The Day I Lost My Cock

Story by ZanaTheCute on SoFurry

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Heh, so this was a fun little story to write. What do you guys think? I might make further adventures with this cooky family, but maybe not. We'll see. Also, I wanna say now that I am taking commissions for stories. I love to write, and I thought hey, why not make a little money out of it? So, if you would like me to write you a story for you, you can commission a story from me. We will discuss details via messaging on here, but the base price is $10 USD per story, plus bonuses that I think is fair. Don't worry, it won't be too much. Thanks for your time, and enjoy!

Struggling underneath my brother, I tried to kick him off. He just laughed, before he got up.

"You were always horrible at fighting, bro. Maybe you should join a dojo or something."

I growled at him under my breath. My brother was always much stronger than me. It was kind of embarrassing. I just hated that he could easily throw me down onto my back and keep me pinned down. I needed to do something to stop him from doing this. I'd think about it later though. My brother wrapped his arms around me, placing his lips gently against mine, kissing me oh so sweetly. I kissed him back, playing with his hair as I slid my hands down his back, and slowly placing them on his ass. This probably requires some clarification. My brother and I had begun to engage in a incestuous romantic relationship a few years ago. We never told our parents about it, and as soon as we could, we got our own place.

"Kale, do you think it was a good idea to get our own place?"

Kale, my older brother, laughed.

"Nate, do you honestly think it was a bad idea?"

"But what if we get robbed? Or our home catches fire?"

Kale grinned, kissing me softly. Gods, his affection always soothed me. He was an amazing kisser.

"Nate, sweetie, do you honestly think anyone would try to rob from us after they see me?"

He was probably right. Kale stood at 6'5", and was built like a Greek hero. He was muscular, probably muscular enough to enter a bodybuilding competition. And he wasn't like a lot of those bodybuilders who had perfect bodies, because he had a pretty good looking face too. He had probably been working out since he was 15. And now that he was 23, he was built quite powerfully. He had nice, short blonde hair, and emerald green eyes, that sparkled with life and happiness. His fur was a beautiful shade of gold. His tail was fluffy, and I often used it as a pillow. I was a little disappointing myself, however. I had wide hips, was quite skinny, and I had shoulder length sandy blonde hair. My eyes were quite nice, being blue, like the sky. My fur wasn't as shiny and gold as Kale's, but it still looked pretty great.

"I guess not. If they see me though, they're going to think only a girl lives here..."

I did appear to look like a girl, and Kale did occasionally refer to me as his little princess. I did love it though.

"A beautiful girl, by the way. Which reminds me, do you know how long we've been together now?"

"20 years?"

Kale face palmed himself, shaking his head. He then picked me up gently, holding me as we kissed again, before he chuckled.

"I'm kidding. We've been together for 10 years now."

We had entered a relationship 10 years ago, when I was 10 and he was 13. At first, I was against it, but a few days later, I loved my big brother in every way, and I would do anything to win his love and affection. And very often, he asked me to do things that would test that theory. He looked down at me, smiling, before he placed a small box on my chest. I looked down at it, and I saw a beautiful black box laying there. I picked it up, and opened it slowly.

"Kale, oh my god..."

"Will you be my wife, Nate?"

Apart from being called his wife, I felt so happy. Inside the box was a beautiful diamond ring, with rubies encrusted on the sides of the ring.

"H-How did you afford this? This must have costed a whole lot of money!"

Kale just chuckled, before he pulled me close, his groin against mine.

"I'd love to marry you, Kale! Yes!"

Kale smiled, before he carried me to bed, placing me on the bed gently, before he stripped his shirt off. He teased me, flexing his pecs, as well as his large biceps. He then looked at me and reached into his pocket.

"Nate, how would you feel about some wine to celebrate this occasion?"

I sat up, nodding with a huge smile on my face. He nodded, before he left the room. I was finally married! And to the guy I loved! My heart felt like it was going to burst from my chest. I closed my eyes, before I smiled, laying back on the bed. After a few moments, Kale returned, carrying a couple of glasses of wine. He then handed one of them to me. I stroked his soft, furred hand as I took my glass. I began to drink the wine. It tasted quite wonderful, mixed with the amazing sensation of being engaged.

"And now, Nate, let's see if that powder took effect."

My smile dropped as I looked up at my brother. Powder? Was my drink spiked?

"What do you mean, Kale?"

He held up a now empty sachet. I didn't know what it was, and it did not look good. I whimpered softly, my tail diving between my legs as I moved away from Kale. How could he do this to me? I felt an intense burning in my crotch, making me yelp and whine loudly. While I was distracted by the pain, Kale dived over, tearing my pants down my legs, leaving me in my underwear. I looked at the bulge I had, which was slowly shrinking away.


Kale just grinned, watching as I weakly beat his chest, before he pushed my onto my back. He kicked my legs apart gently, before he tore off my undies, tossing them away. He pushed my head down, so I looked at my crotch. I watched in shock as my cock was shrinking slowly, as well as my balls. Kale stroked them gently as they were shrinking.

"Aw, say goodbye to your cock and balls, sweetie."

And with that, they vanished from sight. I just sat quietly, looking at my genderless crotch, in shock. Kale was quiet too, although I didn't see what face he was making. What did he do to me? I couldn't hold it in anymore. I burst into tears, covering my eyes as I sobbed. I felt a hand on me, which I immediately slapped away. Kale grunted, before he pushed me roughly onto my back. I looked up at him, eyes full of tears as he had his thick, large red rocket pointing at my groin.

"Stop crying, for gods sake."

He then roughly thrusted. I moaned out loudly, trying to push him away. I wasn't in the mood for him or sex right now.But, something strange happened. I felt him...inside of me? But, he wasn't in my ass. How was he doing this? I looked down and his cock was spearing my groin. It was inside?

"K-Kale, how're you...?"

He placed a finger to my lips, thrusting gently as he smiled.

"I got rid of your dick. You're a cuntboy now."

I was a what? I've only heard about cuntboys from pictures online and stories. But, I was one now? This was surreal. Kale continued to thrust, but was picking up the pace. At first, it was painful, but then, it started to feel great. I moaned out, wrapping my arms around my brother, as I thrusted against him, the pleasure building. Kale stroked my hips, before he howled, cumming hard and deep into me. I felt a little strange, but warm. I sighed happily, looking up at Kale.

"I still hate you, but that felt amazing."

He kissed me softly.

"I'll take it."


I huffed loudly, watching the TV as I relaxed back onto the couch. Kale was at work, earning money and paying the bills. I stayed at home. I whined out a little, stroking over my large gut as I smiled softly.

"Stop kicking, lil guys. Momma is trying to watch TV."

I giggled softly. We didn't know that I could get pregnant, but I loved it. It felt great to carry young within me. And Kale had been very supportive. I stroked my dome gut again softly as I tried to pull my shirt down over my belly. I had to resort to wearing Kale's clothes, because none of mine fit, and I didn't want to buy maternity clothes. And his shirt was still riding up my belly. I had also taken to wear Kale's underwear, instead of pants. It was just more comfier. Me and Kale had gotten married a few months back, when this belly wasn't here. We knew of the pregnancy, but we didn't tell our friends. I looked at my favourite photo from the wedding. Me, in my beautiful white suit, and Kale in his amazing black one.

"That was a wonderful day. Shame our babies weren't there to see it."

I giggled again, before I imagined our life in the future, to which the puppies happily kicked my belly.


I held my 3 beautiful puppies happily, nuzzling each of them as Kale wheeled me home. I looked up at my husband, smiling at him, as he smiled back at me, stroking my hair gently. We had 2 boys, and a cuntboy. We named the heavier boy Jacob, the lighter boy Calum, and the cuntboy Brent. I held them as they slept in my arms. They had beautiful, shining gold fur. They seemed very happy as I sighed in delight.

"Kale, I love you."

Kale stroked my hair, before he kissed my cheek.

"I love you too, mommy."

I giggled, as we wheeled home to our happy new life.