[MLP: FiM] C & C Omake 1
No way could twilight sparkle talk sense into the enraged earth pony. she took one look and ran for the back door. that too, was blocked, however. "what applejack said, bitch!" rarity shouted, looking equally pissed.
Twilight's Harem Havoc: Twilight's First Lesson into The Butt Stuff
Twilight had to admit, she was beyond embarrassed to realize pretty much everyone had seen that little scene with her, Applejack, and Rainbow Dash. Yet, even so, there was something thrilling about it. Something that made her feel desired. If all her...
Helpful Sister
Shining Armor yawned as he opened the sliding glass door. He had just gotten home from his Royal Guard training and was totally beat! He ascended the stairs to their modest two story home, looking forward to taking a nice, long shower. As he reached...
Equestrian Stories Book 1 Chapter 9
Equestrian Stories Book 1 Chapter 9 Loss Of Love Luna reappeared outside of the canterlot city ruins and immediately tries to stand up. "Come on... come on...." She said as she manages to stand up on her own and begins to try and limp her way back...
Lessons yet Learned
twilight sparkle turned around to face her princess. "ready for what?" "you'll see." said the princess, she gave her student a wink and went back to tonguing twilight sparkle's asshole.
The Return
twilight sparkle sniffled, and looked away. "that was not me." "i know," twilight sparkle said.
My Little Mashup 22 - Imp Imp Imp
The twilight sparkle-imp nodded. the general passed an oddly-shaped bone on a necklace off to one of her soldiers. just as he cast a spell - "imp" - and twilight sparkle unfolded into herself, the general raised her sword in the air and kept it there.
Twilight Consequences
"twilight sparkle, i trust you know why i have summoned you here."
The Twelve Talismans:Dimensional Travels - Chapter 28 - Rock This Party
twilight sparkle shouted in fear. "it's nightmare moon!" "for once, i'd like a doomsday prophecy _not_ to come true!" gatomon sighed as the wind whipped around her. twilight sparkle took a step forward.
[MLP: FiM] C & C chapter 9: Varying types of assistance
Celestia recognized twilight sparkle, fluttershy, and rarity in an instant. the tall, dark pegasus--who could she be? as the white monarch considered, a gust tossed the pegasus's mane.
Tickled Pink(ie Pie) - Kinktober 2021, Day 13
She rolled her hips, licked her lips, and shook her head at twilight sparkle. "nope, you can tell her to come in now!" twilight sparkle raised an eyebrow. "you sure you don't want a rest?"
A Child of the Night
"twilight sparkle must trust you greatly to teach you the song her mother taught her." reii blinks in surprise and mild confusion "her mother taught her that...?" "twilight sparkle's mother was an orphan.