Stories From Elton High | Chapter 8

All of the rides were dragon-themed and the staff all wore scaly dragon heads instead of hats. their car pulled into the parking lot of dragon world just after seven. mr. heeley handed them each a printed piece of paper.

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Chapter 4: A New Ally

He started to wonder, if there were dragons there; what else would there be? he kept going deeper and deeper into thought in till the sound of talons scratching along the stone ground broke him out of thought.

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No More Nightmares...

Both were dragons, but they had polar opposites in just about every way. aurgal was a blood red dragon with black devil-like horns and claws. he was very muscular yet he wasn't bulky.

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Valley of Wings chapter 1

His parents were dragons and, apparently, so was he. as he walked down the road between the cabins he inspected his surroundings. he found that he could easily tell male dragons from female.


The Dragon Named Angel book 1 part 4

Yet he remained because these were dragons and the dragons have always helped and trusted each other sense the humans began to be alpha predators. at least he thinks so. that has been true for his whole generation.

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Subjugation, Ch 1

Herik never got around to seeing pictures of terran dragons, but he did know that she assured him that arkatians were dragons.

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Vivat Draco

All there were dragons, or of dragon-kind sprung, and the air was rich and full of the scents of them. there was a movement at the upper end of the chamber.

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Peace and Order (WIP)

Looking around, there were dragons doing workouts, while others just socialized. they seemed happy to be here, ready to fight. are they really ready to go to a war where they could potentially die? or are they just really eager for a fight?

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Hate or Love

These dwellers were dragons, a male and a female. the male called exsavigh and the female was amerays. exsavigh was gold as the ore and was yellow as the sun. his gator-like strip of scales down his back was orange with red as a blood orange.

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Drag'n'Drop Part10

A good collection of the customers were dragons wearing harnesses for carrying food. he smiled knowing that his idea was very much tangible now.

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Venturing: Hider’s Preys

Remember, within the order realm; all we saw were dragons of different sizes and species." "so what you are saying is, our culprit is a dragon and not a mole?"

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Dawn the Dragon Bunny: Moving, Shaking, and Rocking

Dawn's mothers, both of them were dragon mythics, making them nine feet tall. when they got this apartment all those many years ago before he was conceived, they hadn't thought about small folk living in their home.

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