Chasing the Devil

Devilshade, the wires leading from the wrist of his bionic left arm, was up, and in his right hand he held gregorys' beretta.

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A Dragon's Tale-The Star's Journey-Chapter 17-The Testament

She shook her head and produced a beretta handgun. "half a clip", she answered. i turned my head, only to come on a worse scene. there were two southern's in a small hole in the wall. from the smell, they were brothers.

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Strange Times, Ch. 3-Passage

Captain davis immediately jumps out of his seat, pulling out a m9 beretta handgun and training it right on the husky's forehead as several of the other soldiers do the same. "who the hell are you two and what are you doing with lucas?!"

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Cora's Gambit Sample Chapter

They wandered down the alley in a loose column with megan guiding the way behind her beretta, around mounds of trash and pot holes filled with pools of highly caustic rain water, eventually coming to the storefront where bert's had been.

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How Legends are Made Part 2 Chapter 13

Lily had given over some of her magazines to supplement his lack of a dedicated armament, her beretta m9 also being a 9mm.

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New Genesis Chapter 3: Soto

In the flick of one of the bulbs above, daniel had reached underneath one of the benches and whirled around, ready to fire a beretta m9 into the doorway.

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He Walks As My Shadow 1 - That Which Stalks The Darkness

James stood opposite him, holding a smoking beretta handgun, his hand slightly shaky from pain and breathing. "you...shot me?" "yeah, whatcha think about that?" "...i dare you to do it again."

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Two Worlds Collide - Chapter 8 - The Road of Life

I saw thick, red blood..her blood...staining my hands as i gripped the beretta. i saw those last gasping breaths as my actions took her life.

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Three Furs, One House

I paid particular care to the beretta 92sf that i liked to carry in unsafe parts of the city, and to the handful of pistols and rifles concealed in little hiding places all over the house.

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Sheath and Knife: Snow Daze part 7

"a beretta? neat gun dude." he quickly took it apart and threw the pieces all over the ice. "you're not going to kill someone with a two guys are athletic as heck, that should be enough?"

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TSK Chapter Two: Arising Suspicions

She wore a sky blue beretta which made the mouse look a bit cuter, but had no hair on her head.

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When You Have Nothing Else To Lose...

I listened to the berettas and counted rounds. twenty-two, twenty-three.. i raised my glock up and pulled the trigger a few times. he backed off. i poked my head up real quick to take a look, and then ducked back down again.

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