Awaken my Lovely Girl
Soon the smell of baking bread filled the house covering the other smell and causing her daughters to wake and driving the implications of that smell from her mind, at least for a little while.
Between Jaws and Jowls
A blush soared up craig's cheeks as he realized the implication, fidgeting in place. he set down his phone awkwardly beside him on the couch and scooted to make a bit more room on the seat for the larger male.
Merlin's Revenge Chapter 9
He'd stared for over a minute just absorbing the implications of the sight. there was a faint streak of lead on two scales of his belly. that was it.
The Merrin, part 4
Key sits heavily in a nearby chair, already knowing the implications of that statement. no one can hear their cries for help.
Enfield transformation
Which'd be odd enough, but your brain is also feeling your hand wrap around the tail, so it's connected to you, although your conscious mind and subconscious seem equally confused about the implications of this.
Middle School Years: Part 2
I have gotten over what my sexuality implicates long ago, to my family it would mean shame, and to my friends; many different things depending on the group i was part of. i do know that i would be treated differently, and i was not ready for different.
It was a start...
Joshew mused to himself about the possible implications of being able to see again. it had been so long, since he'd been able to see, the world was doubtlessly going to be different, than he remembered it being.
150 Adhesive Sticking Point
Sethkill considers her outburst in the light of its fascinating social implications, which keselt would give eyeteeth for.
Burdens - Chapter 94: Zeal
Had he known or not known of the implications was equivocal at best, but it was certainly possible that the carnal desire had had a strong impression on the wolf's decision making.
Burdens - Chapter 72: Lucid
For all of the implications he cared not. he wanted to be with hunter.
Burdens - Chapter 66: Pieces
He cast off the implications and turned to his side. he felt lethargic, and perhaps a bit numb. saturday came just as quickly as the days had passed. another blink of the eye and there was the wolf.
Burdens - Chapter 38: Assuage
Roger thought about the implications of such an event. could the wolf actually like him the way he liked the wolf? was that it? he could not say either way, at least not definitively.