Cold on the outside, warm on the inside.

He simply avoided things related to his success as a writer or his supplement job. kyle scanned the room; this was the fourth time he had been here since the owner had given him a pass.

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Character Profile: Kyomori

Quick arm and hand work, as well as a supplement of empty-handed martial arts make for a steadfast, stylistic art capable of both lethal and non-lethal forms.his preferred weapons of choice are two small, custom-design handguns.


Processing Procedure

The gruel also contains hormones supplements for the removal of his testicles. of course we can't give him testosterone, so it's mostly estrogens. this might cause the small appearance of feminine features in some cases, but nothing to be worried about.

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Lament of the Moon S&H - Ch.06: The First Strike - Ep01

They're just a new type of vitamin supplements, been taking them for a few weeks. supposed to work much faster than the normal kind. didn't you see the tv ads? they're everywhere," kyle casually answered her. "um, no, i don't watch tv much.

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Going Batty

This, when supplemented by commissions i took out myself, helped to fund many of the things i later regretted buying in life, but it was a fun ride and soon led into 2006 and 2007, which were my boom an early example, i'd like to offer up a little

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Maya's Tail: Getting Grounded

She was expecting a pill, but the girafarig was pleasantly surprised to find that the supplements ben had bought looked more like a small cookie or biscuit.

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Character Profile: Catty

They aren't much, considering how underdeveloped her body is, so she opts to use other means to supplement her lacking of these means is using weapons in the form of non-weaponry items like her parasol and handkerchiefs, and a high-voltage tazer



With my therapist's help, i was able to take special hormonal supplements, and i knew i had someone i could talk to about any of the changes my body was going through. it wasn't easy transitioning to being a girl though.

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self realization

As consciousness came i sat in my captain's chair with memory of having taken nourishment and medical supplement. i am only me now except the feeling. as i look to my controls i see we had made dock.


After Mom's Date

For years, he'd been taking herbal supplements to make him sound and look more like a girl - he wasn't ready to get lopped yet, or to get implants, but this was a nice middle ground, and one that his mother approved of fully.

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Another marginally silly Echo fanfic

He certainly already had new ideas for his wrestling act, to supplement his pirate character with some lovecraftian cultist shit. then he noticed rj was only wearing stained briefs. a musky smell filled the air.

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A Complicated Blood Moon Night

#3 of stories from science, he was tested on in the far past, and did all sorts of experiments, from growth like enhancing growths, improvement, supplements, gene tweaking/enhancing, sensitivity, erectile dysfunction tests to improve erections, nipple sensitivity

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