Stock on the Floor
Stock on the Floor. © Tsumi Moogle '13 Characters Themselves. I don't mind Saturdays. Well, I didn't used to mind them. Since last month though? Not the number one on my 'looking-forwards-to list' anymore. Nothing major, y'know. No natural...
Sharing Sensual Wisdom
It made sense that katy wasn't so familiar with how kinky the vixen could be; she had no idea what sort of history there was behind trish and her own sexual escapades.
Teri's Lament
There were too many books on sexuality for me to read at the library, so i turned to the internet. i discovered pornography. there are people who struggle heavily with their sexual orientation.
Luring The Maid
July 14, 2015 "What?! What do you want?! You know all too well that I am done with you! Stop calling me." Snapping the phone shut as he fished the keys from his pocket, clumsily knocking a couple of stuffed used napkins. Letting out a heavy sigh...
. :3 marked adult for dark themes, implied fatality, and (very) light sexual play." "sacrifice" by: ty the fox _'how doth the little crocodile_ _improve his shining tail,_ _and pour the waters of the nile_ _on every golden scale?
What She Thinks
This had been her first sexual experience, and while she felt a little ashamed, she loved the whole forbidden fruit concept. the idea that they weren't supposed to be together just fueled her describes further.
The Fort Grayshell.
?Seg 05 Set 2011 15:34:50 BRT After a long walk, we arrived at the fort. It was huge, had 12m-tall walls, guards everywhere. I was holing my gut, needing to mess my diaper, but not in front of all that people. I tugged Liontari's robe. - Liontari... -...
Diary of a demon lover 6
Soon i would be having another wonderfully sweet sexual encounter. never in my life did i think sex would come this easy, or that i would keep having fun every second of my life. no way was i going to leave now.
Diary of a demon lover 5
April 25th Dear Diary, It's been two days sense I have been living in Hell. I couldn't be happier. I have already made a friend, Lilith. She's amazing. Two days ago after we drank our pig's blood wine, I then learned how it was made and how it...
Diary of a demon lover 3
April 19th 2009 It's mid morning and I am all alone in the living room with only my laptop to keep me company. Hoping to reach Ray on the yahoo IM I wait patiently as I play a computer game. In January he had told me about his car no longer...
Diary of a demon lover 2
April 16th 2009 Its nine o'clock at night and ounce again I am alone in my room. I miss my fiancée dearly and hope that we are not broken up. Don't know what to think there, all I know is that is has been close to three months sense I have...
"Then and Now" - Day 3, Chapter 2 and 3
**"Then and Now" - Day 3, Chapter 2 and 3** **Chapter 2** ** ** To my surprise, what Leanne made wasn't half bad. I'd say it was even the quality of what Al could produce. Pancakes with fried apples - done _just right_ so that the apples melted in...