A Fox Behind Bars part 36

Story by Wip on SoFurry

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#36 of A Fox Behind Bars

Part 36! Finally!

Apologies, peeps. Been a busy week. Hopefully back to normal

Got some sex and plot development stuff. I think I did pretty good on this chapter :-)

Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoy. If anything can be done to enhance your enjoyment, please don't hesitate to let me know ;-)

Extra thanks for Tenpenny ( https://tenpenny.sofurry.com/ ), for the awesome proofreading! ^-^


The grating klaxon woke me with a start. My eyes stung when they were hit with the harsh, unforgiving lights of the cellblock. Before I rubbed the sleep from them, before I let the dull headache register, before anything, I was off the bunk and fetching Dimitri's shoes. My morning routine had become a habit. It didn't occur to me until I was kneeling there, holding the cheap, worn out, canvas shoes that I might not have to do this every morning.

Last night was great. The best I can remember since my hell began. Dimitri and I stayed up real late, first working on how he could phonetically sound out unfamiliar words, then just talking like we were friends. It was an amazing feeling to not have fear breathing down my neck for once. And earlier... I still don't know if I can believe it happened, he jerked me off.

I probably could have nuzzled into that big tiger who let me sleep in the bunk with him, and started the day with a simple good morning, sir.

While my thoughts wandered Dimitri swung his legs off the bunk and yawned loud enough to be confused with a roar. He stretched out his arms while I slipped his shoes on. His hand ruffled my hair affectionately. My tail swished and I knew it was going to be a good day.

While Dimitri washed up in the cell's sink, I hurried back into my clothes. I really wished I had something with caffeine. The late nights were starting to catch up with me and I hoped Dimitri would be ok with me taking a nap after breakfast.

After the morning headcount we filed out of the cell. Passing by Jake's cell the red fox slipped out, following a few steps behind Dimitri and me. I looked over my shoulder to wave a hello, but it was just ignored. I knew he was mad at me but I wish he could just see I was trying to help.

The cafeteria's noise did little to help with my headache. Maybe next time I saw Tront I could ask him how I'd go about suggesting coffee be served at breakfast.

The line moved slowly and it gave me time to look around. There were more guards than normal. I assumed this was a temporary precaution after the brawl that broke out yesterday. Piter's pack was now taking up almost a quarter of the canine tables. It was scary to think of the machinations going on right below the surface all around me.

A tap on my shoulder. I jumped but it was just Jake. I smiled thinking he'd gotten over my recent attempt to fix him up with Sanders. Apparently thinking the same thing I was, he shook his head no and pointed forward. The line was moving.

A biscuit was dropped onto my tray. I looked at the sad little morsel and wondered if I could ask for a second. One look at the badger who was passing them out and twitching tendons and bared fangs told me no, so I moved on. Deciding who I could pester without risking my life was a bit of an artform behind bars.

A ladle of thin translucent gravy was poured over the biscuit. I looked up. It was the goat I'd been getting used to seeing behind the counter.

"Hi," I said.

He rolled his eyes and tried to reach past me to splash some of the gravy onto Jake's biscuit.

Undeterred, I pressed on. "I was gonna talk to someone about it, but do you know if the kitchen has any coffee machines? Because I think it would be awesome if we could get cup of coffee with breakfast, instead of that bitter orange juice we always get."

The goat blinked. I backed up, worried for a moment he was going to pitch a ladleful of gravy at me. "Yeah, sure. We can do that, but just for you. Organic, artisan, fair-trade shit if you want. Fuck, I'll tell ya what, we'll even get someone to wait tables. That way none of you ungrateful shitheads even need to stand in line."

Well fuck you too. I sighed and moved along to catch up with Dimitri.

Our trays laden with sub-par food, we headed to our table. A hesitant jackal stood up from one of the aisle seats and made his way toward us. He clutched a folded piece of paper between two quaking fingers and his wide eyes were locked on Dimitri. I remember having the same reaction to Dimitri when first forced to interact with him. He's big and mean looking, who wouldn't be scared under the circumstance? But now whenever I looked at the tiger, all I could see is how far he'd come from the monster I used to think he was.

"D-dimitri?" stuttered the jackal. He flinched as the note was snatched, Dimitri never slowed.

The messenger must have been new. I stopped by the shaking fur. "Hi, I'm Regal," I held out my hand. The jackal looked at me like I was crazy. I took back my unshook hand. "Next time, you can just give me the note to give to him, if that would be easier."

"I-I was told I had to give the note directly to Dimitri."

"It's ok. I'm kinda like his," I paused to try out words. Pet? Bitch? Personal servant? "Like his secretary. I always sit by him, so just keep that in mind if he looks like he's in a bad mood." I smiled a goodbye and left after my companions. I could feel the jackal's eyes on me and I felt a little proud of the impression I was making simply by confidently taking a seat at one of the feline tables.

Like I said, aside from the outcasts forced to sit at one of the middle neutral tables, if you were part of one of the major species, you really didn't have a choice about where or with whom you could sit.

Dimitri flicked the note to me as I sat. "Is it just me, or is the food around here getting worse?" I asked while I unfolded the paper.

First thing I did was to skim for a note from Hash... Nothing. I turned the paper over, hoping I missed something. Swallowing my disappointment, I read Dimitri what was written. Vince had Jake booked for a scaly in the kitchen at lunch and two furs in H-Block were renting him for some fun this evening. At least the locations were convenient.

I got to my part. It was hard to conceal my disappointment as I informed Dimitri I was going to have to spend the entirety of my Yard time in the maintenance shed. It was light on details. "It doesn't even say who I'm going to be with," I whined.

My Yard time was the only chance I had to be with Hash. It might seem sappy, maybe even naive, but with all my heart I loved that coyote, and he loved me. Since the first time we met, Hash has been the only fur that has always been honest with me, that took an interest in me beyond my holes, that did everything he could to watch out for me, even if his situation wasn't much better than my own.

It was just so unfair to be kept away from him at the whim of any horny fur with a few dollars.

"Skip it, then," Dimitri said with a mouthful of biscuit and gravy.

He said it like it was that simple. Believe me, rarely does a night go by where I don't dream of telling Dimitri I don't what to be a Pack whore. I don't doubt that he'd be fine with that. But the repercussions... I'd become a marked fox, not just because of the money the Alphas would be missing out on, but because of what I'd represent. I don't think any of us foxes like the way we're treated, not to mention the fennecs, the coyotes, and any wolves who were dubbed omegas. If I found a way to assert myself, others would follow. That could never be allowed.

And even the best case scenario would mean I would never be allowed to see Hash again. Every time I go out on the Yard I'd have to be near Dimitri for protection. And just thinking of how many pushups I'd have to do every single day I joined him for his workout... My arms were starting to feel sore just thinking of it.

"It's ok, sir. I'll do it."

I finished reading the rest of Vince's note. It was mostly a list of names that Dimitri was supposed to remind of their debts. It was a testament to his fantastic memory that I only had to say the names once and he could remember them. It was a cool talent, like when he could recite sitcom scripts from memory, but for the unfortunate furs and scalies who owed Vince or the Pack money, I'm sure they had a different perspective.


Dimitri let me sleep when we got back to his cell. Of course, I had to sleep naked, but at least he let me curl up on the bunk next to him while he watched his daytime television. It was a fitful sleep, full of dreams where I was falling.

I guess I should have been glad when Dimitri woke me up to start getting ready for lunch. But there was nothing out there for me today, not if I wasn't going to spend time with Hash. I put on my clothes and a fake smile and followed Dimitri back to the cafeteria. It was odd because it felt like I'd just been there.

Lunch passed in a blur of self pity. Dimitri was lost in his own thoughts and in no mood for conversation, not that he talked a lot normally. Jake was getting his ass pounded by some raptor that made me wish Tox would hurry up and arrange another get together. All I could do was sit there, glumly stacking rubbery carrot sticks into towers and await my turn at another unpleasant prison-sex experience.


"You don't have to," Dimitri reminded me as we walked down the hall toward the warm breeze coming from the outside.

"I understand, sir." On the bright side, Spring was finally here. Maybe I could imagine what I was missing while locked in the dusty maintenance shed with whatever horny, potentially dangerous, fur gets to violate me however he wants. That was a cheerful thought.

We pushed through the doors. I immediately noticed who wasn't waiting for us with Vince.

Vince clapped his hands together. His one ear twitched, betraying the nerves his toothy smile tried to hide. "My favorite furs from Cellblock-H," he said with a forced laugh.

Dimitri was unimpressed.

"Greg?" Vince raised an eyebrow at his fat enforcer.

"Let's go, bitches," the big wolf barked and waved for me and Jake to follow.

Vince stepped closer to Dimitri, speaking low and fast.

I didn't move. Greg called to me again, but I still stood there looking at Vince.

He finally noticed, sighing. "What is it, Ellie?"

"Where's Hash?"

Vince rubbed the top of his muzzle like I was bothering him. "Just go take care of your job."

"H-he isn't in trouble... is he?"

Vince laughed sharply and angrily mumbled something too quiet for me to hear before turning to me and saying, "it's nothing you need to worry your pretty little head about. Now go, before I make Greg drag you."

Greg put his hand on my shoulder, ready to follow through with Vince's threat. I looked to Dimitri, silently pleading for his help. I could imagine him getting annoyed with my helplessness.

"Vince, don't upset him."

Vince glared at me and stepped closer to Dimitri. He motioned the tiger to lower his head but ended up having to rise on his toes to whisper something into Dimitri's ear. I watched closely for any change in the tiger's expression, any clue that the dread tightening in my stomach was unwarranted.

When Dimitri's expression did change it was to one of his many looks of hostile irritation. He pushed Vince away, almost knocking the one eared wolf over. "Go with Greg," he said to me.

My ears flattened. "But-"

"Don't make me say it twice, pet."

Greg laughed at my obedience as I turned to follow him and Jake. It wasn't fair. I deserved to know. I needed to know. But all Dimitri had to do was growl a threat at me and I left with my tail between my legs.

I kicked at a stone as we walked down the gravel path that edged the Yard taking me toward the Pack territory. It skipped past Greg, inadvertently drawing his attention. He stopped, waiting for me to slowly catch up. Greg had his meaty paw around Jake's shoulder, caressing it in a way that made me want to squirm. I don't know how Jake put up with it as he stood next to Greg.

"You wanna know where Hash is?" the big wolf asked.

I nodded.

"It'll cost you. How about you owe me a blowjob and your next three desserts?"

Is this what I'm reduced to? The only bargaining chips I have left: my body and the crappy desserts the prison was mandated to include in the barely edible meals? He was smirking, already knowing I couldn't refuse. My mouth opened when Jake shook his head. It was quick, only once, but he definitely told me not to agree.

I hesitated too long. Greg looked at Jake. I winced, expecting him to backhand Jake, but all the wolf did was laugh and shake him by the shoulder. "Fucking cock-blocker. You're lucky I'm not that into foxes."

I kept following them to the shed, wondering what Jake knew, and if I should have been quicker with my response. Would I have a chance to find out when I was through? Vince made it seem like this was going to take all of my Yard time.

There was a guard standing by the shed. A nervous looking wolf like most of the guards who'd been paid off by the Pack. I stood back with Jake while Greg went to talk with him. I took the opportunity to try and question the red fox.


He ignored me. I started to wonder if he stopped me from getting answers just to fuck with me. I didn't want to believe he could be that mean though.

"Jake, what-"

"Let's go, bitch," Greg called to me.

I glared at him, muttering "fuck you," under my breath, reasonably sure he wouldn't beat me up with a guard right there, even if he heard me.

I started to ask him when the client would show up when he shoved me into the darkened shed. "Shout out if you need a real cock to get off on. I'll be here," he chuckled and slammed the door, leaving me in the dark.


I fumbled for the switch. The dim bulb flickered to life.


I nearly jumped out my fur. "Hash!"

The brown coyote stepped toward me from the shadows. I didn't wait for an explanation, throwing my arms around him, voraciously slamming my mouth to his. He was just as eager, snaking his tongue past my lips.

The sensation of our taste-buds rubbing together sent a shiver down my spine. My tail swished once, wrapping itself around the back of Hash's leg like it could keep us locked together like this forever.

Unfortunately, the cruel biological need to breath did force us to part, gasping.

"God, I love you, Regal," Hash told me.

"I love you too," I whispered back so he wouldn't hear the lump of emotion strangling me.

We stood embracing each other while oxygen unfogged our brains. A horrible thought struck me, demanding I break the silence. "It's just us, right?" The only reason Hash wasn't pimped out was because Vince found him useful. What if that was over, and just out side was a big angry fur looking to make us both-

"Of course. Don't you remember? I told you I'd find a way for us to get some time together. Just the two of us."

I squeezed him tighter. My body shook with relief as his hands caressed me in almost the exact opposite of what I saw Greg doing to Jake. "Just us," he whispered to me while I tried my hardest not to cry again.

"How?" How did he manage to perform this miracle?

He took me over to some bags of grass seed he set up like a little couch where we could hold each other while he told me. It was the cockroach race he'd been working on for months. He finally tried it out last night and made a good profit off the bets he took. I congratulated him, excited my lover had some good news.

He laughed. "I don't think I'd celebrate yet, Regal."

"Why not? It worked out, right?" I remembered Vince hinting that Hash was in trouble.

He shrugged. His smile taking the edge off my worry. "Well... It sort of worked. I ran the race and everyone had fun, no fights over the outcomes, but..."

"But what?"

"I don't think Vince is going to let me try that again. See, the roaches I'd been keeping are smarter than I thought. I had about a dozen in this milk carton, just so I had enough, and later last night, they did what we all wish we could do and made a jailbreak."

I looked at him wide eyed.

"It wouldn't have been a big deal, I mean, this place is infested with the little guys, but for whatever reason they seemed to have taken a liking, or disliking maybe, to Vince. Around four this morning I - and the whole cellblock - were woken up by Vince screaming like girl in a slasher flick. He was covered in roaches."

"Oh my God!" I wasn't sure if I should feel sorry for Vince or burst out in uncontrollable laughter. I did both. And so did Hash.

When we finally settled down he continued. "He took everything I made off the race. Then he yelled at me for a few hours and then he made me get rid of all the race stuff. I managed to talk him into letting this happen. He knew that was why I did it in the first place, and he's not a total asshole."

"Really? The whole roach thing was for us?"

Hash nodded. I was speechless. No one had ever gone through trouble like that for me.

"I told you I love you," Hash said, pulling me closer. "This, all of this, Vince, Piter, the prison, it's all one big setback. But none of it matters. You know why? Because you and me are going to make it out of here."

I wanted to believe him. More than anything I wanted to believe him. But it all looked so difficult. He kissed the top of my head and I let go of my negativity with a deep sigh.

"So," I said, "this was pretty expensive. What can I do to make it worth it?" I looked up at him with what I hoped came off as a seductive expression.

"Regal, don't be silly. Just being with you is enough. Besides, you have to be sick of sex by now."

"This is different," I rubbed a hand over his chest. "This time I'm with someone I want to make love to."

I felt Hash's hand glide down my spine. "We don't have to you know. I'm perfectly fine just cuddling."

I answered him by sliding my hand under his shirt, feeling his soft fur brush between my fingers. He got the message and we both hurried out of our clothes.

It was the first time I'd seen him naked. He was beautiful. Not in the almost feminine curves of Jake or the raw masculinity of Dimitri, but in a realness that made me want to drag my tongue over every inch of that slim coyote body. He blushed at my staring.

"Sorry." We both laughed and I made no move to stop looking, nor did he do anything to stop me. His eyebrow raised and he glanced at what else was beginning to rise. I licked my lips, ready to go down on him, but he caught me by my elbows.

"Let me," he said.

I folded my hands, not sure what to do with them as Hash knelt before me bathing my dick in his hot breath. It took all my restraint and some thoughts about the least erotic things I could to resist cumming right there.

"I'm just going to get you wet," Hash said, "I want you to finish inside me. Ok?"

"I- I don't have any lube."

"I can handle it."

I began to protest, not wanting him to ever feel uncomfortable, but he silenced me by wrapping his lips around my length. Oh God. I could feel every swirl of his tongue. My breathing got more ragged and I started to run my fingers through his hair, ready to gently pull him off if I got too close, if I still had the willpower. I squeezed my eyes shut.

Suddenly his mouth left. Even in the warm weather I felt a chill on my spit coated prick and groaned. When I opened my eyes Hash was bending over some the stacked seed bags. His back arched and his tail curled up to show me the prize.

"I've never done this," I confessed as my hand trembled, getting to feel how magnificent those two orbs felt. "I've always been on the receiving end. You have to tell me if it starts to hurt." From my experience I could only assume it would hurt. But then again my experience was almost always with furs who were using me for their own pleasure, never even think about what I went through. It would be different with me and Hash.

"Regal, trust me. I can handle it."

I wasn't going to take any risks. I dropped to my knees, my turn to ready him. Still salivating from the visual feast this coyote was, I ran my dripping tongue through his valley delighting in the sweet moaning my licking produced. That moaning became high pitched howl of pleasure when I spread those cheeks and put a wet finger to his tight pucker. Hash twisted and grunted as I worked to loosen his ring of muscle. By the time I felt he could take me, my eager coyote was air humping the stack of bags.

"Regal, please, don't make me wait any longer," he moaned.

I had no intention of prolonging this anymore than I had to. It did cross my mind that our first time would have felt more natural if I was the one one the bottom. Maybe I was getting used to it being that way. Again I pushed away my self doubt. This was about our love, not my personal hell.

It was like slipping into a hot velvet glove. Every thrust I aimed to glide over the bundle of nerves that sent waves of ecstasy through my quivering coyote. His muscles pulsed, pulling me in, urging me deeper.

I leaned over his back, still pumping in rhythm with his rocking. "I love you," I panted at him.

He turned his head as far as he could, planting a kiss on the side of my muzzle. That moment sent me over the edge. I unleashed a torrent into him. Somehow he managed to get tighter, clenching, wringing me dry of everything I had to give him.

We both collapsed in a heap at the base of stacked bags. I didn't dare close my eyes, not wanting to sleep away a second of our time together.

Why couldn't this moment last forever?