The trap cave
The small dragon entered flying with insecurity if the cave are full with big predators and he hides in the first rock that it saw. the entry was full of enormous stalactites in the roof and could hear like someone sighing to the depths.
The Final Entry
Adrift in life, consumed by fear and insecurity, dependent on others to raise her up. when she found this island, she found herself. and she became the beautiful griffon i am today.
Consoling a Fox
Part of it was will's general personality, but jeff felt will put in extra effort around him given his own insecurities and moods. jeff didn't like that. he wanted to be there for his fox too. jeff put down his book.
Talks and teases
"looks like i'm not the only insecure one," i pointed out, "but why would i break up with you? you're good looking, smart, strong... one fine specimen of a male wolf. there're so much things to love about you...
M Garchomp X M Noivern ~ Playing Like a Lady
He was getting dangerously insecure, and he knew it, yet he couldn't bring himself to resist it. at least until morning came. he woke up first, sleeping until well after the sun rose.
Hotel Emperador - Chapter 1: Tuesday Morning
But his crippling insecurity kept on dragging him into his comfort zone. he wasn't like mcrue or even like alroc. that wolf was also a natural born leader unlike himself.
Red Rider
I wanted to feel insecure, wanted to feel peered at and judged, like i always had whenever eyes fell on me- but my eyes didn't lose focus on his face which had been eased into a look of dirty curiosity.
Plush Love Volume 2, Episode 3: Spy vs Spy
She said they don't like where you've been living, that it's too insecure." "huh. well if they don't like it, maybe they could help do something about it. it's no palace, but it's what i can afford. but why'd they bother you with that?"
My Pen, And My Choice
He was a husk, swamped once more in his old friends self-hatred and insecurity, believing he never deserved to be happy, living in a world of constant and crippling anxiety. he had forgotten the things he used to take comfort in.
Tina's Story Chapter 15 A Sleeping Kitty
In the last chapter, tina accidentally reveals her insecurities over being flat chested. kc offers sympathy, and reccomends a doctor.
An Ordinary Day - Extra: Character Bios
He can be insightful and flexible, but may be uninvolved and insecure on a bad day. his sign is aries. he is independent and straightforward.
Unnatural Tendencies - Chapter 3
The longer i waited, though, the more insecure and unsettled i would appear to darryl; even if it wasn't well thought out, he deserved a prompt response.