My Hellfire

Hell is that place you go when it's about time for a professional to start applying terms to your instabilities. "it's when depression starts being spelled with a capital d and people start telling you which meds you should be taking.

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Beerus VS A21

When the android noticed the cat's instability, she took the opportunity to try to kick him in the crotch, crushing the god's nuts against his pelvis.

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A Life in High School, Ch. 5

I've had to be on crutches for the time i've been standing because of the instability i've had in my legs, and it's still not safe for me to walk without the crutches._ nearly everyone nodded._i've also had to use this device to speak.

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Burning the Midnight Oil

"i thought changes to the a25 and b34 strands produced instability?" mr. dark asked, turning to frysco as the mass slugged towards him.

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True Hearts 2 Part 1

Smokey watch as john focuses more and more energy to stop the blast, but sees that its' starting to show signs of instability. 'damn' john thought 'it's not enough' "john get out of the way" smokey yelled out worried about him.

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Forward unto dawn Revival

The table, hypo-injectors, the immune globin, i would leave the mental fitness to time, if that didn't work, i had a backup, the vita aedificator, a type of machine that would sync biology to the proper atonement for a healthy user, it could prevent mental instability

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Uprising and Aftermath

Everyone, men and women alike, were furious at the imbalance and what it imposed on each of them, and the instability was only increased by the police reaction to the crimes: without the red one program, and with no real prisons to sequester criminals

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"also, what made this planet unfit for them, was that every year or so, the sun would throw off vast solar flares that scorched anything within its reach, which partially causes the formation and instability of the ground."

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The Tails of Graduation - Part (9/9)

"would you two be willing to testify about my daughter's instability? appeal to the jury that she needs therapy and not decades in jail?" "yes, absolutely," linnette said.

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Pokemon Arceus - Frenzy of the Dialga [Commission]

It was the instability of spacetime that had caused this. pokemon all over the sinnoh were going into a frenzy because of the distortions. and alas, you were no different, even as a legendary one. lust.

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Savage Love

The only role the moon played was causing them to be more vulnerable to emotional instability and change the closer to a full moon it got.

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High school through my eyes: Pt. 7

He was instable and would probably kill him for even trying to escape. suddenly something occurred to marc. the nurse calling button! he looked around and found a bright red button that said "nurse" on it. he reached a pressed it with his index finger.

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