Containment - Preview

Story by Dragon Valor on SoFurry

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Here's the first thousand words of a whopper of s story that I've been trying to get down for weeks. My laptop decided to try very hard to die on me and take all my notes, drafts, and related files of my Epic Fantasy series Valor's Faith with it. I think I persuaded it to behave. That said, sorry for the delay in story submissions!

My patrons receive the full story, all seventy-two hundred words of it, a week early. The rest will be made publicly available here next Thursday. Give or take, depending on how much my computer wants to cooperate.

You can view my stories early and show your support by heading on over to and pledge as little as a dollar per story! Every pledge helps me out a huge amount, especially with my suddenly pressing need for a new work computer.

If you're feeling particularly generous, visit and tell your friends about it! Donating there goes toward helping me purchase a 3D printer I can use to print miniatures and props from the characters and whatnots from my book series and short stories which I can in turn sell to you, the fans, for reasonable prices!

Her cell phone ringing brought her out of her dream and awake instantly. The ringtone, a face paced techno bit from some movie she couldn't remember at this hour, was one she'd set specifically for urgent calls. Her heart pounded as she rolled away from the warm body beside her and scrambled to find the device vibrating face down against the night stand.

When her fingers located it, she lifted it up and blinded herself with the bright screen. The monitor read "Main Laboratory" in hot white letters.

She thumbed the green answer lettering and held the speaker to her ear.

"The base better have exploded," she mumbled as purple, green, and blue spots danced before her eyes.

"Better!" an excited voice exclaimed. She recognized Doctor Carcharias' voice. "NSA just dropped something off I think you'll want to see."

She groaned and rubbed the top of her smooth head.

"Meet me in Hanger B-23."

She sighed heavily and hung up the phone. Slowly, she rolled over to stare at the broken silhouette in the bed next to her. Between the white chest and underbelly and the black arms, legs, and dorsal fin, one would be hard pressed to pick the body out as an orca if they didn't know any better.

Two blue eyes stared up at her in the darkness and she forced a smile onto her lips.

"Who was that, mommy?" a small voice asked.

That word always made her heart flutter in her chest. She wasn't Gracy's mommy. Not by the strictest definition, at least. The lab's experiments sometimes reached a point where anthro testing was the only way to progress. She could never bring herself to order anyone to undergo their experiments, or have the military or other black ops groups bring them test subjects. So she'd volunteered for a fair number in her years at the lab.

Gracy was the result of one such experiment. While she, Doctor Grace Cetacea had carried and given birth to the little calf, Gracy was a pure genetic copy. A clone, in layman's terms.

But she was so much more than that. Dr. Cetacea had raised her like her own daughter. The past ten years had been one magical moment after the other. They were family, the only family Dr. Cetacea had as secluded as the base was from the rest of the world. Officially it didn't exist.

Therein had its benefits. She'd successfully been cloned despite the illegality of such an experiment. She'd had equally illegal and debatably immoral genetic experimentation done on her before that, even. But now, she was a mother to a beautiful daughter and in the last year, lover to a delightful little girl.

She pushed the memories from her mind and leaned down to kiss Gracy's brow gently. "Doctor Carcharias," she whispered. "Something came in that I have to go look at."

"Because you're the boss?" Gracy asked.

Dr. Cetacea smiled and nodded. "Because I'm the boss." She leaned down to brush Gracy's lips with her own gently. Then a second time. And a third. The last time, she gently pressed her wide tongue past the girl's lips to caress her own smaller one. As their lips parted, she rubbed her daughter's snout with her own and sat up. "I'll be back."

She turned and stood out of bed. The cool air glided over her black and white skin. She shivered and bumps appeared from blowhole to tail. She glanced back at Gracy and asked "Did you fold our laundry?"

The girl paused and pulled the blankets tightly around herself. "No..."

Dr. Cetacea's brow furrowed. "Why not?" Great,_she thought. _Wrinkled uniform it is, then.

"I did an accident."

She heaved a heavy sigh and forced her frustration deep down. She would worry about it later. "Okay. Go back to sleep, sweety."

As she left the bedroom and made her way to the laundry room, Dr. Cetacea rubbed her eyes with her leathery fingertips. It was too early for whatever it is her colleague deemed so important. He was her second, her right hand, the person she trusted most in the nonexistent instillation. He could handle whatever it was until a reasonable hour.

When she flipped the light on in the laundry room, sure enough there she saw the basket full of her clothes and Gracy's own tiny copies the same uniform. She reached down and plucked out a pair of panties, a knee-length black skirt and a white button down. After a little more digging, she found one of her bras hidden near the bottom. Suckers were always trying to escape, she was sure of it.

She set each piece out on the top of the washer and shook her head. "Wrinkled, alright." She groaned and rubbed her eyes again with a wide yawn.

Groggily, she snatched her black panties and tugged them onto her black legs. She bent over and pulled them up, but half way up her thighs, she squeaked and opened her eyes wide. They were as tight as a tunicate! She glared accusingly at the dark fabric then plucked her bra from where it had rested.

It too didn't quite reach around her like it should! She growled and cast her blue eyes to the dials on the washer. "Really!?" she asked no one in particular. Hot wash to cold rinse. She rolled her eyes and threw her bra aside. As she tried to shimmy out of her panties, the band snapped and the fabric fell loosely to the floor.

She wanted to howl! This night was going famously, wasn't it!?

As she bent over and rummaged about in the basket, she was met with equally as small and smaller clothes in all! With another heavy sigh, she straightened and reached for her skirt and blouse. At least my lab coat will cover it up. Maybe no one will see it.

Her knee-length shirt barely resembled what it once was. She glared down at her tight miniskirt, and that was only the tip of the iceberg. Her bust was straining against the too-small shirt. The buttons struggled to hold their places, barely holding the stretched fabric together as her breast threatened to leap free at any moment.

With some effort, she pulled on a pair of dark stockings and slipped into her heels. "This better be fucking worth it."

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