He couldn't quite pin down the other flavors in the mixture, but he could tell with just one swallow that it was highly fattening and steeped in an absolutely absurd number of calories.
Of course, spikes could have sussed out those intentions on his own; sasuke was notorious for fattening those around him, and spikes was no exception.
Backyard Bursting
He frowned, looking down at mekki over his own tan horizon with the best cross expression he could muster despite his overly-fattened, cherubic features making anger a nigh impossibility for the canine. "sorry, sorry... gotta turn it on.
The Worst Customer
The feline was subdued, a slave to his appetites for both paul and the fattening slurry that he suckled on both day and night.
So fattened as to look bow-legged now, the weight gain continued on up through her hips.
It wasn't fattening out just yet either, instead looking to inflate an ever-so-minute amount with every gulp.
Hungry Hungry Dragon
He held on there for a long moment, looking up his stumpy snout, past his fattened cheeks, and right at the dragon that was making him vanish.
A Night at the County Fair: Part V
Came the reply to rascal's bark, and the fattened collie was chagrinned to realize that it was patch who had spoken this time. it turned out that rascal needn't have worried.
Gehart's First Party: Commission
Both his fattened nipples began to ooze thin rivulets of gehart's cum, and every time the stallion thrust forward, the thin rivulets turned into streamers that spurted against gehart's own fattened tits.
Blueberry Pie
She only realized now how the blueberry aura fattened her up, her limbs slowly sinking into her ever-rounding middle.
Eggs everywhere!
She still had quite the bulge to her belly though it was merely from the fattened state of her ovaries.
Pred Vs Pred (Alternate Ending)
There was cum all over that prey-fattened gut of his, and it was about to get even bigger.