How to tame a beast.

Story by Shinnjacob on SoFurry

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The female trible in their land has become really interested in how to tame, and seduce a beast. When they come across a feral dragon, they decided the best.... And sexy way to tame him. This story is based on WolfPsalm's story about that picture.

In the beautiful forest, there is one land where the female tribe lived in. A land where all the girls wanted a husband, a husband that they get to share and have fun with. That husband, is none other, than a beast. A beast with a flaming breath, a beast with wings, and a beast that has a really bad temper. In their tribe they settled down and enjoyed talking with eachother.

''*Sighs*..... You know girls, you know the one thing I really love?'' The whale girl said.

''It's a beast, a rather handsome beast if you will.'' The two other girls went confused.

''Huh? You mean the one where the princess fell in love with the-'' The wolfness said.

''No, not that in the book. I'm talking about the other beast. One that has a flaming breath, one that can fly, and one that is..... Well short-tempered.'' She explained.

''You mean the dragon?'' The girl with blue wings said.

''Yep.'' The two other girls look at eachother with excitement.

''AWESOME!! I want a dragon too!'' The grey wolfness said.

''Me too! We can share with him!'' The blue wolfness said.

''But first, we must learn how to tame him.'' She said with her sexy grin.

''And how are we going to do that?'' The blue wolfness said.

''When the dragon comes here at our tribe, I'll cast a spell that will knock him out, then I'll use the ropes to tie him real good, then we can have fun with him.'' She explained.

''Sounds like a good plan.'' The grey wolfness said.

''Agreed.'' The blue wolfness said.

''Good. Shall we?'' The whale girl said.

''LET'S DO THIS!!'' They all said.

The next day.....

The shadowly figure is now coming closer to the forest, as it emerges into..... A dragon..... A very angry red dragon..... Willing to destroy everything in its path.

''Now I will make sure that this pathetic forest will BURN IN HELL!!!'' He said, before inhaling to unleashes his breath of fire. The three tribal girls now got closer to the dragon in a really sneaky way. They now stop to see that he's about to destroy this forest.

''Take...... THIS!!'' The whale girl said before using the puff of smoke to distract him. The red dragon coughs as he tries to see who did this to him.

''W-What the....? .....W-Why am I.... feeling.....So.....T-Tired......?'' He said before slowly landing on the ground and falling asleep. The tribal girls saw the unconscious dragon and grinned evilly.

''Look at that handsome dragon falling asleep like a baby.'' The grey wolfness said.

30 seconds later......

The red dragon moaned as his vision slowly clears to find three blurry figures.

''W-Wha.......What in the.....?'' His vision finally returns to normal as he sees three tribal girls grinning seductively at him. The red dragon looked at them shocked.

''YOU!?!? W-What are you....?'' He then tries to move his body, but finds that he's bonded by the ropes. Naturally the red dragon doesn't take too kindly to being tied up.

''Grrrrr......WHY YOU.......WHEN I GET OUT OF HERE, I'LL KILL EVERY LAST ONE OF YOU!!!!'' He said infuriated.

''Hmhmhm, you're so cute when you're angry, handsome dragon.'' The whale girl said. The tribal girls didn't even got scared by his rage.

''I'm sure you will make a great husband for us.'' The grey wolfness said.


''Alright girls, it's time to tame him.'' The whale girl said.

''With pleasure.....'' They both said. The grey wolfness then walks to his head, and slides her hands on his two big spikes on his head, trying to tease him.

''Grrrr..... STOP TEASING ME AND GET ME OUT OF-AAaaaaah......Huh?'' He then looks to see that the blue wolfness is now licking his dick and his balls trying to caress them. The red dragon looks nervous and tries to free himself.

''W-What are you doing....?'' He said. He grunts and struggles trying not to enjoy this pleasure.

''Hmhmhm, oh you handsome little dragon, your cock and balls just looked so vulnerable to pleasure.'' The grey wolfness said. The blue wolfness continues to lick his dick and even tries to suck it on the big tip. The red dragon is now getting more nervous.

''N-N-No......Stop...... STOP THIS RIGHT NOW!!!'' He said trying to sound angry.

''Come on dragon, you know you love this don't you?'' The whale girl teased.

''Nngh.......Aaaaah.....N-No.....Aaah......AAAAAAaaaaah.....'' He said as he slowly gets tempted by the sexual pleasure. The grey wolfness continues to comfort him and grin seductively at him.

''W-What is going on.....?'' He said nervous and confused.

''I'll tel you what's going on, since we love a beast like you, we decided to tame and seduce you so that you can become our husbands.'' The whale girl explained.

''H-HUSBANDS!?!?'' He said.

''Yep. And we'll make sure that you enjoy every last bit of it.'' The grey wolfness whispered flirtatiously. The red dragon is slowly giving in to the pleasure.

''N-No.....Please......Stop........Aaaaah......I beg of you.''

''Aaaaaw is the poor dragon begging now? Don't worry, we'll make sure you get to cum.'' The whale girl teased.

''*Grunts*.....No.......Please......Please stop......N-*Moans*......*Moans*......'' The red dragon moans as the blue wolfness uses her boobies to pleasure his big dick.

''Aaaah......N-N-N-No......P-Please not that....'' He pleaded.

''Hmhmhmhm......Looks like she enjoying pleasuring you, I bet we can join as well.'' The whale girl said.

''SAY WHAT!?!?'' He said in shock.

''Yeah, and you will love us forever.'' The grey wolfness said. The two other tribal girls joined the blue wolfness as they uses their boobies to combine the pleasure. The red dragon tries his best not to enjoy it, but now he is slowly staring to give in.

''Nnngh......*Moans*.......No......Please.....*Moans*......I'll do anything......*Moans*.....*Moans*......P-Please stop....*Moans*.....''

''Hmhmhm, looks like he's slowly enjoying it, let's make him cum girls.'' The whale girl said. The tribal girls continue to use their big boobies to pleasure his dick, as it brings sexual heat to his body. The red dragon is trying his absolute best not to give in, but to no avail.

''No....*Moans*......P-Please.....*Moans*.....Let me go.....*Moans*.....No.....*Moans*......Help me....*Moans*.....Someone.....*Moans*.....''

''Yes.....Cum on dragon...... Just let it aaaaall out.'' The blue wolfness said. The red dragon's moans are now turning into screams.

''AAAAH!!! N-NOOOOOOO!!! *Moans*......PLEASE!!! *Moans*.....PLEASE STOP!!! I'M SORRY!!! *Moans*.....I'M SORRY!!!! *Moans*.....I'LL NEVER TRY TO KILL YOU OK!?!? *Moans*.....JUST PLEASE LET ME GO!!! *Moans*.....''

''Get ready girls, he's about to explode!'' The whale girl said.

''One.....Two.....Three......Four....'' The tribal girls counted as they pleasure his dick faster and faster.

''N-NO!!! STOP!!! ......Aaaaah......No.....No......NOOO!!! NOOOOO!!! NOOOOOAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaahhh.....'' The white liquids squirted out like a volcano as he shoots lots and lots of cum into the air and then staining the ground and his chest and belly. The tribal girls excitedly go to lick all of the cum from his belly and chest for 2 minutes. The red dragon is breathing heavily.

''MMmm....MMMPH!! The beast's cum is very delicious!'' The grey wolfness said.

''You said it!'' The blue wolfness said.

''Alright red dragon.... Will you be our husbands?'' The whale girl said. The red dragon gulps in fear. He didn't want to enjoy this, and he wanted to stay as a threatening dragon.

''Uh......I-I........Um......N-NO!!! N-NEVER!!! Y-YOU FOOLS!!!'' He yelled trying his best to be intimidating, but failing due to his nervousness.

''Hmhmhmhm......Alright then.'' The whale girl said. They uses their boobies to continue pleasuring his dick. The red dragon is now become more vulnerable and fearful. He's now turning from a fearful dragon, to a helpless one.


''Isn't it great that we can tame the beast girls?'' The whale girl said. They both nodded in response. As the pleasure continues for another minute, the red dragon could no longer fight the temption.

''*Moans*......Please.....*Moans*.....Just let me go......*Moans*......I'll never.....*Moans*.....Destroy the forest.....*Moans*.....Ever again.....*Moans*.....'' He begged no longer struggling against his bondage. The red dragon is now slowly beginning to enjoy it.

''Oh yes dear dragon, just moan and enjoy our hot big boobies.'' The whale girl said.

''*Moans*......I.......I.....*Moans*......Oh my god.....*Moans*......*Moans*.....Oh my god....*Moans*....'' The red dragon moans and moans and moans as the pleasure starts to take over.

''Oh yes..... Now he's really enjoying this girls.'' The whale girl said.

''Let's make him cum again.'' The grey wolfness said.

''Ready? ......One.....Two.....Three.....Four......Five.....Six.....Seven....'' They counted again as they pleasure his dick in a much faster rate. The red dragon now wants more and more of this.

''Oooooh.....*Gasps*.....Oh my......*Moans*.....Aaaah......AAAAaaah.......AAAAAaaaaah.......AAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaah....*Moans*.....'' He now begins to scream in pleasure yet again.

''Thirteen......Fourteen......Fifteen......Sixteen......'' His dick is slowly starting to erupt his cum...... The pleasure goes on and on and on as his screaming becomes louder.

''OOOOOOH!!! OOOOOOOOOOH!!!! OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH!!! OH MY GOOOOAAAAAAAAAAAD!!! OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH!!!! OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh.......'' The cums erupt for 3 minutes as his chest and belly gets stained by a lot more cum. The girls enjoyed the taste of his cum. The red dragon is breathing heavily again.

''Alright red dragon...... What were you saying last time? Oh yeah, you were thinking of killing us and then destroying the forest. Well if that's what you want, do you want us to free you?'' The blue wolfness said. The red dragon looks at the tribal girls with a really big smile.

''Actually.......I would like some more please.'' He said now revealing his sexual desire. The tribal girls have finally succeeded into taming and seducing the beast. Now the red dragon will no longer be a threat to anyone.

''Very well. Girls! Give him your great boob powers!'' The whale girl said. The girls continued to pleasure his dick with their boobies yet again, only this time, the red dragon is enjoying and craving for more.

''*Moans*.....OH YES GIRLS!!! *Moans*......PLEASURE ME!!! *Moans*.....DON'T STOP!!!! *Moans*......DON'T STOP!!!! *Moans*......I LOVE THIS SO MUCH!!! *Moans*...'' He moans happily in pleasure as his body enjoys the hot boobies. His tongue now lolls out, and he gives his sensual moaning.

''Looks like we finally did it girls. What do we say we arranges a dinner date for him?'' The whale girl said.

''I'm in.'' The grey wolfness said.

''I'm in too.'' The blue wolfness said.

''*Moans*......OOOOOH YES!!! I LOVE YOU GIRLS SOOOOOO-*Moans*.....MUCH!!!'' He yelled in joy.

''We love you too dragon.'' The tribal girl said. The girls keep pleasuring his dick faster and faster while doing their usual counting. The red dragon REALLY wants this to go on forever.

''OOOOOOOOOH YES GIRLS!!! *Moans*......PLEASE DON'T STOP!!! *Moans*.....PLEASE DON'T STOP!!!! ......*Moans*........OOOOOOOOOOH FUCK YES!!!!''

''Are you ready to cum yet dear dragon?'' The grey wolfness said.

''OOOOOH YES!!! *Moans*.......PLEASE MAKE ME CUM!!!'' He yelled with even more joy. The girls granted him that wish as they pleasure him faster and faster and faster and faster, making him scream in pleasure louder and louder.

''*MOANS!!!*.......OOOOOOOOOH YES!!!! *MOANS!!!*..........MAKE ME CUM!!! *MOANS!!!!*......MAKE ME CUM!!!! *MOANS!!!*''

''Thirty, thirtyone, thirtytwo, thirtythree.''

''YES YES YES!!! YES!!! YEAAAES!!! *MOANS!!!* DON'T STOP!!! DON'T STAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh.....'' The cock erupts once more, as tons and tons of cum shooted out from the air and now the girls run to shallow and taste his cum once more. After they lick all the cum for 3 minutes they all grinned seductively at him. The red dragon now gives his biggest smile yet.

''OOOOH THANK YOU GIRLS!!! I love you all so much!'' He said meaning every word of it.

''We all love you too darling.'' They all said.

''Say dragon, we got a nice dinner date for you, you want to come with us?'' The whale girl asked.

''ME!?!? OOOH I WOULD LOVE TO!!'' He said unable to contain his excitement.

''But uh......Promise me that you will give me more pleasure. Oh, and can you do that after you tied me up in bed please?'' He said. The girls' grins got even wider.

''Sure we can baby, and after that, you can sleep with us. We got a nice big bed for you.'' The blue wolfness said.

''YES!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!'' He yelled to the sky.

5 days later......

The red dragon is now tied up in the big bed and the girls uses their big boobies to pleasure his dick. The red dragon enjoys this pleasuring torture.

''Ooooh yes.....*Moans*......Can I be your......*Moans*.....Husbands forever.....? .....*Moans*''

''Hehe, sure you can baby.'' The grey wolfness said. As their sexual relationships with the red dragon grew and grew, the forest continues to be safe and peaceful. Now that the tribal girls succeeded at seducing and taming the beast, they can have a safe, peaceful, and.......Well romantic live. Thanks for reading everyone, and I hoped you enjoyed it!

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