Bookie and Helena - The First Winter
_For Kagura_ **Bookie and Helena - The First Winter** Icy winds swept through the town of Tocantla, the full moon barely visible through the swirling clouds of snow. A sign on the town's southern approach road proudly proclaimed that Tocantla was the...
Well... there wasn't a little harm in some risk here and there either, was there? well, that's what she was going to find out. it didn't take more than a moment until she was online and looking up online. "heat while taking...
Praxeum Drills
Not to say the risk didn't present a certain thrill, but if it ever came to fruition, her time behind the stick of her stingray would be severely cut short. sure, she would eventually be back in the cockpit, but after how many months? years?
Cum Inn
The door slammed open as the storm was heard from outside. Lightning flashed as the few patrons inside of the inn glanced up at the unknown figure. Not much was seen from within the stranger's hood. All that could be seen was the black tip of a beak...
Family Matters P2 - Chapter 5
# Five: Strained Love Lives Eisley was in hospital, the hospital she worked at and her fellow staff members had been forced to keep quiet, mainly because her father had come with her along with Kenny. As always, Kenny thought to bring the law into...
Astral Encounter
| Mae let out a low sigh as she walked down the sidewalk near her home, the sound of her bat dragging along the ground behind her echoing down the street as she looked up into the sky. It had been yet another night where her sleep was interrupted by...
Animal Crossing: Vacation Fling
Well, if she'd risk ruining an outfit while going back to the hotel, then the very least she could do was buy something new and nice for herself. she was on vacation, after all, pampering herself and splurging on herself should come naturally.
Klara's outing.
Klara paced around her small room. It was just an excluded section of a cave that she shared with two other dragons and an anthro wolf. She glanced around her room. In the one corner she had piled a lot of soft things; Pillows, blankets, and even just...
Backstage with the Rock Queen
It would be stupid to risk this with another woman, to drag her into it the way that he had dragged others into it.
Riding on the Bus
**Riding on the Bus** By Duffin Caprous Disclaimer: This story involves sexual, violent, or adult situations. Do not read this if you are under the legal age to see pornography in your country. I won't be held responsible if your fragile little...
Commission: Meet Again
An imp sat beneath the baking sun on a crate fanning himself with an open mouth like an overheated dog while people walked by. His fur was a bright red ending in black at his waist downward with a tuft of white around his neck. A long tunic covered his...
Greetings all, Aliquis the Writer here. _ Greetings all, Aliquis the Writer here._ _ Today I present for you a fairly normal love story, a simple consummation between a newlywed couple, and since I'm a firm believer in warning my audience of what...