Treating Mom at the Spa (Mothers Day)
"this is such a lovely treatment, my body feels so heavenly.." "you do carry a lot of stress in your back golden, you also haven't been in for a treatment in a long time.."
Xenobiologist - Siphonophore Remora
\*glurk\* "your treatment is now starting; 8 hours remain for your deep cleaning. please relax and enjoy your stay," played the automated audio notification voice.
Customized Companions
"hypergonadism's a side effect of our normal treatment track," he explained. "causes more intense and frequent urges to mate and what-not. most of our clients prefer it that way, but we tailor our treatment to the client's liking."
Pale Reflection
What causes the delay in getting that treatment?" jeremy glanced at the clock. these would be his last clients of the day. _chapter xiv.
End Game - Chapter 17 - The Master Arrives
Gatomon quickly submitted to patamon's treatment, grabbing his ears and pulling his head in tightly. next, patamon stuck his tongue deep into her already moist cunt. gatomon gasped and closed her eyes, purring softly at the treatment.
Request for kwratster - Wolf TF
If the changes were occurring now, it had long past the time she should have taken the treatment.
Jon's Favorite Pressure Point
The treatment was going swell, and jon's back was so much better that he was able to space out his appointments over the course of two weeks, rather than the weekly treatment that he'd been assigned by his workplace.
And such which he saw me which he stopped his treatment and said", hey vector are you alright?
Horsetits: A Tale of Excess - Alternate Ending
The computer's failsafes had kicked in, aborting the treatment in the most direct way possible. unfortunately, this did not allow for the withdrawal of the tendrils, nor did it close the serum drip valves.
Was it only a dream? (Dark ending)
When i got to the next treatment, i was given a quick questionnaire before the treatment. i wasn't sure what the questions meant, but i'm sure they were to give some idea of how the treatments were working. this time the injection was red.
Maverick Hunter - Chapter 5
When activated, the system scans the patient, diagnosing any injury or underlying problems, and recommends treatment. most treatments could be conducted on the spot, or in the same bay, depending on the available equipment and type of injury.
The Modern Slave
On the photo you can see a lupine that underwent the pacification treatment. he had been captured in the wild, and as you can imagine, was quite savage when he was first brought in.