Shadow of The White Citadel- Chapter Thirty
When they first learned how to make fire, they had the first evolutionary advantage to keep them from going extinct.
Transformers: Crossover - First Paragraph!
Halfway across the galaxy, drifting through empty space the autobot ship named the ark, had just recently escaped near extinction. using what remained of their energy reserves, they made one final choice.
Choose your own path pt8
"i thought the race of the sphinx had become extinct long ago." you say, having to look up slightly to the half lion half elf creature. she chuckles at your statement. "you thought wrongly, young one. we merely, moved elsewhere.
the war prolouge
Today is the anniversary of the explosion that changed the world the humans have been extinct for at least 50 years and the world became divided in two the vampires ruled over half of the earth and treated the were creatures like trash and enslaved most of
The Mayonian Pack: Introduction
Food is scarce during these times and our numbers are dropping to the point that i fear that my pack may soon face extinction if something is not done soon. our story will begin at the begining of my life.
The Games: Chapter Two-The Chosen
But, on island 12, people like that were an extinct breed... i start thinking about my chances of being drawn from the pool... 8 tickets out of approximatly 700 boys... my chances are definetly better then some.
Lab Rat 5 - Genocide and Human Subject
But i needed to know if humans were truly extinct. this was my last log on my personal island. with all of my pets i was planning on leaving
Everyone's Endangered
Even though he got lots of benefits, that didn't make up for the fact his species could soon be extinct. for years, "non-humans" were treated little better than animals.
Wasteland Survivor – And Back Again - ch8
~ ~"i am what i am, the lord of the sky and of fire, and unless your kind starts to learn some manners and how to speak like a civilised creature i will be forced to hunt you all to extinction.
Transformers: Crossover Prologue
In a desperate mission to save the remaining autobots from extinction, i ordered our ally metroplex into his alternate form, with a few modifications, we were able to transform metroplex into an ark, to send us into the stars, away from the decepticon forces
**FW3000** Main Characters. All Painted Dogs. Male: Female: Abrafo: Alpha male. 1st Officer Amaka: Alpha female. Ship's Captain. Baako: 1st Navigator. Dayo: 2nd Navigator. Baraka: Chief Hunter, xenobiologist. Kalisha: Medic. Chigaru:...
Shadow Stalkers: Thymion Pt. 14
You'd be doing your people a great favour by keeping quiet on that front unless you want a much swifter, more brutal extinction.''