit. She took a deep breath the still her nerves then tapped in her clearance code. The light on the locking mechanism shined green and the door slid open.

She stepped into the white clean room and held her breath. Carefully tiptoeing, she made her way around to the back side of the large monstrous creature and knelt down. He had quite a grip on it, didn't he? She glanced to his face, but he was unmoving. His beak was parted ever so slightly, revealing rows of needle-like teeth hidden within the smooth beak.

She shuddered and clamped her eyes shut. Stay calm, if he was awake, you'd be dinner already. She exhaled then took another deep breath.

Before she opened her eyes, the door's motor whirred to life.

Her blue eyes shot open in time to see one of the long tentacles retreating back into the room as the door shut and sealed. The other five shot outward faster than she had time to react! Four of them lashed around her wrists and ankles and she screamed loudly!

They lifted her up and pressed her back against the wall. A sharp pain lanced through her spine as her fin slammed against the unyielding surface. She cried out again and tears sprang to her eyes. She arched her back as best as she could to relieve the pressure and blinked away the pain.

When she lifted her head, she was face to face with the alien. She hadn't even heard him get up! His beaked face scanned from head to toe. His lifeless eyes looked her over, examining closely her every inch.

She shook against the wall, unable to do anything but whimper in fear of her inevitable end. He was looking for the prime cut, the best meat she had to offer. Any second, those steak-knives he had for fingers were going to cut into her, portioning her off with the sympathy of a supermarket butcher.

She sobbed loudly as he confirmed her fears. He lifted a fore talon and extended one of his razor sharp claws toward her chest. She closed her eyes and turned her head away. This was it, this was how she was going to die!

She heard the tearing of flesh as the claw dug into her body, heard him cutting away her skin from her collar bone to her groin. She thought it would hurt more. The terror dulled any sensation of pain she thought she would have. She silently thanked whatever god was watching over her that it would be a painless death.

The cold air that blasted over her chest made her draw in a sharp hiss. She opened her eyes and reflexively looked down and shock filled her belly.

He had cut away her coat and what few buttons had remained on her blouse. The cool air washed over her exposed breast and taut belly. The alien again lifted his claw but this time she watched with rapt attention. He cut from her shoulders down to her wrists, then from her shoulders inward. Without any loops or wraps around her body, her clothing fell away. Her skirt soon followed, pooling on the floor where it met the wall she was pressed against.

She shuddered and shook her head slowly. This wasn't happening. She was completely at this creature's mercy. He was just removing the inedible parts... No, she thought as she watched the alien once again look her naked body over. He's studying you the way you studied him this morning.

She only hoped he wasn't as keen on taking blood or tissue samples.

One of his two remaining tendrils lifted to her exposed neck. The tip slid over her throat to her opposite shoulder, then back along her collarbone on the return trip. She had expected a sharp prick and the contents of those venom glands to pour into her circulatory system. Instead, the tentacle slid along her chest.

The surprisingly warm flesh felt like the softest silk. As it slid around the swell of her ample bosom, she couldn't help but arch her back against the softness that brushed her stiff peak. She hissed inwardly and stifled a moan as the tentacle shifted its attention to her other breast. The alien purposefully dragged the tendril over her nipple then again wrapped it around her firm globe. When the alien gave her a little squeeze, she arched her back once more and moaned deeply.

When she settled her weight back, she once again grimaced as her fin pressed uncomfortably against the wall. The last tentacle slipped around her, exploring her posterior from her shoulders down to her tail.

Once the alien realized the discomfort she was feeling, the four tentacles at her extremities pulled her away so she was hanging in the air by her limbs. At least the pressure was off her fin so she could straighten her back.

The relief was short lived as the tentacle at her chest slithered down her belly to her spread legs. At first the tip glided over her thighs, but soon it began to probe at her slits.

It was unnerving that the touch, as violated as she felt, made Grace's long, pink cock slide free of its' vent. The most unnerving of all was the motionless stare the alien gave her as the tentacle explored her tapered length.

She chewed on her lip as the tentacle on her back side slipped down to the fins on her tail, then slid up the underside to join the first tentacle in exploration. Both tentacles stroked, caressed, and explored every inch of her arousal. If she didn't know better, she would have been sure the thing was purposefully focusing all his attention on her dick!

Her eyes widened as a tendril ventured along the base of her cock and traced over her damp pussy. She clamped her eyes shut and shook her head. Just as she opened her mouth to plead with the alien, the tentacle lurched forward.

She threw her head back and screamed again as the tentacle lanced into her womb. She screamed until she couldn't breathe. The tentacle was mostly still, moving only when she struggled to pull away from it.

A moment later, the tentacle still at her cock ventured lower. She shook her head violently from side to side as it pressed against her tailhole. "No, please don't. Not there, please don't do this, I-..."

Again her jaws opened wide as the tentacle lurched up into her. It went deeper, pushing several feet into her bowels, she was sure. Her entire body tensed and not a sound escaped her wide mouth.

After what felt like an eternity, air rushed back into her lungs and she sobbed loudly. Tears again rushed to her eyes. She blinked them away and stared at the alien looking blankly into her eyes.

Slowly, the tentacles began to move against one another within her body. As the tendril in her pussy pulled out, the one in her ass eased inward even more. When only the tip remained within her pussy, the tentacle reversed direction and pushed back up into her womb again. As it did, the one in her ass retreated.

They moved against one another slowly, surprisingly gentle with her at first. She sobbed for several long minutes, but a musky yet sweet smell tickled her blow hole. It was faint at first, but after several deep breaths, the smell intensified until it was all she could smell. A fire ignited deep in her belly. Her abused pussy began to grow wetter. Her muscles milked at the invading tentacles, drawing them deeper and fighting to pull them back in with every movement.

She arched her back and moaned deeply as a new, primal desire filled her. She around slowly, trying to find out what was happening, what had made the smell. She decided it was the alien fucking her. She looked back into his empty black eyes and moaned wantonly. If he'd wanted her dead, she would have been cut to shreds by now. If this was all he wanted from her, what was the harm of indulging?

If he was just going to fuck her with those soft, warm tentacles of his, why not enjoy it while it lasted? Why not let him fuck her once or twice before she escaped? She licked her lips and arched her back once again as the tentacles within her widened considerably.

At first they had felt as wide as a few of her fingers pressed together, now it was as though a baseball bat was stretching her wide open. No, she decided as she craned her head to stare down at her body stretching lewdly to accommodate her intruders. Much bigger!

The tentacle in her pussy pressed against something deep inside as it invaded her again. It sent electricity shooting through her body. She shook violently as waves of pleasure crashed against her. She cried out loudly and bucked against the tendrils.

Her screaming moans only intensified as the tentacles started to lurch into her harder and faster. She bounced in the alien's grip with every thrust and her impassioned moans only intensified.

She felt her hands being drawn upward and pressed together. She didn't have to wait long to find out why. Her noises were cut off as one of the tentacles that had been holding her wrist dove into her mouth. It slid down her throat with ease and her eyes bugged.

At first she panicked, worried she would suffocate... but if she breathed through her blowhole, she was fine! And somehow, her gag reflex was playing nice tonight! She swallowed as rhythmically as she could, moaning against the invader thrusting into her throat!

Her entire body burned. Everywhere the alien touched her was on fire with a desire, a need, and an electric pleasure the likes of which she had never imagined! Even her wrists and ankles felt... well, she didn't have the words for it! It was like someone had grafted her labia to her extremities and the alien was pleasuring them with the skills of a zen master... or something! At this point she didn't care, she only wanted more of what this alien was giving her.

The opening of her pussy suddenly stretched outward and she looked downward. Bigger? She wasn't sure she could take much more! As she peered around the tentacle in her mouth, she saw a large lump in the tentacle pressing up into her. Several more were hot on the first one's heels. Likewise, she felt another of the lumps press up into her ass.

A moment later, she watched a conga line of lumps advancing toward her muzzle. She knew she should be terrified at whatever it was the alien was pumping into her. She knew she should have been panicking at the prospect. Instead, she bucked against each of the tentacles and swallowed each of the lumps eagerly.

They seemed to go on forever! She swallowed and milked each one of them as they came. Eggs, she decided. He was putting eggs in her. Her belly began to tighten uncomfortable and she struggled to pull her hands away to feel. The tentacles restraining her were unrelenting. Instead, she stared down at her belly as it grew larger than even Gracy had made her!

The sight along made her cum again. She shook and quaked, moaning loudly against the tentacle in her throat. Colors swam before her eyes and her stockinged toes curled tightly against her soles.

When finally the sensation began to return to her fingers and toes, and the colors gave way to vision, she found herself laying on her side on the floor. Her hands explored her massive belly. Somehow, she was not frightened as it visibly shrank beneath her palms.

She had almost forgotten the alien was in the room with her when her belly returned to normal. Well, mostly normal. There was still the gentlest swell there that hadn't been before. She pressed her palm against the swell and felt it shift. An egg, she mused.

Then the tentacles were on her body again. Warm. Soft. She arched against them and turned her head to stare at the creature looking over her.

He stood on all fours and between his legs a huge, ridged cock throbbed toward her. It pointed straight at her, as if drawn by some unseen force. Without thinking, Grace rolled onto her hands and knees and pulled her tail out of the way. She spread her legs wide and looked over her shoulder at their alien captive.

The large creature stepped forward over her and lowered his hips. As if he had done it a million times before, he pressed his cock into her with the greatest ease. As each delicious ridge popped into her pussy, the alien's soft underbelly pressed down against her fin. At first she thought it would be discomforting, but instead of a firm resistance, the alien's soft flesh molded around her.

The alien didn't stop to let her adjust this time. He began thrusting his hips hard against her own. Her body rocked with every rough invasion. She gasped and moaned deeply as the alien fucked her womb. She lifted a hand and pressed it to her tummy and felt the tip stretching outward against her hand with every movement.

That had her cumming again. She threw her head back and cried out as her body gripped at the alien fucking her.

"Harder!" She cried. "Fuck me harder! I need it more! I need you in me!" she heard herself say. "Cum in me please!"

Why those words aroused her as much as they did, she wasn't sure. Pregnancy had put her out of work for months, something she didn't enjoy nor could she afford as the laboratory administrator.

Again a lump began to slam against her pussy. She rocked back against it eagerly as it grew bigger and bigger. Without looking, she knew what it was.

She pushed back hard as the alien above her lifted his tentacles to pull them tightly against one another. Almost audibly, the knot popped into her and inflated fully, stretching Grace to her limits. She curled her fists against the floor and she grit her teeth. Another tidal wave slammed against her, making her entire body tense and tingle as the fire in her belly exploded outward.

She felt his heat rush into her womb and again felt her belly expand outward. She lifted a hand and pressed it against the growing globe. She found herself somewhat disappointed that it only got so big, about half term with Gracy, she remembered.

After what felt like an eternity, the alien pulled out of her with a loud -pop- and pulled moved toward the door. His tentacles fiddled with the door while one of them poked and prodded with the syringe. Grace stood up and gathered her clothes up in her arms. She turned to watch curiously, already wondering if there was a way she could fuck the alien with her still throbbing dick.

The door slid open and the alien turned to consider her. One tentacle offered the syringe and he was still again.

Grace wasn't sure what to do at first, but she knew the door was open. She licked her lips as possibilities sprang to her mind. She rushed out the door, snatching the syringe on her way by. She slapped the door lock, sealing the alien in once again.

As she rushed out of the lab, she called Doctor Carcharias, urging him to go to the lab, since something had come up at home and she needed to leave.

When she rushed into her housing quarters, she noticed the clock on the wall read 2356. Good! That meant Gracy was home! She dropped her tattered clothes and rushed into the bedroom.

Gracy was already nestled under the covers.

Doctor Cetacea grinned and crawled onto the bed. As she drew the sheets over herself, she peppered her daughter with kisses from her undeveloped chest to the top of her head.

"Mommy?" the little orca calf asked groggily.

"I'm here, sweety," Doctor Cetacea said as she nudged the girl's legs apart. She guided herself to Gracy's pussy and kissed her gently one more time. "Mommy's here."

Thankfully the living quarters were soundproof. Both orcas were moaning and screaming against one another for the rest of the night.

* * * * *

The following night, Grace knelt down smiled at the little girl in her arms. Together, they peered into the cage at the alien curled up on the floor in the corner. Grace had explained all about the creature, how he had crashed, how they were studying him, all of it.

"And he's safe?" Gracy asked.

Dr. Cetacea smiled and nodded. "Yes he is. I went in there, you know." She reached up and tapped her daughter's snout. "He didn't hurt me. In fact, he gave me back the syringe one of the lab techs left in there."

"Really?" Gracy's eyes lit up and she stared in awe at the alien within. "Can I go in there?"

Grace smiled and nodded. "Mh hm." She set her daughter down and reached up to input her clearance on the door lock. It whirred open and the alien lifted his head inquisitively.

"Go on in," Dr. Cetacea urged.

Gracy grinned and stepped into the containment unit.

The alien was up instantly. His tentacles shot outward and lifted the young girl into the air. Grace couldn't hear her blood curdling scream through the sound proofing. She just smiled and pressed a hand to the gentle swell of her tummy. She should have been afraid that she had already showed the early appearance of pregnancy, but instead she only felt peace.

As the alien stripped away Gracy's night gown and thrust his tentacles up into her young womb and tailhole, Dr. Cetacea reached down into her skirt and pressed her fingers into her slit. The girl's belly bulged outward with every thrust. Grace found herself envious, really.

She wasn't sure if it was envy, or if it was something else she felt for her daughter's ravaging. She didn't dwell on it. She dropped her skirt to the floor and curled her free hand around her throbbing length. She wouldn't let herself cum, though. She brought herself very close when Gracy's belly swelled outward with the alien's eggs.

She held back. Gracy was going to be very horny after this and she wanted to be able to help her poor little girl find relief.

Like before, Grace watched the alien gently lay her daughter down on the floor and wait for the eggs to shrink. Or be absorbed. Or something. When Gracy began to move, she instantly moved onto her knees. The little girl rested her shoulders on the cold floor and reached back to pull her tail aside and expose her undeveloped slit.

The alien wasted no time mounting her. As the alien rutted her daughter in the cage, Grace moaned loudly and frigged herself without relent. Her fingers pulsed into her pussy vigorously as she rode out orgasm after orgasm. The hand at her cock had long since left it abandoned, instead pressing her palm tightly against her belly.

And then it was done. The alien pulled away from the rounded little girl and Grace forced herself to open the door. She rushed into the cage and scooped her daughter and the torn nighty up. She rushed away and locked the cage behind her as she left.

As before, she called Harry, stating another family emergency called her away.

When they were back in their bed, Grace laid on her back on the bed. Her fin sank comfortably into the specially made mattress and she smiled up at the young girl straddling her waist. Without another moment's hesitation, Gracy slid down and between her mother's legs.

Without mercy, she slammed her young cock into Dr. Cetacea's pussy again and again. The need to cum was written clearly on the girl's pheromone addled face and her wild lust-filled eyes.

* * * * *

Three weeks. That's how long it had taken. Dr. Cetacea was laying on a bed within Containment Unit 4. On the bed beside her, just as naked as Dr. Cetacea was, laid little Gracy. Their bellies were both massive! Gracy's belly was uniformly round. One massive egg, they'd discovered. And it was coming.

Dr. Cetacea clutched at her belly. She was proportionately the same size as her daughter. But she had three eggs within. Three eggs that wanted to be born, ready or not. Dr. Cetacea grit her teeth and bore down. She grunted and moaned as the pain blossomed outward from her groin. The technicians around the two orcas called out words of encouragement and direction. Dr. Cetacea didn't hear any of it. She just wanted these eggs out of her! She bore down and pushed again!

She felt her nether stretching outward! It hurt so much! Even with all the drugs she had been given, the pain was incredible! She glanced over at her daughter, pausing only long enough to marvel at the girl's pussy stretched incomprehensibly wide as the egg protruding from her eased another inch outward. She wanted to comfort her child, but she had worries of her own.

Again she pushed with all of her might. Almost there, she told herself. Almost there.

In the Main Laboratory, watching on the security monitors, a young vixen sighed heavily. It was terrible, what was going on. Perhaps it was spores or something from the samples they had taken? Dr. Cetacea had been there all night that first night. Perhaps she had picked up something and taken it home. Perhaps she had been infected and in turn infected her clone. Maybe-...

The vixen sat bolt upright as something caught her eye. There, in the alien's containment unit. It was holding something in of its coils. It looked like a syringe! The vixen glanced toward the bustling containment unit. Should she get some one? No. The creature looked asleep. She could sneak in and back out before anyone knew different.

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