Legecia Chat

There are only five major cities on the entire planet, but there are some other places of deep interest to some. also, every major city is a capitol city, acting as regional hubs for all outlying cities around them.

Konrad's Biography (Spoilers)

While most of the major events are included, there are a few that are hidden. this post contains a lot of spoilers to other stories, but the hidden parts are all major spoilers that might ruin the story.


Zion - Light of the New Moon (Pre-Start 2/3)

major fatigue is usually earned only through excessive minor fatigue.

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Pathfinding: An Adult Choose Your Own Adventure, Tenth Entry

-stealth (1 major, 2 moderate, 1 minor). -tracking (1 major, 1 minor). -traps skill (1 moderate).

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A Dragon's Awakening - Chapter 5

major, if you will?" nodding, the major quickly escorted them to a secure room in the base and they got right to the matter at hand.

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Chapter 7 - Aftermath

The major growled out, his tail beginning to twitch, teeth bared and his mane rising.

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Vacation is all I ever wanted

"there's always some fur with a major stick up his tail hole and with isull that fucker is the major." "you mean i can't test my feminine wiles on ogre bear?" goo-goo asks in a pouty voice. "oh, poo!

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SWAT Kats: Wrong Place, Wrong Time, Ch 6

He pushed the button for the lobby with major jaynard standing close beside him. his mind was busy so he didn't notice the looks the major was giving him.

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Eternal Waltz: Chapter 3

Now what was i saying... oh yeah, not only is he being stationed on the valkyrie, he is now being promoted to the gracefully decorated rank of major. lets all give a round of applause to the new, major. johnathon "grim" vedra!"

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Slick Run, Ep. 2

The major didn't respond, just kept slow-running past the long coffee-brown tables. the soldiers who were more awake turned to look at the pair following the major, raising amused eyebrows.

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World descriptions

Winds of change major pc: patrick altair (cassandra delarose canon immigrant) in this setting, people going through puberty transform into an anthro animal with possible superpowers.

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D.E1 Part II Epilogue

It still wasn't time to rest for many in r105 and canis major. it was time to rebuild and plan a new strategy against the machines. retcans and evocanis would never let this happen again. the smoke dissipated from canis major's hangar.

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