Healing Love - Chapter 32
#32 of healing love healing love chapter 32: honeymooners by: mirron tenshi me and max stayed in the bed for the rest of the flight. well, mostly. heck, we had to get up and walk to check out this awesome plane.
Fates of the Unicorns 70 - Healing
You are not used to injuries that don't heal. for a unicorn to not recover from a wound would mean they were either very badly hurt or were sick in some way. it makes sense to have an aversion to a unicorn that couldn't heal.
Healing A Doctor Chapter 6
#6 of healing a doctor if you guys haven't seen the thing, then i'm sorry for the spoiler. it's too broad to spoil the scene though. i would definitely recommend watching it though; it's a really good movie.
Healing A Doctor Chapter 5
#5 of healing a doctor nathan burst angrily through the door. they had just got back from an uneventful patrol, and davis was being his usual self. "i'm going to shoot davis in the face!" nathan exclaimed, now beginning to pace back and forth.
Healing A Doctor Chapter 4
#4 of healing a doctor when nathan woke up brian was nowhere to be found. his ears picked up the sounds of something frying in the other room. nathan slowly sat up, still naked, and glanced at the digital clock in the corner, it read 4:45.
Healing a Doctor Chapter 3
#3 of healing a doctor nathan slowly woke up, the dreams of last night forgotten as he snuggled into his love's arms. brian was still asleep, a contented half smile on his face. nathan yawned and sat up, gently throwing brian's arms off of him.
Healing a Doctor Chapter 2
#2 of healing a doctor the sun was hanging low in the sky when nathan and brian finally landed in makassar. they arrived in front of the clinic at the same time, dropped off by two separate transports.
The Fire of Courage 04: Healing
Th-that is, if you want to... um... if y-you could h-heal... my...." ex stopped him and nodded. "no need to be nervous around me, flamedramon. i'll help you.
Healing Love - Chapter 7
#7 of healing love healing love chapter 7: vacation by: mirron tenshi ... healing love chapter 7: big bang by: mirron tenshi we begin the next chapter a few days after allen had asked max to live with him.
The Adventures of Syth - Sexual Healing
Do not use them without permission comments are welcome and appreciated *updated 1/29/13 for grammar and word choice the adventures of syth - sexual healing in a small valley between
Healing Love - Chapter 30
#30 of healing love healing love chapter 30: the wedding b... healing love chapter 30: the wedding by: mirron tenshi i purr as i turn in bed. i put my arm to hold max, when i felt nothing.
Healing Love - Chapter 6
#6 of healing love healing love chapter 6: big bang by: mirron tenshi... healing love chapter 6: inverse welcomes by: mirron tenshi a good day goes downward as we once again continue the story during the faintly lit dusk.