Investigation / date
"kitten, i'm in the circus tent" "godot how did you get my number?"
Skies of Helvanta: Unusual Circumstance Ch 1-4 - Unfinished
The wekja was large enough to house a circus, but the circus had been fully deployed at parbarten with the expectation to resupply there.
Mooning Over Nothing
"they do in the circus." he nodded. "friend, you've got me there. the circus. a bear on a motorcycle heading to his circus. sounds a little impractical, don't ya think?" "i'm just saying what i heard. didn't see it myself."
Chapter 15 - Practicalities
"i will not tell you how fox went into circus, is dark story. then again, all of fox's life is dark story. myself?" he gave a hard sigh as he looked down, "i guess you say is... conscience? is correct word?"
Love For Sale: Chapter 6
. \*\*\* dead animals made of paper and balloons decorated the long stretches toward the main tent of the circus at the northern end of the city.
Black Meridian 12: Mystic Horizon
I'm not sure exactly yet, might just say uwu a thousand times. **12: mystic horizon** the circus's circadian rhythm changed significantly during performance weeks, as fletcher learned.
Trick or Treat Teaser – The Pharaoh's Throne
The high wooden fence is painted in bright circus designs and covered with graffiti. he pauses at one point noticing a piece of plywood leaned against the fence. he moves the plywood to reveal where a few boards are missing in the fence.
The people of my mind. Ch.2 I'll call her Mureen
This was no lost circus animal. this strange alien was trying to communicate to her, its language if you wanted to call it that seemed all but useless, but now it was pantomiming to try to get a message across.
Serenifi: Great Scott! Part III: Scene 4
Henchman #1: i say she's the main attraction of that ol' circus that's apparently in town. just take a gander at these sharp listeners.
Bear in a Box
Freedom from the circus came when he volunteered as part of a research project for a cure to his so-called "disease" or "anomaly." despite the offense, he was glad there was someone in the world that cared about him.
Chapter Four: The purpose
"you three have a good time and bring me back something from the circus alright?" she says looking into the car, the children then reply back to there mother "yes mommy" they say happily.
The Ponies' Sugar
"how the hell did you end up in the circus?" the jay panted as jake came to a stop and winked bright at him. he'd really thought the painted dog had been kidding when he said he ran away and joined the circus, but here they were.