Kris's First Time

Anticipating this, kris moved her nose out of the line of fire, putting the trajectory of deana's urine directly atop her mouth.

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Of cat and mouse - DRAFT1

With a feline contortion i flips backwards in the air to adjust for the pray's trajectory. for a moment in time, my body torques and my paws reach out, pads spreading to their full extent, each extended with claws stretching like switchblades.

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Something to keep safe - Chapter V

The grey dragon prepared his hind paws and leapt right on the trajectory of the red dragoness. that time he would tag her back !

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Star Fox: Inertia - Ch. 1 of 5

The vixen adjusted her trajectory to miss a slag of wreckage. this place really had seen some fighting. the sargasso space zone had once hosted the pirate gangs formed from the dregs of andross's army.

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All easy work for a cyberbrain, some would say, but the sheer numbers and variable trajectories of the creatures meant this situation demanded far more of silence's processing power than most others ever did.

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Finding love in a bar

"the way you stand, the way you hold it, the way you hit it all affects the trajectory of the ball. and believe me, this game has more math and physics in it than most people think about.

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Chapter 9: A Deception Unveiled

Flamedramon continued his trajectory behind davis and left a sizeable imprint in the stone wall. flamedramon flashed and turned back to veemon, and fell to the ground.

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Eventful Beginnings 1

The ship's trajectory matched the falling meteorites', hiding itself among the burning chunks of rock. it moved the ship down into the atmosphere, the black colored underside camouflaging itself against the night sky.

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Force Ten

Old air force buddy fred johnson, a fox who was just as crazy as javier was and his wife, a female coyote air traffic controller by the name of anna navarro-garcia who directed flights to and from miami to keep him informed of weather conditions and the trajectory

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Genetic Institute: Prologue

Ten minutes and one written report for the arrest later averis was sitting next to officer greg, who happened to be a genetic that could predict all bullet trajectories, in front of a vid screen to a place he just kept calling the institute.

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50 (DSV Nautica) Fight or flight

A large portion of the small fighters attacking just died in place, hurling off in random trajectories, a few clanging against the hull of the mors. the rest ignored their fallen brethren and continued the attack.

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The Fate That Befell Yndyr: Chapter One

Approximating last known trajectory....location: yndyr **.** **.** **.** **\>rebooting. energy critical. new power source detected. emergency bonding initiated.** **.** **.** **.** **\>bonding complete.

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