[DolphinSanity] "No, Sir"
Would have been an ideal environment for ambushing a new friend." "perhaps you could coordinate something with your man-on-board," teryx suggested with a wink. sir harry grinned till his fangs showed. "i _may_ have already done so."
Origins - Ether
"so we can't ambush him at all?" nil just nodded in response. "so it's brute speed, then," navried said. "but a question still lingers, though," vic said. "what's his purpose on attacking?" "save the questions later," nil said.
The Champions of Mobius-Mavericks Lost Brother
Just as when things looked grim shadow ambushed the attacker from behind using his chaos blast knocking him out cold as the hedgehog fell to the ground like a rock. maverick: alright \*charges another chaos beam\* lights out loser! shadow: no son!
Counter Earth Chronicles Chapter 33: A Chance Encounter
"let's just say that some things happened on that mission cough, cough \*ambush\* cough, cough- that they would rather forget and agreed never to talk about- again." the man spider rebel said to me. "wow so my mistress ran into an ambush too?
Walked right into that imperial ambush same as us, and that thief over there." i just noticed the thief sitting next to the one talking to me, he was covered in dirt from head to foot. "damn you stormcloaks, skyrim was fine until you came along.
I, Dacien -- Chapter Twenty: Displacement
An excellent place to stage an ambush. but, why would venrir wish to ambush us?" "i think they merely want to catch us unprepared," said sasha. "dagr -- lord hunt -- is somewhat competitive. he's a cousin, isn't he, hector?"
In a pack part 9
Their must be more wolfs or humans ,in this ambush on her cubs. it made no sense that 3 wolfs on their own,would attack 3 sabres and a human. that was just suicide on the wolfs behaves. unless they were playing decodes for something,but what.
Eulalia! the other half
The rats would ambush in the night, leaving a few to keep the fire up. this would supposedly give the illusion that they were at camp, awake, when any sensible creature would be asleep. "tabura loves the simple things in life, doesn't he?"
The Patrol part 6
The idea of a snap ambush was to quickly ambush your followers with a quick burst of fire and then get out of there before the targets know what's happening.
Wolves' Legacy 3: Chapter 21
It had been five days since the unexpected ambush to the tree city.
Sarmanian, 13:42
An ambush is extremely likely, commander, i repeat, extremely likely. i would send a scout or two, first." that was far too weak a way to put it.
WOLF - pt.2
"sure," i grinned back, "i was ambushed by twelve pill-poppers." "why did they ambush you?" "because i got into a...complication with their head honcho a week ago. "alright. so you didn't attack them first?"