Halloween in Devout America
Thanks to the satanic panic (which were subtly supported by the growing revenant party during its rise to power) of the 1980s, as well as fearmongering rumors of razer blades and poison in candy bars, the role of halloween in society came into question.
Tales From Apartment 232 - Part 10
Lets do the big church thing for the media and for your family and you, and when we are done and things have died down that day we'll have jicentia perform a satanic ceremony at the church of satan sometime after midnight?"
Angels in Mind
Wrapping her hands around the child's neck, she whispered, "you, a demon i foolishly loved, i release you back to satan, the father of your father. your body, though from a holy angel, can never purify your wrenched soul."
U.O.P.I. Chapter 3 Page 9
You might" he chuckled as he put the dvd in, then came back and snuggle me into his side as the movie started, i looked up at nova,fell even deeper into a heavy heart, no doubt about it, i was all his now, and no one could take me from him, not god, not satan
Demitri's new school part one
Well let's start the day listing to 'satanic music as my mom calls it' _happy_ by _mudvayne_ i don't know why but, i love singing, i did back-up vocals in my old band i forget the name, and playing to the song.
Soul Drinking - Part 3
satan was not cast down from the gates of heaven. in fact, he left. why? boredom. god wasn't happy and removed his wings, cursing him to walk the earth forever more. but, satan saw opportunity to make something out of a bad situation.
Just another Dog Chapter 1
They turned to black magic wielding brethren, satan their god to pray to. but we fought with the weapons of man, of humans, weapons given to us by our mighty and true god.
Getting Ripped
Emblazoned across his back, a pair of black words in stylized lettering said 'satan's servants'. the words were positioned in a way to appear to be resting on a pile of skulls.
All quiet in the woods
With a continuing groaning he tumbled down the slope and nearly eight meters further down the wild glissade stopped finally. »ahhh... svarte satan!
A Prelude to Perversion: Chapter 2
satanic ritual? whatever. it didn't matter right now. i had three days to think it over. all i know is that it better not be a satanic ritual. if i end up as the virgin sacrifice, i'm going to be pissed.
A Dragon's Tale: The Star's Journey- Chapter 23-Back To Iraq
Sir, i'm gonna sound crazy for saying this, but the forces of satan are about to sweep over this planet like a plague."
In the Service of Mystery (Pt. 27)
'therefore, we adjure thee, unclean spirit, spectre from hell, satanic power. we cast thee out, every unclean spirit, every satanic power, every attack of the infernal adversary...'