The Rampage - Part 01

Those individuals got a beautifully close look at those being crushed within arm's length.

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Olfrin Stormfin (Not his real last name)

Every member of the nolse race has a cycle unique to them, though the cycles are usually very consistent to an individual once they hit puberty.

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Preview from another world

The ability told others of what kind of individual that person was, their abilities depended on who they were as a being. as powerful as each gift was, each had its curse.

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3: The Five - Basic Overview

Circled in violet: vilunians individuals from this wolflike race are regarded as having quick tempers and little patience, and very strong and forceful personalities.

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Meet Me in the Cave (Patreon)

The crack of sticks and the crunch of foliage under feet broke the steadiness of the scene as two individuals stepped out into the grove.

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Part One: Power Colors and Meanings

Yellows are arguably the happier individuals. they're the more positive individuals, and they make fantastic companions. they aren't perfect like everything else. like blue auras, they can be fearful over things more easily than the other auras.


lvl1 hero slave pt10 (repost)

While drain is a slow acting dot not effective on stronger individuals. another fact is is the combo does not work on those that are freed by him. aura manipulates an individuals current miasma.

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Lovin' a Vixen (A Moonlace Story) Chapter 2

But what the vixen didn't know was that the same individual would end up slipping a very important book into holly's bag. and all so it could get to the paws of one individual later on.

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Of the Collective, Chapter 3

As a rule, denial of property rights to individuals inhibits technological or social progress.

ULEMI: Urgent Weapons Update

(ii) until the suspected individual is found innocent, it will be mandatory for the said individual to either (i) be returned to the nearest relative to undergo a mandatory adoptive rehabilitation program.

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Pokemon Sun and Moon Vore Tournament: Nomination Round

Note: i won't be writing individual stories for every individual match. i'll only be writing a big thing for the winner- and that's only if people want me to write a story rather than commission something.

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29: Thinking and Plotting

** _ d-d-d-d d-d-d-d geecku huffed, staring at the small jar that she was using to punish two individuals that had modestly annoyed her with recent narrations.

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