Care Bears Family Adventures, Book 4: Chapter 14
Brave heart's tummy symbol lit up and he fired off a white replica from his symbol.
Magic Mating
She continued to paint her lover's shaft and scrotum with strange patterns, unknown symbols that quickly dried on the skin.
Trust and Rescue
In one of his hands there was a ring with the symbol of the order. slam and tan backed away, due to the surprise of the little leaf-eater have appeared from the air.
The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book V Chapter 3
This our the symbols of our people, the claw is strength, the feather is cunning.
The Beast Inside Chapter 1
I ignored the groan of protest and continue to ponder the symbol. maybe these wires here.... i transfered them over to the symbol, and snapped one into place. that did the trick. "how about we skip the drinks, and get right to it?" ignore.
Ander - Part 6: Subchapter 40
Aisa had the symbols for 'renna' just below her neck, where her collar bones came together, and just below that, the symbol for 'baiya yamre'.
Beasts of the Ancient World - Chapter 2 Creation Myths
She then began to draw images within the gray smoke that floated into the air, one was a symbol of earth, the other a symbol of fire, the third a symbol of air, and then the symbol of ice.
HSA-871: The Wolf Statue of Accalia
From the innumerable symbols on his body, small bristly hairs started to grow. wilson watched, both for his own fascination and for his journal. the girl's head fell backwards as more and more of the symbols appeared on her body.
Servant of the Gods: Chapter 8; Gods
Each though had the tattoo of the symbol of the dark triad on their chests. the symbol was a circle inside of a triangle.
Balance of the Gods Part 2 (Commission for Xilimyth)
She pulled out the scroll for the god of death mut and his symbols, and unrolled it. the papyrus crackled as she did from age and stiffness, as this was one of the few rolls she rarely looked at. each symbol was drawn out, each meaning laid out clear.
He had not only added symbols to miya's outfit, but he also added the rest of his left over thread to his, creating extra speed symbols on his cloth belt, extra power symbols on his empty right cuff, extra defensive symbols on his left empty cuff, and then
Vargothen - New Beginnings - Session 1
If you'll wait here we'll get your holy symbol back to you." i receive my holy symbol... and i can tell it's mine... it's made of weirwood... a wood resistant to even magical fire...