It was midnight at La Push. The air was calm and still, and millions of stars lit of the sky. The moon was a quarter full and was hanging above the sky like a design stitched onto a starlit quilt. He was restless this evening, he found himself tossing...
Beastly Bargains
Read on if you want to see some delicious, bite-sized beastly interaction!
The Beast in the Mirror
I stared at my reflection, the beast in the mirror. enough of this, i said to myself and i walked into my room and grabbed a towel, returning to the bathroom and turning on the shower.
The Beast 2
#2 of the beast series note: continuing where we left of in the beast. kohan and saph now come to a town, which was reported having terrorized by creatures during the night. enjoy.
Beast of Burden
All i knew was that one day i was beast of burden to a kind hand with two other donkeys and the next a rope was around my neck in lieu of a halter.
Beasts of fury
That seems fair for you male beasts" jack gasped. he saw how violet walked away from shiro to the hexagon ring in the middle of the boxing sparring room.
Swamp Beast
The world was filled with a hellish mixture of writhing glowing green tendrils and splashing water that soaked every inch of Rosen's smooth furred body. The swamp bubbled and teamed with life, but it was not the wildlife he and his friend Xi had come...
A Beast in the Night
"it's simply a physical change," the wolf said as he flopped down beside her, "a werewolf becomes a mindless beast, driven by only the most primal of urges." "like i said," she teased. akala looked at the lanky wolf, rolling her eyes with a sigh.
The Beast and the Village
Dante looked up once after tackling and shooting one enemy and there was a cry, "it's the beast! i wasn't told he was gonna be here, i'm gone!" "not so fast!"
Beast Revealing
The once proud and callous general lay on his knees, broken and sullen. Tears of confusion flowed from his eyes. He could not understand why he let her go. He could not understand why he couldn't harm her, why he suddenly stopped. His claws dug into...
Beastly Plants
The fur-needles covered most of the strange beast's backs, legs, and heads. instead of ears, the canine beasts grew twin thick ear-shaped hollow leaves on either side of their heads.
Unified Beast
The molten beast roared as the shout knocked it off balance, though that wouldn't help much as its glowing sheets that formed its smokey wings beat quickly to regain balance. snarling plumes of smoke as it swung its own weapon