The Kaiju Bat Feeds
From his mouth was loosed a deep, slothful burp. a heated blast of air slung slather forth, the spit splattering on his belly.
Valentine's Gift
Rolling onto his side jakul let out another belch curling up around his stomach on the bed.
Consumer Rights
More little rips happened all through his fur as this went on, his frame becoming more and more bloated with each swallow and unreleased belch.
Special Streams
He suddenly let out a deep belch, and then repeated it three more times before he turned the laptop away. "s-see? h-heh, but i bet you people don't believe that. i know a person who could control his belching pretty well."
Country Manpig Pt2
He said, as the pigman leaned back against the stall, rubbing his firm gut and letting out another belch of satisfaction. "she plans to get the whole town involved." "that's some plan." ty said.
The over indulgance of Mr. Wolf
"belch" he let forth another expulsion of gas turning the brown bunny feeding him a shade of lime green. "more!!!!" he yelled as at last the feeding stopped, the fox in the as of yet still clean suit stepped forward.
Revenge is a Dish Best Served Fat: Part 2
Sivra dug her paws hard into marley's turgid belly as she rolled off her, forcing the bovine's neck to bulge and balloon out with another monstrous belch.
Blitz meets Jade (Vore story)
Jade let out one loud belch and sat up, holding the pup in her mouth by the scruff. "say, what's your name sweetie?" jade asked. "b-bwitz." said the small creature, mispronouncing his l sound.
Growing Frienship
But this time, it wasn't a burp or a fart, but a spark of energy; the same energy he used to change size was now wisping around them both, rising into the air with an intensing quality.
Good Cop, Bad Cop
Smokey punctuated that thought with a lengthy belch and then immediately and loudly began to gulp. "are you sure that's what you want to talk about, allen?
Toontown - a learning experience
Both were very happy to take a human to a private place and end the meeting with a burp. they did it different ways, bagheera via guile and khan by brute force, but the end result was the same. a squirming middle and a smug belch that tasted of tourist.
M'ress - ever hopeful
"oops," m'ress purred into the comm, and burped.