The Morning After
I hate the morning, my eyes always fight to stay closed. today they seem especially strong though, could be because i'm not in my own bed. i let them flutter open, spotting the clock, six thirty and the sun is still down.
Good Morning
"good morning mrs. davis." jenna piped. the expression changed on mrs. davis's face from a look of weariness, to a look of happiness. "good morning jenna, are you finally feeling better? jack's been so miserable while you were sick.
A Morning Surprise
Moon, who was a black and tan German Sheppard with dark brown eyes, turned and tossed in his sleep. A million things crossed his mind, such as how amazing it was to be with his boyfriend at last. Knowing that love could mean more then casual sex, but...
The Morning After
"good morning." he said weakly. he sniffled slightly, which was followed by a quiet cough. the air around them was still polluted. "uhhhm... hi. i mean, good morning. did... you sleep ok?"
A good morning
If today turned out like this morning, i think to myself as a naughty grin crosses my muzzle, then todays gonna be a good day.. to be continued
Morning Sex
Daniel and his wolf lover brian have morning sex. daniel woke up to the touch of brian's soft claws cupping around his tight balls early in the morning. his wolf mate had been nagging him before bed and was obviously still in the mood.
morning beginings
Raggs spun around to see another morning patrol, four vixens and a larger grey and white female wolf ( who was the leader ) staring at him. " uh? " raggs nervously stuttered.
Morning Mischief
._' moving his hand over an adjacent body made him break into a grin, a reminder that there wouldn't be any rush to catch the school bus during the early morning.
Dearest Morning
The mornings.
Morning Jog
It was still rather early in the morning and the morning fog had only recently dissipated. the panther groaned and stretched both his arms up above his head, furry, white stomach showing.
Ciara's Morning
Just the morning before, the sight of such things would have filled him with nervous guilt but on this morning, it filled him with ardor and he wanted nothing more than to bury himself deep inside her.
Good Morning
It's like 10 in the morning, you should be up by now." the otter chastised, sticking his tongue out. he stood up straight and repositioned his flesh atop the husky's muzzle.