They Deserved Better
Who've passed along the way the trans people who have come and gone even so close as just yesterday today we remember them and the strength that they had there's so many out there who shouldn't have to feel so bad the friends and family that mourn
Alvin and the land of giants part 2
Alvin:oh ok then. well i hope we get there in the mourning. doug:i hope we do too. well goodnight alvin. alvin:good night doug.
Seven Days- Part III
There was no need for a greeting or the cutting of clothes because joshua knew full well that this "mourner" was not really mourning at all his father's passing.
Panda Puppy Action: Chapter 8
Are we having sex today or are you still mourning?" puppy just glares at her, " i am still mourning..." candance pouts slightly, " aw! i really miss us having sex." " thats grand and great candance..."
Coming Out Pt. 1
, cant tell... too sleepy" "night" the next mourning, we all woke up around the same time... then we all went upstairs and had some cereal.
Funeral of a Highborne. (XII)
Three dawns of her family mourning. little korvi cried and whimpered even when she had no tears left from all of her sobbing.
She's Gone
**She's Gone** _ _ _Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)_ ** ** Something had been on my mind the entire day and, for the life of me, I could not fathom why or what exactly it was. A friend would later tell me that this uneasy sense that all...
Tales of Zootopia: Sax and Mikey
There is no better way to die than with no regrets, content with how you spent your life and having no reason to mourn yourself.
A Funeral For A Horse
A mournful sobbing could be heard from outside, muffled through the thick reindeer-hide skin of the shelter, against which the gentle firelight flickered.
Sorcha's Soliloquy
First off, the 'mournful' howling isnae even me. that's a banshee! yes, ah know banshees are irish. she commutes, turn a twentieth century word. her name's aileen, an' she's actually quite nice.
Account of Presumed Ecstatic Experience during Initiation Rite in Unidentified Mystery Religion
You mourned when ended were your days all homeless still. but now, behold. you have at last come home. and never need you carry grief again! come in, and lay it all to rest upon your father's breast.
A new beginning: Home at last
We'll mourn him properly later, but we can't now." cyril eventually broke the silence by saying in a solemn tone. "that is grim news indeed... but cynder is correct, now is not the time to mourn him.