Daily Mischief - Runner's paw
Daily Mischief Story Two - On a Runner's paw By Jackmink the paw loving wolverine Jordan peaked out from underneath the bed not even sure how he ended up in the teenagers room. The floor was littered with things you would find in an average...
Ferris Wheeler's Paw Off
Chance was panting slightly, the excitement of pawing and being pawed in public, in the middle of a theme park, turned him on greatly. he wanted to make his mate cum right here.
Pawing Party Gone Wrong
Which meant that tonight was gonna be filled with a lot of pawing off and talk about cheerleaders... "fun times," kenny thought.
Paw 4: Endbringer Game
"masturbation is not allowed. you are going to save it for breeding. if i see you do that again, i will whip your balls to make you think twice against it."
With tooth and paw chapter 8
Chapter 8: Rendezvous On the agenda for the day, though later than Vedrit had intended, was a meeting with Wern and Mirrna. Plans needed to move forward. Pulling his hood over his head, casting his furry face in shadow, he snuck through the...
With tooth and paw: Chapter 7
DISCLAMER: Blah blah blah, mature content, don't steal. You guys know the drill. Chapter 7: Business as usual When the warm rays of morning peeked over mountains far to the east, sneaking past curtained windows of Irn, finding Vedrit to be...
With Tooth and Paw: Chapter 5
Chapter 5: Let the snow cover your past and be a fresh canvas The walk up the tunnel to the surface seemed shorter the second time. The lamps were still a mystery, but the wonder had already worn off. Raising his paw to shield his eyes from...
With tooth and paw: chapter 4
Chapter 4: But...I just got here The next morning, marked by the brightening of the strange lamps, Vedrit woke, his arms wrapped around a pillow, blankets down around his waist. Looking around through blurry eyes, he could only wonder what in...
With tooth and paw, chapter 3
Chapter 3: You only **think** it's a hole As the hole widened, Vedrit could see a ramp, paved with stones, leading deep underground, lanterns with peculiar glowing orbs giving off a blue tinted light. With a thud, the doors halted, leaving a gap...
With Tooth and Paw, chapters 1
Fate of the war-born Book one: With tooth and paw Introduction: Well, this is my first attempt at a fur novel, meant to be entertaining in many moods. I wont say much more than that, though. In writing other books, I think I put too much in...
With Tooth and Paw, Chapter 2
Chapter 2: You don't know what you're getting into With his pack loaded, a servant motioned for Vedrit to get in the carriage, where the noble sat waiting. Vedrit barely had time to sit down before the carriage started moving with a lurch. ...
Gym Showers - Paws Only
The buff tiger decided that waiting until home for his customary jerking off session was mere meanness on his own part, and nothing would be gained from that...and no harm would be done, either.