
The male whispered in his ear the humans were being transported to all-male colonies on various worlds. some as workers, some as 'entertainers.' all voluntarily.. and how did he know? rastl wasn't the only 'spy' here.

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Rudolph has Issues I

Dasher smiled, "which is why it takes you forever to blow your load regarding all-male stories. why you are so calm and collected. why your masturbating is so relaxed and non-frenzied.

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Redwall: The Warrior's Ritual - Part 5 (Final Chapter)

At the first ever redwall all male orgy!" everyone clapped and cheered and abbot mordalfus shouted to them, "and with that, let the festivities begin!"

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The Pack's Beginnings

He was all male now... another berry nearby opened his cunt again, but he changed back to male... he'd be the only male there. the master of his pack. each male born would recieve one of the second kind of magic berries he found and become herms...

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The Lost

males protect, today i will test how far you will go to remove what you wish to lose.

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Love Is... Chapter 6

It was _that_ box; the box all men in love thought of at one point or another, either with fear, anticipation or more commonly both.

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Twokinds Revolution Intro/Chapter 1

The military seemed like the only way he could attempt to accomplish this, plus it is mandatory for all male basitins to enlist so he didn't have a choice anyways.

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Mya's Destiny

Since the hunters were mostly male humans were most likely to see them and most if not all male hypocamps were gone. they had heard of the tail less hypocamps on land and had sent mya in search for help to repopulate the species.

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NC 12: Illegal Attire

There'd also been the heat/rut laws, too, which had been an attempt to synchronize all males, females, and others into a certain pattern rather than it being completely random, but that, too, had been partially repealed, though it was back under consideration

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The rocky road of love - Chapter four

According to her all males knew how to thrust once they had gotten in, to prove her theory right the mouse bucked his hips thrusting in hard.

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prequel to GOJ/GNY chapter 6

"looks like they're all males." smiled yuki. "strong warriors for the next generation." said cross. "the first one shall be named rukai. the second one is kagetora. the third one is arion, the fourth one was is nobutora, the fifth one is harutora."

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My Teenage Studs Ch 1 (Incomplete)

If the fact that he was being dropped off at an all male academy wasn't bad enough, the red forming on the white blotches along the black fur on his snout was the peak of his irritation as his mom just humiliated him in front of everyone he'd be spending the

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