New Journey Chapter 46: Aien
Gallade dropped the child off just outside the police station. couriway town was still sleeping on the saturday morning, so very few people noticed the pokemon carrying the kid in the quiet town.
A night to remember
Armand watched as amrod hugged his sweet child. a wide smile crocked on his face and he picked the child up. slowly the child passed out in his arms. then armand turned to amrod and spoke.
The Purr-fect Grease Monkey
Cried the kid, coming to my aid though i didn't hardly need it. "i know kid. but that's the way people often look at ya when you tell 'em how you swing." "i know. there was a kid in my class who came out and everyone was rotten to him.
Twin Schools Info 3.0!!! (UPDATED AGAIN!)
_ **post-hypnotic trigger commands** _ teacher command: obedient child entrances a child.
There's Willing, And Then There's Weak
Once the kid was discreetly dragged inside my establishment, i had him left to rest on the living room rug, it was late and i couldn't be bothered with breaking the kid in at that time of hour, but i did swap his blindfold for a bdsm styled gas-mask with a
Chapter 1: Six Years
The child stood beside nkwe, staring at etienne owlishly as she clung to the fox's arm. etienne could barely bring himself to look at the child. _his_ child. "did you expect something? safe passage to the bridge of light, perhaps?"
Bounzing Baby Boy (unfinished story)
"is this kid for real?" the skinny kid shrugged and turned away, disgusted over what he saw.
Savage Sitting
The kid cock stuffing her cunt was nice and thick even though it was attached to a kid not yet legal to be doing what he was doing, which was boning her. in fact his cock was probably the only thing manly the kid had. he was a darling kid.
To Dream of Darkness III - CH 56
He gestured at the child, whose eyes went wide as he screamed in pain.
The Runaway Cat-Girl Chapter 2 (of 3?)
Rufus prodded the body with his foot, "although, the child's mother was apparently the only legal purchase. he beat the child and raped her, and she ran away.
Daemon Hunter Moushigo - Prologue
How are you going to take care of a kid?" the young woman strokes the five-year-old's head fur gently. "i am a hunter... i can not risk the child's life, he deserves better." she feels the first few drops of rain before it begins to pour.
The mother paced ahead of her child and blocked his way gently. her child stumbled under her belly and kept his course. by now the other parent guyi were watching with growing fear.