Midline Shift 17 - Ruins of Ancient Stars
"well, it's kinda sombre-sounding, like a sort of dirge but with high-pitched synth, sort of has a whole 'we may be beaten we may be bloodied but we'll hold our heads high' sorta thing...you know?"
Gentlemen's Agreement
The game began after a dirge-like pledge of allegiance and unenthusiastic shaking of paws. pennants were exchanged and the coin tossed, winning the ball for his team to start with.
Vigilante's Code
The cryptic, icy tone that was like a cemetery dirge uttered out, filling the once steamy room with an eerie chill.
My Gym Partner's Bro, Cum-Laude (Part 2)
Blake wailed a dirge through his crooked teeth, no chance of doing less with that quarterback behind him, ramming nearly-eight up his quaking hole.
Death Trap Derelict
Lillth chants a dirge of the depths as a spiral of pale energy emanates from the pearl inside the scalloped clamshell finial of her staff.
Come Home To Me
An appropriate sound, seeming itself a dirge, both for the men who fought and died in the skies above, and for those trapped beneath the rain of lethal metal.
On Brutish Waves
Thunder rolled a three-second dirge; loud 'splats' rang in the first sheet of rain. it pelted regardless, unchanged by turtle's licks, by the nido's dick screwing his guest's.
HM-09 Who Stole My Garm?
Then andrew brought out his moon dog flute and began playing a forlorn dirge, poetic, yet calming. erina looked over the remains to try to determine the pilot's race.
Desires of Demons Pt 2
- it was a dark morning, though the sun had lifted, delilah felt the morning bells to be a dirge. her stomach burned and her mind seethed as she stood there, overlooking the city.
The Radiant Lion
The air around him, still for so long, moved with the slow parade of dozens of spirits, not in a dirge but in an processional of honorable achievement.
Story of Yojimbo Yamamora
The hooded man then said, "maybe this will help you remember, 'sing your dirge, kagee.' his wicked blade grew to a length of ten feet. finally, yojimbo remembered everything. the playground, the wicked sword, and the captain that freed him.
Navigating the Labyrinth: Part IV - The unexpected
A music he couldn't recall ever hearing before started to play, an eerie combination of electronic and analog elements accompanied by a soft-dirge like tenor.