From the Journal of Dr. Artemis
Certainly, in light of this evidence, a compelling argument can be made that cano sapiens could be essentially weaponized, certainly as agents to be used for the co-option of highly-placed enemy operatives, and a similar argument could be made that
S5 Ep13-A True test of Friendship
#13 of the heroes of gaia (season 5) the 13th hero of gaia makes his impact on the group the wolves kept having argument over argument because of dudley wanting to join the team, one half of the team wanted him to join the other half did not want to join
Off The Field: Chapter 4
It's strange how we can get over an argument so quickly. it usually takes me awhile to get over an argument with anyone, but for some reason it's easy with rhy. maybe it's because i love him? or because i'm afraid of losing him?
Wolfie Steel, Assassin/Bodyguard for hire. Part 7.
Told you so, but i told you so, now aren't you glad that i won that argument?".
A long series of arguments spawned over my talent. first the elders had to convince my parents to allow me to learn magic.
Chapter 24: I Love You Too
Enya had apparently approached her grandfather too, and she and kel had engaged in a raging argument. it was enya's argument with her grandfather that had sent kel from her home.
The Raven's Shadow: Chapter One
The argument seems to be going nowhere, but holds my interest quite nicely for a time. i become so focused on the argument that for a moment i forget to pay attention to the rest of the room.
[Profile] Neurario
**psychological condition:** stable **behavior:** carefree much of the time, loves to be affectionate, however is sometimes marred by stress and will even rely on some to hold him, he will tend to defend his friends but tries not to get involved in any argument
Team Canine Episode 3: Brains and Elemental Powers! The Big Decision?!
The door with the green "Loonatics Unleashed" and the door with the blue "Road Rovers" over it started shaking uncontrollably and expelling powerful bolts of energy. "GET DOWN!" Shouted Silver. "Duh," snarled Wolf. Silver, Greyfus, and Wolf all...
30- Shattering Masks and Glasses
_ **"The overall problem with Trianii politics is how ingrained with religion it is. Perhaps not a full-fledged theocracy, but enough so that its dogma heavily influences public perception and government policy. And unfortunately for those coming to...
Digimon Savers: Gaomon's Gratitude
The two almost got into an argument, but was quickly pulled out from it when they heard a sound. they looked in the sound's direction and then saw a shadow quickly rush past them.
Rewriting Reality (Sharpedo x Remoraid)
Kurt was about to say until they started hearing an argument near them. their conversation was stopped by an argument between a sharpedo and a remoraid. the sharpedo was large and bulky, full of muscles as he yelled at the remoraid.