Runaway (Oliver, Chapter 1)
He was a red panda, and short, even for their standards. being a small breed had its advantages, though. red pandas weren't very common...and that was a plus for finding work when you're in the world's oldest profession.
Lament of the Moon: Burning Embers – A Kingdom for a Curse
It was obvious the red panda was coming-on on him, maybe a bit too fast, but he kind of liked it.
Devil Seed Ch.14
Devil Seed By Gemma the Ice-Wolf ? Chapter 14 ? Somewhere in an alley Wednesday 4:28 pm Bruce kicked a wooden crate and smashed it to pieces. Ever since the fist fight he had with Aaron he'd been unable to do...
Vibe Wars 4: the Panda Menace
So when i came home from work and found her on the couch with a red panda guy, i figured she and he would be doing things together and i'd probably be watching, or riding her face or something. carol had other ideas. "hey 'manda!
Bottomless Mondays- Jon
It'd been a Monday like any other. The Café, High Tea, opened precisely at 7am. I arrived there an hour early so that I could open the windows, get the front patio in order and water the foliage there, and get my little podium out to the entrance. I...
High Tea Café -Flyer
This is a series for another of my characters, ollie the red panda (originally named owen, but that name has been taken by the sexy sabercat in a speedo in my gallery).
Wall to Wall
#14 of kuroko's finest jack, a red panda and a very enthusiastic sex worker, subs in for janice with one of her regulars, mrs. étoile. mrs. étoile is a rough customer, as jack figures out in a hurry.
Kevin Chapter 3
Realizing he was just as trapped in his tiny body as much as being in the crib, the red panda began to pout. "stupid small paws..." kevin grumbled as he looked at his paws before crossing them against his chest.
Aggretsuko After Work
She called back as she ushered the red panda out, not letting her say a word to their host.
With a firm push, the red panda was sent sprawling against the monkey's belly, making it glorp wetly as the hyena turned to return to his duties. the red panda shivered and panted, staring up to his hero, swallowing. he knew well he'd messed up.
Deep Space
The wheezing, clambering and gasping red panda writhed, trying to bat at the rabbit with his tail, swipe at him by hand..
A Simple Pair of Glasses
But, with a sudden little jerk, the red panda tumbled backwards, landing squarely atop the human, and driving him onto the carpet beneath her. "oh!"