Clyde & Ollie: "In A Van Down By The River" Part 4
"any part of me you want... you got it, buddy," he says, growling with an enthusiastic desire.
THE FRONT: PART 12 (Last Part)
It was time, the raid was upon them, and Scott felt fear run through him even though he wasn't even going. He could only imagine what the participants were feeling. Wynter patted him on the shoulder and smiled. "Don't miss me, just try to survive."...
The Transfer Part III (Final Part)
This continues from part ii of the story.
Astora part 4 (Last part)
And the length between the parts is just terrible... but alas its finally finished and i can be done with it. please give me any feedback, negative or positive, either is fine. > "why are you here?"
Run The Blitz Part: Part 2
==end of part 2==
Clyde & Ollie: "In A Van Down By The River" Part 5
"clyde & ollie: in a van down by the river" part 5 clyde & ollie series: part 5 story by: axle furret \*\*story contains: male/male, gay, gay relationship, size-difference, age-difference, character development, gay love, river otter, stallion, bondage
Part 24
I really appreciate it (if you couldn't tell) <3 so this part is short on account no sex scene which would take up a chunk just to describe their "time" together, so i'm switching it up and having that next part copyright © 2015 cole stryker **part 24**
Part 23
Going to skip some sections later on that have little plot relevance which will a) give you guys something to look forward to and b) helps me to get everything written because i now have it officially all planned out =d copyright © 2015 cole stryker **part
Part Three:
"Father!" Raevocrei ran to his wounded father, looking for a hopeful light in the darkness. He lay there bleeding and motionless. Ahkaeirvah stood at her mate's side with a haunted gaze, frozen. "Go get Mother!" he instructed to her. She blinked and...
Part Two:
Raevocrei parted his maw and allowed her tongue to slide into his mouth. he tasted her saliva and sucked in a quick breath. his body pressed against hers as they locked maws.
Part One:
His length parted her velvety folds and deeply penetrated her each time their hips met. this time ahkaeirvah was moving much faster.
Part Five:
#5 of like pieces in your hand here is the final part to what i'm going to call a chapter. thanks to everyone for reading and for the support i've received! ^-^ raevocrei was the first to enter the enormous, livid cavern.