Filling the Void - Chapter Five
#5 of filling the void chapter 5 of filling the void - a collaboration with victus lupus. alone in his room, victus sat on his bunk and waited for the rest of the boys to finish their dinner.
Filling the Void - Chapter Four
#4 of filling the void fourth installment of the story, filling the void, a collaboration with victus lupus. hello, faithful readers! quick note, here.
Filling the Void - Chapter Three
#3 of filling the void chapter 3 of the collaboration work, filling the void, co-authored by victus lupus ( victus joined two dozen other sleepy boys who waited in line for breakfast.
Filling the Void - Chapter Two
#2 of filling the void filling the void - chapter two. i'm aiming for a once-a-week posting, with the target day being wednesday, to spread things out between other author's postings \*cough\* hunk...\*cough\*... my life is super...
Filling the Void - Chapter One
#1 of filling the void chapter one of the collaboration work between tank jaeger and victus lupos. this is the first chapter of the series, filling the void, a collaboration between myself and victuslupus.
Filling the Role - Part 2
filling the role - part 2 stepping out of the car, benjamin noted how it seemed to be riding rather low to the ground as of late. he made a mental note to check on the suspension later to ensure nothing was amiss.
Filling the Role - Part 1
"C'mon, let's see how it looks!" Benjamin dabbed at his lips with a napkin, and stifled a small burp. "Already? I don't think we're going to see much of a difference from yesterday." Tim smirked. "It's important to keep close tabs on your progress,...
Filled with Sudden Air *inflation*
NEW CHARACTER, Han Eleven. He is a blue dragon with three orange lines on his chest. I got his color scheme idea from the game _Portal_ and I got the idea for a dragon inflation from an interactive flash I played back on Furaffinity. Link is in the...
VTQ: Filling a need or two
"thank you for going along with this, i've had a few needs that need... filling." pushing the dragonmutt's tail aside, the kitsune grinds his sheath against his roommate's rump. "and i'm sure you'll fill a few of those needs, just fine."
Egg Filled Vixen - Revisited
A mix of pain... and growing pleasure as her body finally starts being filled like it wants.
To fill the frittered minutes of a day
Her filled with our strong young...
Dragon Cream Filled Gryphon
Dragon cream filled gryphon what a terrible, miserable day i was having! a gryphon has to eat, and the season had been less than kind to me.