Lysithea's Diary Entry #1

However i got hit with a bit of inspiration and decided to try my hand at a blog/journal style entry and changed it to that. it was a bit challenging, cause it's different from my usual 1st person style, but i say it came out well.

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Interlude 1: Journal Entries

_Day 1._ _I am Anakha of this Varissai village. I am writing this as a boy of one of the Varissai. I am black with yellow and blue stripes, as you can compare with the_...

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Snow's Journal (Entry Three)

#4 of snow's journal entries i finally got some free time,so i wrote some more~ ^w^ things are starting to pick up,but are far from the height :3 anywho,i'll work on this some more as soon as i can :d 11th rain's hand 4e 203 so much has happened!

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Snow's Journal (Entry Two)

#3 of snow's journal entries a little project of mine about a young,male khajiit (snow) who begins keeping a journal as he goes through a part of his life as an assassin,meeting the love of his life along the way,and eventually settling down with him.

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Writing competition entry "THE RUN"

A short story written as an entry for the write4fun "legendary" poetry and short story competition of 2012. please tell me what you think of it.

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Snow's Journal (Entry Five)

#2 of snow's journal entries 14th rain's hand 4e 203 unexpectedly, a large storm has frozen over entrance to cave which we had called "home" for the night.

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Snow's Journal (Entry One)

#1 of snow's journal entries a little project of mine about a young,male khajiit (snow) who begins keeping a journal as he goes through a part of his life as an assassin,meeting the love of his life along the way,and eventually settling down with him.

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Snow's Journal (Entry Four)

#5 of snow's journal entries it has been quite some time since i updated this little short, but i'll be posting more entries soon enough~!

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The Kocher Recordings: Entry One

Be sure to watch me for future entries, which will be coming soon! entry one: grensew, illinois listen, if anyone's reading this, that means you're either a thief, a friend of mine, or some random schmuck off the street.

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The Wastes: The Handbook (Entry 1)

/january, 2nd subject: the burned entry 1 (the video slowly begins to play; a large fox is seen in the view. he is packing a bag; it can be assumed this was the original owner of the notebook. he speaks as he packs his bag.)

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Truc's Journal, Entry 1

All characters and events in this story are entirely fictional, and should not be enacted. This story contains adult material and fetishes. Do not read this if you are younger than 18. This story is written as though the main character is posting to an...

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Journal Entry 2, Camping

Alrighty everyone, here is chapter 2 of my series. Remember, if you are not 18 or older or do not like yiffyness then please leave now. Otherwise, please enjoy... * * * Dear Journal, After me and Mr.Rekke had that wonderful...

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