Yiff School Part 3: The first sex
The children ran into the classroom and took their seats. Dan and Mrs. Wrinkler stood in front of the class. Then Mrs. Wrinkler said, "Attenchion Students! This is Dana, she is an exchange student from Flordia. Say Hello to Dana." The entire class...
A Slice of Lex: (side) A slice of James (yiff)
A Slice of Lex: A slice of James By Jenny Harlow James had known Christine for a while, and had a crush on her ever since he'd seen her for the first time. He had only recently found out Christine had epilepsy, never actually talking much about it...
A Slice of Lex Ch 2. (No Yiff Edition)
A Slice of Lex Ch. 2 By: Jen Harlow The hospital was the same as most, the hum of the fluorescent lights, the reek of disinfectant, and everything in the same four colours: white, off blue, gray, and black, even the tiles were white with the other...
Royal Threesome (french)
Quand le Roi n'est pas là, les lionnes se reposent. C'était comme un dicton qui s'était établi au fil du temps sur la terre des lions. Un seul Roi régnait en maitre sur ces terres et en assurait la protection. Protection appuyée par une ronde matinale...
Unforgetable Moments in Yiff! - Moment 1 - Abercrombie & Bitch...
Unforgetable Moments in Yiff! - Moment 1 - Abercrombie & Bitch... You know the drill. If you're under 18, get off this page. If it's illegal to view this type of material, don't do it. ...
The Yiff Before Christmas (or A Visit from Saint Slick)
**The Yiff Before Christmas (or, A visit from Saint Slick)** Twas' the night before Christmas and all round the pole, The does waited for Rudolf, to come fill their hole. For Rudolf, like Santa, had a curious plight; He could cum...
My Wonderful Little Sister- The Art of Yiff Part 3
Disclaimer: You know the drill the by now...either be 18 or older to read this or get out. ...still here? Well, I admire your persistence. Okay, you can stay, but I'm NOT responsible if your mom catches you on here...or dad if your mom is dead or...
My Wonderful Little Sister- The Art of Yiff Part 1
Disclaimer: You know the drill the by now...either be 18 or older to read this or get out. ...still here? Well, I admire your persistence. Okay, you can stay, but I'm NOT responsible if your mom catches you on here...or dad if your mom is dead or...
My Wonderful Little Sister- The Art of Yiff Part 2
Disclaimer: You know the drill the by now...either be 18 or older to read this or get out. ...still here? Well, I admire your persistence. Okay, you can stay, but I'm NOT responsible if your mom catches you on here...or dad if your mom is dead or...
Secrets Shared (WAM, gunge, sex, yiff, m/f
The door to the bedroom slid open quickly, a thin beam of light illuminating the small space on the other side; the uncluttered neatness of it making it seem larger than it is. A broad arm followed it in, pushing it fully open before a brown furred...
Avatar trips: Chance encounter (SL-based short yiff story)
Avatar Trips: Chance encounter Kino is (c) me Roland is (c) his player. Nakastar is (c) her player. "I'm being careful!" Kino called out. The thirty one year old wolf hybrid was focusing his building beam rather intently on a...
Orgy at the Orphanage (Monster Rancher, cub/adult yiff) Commission for Kamekazitiger and Readasaur
Tiger awoke with a groan, muscles complaining simply from the feeling of moving on the soft futon beneath him. That realisation trickled into his head slowly, warring with the still throbbing ache that almost tempted him to stay where he was, one he...