No Frills: Maundrill
eastern dragons in maundrill's realm are often snobby as many hold political power and are wealthy, so look down on non-dragons and non-eastern dragons and are seen as ignorant by the targets of their derision.
World Like Hunger
The vulpine was sprawled across his couch looking at him evenly as the eastern dragon continued his constant begging.
Quadruple The Fun (Part 2)
The eastern dragon looked un-amused as the two stepped into one of the newer shops that had mysteriously popped around the area.
Recognizing Your Best Parts (Dragon merger TF)
In fact, he seemed to welcome it, roaring as the eastern dragon's jism seemed to merge with his own.
Stocking Stripping
Noticing that the eastern was a taking a bit too long in his ogling, the leather clad drake grinned and bounced those scaly slabs tightened by the harness to get his attention back.
War of the Dragons - Chapter 8
Not to mention that they are eastern dragons, who have a greater natural affinity to air than we do. the eastern nation knowing how to perform it and not letting us know is a very real possibility."
Zoids: History of Zi - Part 002
The eastern part of delpoi, as well as northern parts of the eastern continent edem-arcadia, soon found itself wracked by seasonal tropical storms, as western parts of delpoi and southern edem-arcadia began to dry up.
Tales of the Scarlet Suns 12
Cassise placed a finger on the location of babrycg, almost at the eastern part of the map before tracing her finger to where they are, almost at the western edge of the map, "and we are here."
A Dragon's Tale Genesis-Chapter 8-Eastern Ally
It was the dragon from the circus. I had no idea she could speak,and in English for that matter. Hudson raised his FAL,but I stopped him. "I'm sorry about your friend",the dragon said,"I recently lost someone close to me as well." I just looked...
Sic Semper: Avingail Estates
Duke traianus was also the head of their order in eastern archaia. his estate is more modest than the counts and was a fusion between eastern and western styles.
War of the Dragons - Chapter 9
Already, there was fighting, as the remaining eastern guards of the tower tried to keep them from fleeing.
Temeraire's Trials 2: Mating Troubles
The eastern licked his snout with perverse satisfaction at the helpless, lustful look in the celestial's eyes.