Plush Love Volume 2, Episode 2: Evicted

Most of the data points had been within ten percent of what they were supposed to be, despite the antiquated hardware he and his lab partner had been using.

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Mirror, Mirror...

The mirror was an antique of indeterminate age, one which had been in his family for generations.

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Dragonlord Saga - Prologue

Eyes roll beneath the withered bark, behind this relic of antiquity, "yet, should this omen prove weal or woe, i care not; knowing the secret of it, hidden, buried deep is all we yearn to sup."

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I Met a Modhuman Once

In some ways he put me in mind of the greek statues of antiquity. in others he differed more clearly from the norm: his legs were the bent, animal-like kind of a canine. his head also, and his tail, all indicated him to be some kind of dog-man.

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The Drama of the Moon

It's antiquity, combined with its preservation, remains an important text not only to lemurian identity as a whole but also the indigenous religions.

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The Prison ~ CYOA Java Game ~ V.1

To make it work on browser i'd have to either use flash which is super antiquated and is being deprecated, or try to redo this in html5 or javascript which i have no experience in, and am not sure will port well.

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Account of Presumed Ecstatic Experience during Initiation Rite in Unidentified Mystery Religion

While mystery religions are usually considered characteristic of classical antiquity, there is no reason to suppose that this form of worship was in any way exclusive to the ancient greco-roman world.

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Scratching Those Persistent Itches

In the end, he picked up his grandfather's walking cane, and old antique made of solid wood and topped with pure sterling silver. anything else would have done no harm to her, not even a gun. but silver; well you know the stories.

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Chapter 43: Making up for lost time

At first glance, it was just a small, brown wood, cubed box with an antique box clasp holding it shut. the names "sly and chaz" were etched into the wood of the box.

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Buttfuck Bunny

Love at first sight through greasy safety glass, eyes meeting over the top of an antiquated cash register. two hundred and eighty pounds of rabbit wearing barely enough clothing for a gal half her size.

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Paying the Storage Bill

She released it, reflexively, but it was too late, for as the heavy antique appliance tumbled down the black interior, without boony's cock even needing to swallow it due to its heaviness, the twin hills of the wolf's helmet slammed shut, clamping down on

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2628 (an Orr Family Story) CH 13

Those appearing on the desk, looking like antique file folders were evaluations. he was expected to go through them, give his report and recommendations as to which should be promoted, and which should be sidelined.

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